Bold Predictions For Miami Dolphins Training Camp

Bold Predictions For Miami Dolphins Training Camp

on today’s episode of dolphins after dark we will go ahead and make some bold predictions for training camp with training camp only a few weeks away and the rookies actually reporting in about nine days also on top of that is Bradley chub closer to being ready for the start of the Season then we initially thought we’ll talk about all that plus a little Tua and Mike Daniel question I got for the group and so much more do us a favor smash the like button subscribe if you are new and as always let’s get into [Music] [Music] this the presser is in trouble this is the football touchdown you have got to be kidding me by Jaylen W has a dolphin touchdown and he will score Downer side that open TouchDown the run from two t touchdown he’s going he’s got the touch [Applause] [Music] up for to the beautiful day to be a dolphin Dan let’s [Music] go what is good fin Nation what’s good your boy Reon we’re back here for another one and I welcome you all in we’re going to play a game today how prepared Britney wanted to play a game how prepared are the ladies that’s the game we’re going to play today all right you are something else I tell you Jennifer right now is using a toothpick to get out the steak she ate tonight and Britney well it’s a whole different story is what Britney is um and then Neil he’s out here power walking while we just just follow my boy tu’s footsteps to get uh ready for football season what you are Live While Neil tries to break his own personal record of 35,000 steps in a Day 36 that oh 36 if that isn’t riveting and exciting I don’t know what is all right yeah when you turn 21 these are the things that are awesome in your life it’s true it’s true not going to the beach tomorrow cuz you know what the kids are going to be like and the headache that comes with it um shout out to everyone in the chat um I see coach AJ Jennifer forbush’s favorite person’s already shown up Philip Morrow says reason if all the clips lay how you want them then what’s your first third if all the oh if all the chips oh I’m sorry if all the chips lay how you want them what’s your first and third of the fantasy draft this year if you had to choose Wadd or aan um see I do I want to give you the answer to this listen keep watching because that one of those questions that’s kind of a part of my training camp prediction so I’ll kind of answer that a little bit for you um now who’s going to be number one in fantasy drafts this year is probably gonna be Christian McCaffrey has to be has to be yeah um you know I could see people buying into the hype on Derrick Henry and him going pretty high this year too also CD lamb love you know I contract aside I know there’s a lot of CD lamb love I subscrib to a couple sites we were one pick away we one pick away man and and they took cidi and we got stuck with Austin Jackson do you know who did really well for me last year was Puka Puka is a beast puka NAA yeah but I’d probably take Tyreek Jefferson and then cidi in that order to be completely honest with you I like all three of those guys in the top like in the top five mcaffrey I do like Bree hall for the Jets this year and those three receivers wow that’s bold Bree Hall I had Bree Hall and I had to bench him yeah but that’s because Rogers went down he’s probably assuming Rogers will be we is Rogers okay no I agree with you I don’t think you know I don’t I I’m right there with you I think I I think they’re the most overrated and most overhyped team of this offseason it’s absolutely ridiculous like ridiculous you know what I mean so um go ahead Jennifer hi Jennifer hi charling I had Bree salt to and then my internet went out during my draft and then it autodraft dvin cook I’m no yeah ouch so yeah my yeah uhuh so that’s how that went did you drop someone else gotta do iners drafts yeah you did I used to I used to have a league where listen I used to have an in-person draft with like 10 other boys and the problem was man we were doing an in-person Draft when we traded vonte Davis and all the guys knew how big of a vonte Davis fan I was and you know who I was sitting next to a freaking Colts fan a freaking Colts fan and when we traded vonte Davis to the CTS I was so hurt um okay I want to talk about something cuz you know I remember Jennifer was actually in this space a couple months ago I remember being in a space and a certain person who knows nothing about football had the audacity to say to me that Canadians know nothing about football last I check at the ifaf under 20s Team USA lost to team Japan and guess who beat Team Japan in the finals for their third consecutive ifaf under 20 Championship that would be Team Canada thank you very much so I wanted to throw that out there because people don’t know football yeah okay well welcome to that reality Bud um another thing no I’m not now you’re gonna make me continue to go on about it all right we see what happens when we don’t play three downs and we play all your rules we give we give you all a Stomp and out here losing to Japan um Josh Allen did you guys see what happened with Josh Allen at all or no like today yesterday no Neil he got lit up at a wedding right yeah he was at a wedding no he got restructured they did oh yeah yeah 16 and a half like 16.7 million dollar by restructuring them Oh I thought I thought you were like something bad happened to him I was wondering no no yeah I saw that I’m worried that they’re going to get iuk now iuk how you say it aak Brandon aak yes the elusive Brandon aak yes I’m a little worried about that uh you know what I actually think you read my mind I I think that I think that’s what the play is because I was hearing a lot of rumbling around them during draft time and Brandon I yuck so I’m just gonna say not a buggy you know that’s happening so that’s what I heard right um like that they were sniffing around pretty hard that’s a first round pick right you think that’s a first round pick to acquire him I don’t think so because of the money they’re going to have to pay them yeah I could see them trying to package like a second and a third you know I could see them or multiple thirds and a second I think they’re going to try because of the money I think he’s not Tyreek Hill yeah you know what I mean I like auk I wouldn’t have him in my top 10 receivers by any stretch but I for the 49ers I just don’t get it like this is your window like I understand frustration there and you drafted Ricky purel in round one but I don’t know man it’s because they have to pay pery and stuff next year yeah I tried to make it right for one year get on the same page but I I could see the bills making a play for him and and I’ve also heard the Steelers were snipping around auk so for the last over the last two years Brandon a auk I almost said it right and then I remember Britney’s up here he’s the 11th most receiving yards over the last two years he obviously right behind Jaylen Wadd um now he has more receptions than Jaylen Wadd um and when you look at his average you know he’s fourth in yards per reception um and he has 15 touchdowns which is like 10th I want to say over the last two years so I mean he’s gonna get top 10 money but I think the problem is he wants top three or top five money and you can’t justify that I think his sweet spot is around what Wadd got paid and I think he wants to break the bank even further than that I think he wants to get in the 30 plus million range I think that whoever signs him at that that’s a mistake is insane Buffalo um now say yeah either do I because I was gonna say paired with Josh Allen I think that’s the best solution for him you know what I mean I don’t like it yeah either do I because they’re