Saints QB Derek Carr In COMMAND Of Klint Kubiak Offense | Trevor Penning Struggling! | RB Depth?

Saints QB Derek Carr In COMMAND Of Klint Kubiak Offense | Trevor Penning Struggling! | RB Depth?

what up T-Bob here and Jake as well and look at you you done stumbled upon little OTB Saints where we bring you all the latest black and gold coverage who are the Saints going to draft who’s going to be their quarterback what does the salary cap look like all that information and more hope you’re enjoy it like subscribe Nick I’m feeling I know I’m feeling pretty freaking good New Orleans oh no we’re here we we’ve hit this point we’re here no no we are I I said I will cut my nuts off if Derek Carr doesn’t finish as a top 12 quarterback in the NFL that’s how good I’m feing yeah top 12 okay yeah he said he would cut his gen he was like 16 last year he was number one over the final six weeks God you love that final six week yeah because it matters because you ran like a little bit of motion and a little bit of play action and let’s just call Spade to Spade Pete Carmichael sucked okay and this offense is straight up evolving in front of our eyes uh and everybody look everybody I’ve talked to Nick everybody else right everybody you read listen to Ross Luke anybody um there’s this begrudging credit being G given where everybody knows they don’t want to write that Derek car is doing good because the fans are going to come after them and call them idiots and get angry about it but objectively he’s had a great off season he was he was 10th in quarterback rating I I guess I didn’t realize that I mean so so he’s already top 12 last year no yes I don’t know what metric we’re using here but I mean he was top 10 in in in one I mean it’s possible it’s definitely I mean it’s possible but yeah you’re right there is like a a begrudging credit I mean like I’m afraid every time I I give him uh credit like we did a a show recently and we were doing like just you know our offseason MVPs or whatever and I gave my MVP to to car and you know I I was like scared to say it but like he had a he had a good off season and he should have a good offseason right like nobody’s rushing him like Trevor Penning isn’t an issue yet they should have hired an offense that should make him better like he should look good in it he’s smart the offense sets up predetermined reads at the at the line of scrimmage so he’s going out there he knows where he’s going with the ball like it’s coming out quickly in a perfect little setting all of it should look amazing he looked amazing last year kind of in Camp but that’s true I mean it’s it’s possible like top 12 like if you give if you give a a but you know there’s a bunch of guys I think if you do the list of quarterbacks there’s a bunch of guys that are clearly better and then there’s like Tua you know like you give Tua a good offense and all of a sudden he’s he’s a top you know I don’t know 12 14 quarterback if you put him in a bad offense he’s probably 18 19 20 like so there’s that group of guys that I think if you give him the right system there’s a possibility for it I don’t know that I’m betting on carb in top 12 but like you know I think a lot of I look at had him like 18th last year and I think I think at the end of the season it’s it’s definitely possible that he looks better than 18th I think he had a 76 rating on Matt and it’s definitely possible that you know in the updates he raises that 76 rating or whatever if this offense does help him but like you know I will say like his best seasons were pure West Coast he’s kind of back in a pure West Coast system so you know maybe maybe there it is possible uh one one thing in the piece that we referenced at the beginning of last hour uh had to do with Trevor Penning and kind of the up and down nature of his own OTAs in mini camp and look the physical side of it is one thing if you just physically can’t cut it in the NFL that is what it is man right you’re putting in all the work and maybe you’re just not up to Snuff um but reading about him having mental errors uh did frustrate me a bit because that’s something that is completely within your control it is a study based issue you are a veteran I don’t care if you’ve been hurt like um but but I don’t want to run too far with it in your opinion were his Mas uh his his kind of mental Miss assignments were they outliers or was it just a couple more than maybe others was it the same as others what’s your view on it I I mean I don’t think they were outliers it’s kind of unfair because like I don’t necessarily know exactly what he’s supposed to be doing I don’t have film like you’re kind of trying to watch line through the the scrum and everything I was positioning myself in the endzone so I was getting the you know the the o line view when they were doing run drills so so you could see it a little bit better um you know it just felt like he was missing his landmarks you know every day like not not every single play but like every day you’d see something where you’d be like huh like was he sure looked like he was supposed to hit this guy like you know and it wasn’t happening um you know so that was the thing kind of falling out of his stance in in false starting like that was kind of a thing that was happening a little bit so there’s definitely some stuff needs to get cleaned up like the first the first OTA we went out there and he had a clean practice and I was like oh my God like he’s he’s got it like this is going to work and then I think the fair way to put it is that we were just kind of reminded that it’s going to be um a learning process and he is moving to a new position and he is a guy that struggled to get on the field last year and he is hearing new coaching and you know there’s definitely a point from which he needs to grow I don’t know if he’s going to actually do it or not um you know I think one thing that that kind of opened my eyes a little bit is kind of just doing a study of offensive lines around the league and then specifically the the Shanahan type offenses and there is kind of like not a high premium value placed on the right tackle in those systems um the 49ers in particular like they just don’t invest it right tackle like they have a fourth rounder there they let their guy go um their philosophy is that you know they can kind of Coach around it hide it don’t need it develop it and spend your money on guys that touch the ball so I mean maybe it’s a thing where I don’t know you get a guy with a lot of physical ability and you just get him to a point where he’s he’s okay and maybe it works um you know it’s it’s there’s like three huge questions for the season for me that’s one I think at Perry’s developments um another one and defensive tackle is kind of a concern to me the the the nose uh just kind of that big body guy against a run I think they need to kind of figure that out still um last one on on on on or this isn’t really about pening I guess this is more about the o line as a whole you know we we we’ve said it’s the biggest swing position on this team so much of what this team wants to do though starts with running the ball you want to make play action and everything else work uh you want to hide Trevor Penning you want to play to his strengths and kind of masks his weaknesses like you have to be able to run the ball effectively uh that’s probably the hardest thing to get a read on when you don’t have pads on in these type of scenarios how are you feeling about the the Saints rushing attack after it being maybe the most ineffective in the League last year yeah it’s kind of fascinating to me like you know I think obviously Alvin presuming he’s playing football this year is is going to be uh the number one guy I thought for sure it was going to be Kendra Miller and I thought Kendra Miller was gonna possibly start to push a little bit you know and that’s probably the idea of drafting him in the third round is that you get Alvin to the end of this contract and you have your successor in place again really hard to judge but he had Kendrick Miller had a had a I don’t know kind of a quiet um six practices like it just didn’t it didn’t look like it was it was taken um you know the new offense I I would say if I had to set a depth shart right now like Jamal Williams is definitely number two and then it like it felt like Jordan Mims was touching the ball more than kendre so I like I don’t know exactly what was going on there but it was surprising to me I was kind of the you know hey this is going to be the Kendra Miller breakout season I’m completely off that take like I got to see it at this point like it it it was uh it was surprising to me I mean I think you know I do think the way they’re going to run the ball and the way they’re going to build this offense so you seen it like out there like you know just kind of the way they were they were running stuff off the the same looks like sometimes it got hard to to follow the action a little bit which is you know a good thing like you’re you’re watching the quarterback on a on a boot and like oh wait like they’re running the ball the other way and now he’s on a boot and they’re hitting a Crossing route like off the same look and the defense is going this direction and your tight end’s wide open in space like just some of the stuff they were doing to get like eyes moving um you could it affected you know us watching I think and you could see the effect on the field so it just you could just kind of see you know the The Strokes of the paintbrush out there and the picture it looked like it was painting a good picture wow just amazing black and gold takes right there Jake I don’t think I’ve ever heard any takes that are better than the two guys that just gave you that take and you can keep getting them by going ahead and liking subscribing ringing the bell to get notifications when we post have a great day we’ll see you on the next OTB SA for

