Latest 49ers News – Brandon Aiyuk Negotiations With 49ers & More | Krueger & Bruce

Latest 49ers News – Brandon Aiyuk Negotiations With 49ers & More | Krueger & Bruce

[Music] [Applause] [Music] Wednesday June 26 here we are final week of June getting through the summer as fast as we can getting closer to football welcome to wake up Damon Bruce Larry Krueger like And subscribe not just to one channel but to both we will be with you all football season we are a for 9er Focus show and we got a few other things to get into at the end of it Larry good morning what’s up and um welcome to NBA Draft Day right today is uh the NBA draft day which means there’s going to be a whole slew of uh moves you would think or at least a lot of rumors and there’s already been a lot of rumors connecting the Warriors to a couple deals so is this the day that the warriors uh ship Andrew Wiggins out is this the day that the Warriors trade Paul is this the day that the Warriors find that second star around uh around Steph Curry is in the name of Paul George so we we’ll get into that before we get out of here yeah absolutely it’s a big day for the Warriors or it’ll be a day where they don’t do much because they don’t have a pick until Thursday and the NBA draft has now been split up over two days Warriors picking what was it 52nd 53rd when what’s their pick 52 but there’s a lot of people speculating that that they may uh wind up Trading um uh one of the deals has them sending um Andrew Wiggins to the Cavaliers for Caris LeVert and the 20th pick in this in tonight’s draft oh I mean I do that at the speed of light if I’m the Golden State Warriors speed of light I make that trade Andrew Wiggins for Caris lton the 20th pick then the question is who do you pick at 20 uh I don’t care the fact is Andrew Wiggins is off the team and I never have to watch that jag off play another game for the Warriors it’d be good with me I I personally think that would be the that’s to me that’s the sweet spot to be in in this draft I know people say well this is a down draft and it is a down draft um but to me the the one spot that is kind of like okay if you’re sitting there you might be sitting good is you know 20 to 30 in that range um you know the the the two guys that I think are really you know really interesting around there one is Baylor shyan from I know you’ve been talking about him for should we say this for end of the show so the entire audience doesn’t turn it off right now we can talk Baylor shyan um yeah we we can talk Warriors later but yeah Baylor shyan hopefully he’s a warrior later tonight so whenever you’re trying to get something done right I think being in person is a really good way to go about it there’s something about person-to-person meetings there’s something about being in the same room there’s something about everybody whether you’re on the same side or different sides getting around the right table the same table and it just it’s easier you you drop all the [ __ ] all the performative social media nonsense let me tell you what would never happen Larry if you and I were having an argument okay we’re arguing over wake up and uh I decide that the argument is gone on so long that I’m gonna unfollow you I’m unsubscribing from you I’m gonna clear my Instagram page of any association with Larry Krueger and goodbye Larry I’m probably not doing that if we’re in person again you act a little bit more like an adult when you’re in person and when we got off the air Monday we learned that Brandon iuk wasn’t just in California he was in Santa Clara and he called a meeting with the 49ers they were all in a room together and even though we got nothing coming out of it no news to report I think it’s good Larry I think it’s a good step I’m glad that they got together and talked and put all their cards on the table it needed to happen right um yeah I guess I guess I I don’t know exactly what to make of it I mean what’s you know I mean um there’s a chance that he they walked he walked in there and said you know what uh pay me 32 million uh or pay me 30 million whatever he’s asking for that they’re not giving him pay me what I want or trade me to the commanders and they could have just told him nah nah you know it’s like so you know I I I don’t know that if I were the 49ers I’d play my hand that way but they are totally entitled to they’re obviously playing somewhat hard ball here both sides are um is it really worth it I mean if you’re Brandon iuk and you really have an offer in the 26 to 28 million range is it really worth all of this um you know back and forth and and bad feelings and you know endless discussion about it and getting the all hot and bothered for what a million or two a year you know I mean I guess maybe maybe it’s worth it um but I mean it’s pretty hard to pretend a million doll difference isn’t a big difference I mean it it is even if you got 20 in front of it it’s it’s still a big difference but we’re it feels like we’re in that 25 to $30 million price range and that’s a price range that should be absorbed in the name of getting this deal done it really it it should be unless the 49ers want to turn around and say never mind you’re playing for your option I mean he it’s all about it’s it’s like anything else it’s like you don’t get paid because you’re a nice guy and you don’t get paid because you’re well-intentioned you get paid because you have leverage and if you don’t have leverage you don’t get paid and it’s not that different in the NFL and out of the NFL if you have leverage you’ll get compensated if you don’t have leverage you won’t he doesn’t have leverage he doesn’t have leverage in this situation uh they can make him he’s already got a contract this year he they they they you know he can play on that on that fifth year option nobody’s going to cry a river for him it’s 14.1 million um and you know he can continue to gamble on himself and a very physical game that he can stay healthy during this year so he can secure the long-term deal um well but that’s what he’s supposed to do I mean that’s that’s that’s the contract that he has signed to and agreed to right now the 49ers have zero they do not need to give him an extension right now anything that they do to further pay Brandon iuk is an act of generosity it really is it this th this is a man who is under contract under the same rookie guaranteed fifth year option structure that every other rookie in the first round exists under so again 26 million right now already is the generous offer from the 49ers so I mean the 49ers first of all the 49ers have the you know the way the cap works if the 49ers sign him to an extension they get cap relief in the present so they’re motivated to make a deal for cap relief in the present if they want um you know and if they really are you know do they mean what they say if they mean what they say they love the player if they love the player he’s a big part of their future if he’s a big part of their future why would they not want to extend him it’s just a matter of at what dollar figure and you can’t play super hard ball when the other teams when the other sides got leverage and the Niners have leverage they they have an existing contract and they can franchise tag him for two years after it so you know Brandon auk hey I want out of here I don’t know that that’s you know we’ll see I we don’t know that that’s what he asked for but he very well could have and he may even be doing the 49ers a solid by going to them and saying hey you know what I’m not going to go public with this but I’m just going to tell you guys to your face I don’t want to be here you know and maybe he W maybe he didn’t say that maybe he told them hey I do want to be here or maybe he said to them hey you know guys uh the way things have gone um I speak only in I I measure respect only in dollar signs and you offer me 28 I don’t I don’t think that’s respect if you offer me 30 I think that is uh don’t disrespect me and if you’re gonna disrespect me trade me I’m not saying I agree with it I’m not saying I agree with it but I could easily see that being his side but isn’t that $2 million difference certainly worth just making up if you’re the 49ers like you can figure that out on the back end somewhere somehow we’ll worry about that tomorrow just get this guy in just get it done again are you trying to win where they’re not even even playing I mean it’s tell they’re not practicing right now without him I don’t mean get him in I mean nobody’s in you know what I mean though you know what I mean get this behind you get this yeah but I mean there’s no urgency I mean you know why we’re feeling urgency why there’s no reason for urgency I mean there’s no nobody’s missed anything right but you know here’s the thing no one definitely no anything if they get it done today everyone it’s a personal it’s not personal it’s a business disagreement between two sides um they’ll either get it done or they won’t the question is you know it sounds like auk is taking the Niners offers personally and having a hard time dealing with that to what level is that true is that true you know is that just like hey you know what it kind of bothers me okay so what get over it you’ll be fine or is it like you know what you’ve disrespected me and I want out of here or is you know and then there’s the whole Brock py didn’t necessarily stand behind him I love Brock pie but he didn’t necessarily say hey man auk’s my guy I gotta have him here if anything he gave leverage to Lynch and Shanahan by saying hey you know what they’ll they’ll get the right guys in here and they know what to do you know so it’s like he backed Lynch and Shanahan didn’t back his guy didn’t make any statement uh that’s like hey man I gotta have my number one receiver um and who knows maybe there’s some maybe maybe auk’s not feeling good about pie either who knows I I I would doubt that but Brandon auk needs to understand that Brock pie isn’t going to do anything to upset the franchise that’s about to hand him a $400 million contract at the end of this year you know what I mean so like of course there are steps between what he did and what he could have done that he didn’t do so it was like yeah he could have made uh any Overture made none and so the question is is iuk pushed out of shape by the fact that his quarterback gave him no cover and that’s really the truth his for his quarterback could have given him total cover like I’m we can’t go forward without my guy or he could have given him partial cover which is man this is one of the top players and really I’m hoping this gets done instead he gave him no cover and I and and and he basically said hey you know what whatever Lynch and Shanahan do is going to be fine those guys know what to do you know so I don’t know we we’ll see I mean uh maybe auk is totally understands and he’s has no discontent with pie or more or maybe he’s does have discontent with perie but pie definitely did not lift a finger to say man I gotta have my guy he didn’t say that he could have said that I mean I I I feel like we’re like just throwing things against the wall to see if anything sticks to generate more conversation here because there’s no evidence that there’s any any anything rotten between auk and pie or auk and any player on the team this feels like a just I I don’t like the there’s no there’s also no evidence that the 49ers um you know have any interest in trading him you people talking about it there’s no in there’s no evidence that iuk in any way is unhappy other than he’s not signed right now um and yet people are talking about it so people are talking about a lot of things without people to talk an awful lot about a lot of things but I mean it’s not crazy I mean he you know he’s got Jaden Daniels sitting there you know who he’s confiding in on a regular basis it’s not crazy to think that I don’t know maybe iuk would rather play with Jaden Daniels than Brock pie at this point I mean why why would why would Brandon iuk be leaning into advice from a guy who’s never played a game in this league that’s a little weird isn’t it well I mean I’m just saying you his Brock py could have done more to support uh Brandon Brandon iuk uh Jaden Daniels and iuk are obviously very very close I mean obviously they must live near each other and they must hang out together and obviously they played college ball for that one year together at ASU so who knows who knows how how close they are but it does