replacing Stefan digs you know I mean and then when you got aak Dalton King Kade and now there’s no pressure on ke Keon Coleman or Curtis Samuel to be the wide receiver one that I don’t I’m right with you I don’t like that at allir is a good receiver he’s a good receiver yeah he is he is he came on in the last half of the year last year too right like stepped off for Stefan Diggs there’s a guy in the chat I don’t think he’s there right now Rome Gray and me and Rome G when you go back to that draft we’re pretty high on he was one of our sleeper wide receivers in that draft just took him a little while to get his legs under him right what were you gonna say Jennifer uh I think I get him confused with gray bush in the chat is that the same guy no that’s a different guy what a name too he are you are you’ve got to be kidding saying that to me what do you mean I just said what a name some of these people have C like look at there’s a guy in the chat right now Coke Master D all right like some of these people names are wild it’s it’s unbelievable you know what I mean maybe that’s his real name I think I did ask and I think it is his real name that’s I’m talking you did he did yeah and all I’m saying is I’m not one to talk carry on oh that’s yeah I didn’t think yeah but when he gets older that’s really going to come back and bite him you know what I mean um all right now that Jen is here um I have a question for you guys let’s start with this let’s start at a left field one I didn’t prep you guys for oh my God and it’s going to Brit first you know it is I will bye guys I’m out of here just in general and I don’t want to we don’t have to get into contract details and everything like that who do you think is under like because there’s an AR article that came out from um SI um when was it let me look at the date it was June 27th was it June 27th no that’s a different one anyways there was an article that came out and I’ll try and find it here it’s from SI and it was like they’re doing like 32 teams in 32 days or something like that and what they talked about is the pressure um the Miami Dolphins offense is under to show progress this year so I’ll do you one better you know to had led the league in passing last year he stayed healthy etc etc this isn’t like a playoff driven thing this is just an offense driven thing you know with all these new additions like obj and jonu Smith and Jaylen Wright and such you know you we we always talk about you know the flaws in Mike McDaniel’s coaching when you get inside the Red Zone getting away from the run all that kind of jazz who do you think’s under more pressure to show more progress Tu a tongue of aloa or Mike McDaniel this year Tua but also Mike a little bit too but Tua I mean that’s more obvious also why are why are we the team that has so much pressure on us and to prove it like look at the Jets the Jets were freaking they were nonexistent but yet they’re they’re coming in this year and they have so much hype PFF has them as like number one defense number one offense number one everything why why why and how come we aren’t treated the same way why do we have to prove so much to everyone I don’t understand I’ll give you I’ll give you I I’ll give you my best shot at that answer you know why I think it is because they haven’t seen Aaron Rodgers in that offense in a to like in play a total season they haven’t seen the totality of that offense you know with all the cogs turning operate at High iciency while we’ve been what in 2022 I want to we were what what offensive rank were we in 2022 we were top five I know that last year we were number one yeah that’s what I thought it was six so so you’ve been sixth best offense in first year first best offense in year two but come January can’t win and the Jets yeah yeah but what like again Rogers has has been healthy so they haven’t played out a full season so people can see if they did Rogers do the year before he was with Green Bay so how did he do uh they didn’t they okay he was the MVP no that was two that was a year before that 2022 is when you know remember Tua looked better than him in that game and then he got yeah yeah the year before that is when he won the MVP I’m pretty sure yeah no you know and you know and and Britney here’s another simple answer you know New York’s always the media darling no matter what the sport is I’m over it well an article that I read actually had the Jets as a team with the most pressure head in the season the Dolphins is too and I actually agree for it on the Dolphins because look you know if you end the regular season with the number one ranked offense and the number 10 ranked defense and you have that participation trophy and you do nothing with it it’s kind of fool’s gold right like it’s kind of Fools Gold if you you know those teams that win Super Bowls that’s what they do they’re ranked you know top 10 in both categories right and you know I think two of is going to get his contract so he’s going to have pressure to perform to that contract but how much pressure is there because there’s probably not going to be an out for two or three years right so I actually think McDaniel is going to be under the gun a little bit just as much or even more so than Tua but I I actually agree the Dolphins are entering the season with pressure because I think as a fan man if they go and do what they did again last year for me like that would be a a total failure uh so I I I do kind of agree that they should come in with pressure all of them and I that’s Tyreek that’s Tua that’s Mel that’s everybody uh and this offense as you transition to a new defensive coordinator especially at the start of the season has to carry this team and that’s where we have a lot of the resources so I do think this offense has to prove that you know I don’t think they just beat nobodies I think that’s exaggerated but I do think there’s a tendency when they play those teams that are the upper line of the league in a lot of those games the defense look better than the offense so I do want to see two of the offense be just as dangerous as they are against you know the Broncos the Giants the Panthers I I want to see some of that carry over against teams like the eagles you know the Buffalo Bills the 49ers things like that so do you think we beat the Eagles do you think we beat that the Eagles if Tyreek doesn’t drop that touchdown pass and it’s a totally different game or just not the egregious officiating yeah the offici was absolute trash that game the do yeah and the Dolphins are gonna get like like the NFL doesn’t love the Miami Dolphins like you know what I mean we’ve seen it with penalties they’ve got like they just don’t love the Dolphins I I think officiating is awful it’s one of the worst things about all sports um and I do think we do get hosed a little bit in a lot of those games especially that Eagles game but man like I don’t know sometimes like I use that as context as well but sometimes it’s like man you got so much talent on that offens side of the ball buddy I remember making a video about that game though in the officiating and I remember it blew up it got like 14,000 views or 15,000 views or whatever because I I remember how bad that offici like I remember this stuff Jaylen Carter was getting away with he was like getting away with straight up punches to our like what they would do is you know how it’s illegal now off the it used to be used to be able to get away within 60s and70s right off the snap he was punching our offensive lineman right in the face mask like just boom and it was like St he did it to ikenberg and like stunned him and you know like it’s illegal as all hell and like Jaylen Carter was getting away with murder that game the two games the two games are the