What’s Next?: Edmonton Oilers | Daily Faceoff Live

What’s Next?: Edmonton Oilers | Daily Faceoff Live

and co-host Tyler yemchuk was sitting next to me for game seven last night of the Stanley Cup Final uh Tyler being a noted Oilers fan and host of Oilers Nation every day uh definitely had some nerves and there was a ton of nervous energy in the building in game seven particularly in the third period Tyler what is your overarching thought obviously a strong run and tons of resilience from the Edmonton Oilers but the fact that they fall short and the fact that we have a game seven in which Conor McDavid and Leon dry CLE are held off the score sheet how do you wrestle with that yeah I mean I remember back to what you said I had a game six Frank where you’re like hey if this team gets one big game from Leon Dro they are going to win the Stanley Cup and now you look and it’s like yeah if they would have gotten one big game from Leon drle they would have won the Stanley Cup and you know it’s disappointing to see the two stars kind of go out with a whimper like they did not for lack of effort it was for a lack of bounces I would say and also a credit to Sergey bosski but really is kind of a sick twisted way for it to all end for the Oilers in years past it was always no depth scoring no goal tending the Blue Line stunk every other excuse or Reason in the book and this time it was the depth that was fine it was the go ending that was fine it was even the blue line that I thought was largely okay in game six and seven but it was the stars who didn’t come through it’s it’s a weird twist well looking uh at the way that this did go you’re talking about the depth you’re talking about guys that step up was there a player on Edmonton’s roster that changed changed your opinion of them moving forward a guy that you were ready to send packing and now you’re feeling like this is a guy who we can keep with Conor and Leon and look to the future of trying to capture that Stanley Cup yeah a couple names come to mind first off I think Connor Brown and Maas Yanmar are two guys that they need to really strongly consider bringing back in the bottom six they were both big parts of the Oilers penalty kill they’re pending ufas they shouldn’t be that expensive um you know the word is always that Connor was someone last summer who went to the team and said I I want Matias Yanmar back he’s really loved in the room and Conor Brown I mean I think the bonus maybe stings a little bit less next year at that 3.5 million if maybe you bring him back on a cheap contract and at least you still have the player and the other name and he’s on the board as an RFA it’s Philip broberg I mean this is a guy who barely played in the regular season this is a guy who was down in Bakersfield got called up to start the playoffs didn’t play at all until the tail end of the Dallas series and after seeing what I saw from him in the last 10 games here in the playoffs he’s a top four defenseman in this league and for that to happen in such a short span and for the Oilers to now have that in their minds as they have to make some decisions here over the next week about their roster broberg is here and he’s ready to handle big minutes to take a big step forward next year Tyler I’m sure there’s some part of you and a lot of the Oilers fan base that feels like this is a missed opportunity getting to game seven clawing your way all the way back and not getting the job done but I mentioned earlier in the show that Conor McDavid in in losing fashion he’s the six guy to win the K SM JS Jager it took him a few more years with the Anaheim Ducks he gets the job done in this in the Stanley Cup Final and hoist that cup does this playoff run leave you more convinced than ever that this is something that’s inevitable for this team and this player or does this feel like hey might not get back here yeah it it’s really really tough right now because you want to sit there and say yeah team with Leon Dr and Conor McDavid can always get back there and I think that’s true but at the same time a lot of stuff went their way this year I mean you know their path to the final wasn’t you know they didn’t really have to face I feel like a true Juggernaut until round three against Dallas Vancouver was banged up no Demco that still went seven and the other thing is the Oilers for the most part stayed remarkably healthy not just in the playoffs but kind of all season as well I know McDavid was battling things and dry CID was battling things at the end and they obviously lost to Vander Kane but it’s not like they dealt with a significant injury to any of their key players that would have caused them Miss three months or even you know 3 to four weeks during the regular season so so many things went right that you kind of sit there and go man it’s a reminder of how many things have to break your way to go on a run like the Oilers did but I still think at the end of it I come up more on the side of Conor McDavid and Leon D idle they can will this team to another run like this they can get it done and they’ve now lost in every round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs together during their time uh or during this era here with the Oilers they’ll be back and you know maybe it’s just one of those situations where you had to learn one more tough lesson if you’re the Oilers yeah I tend to agree with you I had a current NHL player just text me right now while I’m doing the show his text says hard to believe McDavid hasn’t won a cup yet and I was talking to Sam Reinhardt on the ice after the game last night and I said what’s your overarching emotion what do you feel I said is it relief that you guys pulled this off after blowing that three nothing lead and he said it’s actually relief that we held off the best player in the world in gamees seven which says something so uh Tyler thanks for you hopping on today safe travels and uh looking forward to hanging with you in Vegas uh great work all playoffs long on Oilers Nation what’s up hockey fans if you enjoyed that video then you need to be hitting 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Tyler Yaremchuk joins Frank Seravalli and Colby Cohen, as a guest, to breakdown the future of the Edmonton Oilers. Where do they go from here, who will stay and who will go this offseason?


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  1. Drai reported to have either 1 broken ribs or or 3 broken ribs and a broken finger and 97 needs abdominal surgery !! There you go if we are trying to understand the full picture !!

  2. Tyler Wake Up Son !! Too naive, when Our Two Biggest Superstars are hurt to where 29 is a shell of himself on faceoffs and more importantly skating and shooting etc , broken rib(s) and a broken finger ( a shadow of himself) and 97 no points in the last two needing Abdominal Surgery !! Those Are EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT !! When we wonder why they didn’t Get It Done !!!

  3. Nurse needs to be traded. He is minus 9, worst in this playoff. He played like a 1.5M D with an actual salary of 9.25M. Poor defense, can’t move the puck, no physical play. Oilers can’t win with Nurse in the lineup. But Tyler would not like this cause Tyler is a big fan of Nurse. Wake up grade 4 kid 😮😮😮

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