seem like you know Daniel he’s he’s definitely Daniels is definitely giving him a sympathetic year Jennifer Velasquez says Brandon iuk John Lynch need to have a coffee with Damon Bruce and talk exactly exactly you know what I’ll I’ll even bring uh who’s our guy bacon egg breakfast croissant I’ll even I’ll bring the croissants he was wishing everyone uh a good breakfast this morning he said get your coffee get your croissants I said I got my coffee I don’t have any croissants I would love one but yeah look getting together and getting in the same room gets everybody to put you know their cards on the table and really say you know where are you where do you stand on this you know are are you standing on a $32 million figure Brandon we’re just not going to 32 30 would be the absolute Max and the truth is the $30 million that everybody is Bing at today three years from now is the going rate of wide receivers in this league it’s gonna be the number that gives you sticker shock today is the price everyone gets tomorrow so it’s all going up it’s all going up right and and that’s the thing do you think the 49ers will be it’ll make it easier to get this deal done if Jamar Chase is about to get extended if you know CD lamb is about to get a $32 million contract like it only gets harder the 49 have disagree I mean I kind of disagree I think there are guys who can set the market and change things and then there’s just guys and to me the guy that they were waiting on was Jeffers or the guy that iuk was waiting on was Jefferson Jefferson was the guy who was going to redefine the market um and did and I I my guess gu is that chase comes in under Jefferson so we’ll see but yeah I think the Market’s been redefined two times already this off season and um iuk made it perfectly clear he wanted to wait until the market was fully clear um so he would get the most money and the 49ers whether they liked it or not just had to be like oh okay we’ll see but you know it just it just it’s it’s just one of those things that you know I mean what makes the most sense for the 49ers does it make the most sense to sign iuk to $30 million deal I mean um I was looking at some numbers last night this number is the one that really jumped out at me the 40 okay so last year in the NFL um as far as on catches over 20 yards last year Tyreek Hill had 29 cidd lamb had 29 iuk had 28 okay so he was second in the league uh tied for third I guess if you want to say it accurately but those guys Tyreek did it on 171 targets lamb did it on 181 targets and iuk did it on a in 105 targets so you’re you’re talking about a receiver that if you look closer at the numbers regard you know and try to separate the the Niners incredible arsenal of Bevy of weapons that they have where they spread the ball around Brandon iuk was the most efficient downfield Target in the NFL last year he had the you know second most receptions or third most receptions but Far and Away the best Target to reception ratio so he doesn’t get the ball as much as those guys they’re not going to him as much and yet he’s producing um just like the the best receivers in the game so you know his value should not be misinterpreted you know just based on his usage and that’s the question that a lot of people are trying to you know tackle is that yeah his usage is not that of Tyreek or some of the top receivers and so people are going well don’t pay him because his usage yeah okay you’re not using him as much you’re not going to him as much but when you are going to him he’s proving to be incredibly efficient so you know efficiency is the name of the game well I kind of reject the notion that because the 49ers throw the ball to him less frequently it makes him less important I would argue the other just bigger numbers yeah I would argue the other 180 like this guy Mitchell NES 150 targets Ba’s numbers would be top five easy right I mean way the the the 24 foot high wall at 24 wiie May Plaza depresses home run totals freaking who was it last night um somebody was it was Brett wisley Brett wisley just nutted a ball I mean it went 410 but it bounced off the wall so it was a standup double and you know that should be a home run anywhere and it would be anywhere but in that Park are you telling me now that the 49ers run an offense that is going to just forever depress 49 you know wide receiver numbers maybe they will under Kyle Shanahan again you’re gonna have less targets when the team is moving the ball running the ball and going down and scoring and off a lot because you got shorter drives shorter drives means fewer opportunities fewer targets look here’s what I know every single time I looked up Brandon iuk was catching a first down every time football he was catching a first down he is important to what the 49ers do he absolutely they do he is he is he might not be a number one wide receiver in the NFL but he is Far and Away the 49ers number one wide receiver and if number one wide receivers are making 30 million pay the guy [ __ ] $30 million get him in here done just done just get it done what the [ __ ] get it done yeah well parag’s a tough negotiator [ __ ] parag in his tough negotiating get it done I could there are 50 parag moraes for every one Brandon auk there is give me give give me Brandon iuk I can anyone I go to MIT and get nine different parag Marat today it’s all about squeezing the best possible roster you can possibly have right so they know they’re going to pay perie a ton and they’re trying to bank they’re trying to bank some money on that they’re they’re playing super hard ball because they’re they’re hugged up against against the cap and they’re trying to make the best the best deals they can possibly make but at some point um you know it’s like you you you got to decide is this guy worth it or is he not be a little bit more decisive don’t let this thing play you you know and that’s where I kind of feel like they’re they’re at I feel like there’s a chance that they’re not going to come to an agreement he is going to hold out and then he’s gonna you know basically say what I he’s not going to not for the whole year because the year won’t acre so then he’s going to hold out and show up the last day possible and if that’s the case that hurts the 49ers Super Bowl chances so um and then you know what if I’m the ners I would say hey look the only thing I owe is I owe it to our fans to make a good Personnel decision I don’t you know as far as what we’re paying our players we owe it to our fans to make a good decision so if there’s an offer out there that you think helps you and makes you a better football team do it and if there isn’t then don’t but that’s to me that’s the barometer don’t trade this guy you know especially now when you have total control and franchise tag you know power hanging over his head do not trade him to the commanders you know people are like trade him to the commanders for a third round pick why why why trade them to the commanders for a third round pick last I checked commanders were in the NFC and can go to the Super Bowl and prevent you from going to the Super Bowl why would you give them an asset that’s a really good asset out of depressed value and look get somebody that can help you win or you keep them who’s sitting in anyone else’s NFL front office knows more about Brandon iuk than Adam Peters who’s now in Washington if this was a I gots to have him trade he would have done that by now so Adam we don’t know what the ners we don’t know what the ners ask was I mean the ners theoretically um could have said hey you know what we want two number one I don’t know I mean who knows I we don’t know what they were asking there’s you know like like anything else in all negotiations there’s an ask that you know the other side won’t won’t you know comply with and then there’s and and then there’s the heat check you know I was like how hot am I how good am I going how bad do they want iuk how desperate are they um the Niners feel like they’re probably covered with peera and coing and JJ and Debo and all the receivers they have and they’re probably looking at Washington going hey look you’re the guys trying to jumpstart your dormant iconic image to try to get a Stadium built you’re the guys in the rush to to win this year we’re the guy with we’re the team that has the receiver with no real impetus to need to move them so yeah if we’re gonna move him we’re g to get a good offer or we’re not moving them and simple as that and that prob that could have been what the meeting was about he could have said hey guys play me pay me or trade me and they could have just come back with nah we don’t have to do that we’re not we’re not going to pay you but we’re not going to trade you so you know um either get ready to play on the fifth year option at 14 million and we’ll figure it out next year or let’s play ball and let’s let’s compromise but I mean once again we’re six weeks away from the first workout I mean I would I wouldn’t even call the report date a deadline I I I think the deadline is probably more like halfway through camp If he if he misses half of Camp no big deal he misses more than half of camp now it’s a big deal so if you say what’s the deadline the deadline and I don’t know what the halfway part of Camp is but pretty much the halfway mark of Camp once they’re there that’s like the soft deadline but that’s not really a deadline because nobody cares if he’s there I want in pads running the first route of the Season against the New York Jets yeah but the only thing is that didn’t work well last year for Bosa and it didn’t necessarily work well for Debo so I don’t know do you do you wna to me that’s a loss for the Niners if they wind up paying him $30 million and he doesn’t sign until like where bosea signed five days before the opener that’s a major loss he’s not a defensive end got get in there with birdie and I agree I agree Larry I agree but at the same time there is nothing that matters about the 49ers than winning regular season games and those don’t even matter to a lot of people it’s all about winning a Super Bowl so I don’t care how the season starts quickly or slowly out you know ready to go game game one it’s are you ready to win a Super Bowl this year that’s it but here’s I’ll push back because there’s only one team that gets the the top seed and the top seed includes a buy and home field advantage that’s a major part of getting to the Super Bowl is having what the niners had last year which was the the rest week and the week the the the the you know the to the Super Bowl comes through your Park so which brings me back to my original statement quit [ __ ] around and sign Brandon auk today yeah I mean I I really get it done I mean I don’t know if he has to get it done today but get it done don’t hug up against the opener don’t take a chance that you’re gonna r i mean are we learning and we learning with um Blake Snell that maybe um practice matters a little bit who he didn’t show for spring training he’s been shitty I don’t know who this who is this player you speak of he’s got a 931 erra and 0 and three record in six starts and they paid him $62 million in Only The Genius of Farhan ways and then he’s just basically gotten they’ve gotten totally take it’s been an awful signing I mean you know what would be terrible to it would it would be like this Damon it like there he is in pads and he’s there in sweats and we week one like the ners did sign Brandon iuk but he’s just not ready to go week one like again that that would be ridiculous too oh well I mean get ready for that I mean here’s the thing uh if you buy um a brand new Rolls-Royce tomorrow okay and you spend over $100,000 and get a brand new Rolls-Royce you’ve got an awesome Rolls-Royce it’s been sitting in a it hasn’t been serviced or anything it’s brand new but it hasn’t been serviced and it’s been sitting in a showroom doing nothing just collect dust if the next day you said up spent $100,000 on a on a Rolls-Royce I’m driving it to Connecticut well you know what even though it’s a brand new car there’s a pretty good chance that you may actually have some car problems because you didn’t get it serviced and it’s been sitting in a showroom doing nothing collecting dust and now you’re going to try to the day after you buy it drive it cross country yeah it’s a new car and it’ll probably get there but it would probably you know you know you probably would like to have it in Peak condition