Titans which we all agree was one of the worst games is a dolphins fan I think the offense gets too much Flack for that Titans game there’s three minutes left and Vic Dano’s got a defense I care about the offense the offense shouldn’t need another first down three minutes up two scores that should be shut down instead you got xaven H Howard going into business for himself and getting beat up the right sideline and you got yeah yeah like just oh my God like I thought that was more on I guess I’m in the minority I actually think that defense Falls at the feet that loss Falls more at the feet of the defense than it does the offense I I think it does for sure especially those last three minutes but I do think the offense should have done more against that Titan’s team throughout the course of the game I agree yeah agree but that the game that pissed me off more than actually maybe any of them was Germany because our defense really put momes Ty Kill cost us that game bro with that F no not even the fumble right if you remember correctly remember he had a drop at the 30 yard line right and we ended up getting no points on that drive then he had the fumble on the 31 yard line that they returned for Touchdown so if you do the math he CAU a 13 to 21 Point swing just himself on those two plays and then but also his the fumble that they returned for a touchdown should have been forward progression but they didn’t call it it should have been called well that alone would have won us the game well and also in the first half remember waddle had that reception down to was it the 26 26 or the 28 and then it got called back because of penalty it was I think was on a receiver not lining up properly or something like that and we had a penalty and like we had three play three drives where we got down inside inside their 35 and we got no points and two of them were totally avoidable from Tyreek and the other one was avoidable from a penalty and that point is was all on the offense that’s all I’m gonna say well I’ll say that point offense lost us the game in Germany yeah Tyreek makes if Tyreek just Tyreek listen I’m sorry when I can when I can a 13 to 21 Point swing I think he I think he crapped his pants like I don’t I don’t disagree with you he was better in the well other than getting jammed on his ass like the touchdown pass and stuff like that he was a bit better in the playoff game but the problem with the playoff game they had figured us out and we didn’t adjust yep correct um and like also negative thousand degrees Yeah we should have been played like listen I’m not even talking about player safety look at how many fans didn’t they have over like 20 people went to the H Hospital yeah like what are we doing man all because of like what are we doing like what what were we doing there was that because your girl was in the building and they wanted to roll nope we’re not gonna do that it’s so stupid I hate this no no we’re not doing it I’m telling you right now we’re not gonna do it we’re not gonna do it the whining The Whining The Whining The Whining The Whining is I’m so over it about what the whining about who is the reason we lost what just shut up and be better agree Jen so annoying it’s a team sport it’s like I’m gonna talk to Jack Frost right away about that night and I’m gonna blame him I’m gonna say be better Jack Frost look that game was wildly inappropriately C and and we should have never been there and I no I live in the cold cold you live in the cold that’s that neia lives in the cold that’s not normal like that’s not like to human life type cold yeah it was dumb it’s one thing when it’s minus 29 but it’s minus 29 and 27 M hour wins yeah like that’s ridiculous it’s insane you know like I’ve been up here when it gets like minus 20 with no wins and like that’s like a bone chill you add in the winds and like now you’re talking about like you you know it whipping against your face man it feels like it’s slicing it you know what I mean Burns yeah it does what do you know about cold weather we go skiing every year come on now and I lived up in Pennsylvania Liv in Pennsylvania yeah oh yes you lived with the Amish right am loved it loved it so much did you go to that smorgas board place that’s where we’re all shady maple did you go there yes how’s the fried chicken is it legit it’s got to be good I no apparently the Fried Chicken’s legit you don’t okay Len I don’t eat meat off a bone I think you guys know this oh yeah she doesn’t I I’ve never had like their I never had their Fried Chicken because so Jen we got to take her to Shady Maple and we’ll cut the chicken off the bone for her yes and we’ll place this absolutely I got one up here that doesn’t eat meat with bones and the other one that doesn’t eat dessert what is happening with my life right now oh what do you not like Neil what’s G to shock me that you don’t like Neil you don’t like ice cream that no I don’t know I’m pretty I’m pretty the only thing I don’t like is parsnips I like every other food so go okay what is so Neil what would you what would your uh what would you say your Superior dessert is Shady Maple is amazing there’s a place here in Baltimore called The Food Market um and they have a heat bar bread pudding that’s like absurd oh and Jennifer she likes her she said she’d prefer Salt Lakes right Jen yeah or a second dinner a second dinner re what what is your Superior din dessert uh chocolate mousse chocolate mousse okay I’m going cheesecake from Whole Food if we’re going pudding to Neil’s Point banana pudding with whipped cream and like vanilla wafers in there yeah I will like a dessert like my favorite dessert would be my niece made it for me for my birthday last year she made me homemade chip witches what are those so like yeah yeah with chocolate chip cookies but you make the chocolate chip cookies so they’re like warm and soft and stuff you put ice cream in the middle and make it ice cream sandwich oh yeah that’s a that’s pretty sweet look at the chat the chat is loving this right now see you guys ever you guys by you have um like that the chain I think it’s a dying chain here you ever heard of friendlies yes yes from here my grandpa worked at the first friendlies ever really yeah it’s from wber Massachusetts and he won the golden scoop award I we used to have it in her house and in my grandparents house we had an entire freezer downstairs like you know how people have a beverage fridge it was just like H friendly H well Friendly’s hamburgers and and Friendly’s dessert like did you just have like pints of their ice cream I grew up four football fields away from a friendly literally we ride my bike after school with all my buddies they used to have this Reese’s Pieces Sunday yes yes with the cone the dipped cone oh and the warm peanut butter would mix with this cor ice cream and it was like I imagine when I go to the Pearly Gates and I cross over that’s what it’s gonna feel like the warm and the cold coming together Robert phrasing phrasing Robert thank you very much that’s what I used to eat I would I would eat that and they put like the hair would be whipped cream on the sides yeah I got dumped there in fifth grade because I was dating this girl you know little fifth grade girlfriend and I said go to hell in school I got dump for cing oh are you serious Tony rizz is a real Italian canol do you want canoli with the chocolate chips in there or canoli without the chocolate chips in there chocolate chips yeah if you want banging desserts got to find a Greek diner Greek diners always have the best cakes man Greek yeah we have like legit one here and they have their what is it baklava is that I say right so good so good wow this is an interesting one pineapple sherbet chip you got to go with the chocolate