So we have always called Keegan “Koleslaw”, but now everyone calls him “Goalesar” What names do you have for other Knight players? πŸ₯° πŸ’

  1. We’ve been calling him both since he came into regular rotation, thank you very much.

    Dudes been dishin the spiciest mayo since the bubble.

  2. Scorofeyev. β€œ8.8” for Petro (regarding his AAV, and usually in a negative way when he screws up, otherwise just Petro). Goalesar. Jaaaaaaaaaaaack Eiiiiiiiiiiichelllllllll (how Bruce the announcer calls out his name at games). Nicolah Wahhh. Howdy. Call Theodore β€œthe restaurant” because my gf says it sounds like β€œChez Theodore” when you say it out loud. Barbie.

  3. I called Mark Stone “Stone Cold Stone” for a while whenever he scored. Jack Eichel is Jumpin Jack Flash like the rolling stones song

  4. I always pronounce it PETTTT-RO-ANGELO in that stupid exaggerated way and no one can ever take that away from me.

  5. Justice Keegan (dishin out the just justice), Jell-O for Petr-an-jello, Chandelier Step-in-son (sadly gone, but we laughed), Billy for wild bill, Adin Skill, and of course, MPB for Cassidy.

  6. My 7-year old son calls Stone, The Stone. If he spots him on the ice, he will say “I see The Stone”.

  7. Petro Angelo

    EEEEIIIIIICHEL (or Jacky Aces)

    Karly or Will Bill or The Golden Retriever

    Scorofeyev (my wife calls him ‘The baby’ sometimes since he looks 12…..even with his ‘moustache’)

    Ya Boy (Hill… wife may or may not have a crush on him)

    I also refer to Hanifin as my twin since we’re both named Noah and I’m obviously as handsome and tall as he is.


  8. Handsomefin.

    I’d Holdem Holden.

    Stoney Balogney

    Wild Bill golden retriever daddy

    Icky Eichel ( because he’s so good he’s sick! )


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