before you actually took it on a cross country drive that’s what the NFL season is MIL it’s a cross it’s a literally the NFL season’s a cross country drive and IU’s a Rolls-Royce so do you wanna are you gonna you gonna you know you’re gonna not service your Rolls-Royce and then get into it and drive it cross country I don’t know man I don’t to me that’s not the smartest move but they can do what they want by the way so if sticking with your analogy if he’s a Rolls-Royce pay him like a Rolls-Royce stop trying to get the Toyota Camry uh price point on your Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce is go for 30 million in the NFL now not 26 million so pay him pay him the 30 million but I mean it sound it sounds popular to say that right pay him pay him that sounds good but what you’re really saying is don’t pay player X Y and Z because it’s a hard cap because if you give in to Brandon iuk and you give in every everybody and you discern that mindset I don’t care about the details pay them okay but there it’s a hard cap so when you’re paying him and you’re giving into that you’re probably saying goodbye to two or three more other players so that’s that’s the payment you can get be in that mode of I don’t care about the details just pay them right but you’re gonna have three less players on your roster so who are these three less players on the roster by definition they’re coming from back of the roster not necessarily could be Aaron Banks could be your starting left guard he’s a free agent this year could be dimma you might instead if you pay him you might be able to uh if you pay him you know what you want to pay him maybe you keep Lenor or Ward if you give him what he wants maybe you can’t afford Lenor or Ward what going there is gonna be year this year well I’m just saying there’s a limit to It’s A Hard cap so there’s not like it’s not like you can maneuver bird rights or anything like that it’s you pay this guy and you run out of money you can’t pay that guy so right that guy if I get to keep my Brandon iuk but I gotta give up uh three Nick zakel I’m good with it yeah but it’s not about that it’s not about Nick Cel it’s about it’s about paying players real players so so give you an example I just named three guys Deo Lenor Mooney Ward Aaron Banks they’re all free agents at the end of the year if you get let you say for the sake of conversation because it’s too easy to say pay him anybody could say pay him right pay him right but what you’re really saying is pay him and don’t pay Lenor Ward or Banks I don’t care it may not be that it may be one of those three maybe two of those three let me establish where my mind is and where the 49ers mind needs to be nothing but 20124 matters I don’t want to think about 2025 not for a millisecond we will worry about all that [ __ ] when we get there there’s a full off seon and the player that we can no longer afford becomes a position that we start we study extra hard in the draft and we’ll replace him with a younger cheaper player because that will that’ll happen in the future but the 2024 football season is the only football season that exists that’s it I don’t need a single chess move that makes the board easier to play in 2025 I don’t I don’t care I don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t care how hard pag morate needs to work at the end of 2024 to get 2025 right 2024 Super Bowl that’s it it’s all I want to hear Brandon I you get you closer that you remind me of my you remind me of my college buddy who’s dad would cut him a check on the first of the month and man he would he’s eating he’s eating steaks he’s he’s he’s buying weed he’s he’s he all of a sudden you come home and dude he Matt got a keg Matt just picked up a keg he just came back from Safeway with a keg what Matt got a keg yeah dude and he and he’s barbecuing steaks and he just and he just got a huge bottle of tequila and we’re gonna have margaritas and and it was like you wanted to be around Matt on the first the second the third the fourth the fifth and the sixth because he would burn through his monthly allotment in the first six days of the month and the 20th on he’d be like bro you got can I can I bum some cereal off you bro are you go I can’t go out tonight because I don’t have a nickel you I mean he literally he had no budget he just he just spent all of his money in the first six days of the month he did it every single month he would party like a rock star for six days and then live like a popper for 26 days you know I mean it’s like all right well that was okay so that’s kind of what you’re advocating like go for it go for it I don’t care about 2025 that’s the job of the general manager that’s the job of the capologist you have to think about 2025 they’re G to be in such new Math mode come 2025 with Brock P’s number which is all the more reason to be fiscally responsible right look the Cap’s gonna go up these all these things Cap’s going up care of themselves in the future they really do just do they just do I’m not worried about 2025 Kyle Shanahan needs to win a Super Bowl at the end of this year and then everyone can start complaining about how Kyle’s a bum because he hasn’t repeated his Super Bowl champions and that will happen it will happen yeah but here’s the thing that Rams you know built up for one year and then had to shut it down for a couple years the Niners don’t want to do that and I I’ll say this I I respect the fact that the ners don’t throw away entire Seasons because of Kaa Ms uh they you know they treat every year like hey this is a chance to go for it now they don’t have a ring yet they don’t they don’t have that six Lombardi and mcvey’s got one that they don’t have but at the same time I I if you said to me would you rather spend money craz in a three in a shorter window and maybe get a Super Bowl and then maybe have two or three down years or be fiscally a little bit more prudent and a little bit more responsible and give yourself more of a regular chance at the Super Bowl but you don’t have any one year that you’re truly in that go for it mode sure I’m I’m okay with spreading it out because I don’t believe it’s in anybody’s best interest to tank whole Seasons that’s kind of what the Rams have done the last couple years they’ kind of Tanked having said that they were playoff team last year they were and they are an upand coming team this year and got the quarterback and the trophy and they paid for Jaylen Ramsey who worked out in a Super Bowl year for them and I don’t think there are many regrets in that you know Rams organization about going all in and that you shouldn’t go all in unless you’re sitting on pocket aces the Niners got pocket aces it’s time I just don’t I just don’t know if they should go all in Period on a wide receiver um like this when when um I like auk I think he’s a very good player I don’t know that he’s Justin Jefferson I don’t think he’s Jamar Chase I think he’s a very good player he’s not but a lot of guys who aren’t Justin Jefferson or Jamar Chase are gonna be making $30 million at wide receiver two years from now yeah but this is also what happens when you have I mean the ners have nine pro bowlers this is what happens I mean there’s you there’s only so much talent you can have they have a lot of depth and they have a lot of high-end talent and when you have a lot of depth and a lot of high-end Talent um you’re gonna have a you’re GNA be chap challenged and they are let me tell you what’s gonna happen if they do win the Super Bowl Larry you’re gonna have a whole bunch of dudes going to new teams anyways it’s called the disease of more the minute you win a championship every player turns around and goes I want more and that’s when the tough trades and the tough decisions and the tough things happen and that’s why repeating as a Super Bowl champion is a very hard thing to do and that’s why no team’s ever won three in a row not never it’s difficult it’s difficult to get to success then it’s difficult to deal with success I’ll worry about dealing with success once the success is in the building I don’t care who in 2025 as long as everyone’s alive and ready to play in 2024 to win a Super Bowl that’s it that’s it yeah but that’s not that’s good thing that you’re not the GM because then there would be not a team they wouldn’t have a team next year of course they would no of course we will we’ll have all new numbers and we’ll have a whole new equation that we’re but it’s not you’re you’re talking about it like it’s an endless thing it’s not an endless thing it’s F it’s very in fact it’s the opposite of then it’s the other side of endless it’s very very finite so you’re gonna have to live with a real budget and I I I get no problem I just I don’t know I’m I’m with the Niners I don’t know that I would be in a rush to pay um this wide receiver you’re deep at wide receiver you’re a running football team nobody I mean I did a I did this breakdown the other day I took a list of the top top 25 uh paid wide receivers in the NFL only two of them have won a Super Bowl two Mike Evans and Chris Godwin the only guys who are top 25 paid wide receivers who have won a Super Bowl as a top 25 paid wide receiver it is not a recipe for Success it is not a blueprint for winning a Super Bowl You could argue it’s the opposite so I I don’t and I think the 49ers are keenly aware okay their situation they like auk but they know it doesn’t lead to Super Bowl then they should have traded Brandon iuk before the [ __ ] draft and had a better wide receiver than Ricky piol ready to go next man up like you can’t have it both ways they sat on the Brandon IU pot so long they better take a [ __ ] in it like they have been they had their chance to get out of this if the nameless faceless overpaid wide receiver is a formula to make sure you don’t win anything they should have gotten out of that formula when they had the chance to we don’t know that they had the chance they should turn we don’t know that that’s all specul we don’t know they had the chance you brought it up you brought it up I’m talking about it because you just brought it up and put it in front we don’t know that we don’t know period we don’t know we can’t say for sure what they were offered because we don’t know what they were offered we can’t say they should have made a trade we don’t know what they were offered but if paying a wide receiver in the top 25 uh is is a recipe to win nothing than they should have gotten out of that formula without even knowing what the next thing was if you’re saying it’s that damning of a formula you can’t win with a wide receiver who’s a top 25 wide receiver is it possible is it possible that man hold on I bet you Kyle Shanahan more than any other coach in football also feels that way I bet you Kyle Shanahan thinks that I could replace just about anybody on this team with that any other swinging dick in the NFL we’re not going to miss much of a beat and if he really does believe that then the Foster churn and turnover is going to be extreme but in a weird way he doesn’t believe that because the 49ers have kept theirs and their own inh house they have done a better job retaining the players that they like than any other team in football it feels like and they’ve had success with that you know that you know trying to thread the needle on everything at all times is an impossible thing to do if if you it it’s just time to win it takes two to tango man it takes two to and if they want to play hard with auk they should have said your 14 million5 million player option we’ve uh We’ve exercised it put your [ __ ] phone down and get to work once again you know all these things sound good but in reality they don’t line up because um they didn’t know what the market was on draft day they didn’t know where the market was going to go they didn’t know if they’re wide receiver but they didn’t know where and to what level so it’s like he wanted to wait I mean the report came out in February auk’s people want to wait till the wide receiver Market completely shows itself and clarifies itself before he signs so they were they’re they were driving this hard for every top dollar and um and the 49ers are not in any way um in a leverag situation where they need to Bow so it’s they’re that’s where we’re at so I I don’t know if I can blame the 49ers for not trading him one I don’t know what the offer was yeah if I if I knew you know what the 49ers were offered X Y and Z then