chip you know time it is I love Italian pastries they’re so heavy holy gez like because like it’s a big Italian area where I live in the two cities that I live in or well the two the city that next to the city I live in they’re really big Italian area it’s because you know mob used to be kind of big out this way so I work for a trash a trash company and that’s what we give our customers Italian Italian pastries yes Jennifer works for Tony Soprano and she just doesn’t know it yet um cheesecake oh yes okay so one of my goals is to go to the Keys and have key lime pie from the keys legit because I love key lime pie you have to you have to but you can you could probably go like anywhere down here in South Florida and get like some legitimate keyme pie we’re pretty good about it [ __ ] Joey’s bougie he likes ter mypods can you hear me yeah I can hear you yes I can’t hear you uh oh godam it’s probably because it it muted if you go into your settings and you go into your audio because they died go to your speaker speakers it’s like my wife her favorite dessert is crule I don’t know how you can eat love cret Delicious peacon Pie is delish look at this reason do you guys know in the chat she so proud of this like right now you guys have no idea what you’ve done you’re making me all feel really good he sent out a text and said what are some topics and I said you know Superior breakfast sandwich and Superior dessert and he immediately was like no you’re useless thanks bye I did not say you’re useless see this basically he basically said that thanks for nothing Britney Runners and um I said I was in anyway look now you got to make me quote it now you got to make me quote what I actually said I didn’t even see your picture a picture with you and Elanor I didn’t even see that actually now that I’m looking through do not reason I swear to God if you post that why would I post it I’m just telling you I didn’t see it oh um what is do you want to know who um I think he’s under more pressure or no yes I do go ahead cuz Britney sidelined us with her question go ahead um oh although everyone loves the dessert I wish I like dessert and could comment further but it’s just not my thing I’m Gonna Make You dessert when you come over okay and I’ll eat it I’ll be happy homemade stuff I like okay I do I got you um thank you uh I think that you can twist yourself up into an argument saying it’s McDaniel and I can understand why it would be but we’re all assuming that two is going to get paid before you know the season and he’s going to end up making like 10 times what McDaniel is making you know or roughly I have no clue how much money he makes um even if it’s five times who the hell knows so at the end of the day it’s gonna fall to not that’s right I don’t really know because is McDaniel putting him in a you know is McDaniel doing his job well enough to put him in a place to succeed like you know then he’s at the mercy of that and then MCD is at the mercy of to his execution on the field um I just think the spotlight is always Gonna Shine more on the player on the field you’re gonna win with him or lose with him and and you make the big so you’re you’re the guy who’s for it but um that said like I do really hope McDaniel does put him in a in a in a position to succeed like I don’t want to hear a single thing about [ __ ] 2,000 yards for Tyreek or whatever like I don’t want to hear anything more about that like I’m hoping and I’m assuming that this will happen that yeah that just like two has progressed each year and MD’s gotting better like now they they realized crap we’ve really focus way too heavily on these two or we let the the whims of someone and the excitement of it maybe we got too carried away in that and whether or not it meant then the guys were too banged up at the end of the year or we just didn’t learn how to operate in offense efficiently after that that look for him or Wadd you know I I’m hoping that both of them get there this year so you know so we haven’t really had a chance to discuss this whole 2,000 yard thing I abolutely hated it I feel like this was something that uh McDaniel was also pushing because if you remember when McDaniel When Ty yeah when Tyreek got here it was the first thing that he told because you’re going to get 2000 yards McDaniel too for me is too much worried about accolades like Marino’s running onto the field oh hey Marino we’re coming for your record yeah stop worrying about records and let everything fall organically you think these Marino is going out with in the 80s and setting the all time passing yard in a single season record and touchdown pass in a single season record thinking I’m just coming I’m no just throwing the football playing ball like shout out to Phillip says was feeding the dogs just now caught up Knight says there’s a company north of Orlando that sells the base to the original keie recipe so there go I want it Nate send me that company yeah I want it but I think that that’s the growth we’re expecting growth from tuo we’re expecting growth from Tyreek to not be as egocentric we’re expecting growth from you know Wadd that he we want him to be mature you know what pissed me off Jennifer this what pissed me off go look at 2022 and how evenly they were targeting jayen Wadd Tyreek Hill Jaylen W had almost 1500 yards and we we were lightening it up and then it just felt like now I know injuries played a factor I know he banged up like we need to get back to that you need never mind finding balance with the Run game you need to find the balance back that you were starting to create in year one with Wadd and Tyreek because you’re much more deadlier yeah and we were expecting W to be mature about that as a young player you know to take a backseat to somebody else for the and he has been pretty good for that’s what I mean he absolutely has so I want to see that same kind of growth with some of the other ones putting your sh a little bit of your ego aside for theam go ahead NE and then Britney go I’m sorry I’m I’m more sold personally on Tu a Tong of Alo at the quarterback that I am Mike McDaniel as the head coach and I like Mike a lot and but I think mikani is a double-edged sword and what I mean by that is obviously we have one of the best offensive schemes in football right like there’s no doubting that the production speaks for itself I think the biggest defense against the Miami Dolphins offense is Mike mcdang short short distance play calling um too much motion putting the offense in a lot of situations where they’re going to get procedural penalties that make it instead of a third and two a third and seven then they have to resort on the passing it’s just too past heavy at times and I think it needs some I think it needs some you know more conventional wrinkles in it and that’s why I think the most important thing for the Miami Dolphins heading in this season is the ability to consistently run the ball and that will help Tua that will help this offense I do think Mike McDaniel is a stat Chaser like you said Reon and because of that when it’s third and two instead of doing what is kind of the smart economical football move and you know trying to move the king he out thinks himself and it’s not even just outthinking himself and passing it’s the layers of passing like instead of throwing a slant it’s a nine route to Tyreek Hill right it’s always it’s always the worst case scenario in passing as well you know in terms of yeah and for me it’s like you can score a touchdown by you know having an 80 yard pass play or you can score by getting you know eight 10 yard plays you don’t you don’t have to score everything on a bomb right and I think sometimes Mike mcel does get a little too cute too fancy and I think that’s hurt Miami a lot