Werenski for Norris? Really comes down to him, Makar or Hughes imo.

  1. Well he’s on a worse team than the other two, so I consider his contribution slightly more valuable. Also I see Hughes realistically dropping out of the race because his team is taking a step down/his injury. Also I’m gay

  2. he’s got a shot, but I have a feeling it’ll come down to who can stay healthy. like people have mentioned, it’s even more impressive he’s doing this without a cast of stars around him. come on Z!

  3. He’s definitely in the conversation and if he can match them in points and CBJ ends the year on a tear I think he might have the narrative this year to take it.

  4. All three are incredible talents and tremendously important to their teams respective teams. Zach’s health this season has allowed him to really show the level his game is at. Staying healthy will be key and it will likely take a couple of years playing at this level to swing voters his way for the Norris. Makar is going to need to stay healthy though too.

  5. It’s funny how aggressive some people are getting about the thought of Werenski being in the Norris conversation. It’s really showing how much of a popularity contest it really is when things are as close as they are between Werenski, Makar, and Hughes.

  6. He will have to stay healthy for the full season, which would be a pleasant surprise.

    It’s hard to win major award without being on a playoff team. You need to have far better stats than the runner up in order to win without making the playoffs.

    I hope he does, but I fully expect it to go to Makar or Hughes, who should be in the playoffs.

  7. If everyone’s pace stays the same, I believe Z should win the Norris, but I have a feeling that if Hughes stays healthy he will win it.

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