I could sit there and say they blew it they blew it but I don’t know what they were offered they might not have been offered anything you know we don’t know we don’t know what they were offered we know there are teams you gotta remember this the iuk thing is a two-part deal not only did you have to satisfy the 49ers in a trade you also had to satisfy iuk uh in a contract and nobody’s got the ability to talk to I auk’s agent about his terms because he’s a member of the Niners that’s tampering so you know all of this was very very very much speculation as far as what was his Market going to be but I think the Niners kind of knew his Market was going to be 35 million um and I just think that they were waiting for it to play itself out now I think they were they’re they’re looking at it and going you know what uh there’s probably a compromise to be had there and maybe there still is a compromise to be had we don’t know but right now it seems like both sides are playing hard ball and the Niners are saying we have the leverage take our offer and iuk saying here’s Jaden Daniels here’s this here’s that here’s a bunch of tweets um I’m unhappy I’m this that guess that’s when you got pag the the killer you lean in as perog and you say Jaden Daniels doesn’t work here and Twitter is imaginary so we don’t give a [ __ ] what’s happening over there we don’t care what you post we don’t care how much you unfollow us we are exercising your $4.5 million year option we’re also willing to extend you to 26 you know what just to be nice we’ll go to 28 that’s it $4.5 million or 28 with you know 65 with 80 million guaranteed whatever it is in the new extension that we’re going to we we have we we have guaranteed extended money for you or a 14 half million dollar option pick one but you’re on the team no matter the [ __ ] what next year and you will lose a year of service playing a hold out and then we’ll be right back here the year after and and it won’t be good for you so um it’s it is time to to maybe go full on defon one tough love with Brandon iuk because everything they’re doing they’re doing out of like you know just the good graces of it all the players is under contract as the contract exists right now and there’s nothing unfair there’s nothing you know someone’s like the 49ers hold players hostage no no this isn’t holding a player hostage this is a player who’s already under contract that’s what’s going on here a contract is not a hostage situation you know you you hope to be a first round pick to have a a a fifth year option built into your deal that’s kind of the beauty of it um again I just I just want this topic to be done with I’m so sick and tired of it because the answer is so obvious to me of course the 49ers need Brandon iuk of course they need Brandon iuk they’re trying to win a Super Bowl now right now this year this year they got to go 17 and0 and then three and0 in the postseason they need a 20 and0 season Larry anything other than that will be unsatisfying I won an undefeated season out of the 49ers I’m not fck I don’t know I mean personally I mean what about the I mean Brandon iuk doesn’t solve the 49ers offensive line issues Brandon iuk doesn’t make them better against the run but the trade you didn’t make might have well that’s what I’m saying it’s like you you know to say I I don’t you know the ners are been turned into all the things that Brandon iuk might have been the 49ers decided to not do any of that they decided not to trade Debo not to trade Brandon iuk this is your team it’s like Jean Hackman and hooers my team is on the floor this is your I don’t think so I I I don’t I don’t necessarily agree with that I agree here with Forin Sports Talk he says by the way Mike silver told me yesterday that trading Debo is still a possibility Albert Breer came out in the last 24 hours and said trading Debo is still a possibility so I I I just think that you look at their situation they got way too many wide receivers and they got holes on other parts of their roster they’ve already replaced auk and uh to some degree with peol um and so they hold all the leverage and if if uh iuk doesn’t want to be there I still think that they’ll be trade opportunities if they want to move him later on it’s not like they can’t trade him now because he’s you know what because they didn’t trade him on draft day they can’t get draft pick compensation back anymore now they have to get players back hold on Larry Bay Area Bay 51 area says you can tell Larry regrets having a weekly show with Bruce it’s screaming in bitching versus conversation sorry Larry where’s that somebody there you go Larry let’s talk about your regrets about your regrets I don’t regret doing the show I just don’t think you know you throw out pie in the sky like you know ideal situation it’s a negotiation it’s a negotiation you can’t it’s not like the 49ers can sit there and say we are we are signing you no you you don’t you don’t sign the player the player has to sign the deal themselves the whole thing the player is already signed they already have signed him yeah but I mean so done but I mean they’re acknowledging that they’re you know they’re still talking about negotiating with this player it’s not like this player has come to them and they’re like H we’re not negotiating there’s your contract so it’s not about the fifth year option they’ve already tried they’re trying to negotiate so it’s not like well are they negotiating or not they are negotiating um so it’s you know they have the leverage and they can make him play on the fifth year option but they’re negotiating so you know they they obviously want it’s in their best interest to get something done as well because there’s cap savings that you can have that can help you sign other players if you can get this done it’s not like there’s not cap relas if you get if you sign the contract there is there might be as much as $10 million of cap relief if they can get this deal done so it’s in their interest to get it done as well if they want the player long term but once again only two of the top 25 paid wide receivers in all of the NFL are wearing Super Bowl rings so paying wide receivers might not be uh what it’s cracked up to be and the team teams like Green Bay and Kansas City and Tennessee and some of these teams that just said no I’m not paying we’re not paying our receiver I don’t care what the where the Market’s going we’re not going with the market we’re moving you I think for the most part those teams are looking pretty smart Kansas City’s got a couple rings um Green Bay didn’t fall apart gold to the really decent question what’s the uh Super Bowl success rate with a rookie wide receiver as your number one wide receiver how many how many teams have won the superl what teams rookie wide receivers is their number one wide receiver the 49ers if Brandon I’s not on this team Ricky Piera rck Ricky peera is not their number one wide receiver they have Debo Samuel Jaan Jennings they have other receivers he Ricky peera is not their number one receiver and he’s not gonna be their number one receiver if they trade auk okay he’s not gonna be their number one receiver they have they have other receivers which is the point is your number one wide receiver you need a number one wide receiver immediately okay he’s not Samuel’s a very good receiver he’s a very good receiver he’s not a number one he can’t even pretend to be a number one the way that Brandon IU can pretend to be a number one he is the inferior wide receiver to just the position of wide receiver than Brandon iuk and if you’re not using you know Debo as your backup running back as well his value is now something that the 49ers are actively considering trading because it doesn’t it’s not he’s not worth to them what he used used to be worth to them you want to talk about funny I could have swore I saw Kansas City win the didn’t Kansas City just win the Super Bowl wasn’t wasn’t Rashi rice and Sky Moore and Justin Watson uh their wide receivers cadarius Tony am I am I forgetting am I missing out on the the awesomeness of the chief wide receivers last year they had Rashi Totally Miss missing out on the awesomeness of their quarterback who is right now a handful of Seasons into his career no further than one of the five that has ever played the game best ever best ever but I mean once again he got it done with questionable receivers I mean Brock I think Brock P’s a good quarterback I mean I think they’ll I mean I’m just saying there is no recipe that says you get awesome receiver you win Justin Jefferson no rings Jamar Chase no rings they’re the best they are the best um so it doesn’t guarantee rings for sure sure I mean they got they they the the 49ers I mean it’s a negotiation so and and it’s not like any nothing’s happened here that they that can’t be reversed if they don’t want to pay iuk they don’t have to pay iuk and uh there’s probably still a trade market for iuk um they may have to take some combination of players and picks back if they want to you know compete for that Super Bowl this year and still move off of him but the one thing we don’t know is like I can’t sit there and say they blew it if we don’t have some on the record team saying hey we offered X Y and Z and they said no like right now we have no idea they they could have been offered two fourth round picks and they’re not GNA tell you that I would rather have Brandon i’ rather have Brandon iuk than the two first round picks as I’m trying to win a Super Bowl in 2024 you know this is this is as setup as Kyle’s ever going to be to win a Super Bowl right here right now this is the year to do it you were just in the game last year this is the year you’re favorite in game that you’re that is on your schedule this is the year and you can’t go a new year year where it’s Debo Ricky peol and Jan Jennings I don’t even know how many balls Debo caught last year I can tell you right now officially it wasn’t enough um Ricky peol caught zero footballs in the NFL last year and Joan Jennings caught 19 that’s it Jan Jennings is a nice player it’s a good story third and Jan great [ __ ] nickname he caught 19 footballs that’s only 19 footballs more than you Larry in an entire football season so step carefully into a year without Brandon iuk if you’re the 49ers you will be asking Ricky piol to be your number one wide receiver or your number two wide receiver at the very worst or or or or Trent Taylor serbe Maybe or TR what are you telling me it’s going to be coow or your boy uh Danny Ray finally shows up and and appears before us I I don’t look yeah yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying it could be Co it absolutely could be Co it you know it doesn’t it’s you know they have Debo they have auk they have Jennings they have Ronnie Bell they have cowing they have Piera they’ve got Conley they’ve got T Martin they’ve got Danny where I say thank God you’re not the GM well I’m I’m just saying anybody can say sign him sign him it sounds like a petulant child thing he signed there’s a it’s a hard cap sign him what you’re really saying is don’t sign don’t sign this guy don’t sign if if you’re whole if you’re standing on Mount it’s a hard cap well then the number is already agreed upon at 14 a half million do and that’s been budgeted for and there it is yeah but that doesn’t help the 49ers create $10 million of cap room signing him to an extension does there’s motivation for the team to sign him to an extension it’s not it’s not like oh there’s no motivation the ners have plenty of motivation they create $10 million of cap room in creating cap room creating cap room for what for paying Brock p60 [ __ ] million which is what they’re gonna have to do next year Damon and and by the way there is no bigger jump in football than paying a guy $900,000 this year and $60 million next year why is there why are the Niners in a unique cap situation because they are going to pay their quarterback 60 times plus what they’re paying him this year that’s gonna blow up their cap already that’s why they have to be fiscally prudent you’re already worrying about a season that doesn’t exist yet I’m not worried about that that will get it’s coming because it’s it’s coming and you have to plan ahead for $60 million expenditures on the cap you got to plan ahead so you go ahead and then then NE this offseason after you’ve won your Super Bowl and you’ve gone up Market Street then you trade whoever you got to trade