those big games because what this offense has shown us is that if they audio like oh is my audio bad no you’re like coming in clear and then it sounds like you’re backing away and then you’re coming back in clear and then you’re backing away he’s at 35 34,500 he’s really trying to get those steps in no but no but I just think sometimes it is like we outsmart ourselves and if we play conventional football we’ll just be a better team like I I really believe that I I think like it’s sometimes and you know when you’re really good at something you do like to show it off right like you know what I mean and I get it you know Mike McDaniel wants to let his marbles hang on the table that’s that’s the kind of guy he is but with that said I think it hurt the football team last year and I want to see that improvement from him I I you know we’ve heard him say the things about like taking a look in the mirror I hope that he did and that he’s also given some guidance because again he’s a young coach and I I don’t want to make it sound like I’m crapping on M Danel I actually really do love him as our coach but I do think that a lot of people put blame on players but ignore the fact that sometimes those players were put in some pretty bad situation go ahead Britney I know you wanted to say something yeah I um I I can agree with Neil to like a certain extent because I love M coach Mike McDaniel and like me and Jim were just talking about this as well on our show um if we if anything were happen to him he’s he’s going to be scooped up by every other team mostly likely he’s very he’s very well sought after um I agree that he gets Way Too Cute on the games that we should not be getting way too cute on I um get really angry when he would our Run game was like working and he would just stop and we’re all like just run the dang ball um but then you also have to like take a step back are are we not running the ball because we can’t our offensive line how many we went through what 17 was it 17 different Road or 12 something like that I think we had major issues with our Run game 13 yeah 13 yeah I just think that um we were injured on our Run game and so was it Mike McDaniel or was it something else that was going on on the field um what I was going to say though before was um Wadd we when we were talking about Wadd look at Waddle’s stats when Tyreek wasn’t on the field he he was so incredible I wish we um I wish we fed him the ball more last year and I’m really really hoping that we feed him this this coming year um guys go go subscribe to the sideline T um they just had an episode with Omar Kelly and the second episode’s coming soon and it’s pretty funny um that that segment is absolutely hilarious and which one the one about the the Mean Tweets it’s just so funny that that was came out last night yeah that’s what I’m saying go check out the episode that came out last night yeah go look at the whole thing part one part the is coming out soon when Britney yeah part two is tomorrow night or oh oh she’s gunning for it e or when it comes out I said it I said it in my um thing I know tomorrow tomorrow night yeah um Al said in the chat the goal should be 2500 ring yards which isn’t that far off because they had 2308 this last season right now to your point about Wadd um was it the it was the Jets game where Tyreek went down and we had that one drive where W was just destroying the Jets right like he was just eating on them I think he finished like 14 was it the Jets because it Tyreek didn’t play this uh the second Jets game like Tyreek out that’s that’s the game I’m talking W had like 142 yards he went off and I remember that one drive where like they just couldn’t they just in the second half where they just couldn’t stop him they knew where the ball was going and it was just you know they waddled on our field and then we turned around yeah that’s why you don’t W on our field Tony says I’ve literally SC you know what reminds me remember when too you guys might be I love young do you remember when T do you remember when too ran to the middle of the star the Dallas star of course and the play and the player who was it the player that came and smoked them remember I don’t remember what happened a 49er right it was the safety from the Cowboys George Fe right yeah he was a 49er too when he did that right he wasn’t NE was a 49 he was putting on the cowboy star and it was I think George T safy that came scored a touchdown and ran all the way to the cowboy star in the middle of the field and like did this and then the safety came and smoked them oh my God Tony Rizzy says I’ve literally screamed at Mike M’s play calling at times I’ve literally scream yeah twice over Hey listen go watch any live reaction and you hear me lose my absolute mind and I still say this not only did Steve spagnolo and that defense prepare for us and make the proper adjustments in that playoff games the problem with coaches is they get too cocky Mike McDaniel didn’t make the proper adjustments and I thought Mike McDaniel ‘s game plan was absolute trash why are you throwing horizontally behind the line of scrimmage with with a finesse thrower not a drive thrower with 27 mile hour WIS like obviously the ball is going to carry and it’s going to and then when they ask to to drive the ball outside the numbers in the game what’s he doing he’s hitting guys in the numbers he’s making the throws now there’s a couple throws outside the numbers and but for the majority he was making all the throws outside the numbers so I I wasn’t a fan it reminded me of the win get in against Tennessee was that 2021 where I wasn’t a fan of that game plan either where they were the game where Duke Johnson was our best player on the field where they were just dropping to a back over and over and if you watch what Tennessee did with Vel they were dropping tanah Hill down back for the first um one or two drives and they were throwing beyond the sticks then what they say screw that the weather’s no good run the football nothing but play action and keep the throws in front of the sticks for tanah Hill and what happened and they were just moving the ball on us easy they made the adjustments Flores godsville and studville Gody and studville did not make the adjustments and we ended up getting screwed by the pooch um I forgot to mention a um donation on Friday show because it came at the end of the show it was from Raphael Lano he did donated $499 he said reason where do you rank two I ranked Tua eighth and if this team stay healthy how far do you think they can go I’ve said this before I rank to a eight now I sat here like last week or the week before and said okay let me rank the top 15 quarterbacks in the NFL and I’ll I’ll quickly give you my in order my so I’ll just give you my top 15 so I got Mahomes at one I got Allen at two I got burrow at three I got Stafford at four I got Jackson at five I’m not going to lie it hurt I I as a passer it wasn’t such a dominant weapon you know as a passer he would if he was not a this guy was a PO cor I don’t know if he’d be in the NFL anymore but it hurt to put him at five because as a passer right I got py at six because of his accomplishments Tong valow at seven Prescott at eight Stout at nine Herbert at 10 love at 11 Goff at 12 Rogers at 13 cousins at 14 Lawrence at 15 and Jaylen Herz at 16 so I got I got him at eight and how far can they go if they stay healthy this team is built they can go to the AFC if they get if they stay healthy and they get a HomeField Advantage this team is built to make a run in the playoffs man I mean you know did you just did sorry Jen did you just um did you just do Lis Medina’s question was that the question no he asked you a question I don’t have a donation from Louis Medina I have Knight