Jayden Daniels mic’d up for SNF

  1. Dude it’s crazy you can just tell there was a point in the game where he just locked in. For the first quarter or so he was very bubbly…smiling…laughing. Then this MFer went super saiyan. That’s my qb.

  2. someone in here started cutting onions when he grabbed Terry and told him to stay in it.

  3. I love how he’s a man a few words. Also love how Deiter gave him so much appreciation for helping him out at the end of the game.

    Everything about JD just shows he’s there to put in work and he’s just happy to be in the NFL.

  4. I have been refreshing YouTube every 30 minutes all week to see who got the mic this week. And it’s Jayden. I can’t believe this guy is our QB, but this is our cosmic reward for waiting this out.

  5. Dieter played pretty well (much better than his previous fill-in) and its awesome to see that Jayden was able to help him play up to that level. He’s got the fight and spirit that lifts everyone up, but also the hard skills to make his teammates play their best. So cool, I can’t believe he’s our QB!

  6. Deiter is all of us at the end of the game.

    “Thank you for making me right J.D. I love you. I love you”

    Same man, same.

  7. Biggest standout thing is how loose he is between drives. You would never know the game situation just by his sideline demeanor b/c he’s having fun and never tight. Also didn’t realize he’s often laughing as he gets tackled. A real mad man. Field view gives another view of how quick his release is and how fast he moves. Other favorite moments:

    * [3:07](https://youtu.be/Ct7a7lcvH0U?feature=shared&t=187) – Allegretti asking him if he wants to slide the protection. Helps to have smart, versatile big guys up front.
    * [6:22](https://youtu.be/Ct7a7lcvH0U?feature=shared&t=382) / [11:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct7a7lcvH0U&t=696s) – Ability to tell others what their jobs are on any play.
    * [7:09](https://youtu.be/Ct7a7lcvH0U?feature=shared&t=429) – Encouraging Terry stay in it. Mature leadership.
    * [9:05](https://youtu.be/Ct7a7lcvH0U?feature=shared&t=544) – Our Time slogan. Always a good sign of buy-in when players echo the head coach’s slogans (first noticed in [postgame locker room video](https://www.youtube.com/live/RKI6g6RAQTE?feature=shared&t=2382) after the Saints win).
    * [10:11](https://youtu.be/Ct7a7lcvH0U?feature=shared&t=611) – Knows when to bring the urgency, especially with the amount of tempo they use.

  8. Four things

    1. Those players literally love that dude like a little brother. Both teams. Feels like they are saying you are going to feed our families for a long time like a main event wrestler.

    2. That focus to keep Terry’s head in the game is leadership personified

    3. We need to work on changing up that cadence every now and then

    4. He look spent after the game. Left it all on the field. Never played 16 games. Hope that’s not a wall, but after the winning TD he was like, good, it’s over🤣🤣🤣.

    That’s my QB

  9. That was the most boring mic’d up I’ve seen in my entire life.

    I love this man. He’s just ice.

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