The Raiders Beat the Jaguars and TANK their Draft Order…

Las Vegas Raiders beat the Jacksonville Jaguars, lets break it down.

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  1. Oconnel wants to play good now that there no preasure..f^%k off raiders had a shot to change ur franchise but wanna be a mediocre football team like youve been for the last 20 years

  2. Let me give you morons some insight on tanking , take Jack Jones for example or anywone , if suddenly that corner had two interceptions these next few games suddenly his 2M salary becomes a potential three years $30M when it’s time to negotiate. these are professionals, with savings, mortgages, with families, this is not a joke. professional sports is like going to space achievements and discipline to get there is unsurmountable .

  3. Well… if they get the 2nd pick. Hope they pick travis hunter. If not any of these- hope they go RB, QB, WR, Defensive end, and middle LB

  4. You do know that there was 60k plus fans that pay money to go there not watch it on tv like you all? The vegas fans go to the games and want to watch the team play well and not to tank – are you even from Vegas ??

  5. You do know that there was 60k plus fans that pay money to go there not watch it on tv like you all? The vegas fans go to the games and want to watch the team play well and not to tank – are you even from Vegas ??

  6. Honestsly winning was dumb af. We went from a 1st pick to a 6 pick with nothing to show for it other than a W. I rather have traded down for some draft capital wtf dumb ass shit was that????? Only way this makes sense if we draft that badd ass running back that shoulda won the heisman

  7. Y O U H A V E N O T M E N T I O N E D T H A T T O D A Y S C O T T T U R N E R C A L L I N G R U N S U P T H E M I D D L E O N
    F I R S T D O W N S 6 O R 7 T I M E S A L L G O T S T U F F E D – A N D N O T E N O U G H P L A Y A C T I O N E I T H E R – A N D O C O N N E L L N OT F I N D I N G A N Y O N E O P E N M A N Y T I M E S U N B L E T O T H R O W I T – S H O W E D B I G G E S T P R O B L E M O F R O U T E S N O T G O O D E N O U G H – A N D M A N Y P O O R R U N C A L L S O N 3 R D A N D L O N G S T O P U N T

  8. We the “Can’t Git Right” of the NFL. Any win is good. But damn when it don’t mean sht…… it’s whatever man. Just continue to ride to wave. Just don’t involve your emotions and
    Feelings. Fuck around and draft a long snapper with the first pick 🤣🤣🤣

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