A classic 90s Starter Jacket

A classic 90s Starter Jacket

  1. Please tell me this isn’t another shitty bot post and this is a real thing one can acquire

  2. Man … I’m 99% sure I had that exact jacket when I was a kid. Core memories unlocked by this photo.

  3. Man. My dad bought me that for my birthday in 1993. At the time they weren’t as cool so I returned it to the store for a shitty pair of shoes I think. They had to call him and have him come to the store to process the exchange. It was the fucking worst. Just the look on his face of like “I thought you’d like it” always fucked with me. My parents had just divorced and he was really trying to get me the right gift. Looking back it was 100% the right gift.

  4. I had two Pens starter jackets in the 90’s, and the feeling of getting one and/or putting one on was indescribably incredible. I still have one of them.

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