he says Kermit’s key lime pie one in Key West one in Dand so there’s your info because you wanted to find out where to find that base I wrote it down already thank you so much yeah I I already wrote it down wrel told the entire world is plan make to a throw at the numbers and we kept taking middle shots yep and look at the throw he he did yeah he’s exactly right okay so BR what were you saying sorry Louis really want you to answer his question but I don’t see his question is it a good question I don’t know I don’t I don’t see it leis if you have a question drop it in the chat yeah I don’t what is this a political question I have no idea I have no idea we’re not talk politics or I’ll kill all my no Jen I’m right there with you I know I don’t know this person is saying that I only pay attention to people that donate my friend I’ve got over 580 people in the chat between X and YouTube right now it’s not exactly easy for me to sit here and read plus I got to host a show I mean I would love to be an octopus but with eight different heads it just doesn’t work like that so um um anyways shout out to Louis Medina for whatever he wanted to ask um let’s get into this bold predictions give me your guys’s bold predictions for training camp Neil we’ll start with you yeah and mine tie in together uh first and foremost I think the Dolphins and I’m knocking on wood here are going to leave training camp healthy and I think it’s very important after what we saw last year and I think one of the things they’re going to do from a coaching staff is how they approach the preseason with some of these veterans um you know like we all know what happened to Bradley chub in that Ravens game and you know Mike m gets a lot of well-deserved criticism for leav him in that game I I think the Dolphins are going to be smart with their best players this year um and because of that and you know the way the NFL works you know I feel like is that when you get snake bitten by injuries one year the next year it’s kind of leaning on you we saw it with the Ravens a few years back where they ended the season with 22 players and a lot of them being key players on ir and then they stayed relatively healthy last year so I’m I’m expecting the same and because of that I think you know a lot of those veterans and I you know I think rahee Mo’s gonna be one of the guys that’s kind of going to be bubble wrapped and and you know taking you know very you know have a light workload I I think Devon 18 is going to be my second P I guess prediction would be I think devvon H’s GNA be the best player on this team in training camp um it kind of we had that question earlier with Wadd and Devon H uh in any League I can get I’m GNA get Devon H because I think Devon H what he was able to do despite missing games last year the production he had is off the charts and him leading the yard uh yards per carry of anybody with over 100 touches I mean that’s just impressive as good as jimer Gibbs and bejon Robinson were were pinned to be coming into the season and as good as they were last season You could argue that Devon a was stride for stride were better with those both of those players when he was healthy so I I think Devon aan is going to be the breakout player in for the Miami Dolphins and I think it starts in Camp so I think they’re gonna come out of Camp healthy and I think aain is g to steal the show um so one of my predictions is that I’ll read the exact thing I have written down here and I’ll save my other one for when the the ladies are done my first one is aan wins rb1 job so um you know going back to the question that was asked about Wadd or aan and fantasy I agree with Neil I would be targeting aan in fantasy you know W wouldn’t be that far behind but I do believe aan is running back one heading into the season for this team and I actually think moser’s gonna lose even more ground when Jaylen Wright gets his legs under him I think that oh you’re stealing mine no no not I’m talking about like it’s leg on him during the season like Jaylen right like halfway through the season type not training camp I know anyways good reason our running back room is loaded St because you can see the next two or three years the two-headed monster is going to be H in and and right probably right so all right okay Jennifer go ahead drop yours then well whatever mine was going to be maybe that he showed enough that um we could start to see that he was going to start taking some of mostard snaps okay and second would have been what Brit is going to say so I’m not gonna say it no go ahead no no because you said it I’m not gonna say it yes say it no I have like I have I have more lined up you go go what did you what did you actually say are you g to say what I actually said yeah that Liam looks like Joe tuning Camp that’s what thinking guys yeah and has an AJ like uh Renaissance um I don’t really believe that deep down in my heart but it could be that he just comes out and has a much better camp but also I think he genuine or generally had a bad Camp because when they did one-on ones and stuff Christian used to make him look like um or as Omar would say took his lunch money every single time but now he’s got K cell to do no I don’t know that we’re see that but it would be great a great I’m not saying it will happen but it would be great to see the o line just looking like absolute healthy MERS during yeah yeah or at least joint practices when we get there Ruckus just so you know I don’t hate you bro and don’t be something you’re not we all know you don’t believe what you just type for one second um Britney what are your bold predictions for training camp um number one we are going to have an injuryf free training camp um number two puyer is looking absolutely incredible don’t you dare we gotten in a little tiff on the phone about this don’t you do it and um gosh what was my other one there’s I had another one and now it’s slipping my mind because I see reason wants to say something so I’m looking at you don’t you do it go on say it knocking on wood Robert maybe it’s Kim Smith Britney oh yes thank you it was Jen you’re welcome darling I can read your mind you can yes and that um cam Smith we we see him oh and Ethan Bonner too Ethan Bonner what Acker back yeah we see like him coming out doing amazinger what’s that an emergence of Ethan boner yeah he’s apparently super fast let’s see how well he can do I haven’t seen him I I haven’t so that kind of plays into one of my other predictions I think coo falls down the depth chart uh I don’t I you know I think with need him back fully removed from that injury um cam Smith’s gonna get reps Jaylen Ramsay’s gonna be moved around a lot more I think you’re even going to see Javon Holland get some looks down in the Box in the slot covering I I you know I I think that coo is going to fall down the depth chart when all is said and done by training camp and another one too and I guess this will be a little bit bold because sha Barrett’s there K Campbell’s there I think chop Robinson’s gonna dominate now I don’t know whether that says anything about Kendall lamb Keon Smith Austin Jackson or whatever the case may be is but I think you’re going to have downright dominant days from chop Robinson when the pads come on do you really yeah why I agree I’m just curious because he’s just a he’s just a natural pressure monster I think you know the only thing he really needed to clean up were his hands and he said that he’s that’s the one thing he’s been working so hard on this offseason his technique and like you know what I I go back and look is everyone you know the problem with defens with with Ed it’s kind of like with offensive line right with offensive line like there’s no substantial stat you can lean on to say