On Off The Bench, T-Bob Hebert and Jacob Hester were joined by Nick Underhill of to talk about Derek Carr’s performance this offseason and the struggles of Trevor Penning with the Saints.

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  1. Carr was actually 7th in QB Rating if you take away Mason Rudolph (4 games), Kirk Cousins (8 games), and Jake Browning (9 games). Carr was also 10th in TD's, 6th (4th taking away players mentioned with less games before) in TD to INT ratio, and 6th in CMP%.

  2. Jake and Nick need to do a little research, as does the #Carrbage (Winston cult members) crowd.

    Forget about backlash from the fanbase, reality is reality and stats are stats.

    If you are going off of stats, as Jake and Nick seem to be doing, Carr finished as a Top 12 QB last season, with an argument for TOP 10.

    The Saints finished:

    TOP 10 in OFFENSE




    despite the,


    and the


    That was with Pete Carmichael calling the plays and running the offense.

    Carr was:

    5th in WINS

    (He threw the 3rd least amount of interceptions among the QBs that started the majority of the season)

    (1ST among QBs who played the majority of the season)

    (5TH among QBs who played the majority of the season)

    (4TH among QBs who played the majority of the season)

    7TH in SACK PERCENTAGE despite playing behind the 24TH ranked O-line.
    (6TH among QBs who played the entire season)


    9TH in TD PASSES

    9TH in TOTAL TDS


    (Had he not missed the equivalent of a game and a half due to injury, at his averages, he finishes TOP 5)

    (8TH among QBs who started the majority of the season)



    (10TH among QBs that played the majority of the season, and ahead of Patrick Mahomes, Russell Wilson and Justin Herbert)

    (Had he not missed the equivalent of a game and a half due to injury, he easily finishes in the TOP 10)

    (13TH among QBs that played the majority of the season, tied with Russell Wilson and 0.1 yards behind Patrick Mahomes)

    (14th among QBs that played the majority of the season)

    That was with a broken system, and Carmichael looking lost most weeks.

    Had Carr not missed the equivalent of a game and a half due to injury last season, he easily finishes

    Top 10 in:

    TDS (he did)
    WINS (he did)
    PASSER RATING (he did)
    TURNOVERS (he did)
    YARDS (he easily would have)

    Those are pretty much the major stays that come into play when ranking EVERY OTHER QB, so why not Carr?

    Barring injury, Carr finishing Top 12 this season, is the easiest money T-Bob will ever make.

    Your nuts are safe couillon.

  3. Same Carrbage hype train like last year, that bum was averaging 1 TD a game until the last couple of trash games, keep that same energy when he starts 1-5 this season 😂😂

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