to get under the cap then your cap casualties happen as you see the cap grow again I’m not worried about 2025 at all you need to not be worried about it either you need to 49ers have to keep one eye on 2025 you can’t drive your can’t drive your team you know the $60 million a year price tag is coming with it you know that so just because you know it doesn’t mean that you they’re real players that will be sacrificed for that $60 million you’re trying to put together the best team you possibly can you may not be able to afford Brandon iuk at $32 million and have all these players not every team in the NFL has nine pro bowlers the Niners have they’ve got the best the best left tackle the best running back again once Brock is making 60 million that’s the deal with the devil that’s how much you better believe in Brock you better think that Brock is all that in a bag of chips if he’s coming out at 60 million highest paid quarterback in the history of the game because you will absolutely be neutering the depth the bread the awesomeness of your overall roster to pay Brock prie that that that day is coming no matter what that day is coming with without Brandon iuk okay which is why you have to be fiscally prudent in your other decisions because it’s going to impact everything um and you it doesn’t make sense to pay a wide receiver that you threw you know that made three catches in the playoffs um for you know top dollar and when when you don’t have you know I mean I’d love to sign everybody it’s like it’s like it’s easy to be like sign them it’s much harder to say it’s not fiscally prudent anybody can say sign them because it just sounds like just get it done just get it done but there’s next year and next year after that and next year after that and that’s what they have to keep an eye on it’s not as simple as just pay everybody what they want eventually they you will be saying goodbye to a significant number of players the question is if you can get them at your price maybe you’re saying goodbye to three players if you get them at his price maybe you’re saying about a six players it’s just as simple as that they’re just trying to they’re just trying to spread the money out as much as possible I think they probably felt like iuk was gonna was gonna you know compromise and who knows we don’t know for all we know you know auk’s willing to compromise left and right and they’re not willing to compromise or they may be totally willing to compromise and he may may be saying I want 34 million and I’m not taking a penny underneath so we just don’t know we’re not privy to the trade we’re not privy to the contracts we’re observing this from afar all I would say is this last meeting which was face Toof face makes me wonder if he said to them here’s my ultimatum and maybe if he’s playing super hard ball with ultimatums it’s possible they played hard ball back and just said you know what in no position to be making ultimatums you know you’re just you’re not there but once again it’s it’s a problem to just say oh you know what sit there and take it because how’s the rest of the room going to respond last year there were guys in the locker room saying pay Brandon iuk 25 million pay Brandon iuk is 26 million the Niners do not want this to become a locker room distraction story and they definitely don’t want guys to start picking sides or talking about it so it’s in their best interest to come to some kind of an agre or move the player um and I would imagine that’s what’s going to happen but to this point um you know it seems like it’s a lot of posturing a lot of posturing like And subscribe my good friends thank you very much we’ll get into some chats here in just a second but here we go um Joe muzy says Larry’s trying to start controversy by saying Brock is not back ba I’m not starting [ __ ] that’s the truth I I’m not sorry Joe Brock didn’t back auk if he wanted to back auk he could have if he wanted to sort of back auk he could have he opted not to it wasn’t the only choice he could have backed him fully he could have backed him partially he didn’t back him at all and instead backed Lynch and Shanahan so I’m not starting controversy I’m just I’m just absolutely nearly as dramatic as you’re making it out to be well I’m sure the 49ers I mean I’m sure perie would say that but ultimately Brock has Brock’s words as the starting quarterback on this team carry tremendous weight and if he had come out and said like many guys have hey man that’s my number one receiver I gotta have my guy gotta have my guy hopefully they can work it out something along those lines that’s partially that’s not dissing anybody and that’s not hurting the team you’re just saying hey you know what this guy’s great and he he means a lot to me and man all things being equal love to have him here and he didn’t he he didn’t even approached that it was like Lynch and Shanahan he talked about auk almost in the past tense and then basically signed off with Lynch and shanan will get the right guys in here so it’s like he just totally gave the organization like totally with you guys and I’m totally not with my guy you know what that means Larry mean means he’s the [ __ ] captain now that’s what that means he mean it is more important that Brock pie show loyalty to the organization at large than any one player on his offense that means he gets it that means he’s playing it right sorry Brandon iuk if that hurts your feelings but there isn’t actually a word that Brock p is going to say that’s going to affect this negotiation so for Brock just to say uh that is a uh that that’s a 35,000 foot decision and my boots are on the ground that’s fine with me I don’t think there’s anything controversial I don’t think there’s anything to be extracted from that I don’t think there is a slight of Brandon auk or his teammate or anything well it’s just how you it’s just how you say it dude he easily could have said both he could have said both he could have came out and said hey it’s above my pay grade I got faith in Lynch and Shan and they’ll get it done did say that’s exactly what he said right he could have said that but he also could have said you know what my gu is you know that’s that’s a pretty special player there man all things being equal man I hope they get it done because he’s my guy I mean there’s all kinds of ways you could have done it you know you could still back the team and back your guy he didn’t back his guy at all at all and it’s not it’s not and it’s not me starting controversy it’s just me being in the room seeing that he could have said he could have said anything he wanted to say he could have said hey we’re in a tough cap situation but man Brandon is so special I hope we get it done or or you know what uh instead he’s like any you know I’ve got total confidence in JN and Kyle to have get the right guys in here so it was like it was almost like you know what if he leaves he leaves you know I mean you know what that’s hard ball man that is compare now compare that to Jaden Daniels who’s sitting there next to him and talking to him and commiserating with him and sharing in his uh sorrow what do you mean I’m not saying it’s I’m just saying from the perspective of Brandon iuk he could look at J Daniels and be like dude that’s my boy he’s got my back recruiting trip he’s never played a minute in this league Brock pie should accept zero notes from BR from Jaden Daniels on how to represent a team be a starting quarterback or do it the right or wrong way Jaden Daniels hasn’t done anything in the NFL he hasn’t he doesn’t know [ __ ] does know anything I mean that doesn’t matter I mean that’s like that that how does and that matters how I mean why because Jaden Daniels is a rookie that matters in what way rookie on another team so he doesn’t know better so you’re saying he’s backing I because he doesn’t know words in my mouth Larry I’m asking you I’m telling you that Jaden Daniels is irrelevant to this it doesn’t matter Jaden Daniels has been really nice to Brock pie great Jaden Daniels has been really nice to Brandon IOU great Jaden Daniels blocks either on their phone it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter at all and Jaden Daniel’s opinion of this is going to affect this don’t know that it’s all the mind of Brandon iuk Damon you don’t know that commit you don’t know what it means to auk this is not about you or me this is about BR it’s about it’s about the negotiation J I know but I’m just saying this could matter to Brandon iuk he’s his good buddy and he’s his quarterback and maybe he feel I don’t know I have no idea we’re guessing at this point but I all I’m saying is Brock pie could have said man auk is so special we got to get this done hopefully we’ll get it done that’s all he had to say instead he said I total confidence in John and Kyle to get the right guys in here that’s that is the right thing to say that is the right thing to say from a guy who’s G to get a $60 million paycheck next year from the team that is the right thing to say that’s minding your own chicken and your own business right there Brock pie he should be look at it this way if you’re pay Brock P $60 million he should be in the pull a [ __ ] fan out of the stands I I’ll I’ll find a first down with that guy like my who who is around me no longer matters if I’m the $60 million man why why it’s football everything matters your line so now your line doesn’t matter because you made 60 million no I I think you’re missing my point here Larry but when you pay a guy like that what you’re saying is he is the tide that lifts all boats and this is where I want to go the pra you see this story did you see this story Jennifer Lee Chan talking with Greg Olsen at uh at tight end University apparently he went out there for KD big get together and greasy was just praising Brock pie saying that the guy’s magic wand is secret weapon has got the fastest processor I’ve ever been around um Sam darnold said the exact same thing for both these guys to say that unprompted speaks volumes about who pry is Olen says um they’re just saying uh they aren’t just saying that to coach speak we’re having a personal conversation talking about Brock and what a great couple of years he’s has and his ability to process things quickly eliminate the throws that aren’t there get through his progression to the throws that are there um what coverage dictates what the play clock dictates it’s a huge differentiator in this league and he does it at a very very high level so maybe Brock pie is thinking hey Brandon iuk yeah or no I don’t I don’t give a [ __ ] Ricky piol getting Trent Taylor get in uh Danny gray I don’t give a [ __ ] maybe he does feel that way maybe Brock is coming into himself thinking I’m the [ __ ] man I don’t even need these guys I can do it by myself and according to Greg that would be stupid well but look according to Greg Olson though there is a very elite processor there so maybe Brock really look at it this way if Brock is the guy I don’t need Greg Olsen to tell me that this guy can process I’ve been watching him for the last two two years I mean the guy processes what he sees at the line of scrimmage the ball gets out on time uh with accuracy I mean the people that didn’t see brought Rock pie you know I mean if you didn’t see him up front that’s fine whatever but if you didn’t see him after he ran the table off the bench in his rookie year and won two play playoff games and you still didn’t see it I mean I gotta question what you’re watching all right well you’re gonna probably do a show later today with the guy who’s blindest on this subject in the world so who’s that Grant what well why I’m it’s Wednesday why am I doing a show with Grant on Wednesday I don’t know when when whenever you do your show with that guy but is there anyone who’s looked at this and evaluated and handicapped it more incorrectly than he no I don’t know you you have your own beef with him I’ll stay out of that I don’t get involved in other people’s beef if you you guys can fight it out all all I’ll say you know whether we’re talking about Grant or anybody nobody seemed to see that Brock pie was good the first year then he actually put it on the field and still people didn’t really see it so you know I I don’t know I don’t need Greg Olsen to tell me he processes but I do like hearing it um there’s no question Alex Smith said it on on with dibs and and Willard on 957 he came out and said you know what um Brock