someone’s good No One’s Gonna lean on like pancakes right it’s kind of like but it’s the flip side with Edge right it’s like if you’re not getting sacks you’re not good enough but I mean you go watch that did you watch the Michigan game last year Jennifer Michigan and Penn State I if you went back they stopped passing because of chop Robinson and it’s not like he was hitting JJ MC it was they couldn’t stop the pressure was just too much they couldn’t stop him throwing off the Rhythm and the timing of the plays and they were just like screw this run the football which is also sort of partially their identity too I mean let’s be serious yeah but they came out throwing against I’m just saying put them in a basket I hear you but like it’s Mission and if you know if something isn’t working out game planwise what is what are they going to do they’re gonna one that was one player one player made them switch up what they’re doing and I agree I’m not not and and the reason I use them too is because they went on to win the national championship so mean something you know what I mean no reason another thing another thing with chop is like and I love Dylan Philips he’s one of my five favorite Miami Dolphins five favorite players in this league but the gap between the first step exposing between chop Robinson and Jaylen Phillips it’s a large Delta and if you look at Austin Jackson for example he struggles with first step speed like look look what har Landry did against him last year when the when the in the in the crucial situations when the got that sack on to it it was Harold Landry who completely owned Austin Jackson on that play I think and chop might already have one of the quickest First Steps in football right now that’s what I thought you were gonna say is why then against our o line well the reason why I brought the hand placement is because if he fixed that hand placement up this guy is pretty getting pretty close to becoming a a total package yeah and Teran armad not going to play a lot and and I think because of that it’s going to be a lot of Kendall lamb and practice ball and I think Chop’s going to have his way with those guys I just really do I I like I I said this when we drafted him like he has that aura about him of someone that could be something special because of those traits and I think Anthony Weaver is the perfect coach for job Robinson I agree with that and I think he’s I I I do think that if that if I had a third reason it was going to be chop Robinson and and I think Austin Jackson it doesn’t matter who he’s up against um you know he he’s going to make he he’s I’ve said this I think he’s going to be in the running for defens of Rookie of the Year oh and you know why you know more than anyone because you sat up here I’ve been talking about how I wanted the Dolphins to draft that kid since November so I’m ready to give yeah for Chop so he was like the if Neil remembers correctly he was like the first player I was super gassing up from this draft class on when we would do fin to deep every Thursday so I just to be able to do Barry harwitz no in general okay he was like I I love me some chop you know what I mean yeah and I want to be able to play a chop noise every time he makes something no you want to play chop no he comes with his own theme song already hello what the hell yeah the Saints do you guys I thought his demeanor when we drafted him how he was there you know kind of he was like sitting you know he was sitting there wanting Miami to draft him like we were sit H BR Bowers fell to us you know what I mean like I think I thought like and you can’t teach that when someone has a desire to be somewhere right and they get there man that’s where they’re going to put in their best work I I think Chop’s gonna be that guy like Danielle Hunter was from from LSU who had low production in college but because his traits translate to the NFL so well that you’re going to get the best version of him and you know we’ve seen we’ve seen the reverse like guys like Timo that were all world best ever college football players that their game doesn’t translate to the pros I think this is the opposite of that where chop Robinson has all the tools and and like a lot of people won’t say this but James Franklin at Penn State and his coaching staff is a complete joke like I like we I am in a pen State household like my wife is die hard yeah yeah yeah so so like because every time I bring up chop he would bring this upis no I did I totally forgot well when I was in Maryland he was the head coach in waiting behind Ralph frien and when Ralph regen caner left Maryland they where did chop start Neil he started at inside backer at Maryland so so yeah it’s gonna be I I I can’t wa Chop’s the player that I think I’m the most excited to see because I think he and a large scope has the biggest platform to prove doubter wrong where everyone’s and I know it’s one our topics but everyone’s practically writing off Philips and chubs because they injuries and both of them look like they’re well ahead of where they are and I do think chop Robinson is going to end up being one of the gems of this draft on the defense side of the ball uh I like that we need Mo Kamara and Robinson mooch chop I like it uh a this is talk about bold now this is a regular season prediction not a training camp AJ will make the Pro Bowl this year no that’s not peanut butter so I mean that that’s he might deserve it but he won’t the the pro voting All-Star baseball all these are scam jokes man they’re popularity contest it’s all pro the All Pro is what matters All Pro yeah they’re like like aome well baseball correct me if I’m wrong I don’t know if they still do it but the baseball All-Star game matters because the winner gets HomeField Advantage for the World Series right yeah I agree but I’m talking about how how they select players for example the Baltimore Orioles have less All Stars this year than they did last year and it’s ridiculous like did gunar make it gunar and adley and Corbin burns are the three starters I think what do you what do else you want but Anthony Sandra hit 20 home runs in June the problem is he’s not a name and the problem is you go well that’s my point you know there’s 32 teams so there’s 32 stadiums so you got 32 stadiums full of fans voting for their bigname guys that’s what’s always gonna happen right don’t pretend like our crazy Dolphins Twitter isn’t doing the same [ __ ] for us too like get out here on Cosmic no I agree but I mean it you know I would I would say that stronger if Javon Holland made a pro bowl Uh Kevin says Kevin’s trying to butter you up Jennifer I I freaking just that’s what I did you see my comment you’re buttering buttering me up it’s working oh I think practice squad it’s entirely reasonable yeah yeah yeah I agree I agree also probal voting I get a little annoyed because sometimes they mislabel people who are interior defensive lineman as defensive ends and so then it doesn’t you know everything it’s like say the name don’t say the name seven degrees of Kevin Bacon or whatever the hell it is but it’s just I’m just saying heed it last year though he did thank you I agree did I’m his prior Seasons he had always gone into voting as a defensive end and he wasn’t a defensive end like per se like he wasn’t like a pass rusher the way you know so last year was the first time he was labeled as a DT so sometimes you know position wise I feel like that’s one thing for those defensive linemen or outside linebackers or whatever like that then gets a little muddy it muddies the waters and that’s all I’m going to say about that um Britney shared video today of Bradley chub running around Britney’s the latest to become an Instagram aggregator on I I listen the only reason I did