Wtf is a Modelo Raiders Fan?

  1. so you saying our coaching gonna get us to the ship or maybe we keep picking up the mediocre QBs in FA lol

  2. Considering Modelo commercials always has Hispanic/Latinos I think this was a racist dig at the fan base. Pretty tasteless.

  3. I’m white as hell and almost only drink modelos(when its beer). Don’t you try and shit on my brown brothers!! Lol

  4. All of those teams have a first round QB, some of them a top10, that’s something to be noticed too.

  5. I think he’s referring to all the people who were crying about the team being mediocre for another decade because we beat the Jags and lost the #1 pick this year.

  6. It means: “Folks who don’t really like the sport of football, they’re just there to drink modelos and vibe then blame everything on the QB without a clue of what’s really going on lol”

  7. Something that a racist bag of dicks calls Hispanic fans. I bet that douchenozzle by default considers/calls all Spanish speakers Mexican.

  8. Modelo is a sponsor of the team. It’s the official beer of the stadium… at the pre game party, modelo throws a party, gives away free shit (got sunglasses one time).

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