pie there are three elements of playing quarterback that are above all else and this is from a guy who plays quarterback or played quarterback and he his three elements were accuracy uh timing and toughness or processing accuracy and toughness that’s what it was and Brock pie I mean you can say whatever you want but this guy plays on time and accurately the ball ball consistently is on time consistently is pretty accurate unless it’s raining and he shows tremendous toughness to just stand in there as bodies are being you know he takes hits he takes big time hits stares down the barrel of blitzers and takes big time hits and he you know he’s tough but the the key is he comes to the line of scrimmage and he processes I will say this Thursday’s Brock py talks to the media a lot of times we’ll sit in there and we’ll be sitting in there let’s say we’re talking to somebody at three o’clock we’re talking to the next guy at 3:30 where normally they’ll say hey Brock P’s coming in 3:45 there he is there’s been times where we’ve waited to like 4:30 4:45 and some of the media people will be sitting there getting pissed off like what the heck why are we waiting so long because this guy’s in a meeting trying to prepare to win on Sunday and he’s very diligent about his preparation so yeah I mean our time be damned and I you know we’re just gonna have to live with that as media people but this guy really works at it and he puts in the work Monday through Saturday so that on Sunday man he sh steps up to that line of scrimmage he’s processing what he sees and then as soon as the ball is s snapped he’s processing what he’s what they’re adjusting to and the ball is coming out I mean um spagnolo I thought the to me the most shocking um posts Super Bowl Revelation or not Revelation Media or Glimpse that we got behind the scenes let’s say it what came from spagnolo who said man we were just incredibly impressed by Brock pie how accurate he was how he was beating our blitzes how he was playing on time how he was Una fected by our pressure how he was B his ball placement was incredible and the Poise that he played with in his first Super Bowl appearance so I mean a guy like Spagnola who coaches defense was totally like talking endlessly after the Super Bowl about the processing of pie anyone who knows football that’s when you’re I think that’s when you’re honest I mean football has been impressed by Brock pie basically since he got here a low football IQ uh uh uh content creator doesn’t know what he’s looking at to this day and look Olson says he’s he’s made it clear that the Iowa State product doesn’t get the respect that he deserves from the public the Stars they have and they’ve been held against them I think from a football standpoint people that study the game who watch football watch what makes offenses click that’s a huge mistake he wrapped up by saying that pie has accomplished he it’s been amazing what per has accomplished in such a short time and it really is so again maybe that’s how the 49ers are feeling about this Brandon iuk trade maybe they really are looking at Brock pie through a prism of just yeah Brandon iuk is eminently replaceable all of the guys that are being booed as the reason that perie is so good they’re actually very replaceable around him and for this team to be successful going forward they better be because Brock’s new number is going to change the chemistry of this team um dramatically whether Brandon iuk assigned or not you know so um I mean I love Brandon iuk I think he’s a really good receiver I think he’s underrated I really do think he’s underrated I I I don’t see him getting shut down that much um but I do understand that the ners need to be almost crazy obsessed with um their number and their budget because they’re trying to do I mean it’s it you can make an argument it’s harder to keep a team together than it is to put a team together because the way the NFL’s money works and that’s where they’re at they’re very hard successful team they put the team together but now they’re trying to keep it together and yeah if they win a Super Bowl you know if they win a Super Bowl probably Trent Williams probably walks away and then they have to replace him but you know that’s a big cap big cap hit hey I don’t even think it’d be out of the question for KD you know depending on how his body would feel at the end of it all goes by fast I mean it’s these careers I mean you know that’s the thing about the NFL I mean I thought Bowman and Willis were going to play together for seven or eight more years than they did but Bowman had the terrible knee injury and he wasn’t the same Willis had the foot injury he had to retire suddenly like three years later they’re both out of football so it’s like we look at this and say you know I mean and this is why I’m a players guy I usually side with the players because the player doesn’t have like auk’s probably got this contract to whatever his family’s going to live on and then we’re I’m not let’s not cry you know we not crying a river for pro athletes I mean they’re going to be his family Canna be just fine um but this is you know most receivers get one big deal so he wants this to be some huge deal but you know I don’t there’s also could be more behind the scenes um you B bust here says auk wanted Trey Lance Brock knows that that I can’t imagine that that’s a thing anymore I really can’t um but you know whatever I mean it more than anything if they get this thing done and they get them signed it’s just G to be a footnote right this is going to be well this is just kind of the way the business is it’s rough you know it’s a it’s a tough Biz and negotiations are tough so um but I think if you’re the 49ers the same reason you want to keep auk and not trade him is the same reason that you need to trade him if he’s going to the mattresses and gonna sit out until week six or week eight or whatever whatever week he needs to show up for the contract to acrew and for him to actually acrew a full year if his game plan is I’m gonna play super hard ball and I’m not showing up till then I think if you’re John and you’re Kyle you got to look yourselves in the eye and say you know what he’s working up and now he’s going to hurt our chances of winning let’s move on and then and then and then hopefully there’s an offer I I mean I don’t know I don’t know what teams you know think of auk and then you know the 49ers could play super hard ball if they wanted to and trade him to New England where he’s almost guaranteed to never win again so it’s like they kind of have you just might get it um by the way you talk about Brock pie making the media wait for his session JJ Raider wants you to know in the chat Larry that’s how we feel when you start the show late by the way JJ Raider sponsor of the JJ Raider ganja jar at all times we thank JJ Raider for his contributions to this household um like I mean what’s gonna be really interesting what’s gonna be really interesting is if the Camp starts auk doesn’t show up and suddenly Ricky peol takes off because there’s a chance Ricky piera’s back there’s a chance Ricky piera’s great what if he’s great if he’s great right out of the shoot really hurts auk’s leverage indeed in August indeed again everyone trying to thread a needle here and I’m sick and tired of talking about sewing I really am uh 49ers have cut ties with a streamer Larry it made me think uh oh is one of us in trouble who got it uh never heard of this guy uh SFGate reports that the 49ers of cut ties with a popular video game streamer and by the way as I get into the new digital world and I start to understand things that I used to not understand I still do not understand the appeal of watching someone play a video game twitch I mean it’s a major thing I don’t get it I I don’t get it how about this I love video games I love playing them I have zero interest in watching anyone play a video game who’s not me you know I don’t I don’t understand I get it I don’t get it either I also don’t get why like like celebrities playing video games it’s like and I care why yeah um yeah like if you had told me in 1985 like do you want to see Ricky Schroeder play Pac-Man I would have said no I almost i’ almost guarantee that if you spend lots and lots of time watching people play video games that you don’t have a mortgage that you’re paying that you’re you’re you’re living somewhere rentree mom’s house dad’s house grandma’s house I bet you talking to the opposite sex is difficult you know what I’m saying if you’re watching people pay video games how many people who actually pay a mortgage spend any appreciable time watching people play video games that’s that seems like somebody who’s um living rentree yeah I I I don’t know what they’re studying in Berkeley or in Stanford’s campus today but you if you conducted this study I bet you there there’d be a almost A Perfect Circle between video game viewing and virginity in the ven the ven diagram of it right uh they would overlap perfectly uh so anyways this guy who is hersel beam known as username Dr disrespect He’s A 42-year-old guy who broadcast to tens of thousands of viewers on YouTube again like why would the NFL be interested in being in the business with someone who’s got tens of thousands of viewers he’s just an influen okay he’s an influencer you you know the way it is I mean it’s like that’s kind of where where we’re at right now it’s like um he he they they allowed him to announce one of their draft choices he did he did and uh and he went up and he he announced a draft choice again I don’t even know who this is but apparently he sent inappropriate social media messages to an under age person and is now you know covered in a cloak of Shame and the 49ers have denounced any any knowing or any you know that they they’ve distanced themselves from the pedophiles it’s like Donald Trump never even met the guy don’t even know him very little interest you know just no so there you go okay well I know nothing about the guy I he did look a little strange to me when I saw him on the draft coverage I didn’t realize who he was initially um I had to have my 14-year-old tell me who he was what is it with uh 49er streamers or content creators and having inappropriate messages to miners didn’t wasn’t there another Jack Hammer wasn’t that a guy who got wrapped up in all this too I don’t got red up in it I I mean I think we’re talking about probably two different things but um but still it all kind of gets it’s all inappropriate I mean and uh Jack um you know had a had a Niner Channel went by Jackhammer that wasn’t his actual name um he had some things in his past that bubbled to the surface and then he decided that he was going to go in a different direction which was probably best uh for him I had been doing some streams with him when I found out um that he had some inappropriate associations I uh picked up the phone and told him that we could no longer stream together and that as much as I enjoyed our streams in the past that that was where I drew the line and so I moved on and that’s where I kind of switched from Jackhammer on Fridays to chase senior on Fridays in that time slot and chase you know has been fantastic um but yeah I mean he joined us a week ago today I did like having Chase senior he’s a good dude and Chase is a good guy I know people don’t like Chase too but I mean whatever but I mean nobody likes nobody likes anybody but but um you know I mean yeah I mean it’s like we we’ve got to band together and and stick up against uh you know if we can’t defend the weakest people in our in our society um from bad guys then that doesn’t say much for us as a society who are the weakest people in our society seniors and children and if we can’t protect seniors from violence and children from violence and both from inappropriate um you know people and people that are trying to prey on them uh it doesn’t speak very highly for us as a society so um obviously I I don’t know who that guy is I’ve never had him on the show I’ve never talked to him I do know that he’s just an influencer right he’s an influencer he plays video games um he he and I don’t even know that much about him so I I really shouldn’t say anything but and I don’t even know I saw a picture of that guy with some young fan it seemed innocent enough but obviously maybe that’s not what they’re referring to I did haven’t done any deep Dives on the particulars in that situation but I would just