Great team win, and great view of the banners from the nosebleeds

  1. My wife’s first game and mine in like 10 years. Visiting her family in CO for the holidays! From California so I’ve been to one sharks game. It was a freaking blast! The avalanche intro was awesome and everyone was nice. Happy they won!!! The soft serve ice cream was the best i have ever had. If I knew more about hockey or Avalanche players I’d get a jersey cause hockey jerseys are awesome.
    And it snowed on the way back to her parents house! Hope you guys go all the way!!!

  2. I think some of the worst seats are too close to the glass. You get a great view of the ice and 100% of the action from higher up 😏

  3. I was sitting in 362. Great view from up there! I usually try to sit somewhere in the 100s but I may sit up top from now on!

  4. One of the big design elements about Ball is that the suite levels aren’t on their own separate level. They share the main concourse and club concourse, so that design pushes all the seats closer to the ice. Good for visibility, bad for suite privacy. Whether or not it’s worth the trade off is up for debate, but I love how good the view from the 200s and 300s is!

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