MJ on Nylander: ‘If he’s going to go 8 years, I’ll give him $9.25, 9.5’

MJ on Nylander: ‘If he’s going to go 8 years, I’ll give him $9.25, 9.5’

  1. 9.25 replaces JTs contract after next season with a little discount. (Compared to 11 million)

  2. 11.37% of the current cap is 9.5 million.

    Guy wants to play in Toronto, he said it himself in his exit interview in May. Slap on an NMC, and I think he’d take it.

    the 9.5 million won’t be missed come year 4 of that contract *unless we have another fucking pandemic*

  3. Nylander take his chances getting mil 7 x 10 next summer with a new team, or accept 70 mil over 8 years from the Leafs. (8.75 AAV)

  4. Everyone here knocking JT and his contract…he’s a point per game player since coming to TO. I remember another Leafs captain that people loved, is in the Hall of Fame, number retired that was also a solid point per game guy. Why do people rag on JT so much? I get he probably shouldn’t have the C (lot of people said that about the other guy as well), but he’s a solid player and doesn’t look like he’s on a massive slide talent wise.

  5. i can’t really see any reason why nylander is worth more than $9 million. leafs need to play hard ball, if they are weak on nylander, they will be weak on marner and matthews.

  6. If they’re going to commit to these guys long term, I’d like to see this:

    13.4m – Matthews

    11.5m – Marner

    9.25m – Nylander

    7.5m – Rielly

    5m – Tavares (Pavelski type contract)

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