say this man there’s very few things that I just um you know am sick and by and you know I just I don’t want to hear any details pedophiles are one of them I don’t wanna I don’t want to hear about the details I don’t care about the fine prints um um I just want them eradicated from our society any way possible um and I’m for I’m open to ideas thing for for pedophiles you know what I’m a big believer in like the chopping block like if you get caught sexually molesting a minor and you’re a male should have your wiener chopped off should be Johnny colossi Bag the rest of the way I’m I’m going corporate punishment on that one here’s the I mean you wonder do make you wonder about the future of our world is it possible that in the future we will have you know people being murdered for their crimes on a television show that generates Revenue that goes to the victims I mean I don’t know I don’t know where we’re going as a society but any any and all ways to to you know find these Freaks and put them behind bars and protect our children from them and protect our seniors from them boat says off with the pickle I say pig and a pickle there you go you by pig and a pickle but I mean seriously I mean are we gonna get to the point where um you know I mean we’re there there were Gladiators you know that we used to people and you know watched PE you know people kill other people for sport and it was entertainment hangings there used to be you know hanging was like go let’s have a picnic yeah yeah I mean and obviously some of those were were obviously it was racially based so obviously that was heinous but I mean we are we going to get to a point where we’re for you know uh raising money using you know the deaths of these cretans to raise money for the victims or for the causes that’s that that eradicate these people from our society I don’t know what the answer is but good for the 49ers for saying goodbye you know and just there an awful lot of I’ll say this there’s an awful lot of freaks out there in the world when I bought this house I ran a Megan’s law report because my realtor is like hey you might want to get the Megan’s law report I didn’t even know what the Megan’s law report was um I don’t know if you know what it is but basically it just tells you I know what it was because we did the same thing when we moved into this house right because you got a couple young kids so and it’s common for homeowners to want to know like who’s living in and around us so we this was not on this place it was another place and I saw there was like six registered pedophiles living within a mile of my house and I almost didn’t didn’t didn’t buy the house I didn’t buy that house um but then we really like this patio and we’re like we went to we went to the next house and we ran the next Megan’s Law uh you know research and it showed basically the same thing there was five nuts all live within six blocks of of our house and then my realtor said you know let’s just pick some random addresses and run the report and see what and you know what it you know what it re what I realized is that there’s a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] up people out there yeah and they’re and they’re in every economic category it’s not like oh if you live in an expensive neighborhood they don’t exist no in some cases they exist more um you know and it’s not and it’s and they’re out there so but at the same time after I’ve read ran about five or six different reports on different addresses I realized that you know what um buy the house you want to buy because there’s not going to be a neighborhood that doesn’t have uh somebody who’s a registered offender a sex offender nearby and it’s like you know what can you do what can you do you just you know all I would say to any parent is um you know be uh circumspect about the situations you allow your kids to be in but other than that I mean you just you know what can you do I mean it’s the world that we live in you you’re not going to buy a house because because somebody seven blocks away is a registered offender right you’re gonna live in the middle of Montana you’re GNA live in a field surrounded by trees and I guess then you’ll be safe right um you know where you could get eaten by a bear or something yeah I mean it’s it’s so it’s it’s yeah it’s a tough situ it’s a tough situation but I was I one when I saw that I you know it made me sick and at the same time I’m I’m thinking to myself you know what maybe it’s time for some of these teams to do a little bit more due diligence on the people that they associate with and a little bit deeper dive on who they’re associating with and who they’re promoting because these teams are in such a ra such a rush to promote this guy and that woman and this person and that for all sorts of reasons and they’re usually very self-serving type re man what is what is where is the the juice from The Squeeze of the ners having a relationship with any small content creator I mean you’re the NFL if you’re not pulling him in by the hundreds of millions you know oh he had 10,000 YouTube subscribers I don’t think it’s about size because you know there you could be a freak and have tons of followers you could be a freak and have none you know what I’m saying I don’t think it’s about this about the size of the content creator I think it’s just about just overall it’s like if you’re G to have anybody represent your brand I mean what is the biggest damage the biggest potential risk to my company your company anybody who’s listening to us who owns their own business what’s the number one concern or what should be the number one concern being contaminated virally and so viral contamination is a is the ruination of many many businesses so you have to have a you know a very circumspect attitude about anybody that Associates with your brand and I think do your due diligence a little bit more than you have on some of these people that you’re in a rush to have announce your fourth round pick you know maybe maybe you might want to you know build a dossier on some of these people and actually kind of know who you’re getting in bed with so to speak probably bad uh verbal imagery there but you know what I’m saying um yeah wrong analogy but you did use the word dossier so you get you know a bonus point for that that’s a very formal sounding word Larry I I got to get running here in just a little bit The Warriors you got a dossier to build I do have I have quite a dossier coming up today um I got a show at 11 on Damon Bruce plus we’re going to get into the Warriors and the draft and look there’s not a lot that they’re going to do without getting aggressive or coming up with a trade that gets him into the first round otherwise the Warriors are drafting 52nd and let me just ask Larry did you read the John um the uh the Hollinger P or Tom habro excuse me Tom habber piece about um since 1989 he’s been tracking draft prospects the average um you know and and who performs well from what where where where is a starting point that dictates you will have an impactful uh NFL career um uh or NBA I mean NBA yes um you know 62 players drafted out of Kentucky their annual win share divide again this is for the players that clicked and all the players that were busted too but 62 players been drafted out of Kentucky since 1989 and their average annual win share contribution is 2 point 2.20 okay so Kentucky does really really well in that regard you if you go to Kentucky and you get drafted you you got a chance to be an NBA player uh Texas is a 29 players UCLA 46 Michigan State and it’s all the big boys UNC uh you know Yukon Arizona Duke Michigan Kansas Syracuse Maryland you know these are all good programs that if you come from them your NBA career could go very very well however the single one delineator of NBA success to a prospect isn’t where you went to school it’s did your dad play in the NBA if your dad played in the NBA the annual win share is 2.15 the annual uh expected win share is 1.16 it’s a 30% difference over college kids it’s a big difference if your dad played in the NBA that dictates a chance for you to have success in the NBA more than anything else by the way the Warriors have leaned into this hard Steph Curry Klay Thompson Gary Payton Jr uh Gary pton II Excuse Me Trace Jackson Davis they got four players on their Roost Andrew Wiggins Andrew did did wiggins’s dad play in the NBA or did he play professionally overseas is it his dad I think it was I thought it was isn’t I think his mom was an elite athlete too I thought his dad I thought it was Dad play we could look that up either way it’s Andrew Wiggins it’s not worth our time um well today could be his final day with the Warriors we can only hope I’m so tired of watching that guy jogging between the free throw lines I’m just I’m done with Andrew Wiggins yeah I am too I mean it’s just you know it just it’s like it reeks of like I’ve got $200 million in the bank and I just don’t give a [ __ ] right I now know why you’ve been a galactic basketball disappointment everywhere you’ve been I’ve watched you long and I get it I get it and and the only reason why I really hate you is because I also see how great you could have been if you chosen greatness Andrew Wiggins actively chose to not be a great player in his career in the prime of his career when the Warriors needed him the most he pulled another disappearing act for whatever I just I’m done anyway having said all that look if the Warriors do nothing and they’re sitting at 52nd let me give you three names Justin Edwards small forward out of Kentucky 20 and8 uh he’s 20 years old so he’s still young and a little raw that would be the reach gamble hopefully you get something special at 52 cam Spencer 24 year-old guard out of Yukon who gave you 145 and four uh not really you know he’s interesting because he’s not they have Pat Spencer his brother already on their team I mean he’s not it’s weird Damon because he’s really not this cam Spencer is not really NBA as far as athleticism like if you look at him he’s a 64 guy with marginal athleticism it’s you would hope that this is psky 2.0 just one of those guys whose feel and the ability to process the game overrides the fact he’s no world class athlete let’s be honest your world class athletes are pretty much off the board by the time you’re picking at 52 this guy is a great player though in Connecticut I mean think and Connecticut won the last two national championships and this guy flat out shoot the rock but he is he’s a 64 guy with pretty average length you know what I mean sh Johnson forward again 23y old so he’s older out of Arizona he’s from Oakland by the way 116 and two better than 50% from the floor those are the names that I’m just going to throw out there but there’s one based on the Hollinger thing with the 52nd pick in the NBA draft the Golden State Warriors should draft bronny James I don’t I I disagree 510 guy who’s a two guard 510 two guard I mean he’s not really he’s not really a point based on the John Hollinger your daddy who was your daddy is the if who is your daddy is the biggest indicator of future NBA success I think I’ll take the guy whose Daddy has so thoroughly dominated the last 20 years of basketball I again do I like him as a prospect no I don’t do I like his body type not really do I like his fit with the Warriors questionable but he’s LeBron’s kid so at 52 you’re probably not getting much of a big help anyway stash the genetics that you know have worked in the league why not I I would I would probably do it I don’t know I mean they it’s so funny because they listed him at SC at like 64 and and he’s like 5’11 uh but like what how could you do that um there was a story breaking last night that the warriors were about to send now I don’t know if this is true but the report said Chris Paul Gary pton II cavon Looney in a 2026 first round pick to the clippers for Paul George tomorrow I do immediately I do now I mean if you can get Paul George without trading kuminga my God I I mean that that would be incredible the other um one NBA analyst uh proposed a deal yesterday that would send Andrew Wiggins back to the Cavaliers wasn’t he originally a Cavalier or um wasn’t he drafted by the Cavs no he wasn’t he was uh trade that the pick was traded to Minnesota for Kevin Love because LeBron didn’t want to play with Wiggins by the Cavs by the Cavs okay so um but yeah according to this Bleacher Report is proposing this trade the Warriors would or the Cavs would get Andrew Wiggins the Warriors would get Carris Levert in the 20th pick tonight um Wiggins coming off one of the worst seasons of his 10-year NBA career by the way he averaged career lows in points per game defens of rating he averaged 13.2 points a game four and a half rebounds a game 1.7 assists a game played 71 games defensive rating was 11 16.9 down from 11 14.2 the previous season um but there you go so you know it sounds like Wiggins could be on the Move Paul could be on the Move D Ley could be making some trades by the way they have no pick today not be trading I would not be trading Jonathan kaminga did you see the Peter O’Keefe who does uh NBA stats year three of Jaylen Brown Jaylen Brown year three guy was just named NBA Finals MVP year three of jayen Brown he was 134 And1 on 46% shooting yeary of kaminga he’s 165 and two 53% shooting don’t trade kuminga he was 21 he was 19 he’s gone from 19 to 21 look how much he’s improved and yet people are like there’s like this whole ground swell of people are like you got to trade him and I’m like why no why for Jimmy Butler who’s 35 you got to be kidding me on the franchise there’s no no one who fits the definition of young bright Prospect quite like Jonathan kaminga in the entire organization you can’t get rid of that guy if you can find a great player that you think fits better with Steph who’s 25 to 29 you know Lori Markin in something like that I might consider it but even then I don’t want to move him I will say this though I have done the Deep dive on many of these draft prospects um a couple of the guys that I really love gave you what’s that you like the names I gave which one you had the guy from well you gave me a guy name from Kentucky I actually kind of like the guy Reeves from Kentucky but you named the other guy from there’s like four guys from Kentucky yeah Justin Edwards you like Justin Edwards okay the guy the guy that I’m just super high on is a is a guy who played in at of NBA Africa um his name is babacar San yeah and you gotta look at this guy he’s he’s six7 240 pounds and he’s kind of like kuminga he’s got that crazy length dunker he’s thicker he’s like if Jonathan kuminga and Zion Williamson had a baby I mean this guy this guy has got unbelievable length and and I know he’s raw but man that guy’s something uh the other guys that I really like I love the UCLA kid who’s from Nigeria Adam Bona the power forward who’s like 69 250 ridiculous jump Runner jumper dunker um love Baylor shyan the shooter from kraton love Kyle filipowski the big man first round pick by the way shyan’s I think in he’s going in the first yeah they’re saying you know late 20s yeah 20 to 30 he’s going but the other the there’s a couple other guys there’s a point guard from uabb named Eric Gaines who’s just the one of the craziest looking athletes I’ve ever seen and um and then Jamal shed the point card from Houston’s a tremendous Defender but yeah my my two favorite guys I would have to say babacar and Baylor shyan shyan in a lot of ways looks like Klay Thompson I mean he is one of the greatest pure Shooters I think I’ve ever seen and he’s six7 he looked he was very very good in Chicago at the pre-draft Camp um where he was thought to go like late second round now they’re saying he might go late first round so I really like uh Baylor shyman from kraton and I really like Philip hsky from from duke you know 610 he’s not a jumper he’s not a rim protector um but he’s he’s a good passer he’s a smart player he creates for others uh he’s a stretch four or stretch five I think he could play opposite uh Draymond Green on the Warriors and and give the Warriors that stretch big to kind of go with Draymond so love filipowski love shyman uh love babacar San love Adam Bona um there’s a few others but those are my favorites uh great one 765 says draft bronny laugh my ass off if he were bronny Jackson uh his name would never be seen in the light of day in any conversation exactly but it’s not his dad is LeBron James which again according to John Hollinger who’s done a staggering great ath tested out as a great athlete too right if his dad weren’t LeBron James no interest but that’s not the world we’re living in his dad is LeBron James so there you go I mean and great and he’s a great athlete I I you know they did all the athletic testing in Chicago uh bronnie tested out really really well now he didn’t have a very good year for USC and he probably in a real world if his name was you know bronnie Roberts or something like that he would be going back to college for more seasoning uh for whatever reason people feel like he’s gonna make the had a heart attack I mean good God he had a heart attack so there’s something to be worried about there too a little bit but again um the DNA and did your dad play in the NBA is an advantage that is paying off immeasurable wind shares in terms of prospects that you can draft um you’re always you know flipping a coin and hoping it lands the way you want it to land when you’re picking in the second round and again I I think I would I would I don’t know if there’s anyone who’s 24 and is a second rounder might be more appealing than what what if LeBron James’s kid really does turn into something what if he just goes in he’s he’s just turns into a preeminent Defender who figures out his shooting touch at some point I don’t know you know I I don’t know it’s once again though once again I how many who’s 510 in the league that’s good the most important draft picks by the way I here I’m gonna give away the start of my show at 11 o’clock right now the single most important draft picks for the Golden State Warriors this year are Trace Jackson Davis and Brandon psky there’s not a lot coming out of this draft there’s not unless something big happens unless a trade is consummated and they move up and something dramatic happens Brandon psky and Trace Jackson Davis having a monster off season and getting better is the most important thing in this draft for the Warriors it really is the two picks of last year are the two most important draft picks of this year Year too well you know I I I think the Warriors ought to look at this draft as an opportunity because the reality is in the 80s they’d be screwed because in the 80s there was like 16 good players in the draft and they went one through 16 and if you had the 17th pick you were screwed right now there might be 16 good players in this draft but they’re going to go like one four seven nine 19 39 49 55 you know what I mean it’s like we don’t it’s such a speculative deal and these players are so raw and they’re coming from the g-league ignite and I played in Europe and I played in South America and I played at Duke but I only played one year I didn’t play because I was hurt there’s all these guys with all these different paths and what what you wind up with is just this very speculative type draft and I think it’s it’s it benefits the the best teams because if you know the players you and you’re picking in the second round I mean Trace Jackson Davis wenton 57 he’s a awesome big man who’s going to be who’s better than James wisman who went too so it’s just that’s the beauty of the NBA draft right now but I was gonna I I asked before who’s good in the NBA that’s 510 and sure enough we got one guy Jaylen Bruns pretty good pretty good yeah he’s he’s pretty good but I mean that’s what bronn’s up against is if I said name me five guys in the league that are decent that are 510 I don’t think you could come up with no it’s it’s not starting point that you want and normally when your dad is in the NBA you’re talking oh you must have some sort of physical specimen ability about you um bronnie doesn’t have that but again his dad’s LeBron James that means something apparently by the way um happens Larry I do I got to get going jayen Brunson is not 5’10 Jaylen Brunson is 62 yeah he’s a little bit so there you go um we have we have we have our super chats here here we go gold to says how many teams won the Super Bowl with a rookie number one yeah uh no a rookie number one Greg aresi says sorry Larry do you remember a guy named Jerry Rice how many Super Bowls did the Niners win with him in the great words of Henry Hill [ __ ] you pay me quoting a little so because Jerry Rice I didn’t say no firstr draft choice wide receivers have ever won a Super Bowl I’m saying of the top 25 highest paid wide receivers in the NFL today two of them Chris Godwin and Mike Evans have have won one Super Bowl that’s it blood moon says it looked more like BP was not looked more like BP was not to overstep on ba yeah gonna be a team guy and he will never do anything to put his front office in an awkward position he’s smart like that wam Mo whatam ma says don’t forget to eat your pig and a pickle folks there you go there you go there you spit on that thing I have no idea what that means um what don’t you have the internet you don’t know who hak Tua is I I I I okay uh there is a 79 guy going to University of Florida by the way I don’t know if you saw the highlights of him I just saw highlights of him the other day he was at IMG Academy before he transferred in the University of Florida 79 dude he doesn’t even have to he doesn’t have to raise his arms all the way he’s still got Bend in his elbows as he’s dunking flat-footed I know did you did you see the seven5 Chinese woman no there is a Chinese woman on the Chinese Olympic team that’s coming up who is 75 and you know this guy says 7eleven either way she it I mean literally it’s like you you’ve got like it’s like Gargamel walking Among The Smurfs God it’s Gargamel you like that wow we’re going back to those purple little cartoon characters they were blue um but it’s like it’s like uh the liliputians are playing around Gulliver one girl did have blonde hair though she was blue but she had blonde hair no the CH no there’s not a lot of blonde Chinese women no no in in uh in the cartoon there was a little girl Smur Fett Smurf Fett Smurf Fett had blonde hair long blonde hair it was rough being Smurf Fett you’re the only woman in a 300 mile Smurf radius got you got you got everyone trying to Smurf you at all times I remember the Smurfs everyone remembers I mean I maybe even watched a little bit of the Smurfs as a Prelude to the baseball bunch in Fat Albert know wait hate watch little Smurfs too but you we said we probably should watch some more educational television maybe little Sesame Street little Mr Rogers you know the Smurfs but they’re just working for Smurf berries and you got you got Gargamel chasing you and the cat the cat’s name was azreel I remember that too how about that you know it’s so funny Lowry Damon um you know it was the middle of the fifth round that year when that show was out and I remember them I’m looking at Jed Jed looked over at me and he’s like Trent what do you got for me and I took out an envelope and I opened that envelope and inside I had a piece of paper and in that P on that piece of paper one word gargam no matter what garam no matter what [Music]

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  1. Haha i like how the idea is pay him the 30! Folks want to say there isnt a cap but there is! Its not lala land. Hard negotiating right here is needed. Even with bosa, who had leverage over niners, the negotiations went all the way to wk1. But like u said larry bosa position is different, u need timing with the WRs…i think ba is AMAZING but im not going to say ur right damon. Niners can win the super bowl WITHOUT BA!!! if ba wants to play on jags with arik and not be in super bowl ok, LATER! I will still root for ba on jags but jags wont be a big time favorite if they landed ba.

  2. As i keep watching…damon u can yell as much as u want but ba is obligated to play at 14mil. I dint know why ur thinking he can get out of this year. If ba doesnt play this year he is obligated next year to play for niners. Niners have 5 years of ba play. If ba sits out a year that year DOESNT COUNT! Good lord damon

  3. Dr. Disrespect had like millions of followers on every platform before this. He was super famous Larry and Damon are just boomers. He's most likely a kid diddler though so 🤷 f him.

  4. Two pethatic failed old man supporting billion doller establishment to under pay employees on the name of contract when its clearly skewed to establishment…what can you expect lol 😅

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