that is because Omar tweeted it and with the Instagram link if somebody didn’t have Instagram I want them to be able to see I know I’m just teasing you Jesus um okay so do you think he you guys saw he was moving a little bit now when that first part of that clip when he starts running down the field you can still notice he’s a little you know he’s favoring it a little bit but M do you think he’s closer to being ready for the regular season than we initially thought because the word I’ve heard all year is October all yeah all offseason I’ve heard Jaylen Phillips has the chance to come back for September november-ish December is for Bradley chub I’m still gonna go with that just because I’d be nervous like I don’t want to rush him like we have I’m with you Britney I I I think that like for me I don’t even care if they’re not there for the first qu quarter of the Season like I think the Dolphins are going to handle their business with or without them to start the season I want this def to be at full strength when they’re on their final stretch exactly kind of like what we saw with Ramsay because they it does take a couple weeks to get your legs back under you even though Ramsey had a pick in his first game back incredible oh and Ramsay’s Ramsay’s awesome I love the people that are saying that he’s lost the step it’s like okay got he’s still top three in the NFL and wait till they get a load of him this year and he’s traveling well and I’ll say this s has great ability but s gets no intercepts he’s got one in the last two years s holds a lot more than jayen does Jaylen Mir is way better without having to get grabby I think you know we play Buffalo and the December right if our pass rushes chop Robinson MOA sha Barrett Bradley chub and Jaylen Phillips at full strength like watch out that that’s the best pass rush we’ve had in a very very long time in Miami Britney just said Jaylen Rams is the superior to dessert I swear to God she said it dessert don’t make me blush um what do you think Jen where do you when do you think we see the old chub Meister back I’d put them both on pup until after the by week him and Phillips yeah isn’t it like four or five yeah my daughter is probably going to come running out here any minute easy well no actually biggie smly little I don’t know I’ll figure one out um yeah that’s what I would do I wouldn’t risk it I just would not risk that I keep I literally keep forgetting about Shaq Barrett which is insane and I also keep forgetting that Kus played a bunch on the edge so I would figure it out with between the rookies Kus and sha Barrett and do we have anybody else left literally nobody huh on the edge yeah good all right he’s hurt he’s hurt yeah is he is he Gabriel Murphy from UCLA is undrafted free agent who I think has I think he makes the team I that’s another pressure monster he has he had one of the highest what a top three pressure rate in all of college football I like him I’m a fan of him and his twin brothers get gobbled up his brother’s better but I’m a fan of both of them no so I would just do that for the first few G like I might do that for the first few games I would not risk it I just wouldn’t risk it it’s just not risking it for the biscuit so do you think we see Zeke does Ezekiel vanderberg vanderberg does he make a impact I don’t know maybe for all you guys said you started watching Seinfeld so you get that I like B so um shout out to Cosmic raccoon first of all for finding a pitcher with a massive raccoon that’s been in one too many dumpsters says next and Cosmic um he’s the son of daddy Dean in the chat said next year he’s tring for Middle School basketball yeah it is good for you cos go make that basketball team bro just work on your jumper love it yeah hell yeah get it ums yeah man just work on your crossover so you can cross mofos over and then you can work on your step back jumper so you can make it look pretty and you’re good all right um final thoughts Britney I’m so happy that uh dessert talk really really uh oh that’s it thank you thank you for reminding me okay I have to correct what Britney said because she’s making you all making me sound like I’m some Demon when I said okay I want you to know from the bottom of my heart with full transparency none of these questions will make the cut I didn’t call her useless I didn’t I’ll call her nothing and so yall know what I was talking about she wanted to talk about what why the sky is blue and not green read them if you go watch new Northern Lights I mean you know there’s times where the sky is green oh God D this is the best one guys this is this is the depth this is where this is how deep she wanted to get on dolphins after dark do we all see the same colors like is my blue your green but we would never know because we’re all taught the color we are seeing is a color’s name so Britney’s make sense to anyone never heard of col it makes sense that’s not the same that’s not the same were you at a fist concert this weekend oh oh my God NE Paul you ready for the more it gets more riveting why are cats the way that they are yeah they are just yeah because they’re sneaky shitty and you know we got what’s the superior dessert but she wanted to know what’s the superior breakfast sandwich and this was inspired by a bacon lettuce and egg blte there yeah that Jennifer posted right but it was arugula and the Yol was brighter than the Clementine or Tangerine juice that I had because the eggs were so damn good and I think Robert Thomasson is referring to the color question listen it’s a good I think about I think about this probably like but it’s you know that it’s it’s the length of the I love cats reflect in our in our eyes into our brain right Kevin got a nickname for you too by the way like is the color are we seeing the same colors we’ll never know I always wonder that like when you have a relationship with someone what color is my hat first off it’s black but Black’s different because Black’s not really a color it’s just a it’s light sh isn’t it yeah you’re just lacking black lacks light there’s no light reflecting from it that sounds see I don’t trust Britney’s eye because she said she saw banding on my new camera and there’s no banding so okay all right she probably does different colors you’ll see I don’t know what banding is I know I just know that the color that you see from your iris to your brain is a is determined by the length of the wave and that’s how you see the color that you see but it’s totally you know a valid question that every single time you see red I could be seeing blue who knows right and you were just taught that that is what is called red and you know what I mean and just like our whole relationship Britney I see you but you see me which is a really weird thing now I thought about that like when walking around in public all I think about other people’s point of view when I’m walking around in public and I see other people looking I think about that all the time we’re you could live your whole life someone and your whole life is like looking at them but there’s is looking at you and it’s you’re seeing two totally different things which is very bizarre to me and yes I’ve been to several fish concerts Neil but never recently I want you all to know this see the Jet’s logo is ugly he right I want you to know this all Encompass his final thoughts so I want you to know hey no extra no extra time here okay taking me off the tracks with this this are you a philosopher Britney no yeah I had to correct I don’t think think we’re in a simulation no I don’t I’m not a weirdo oh we’re let’s not get into the Matrix questions no we can’t because I will literally we got a butter Jennifer up for that kind colors like we the same you know that’s all and cats are amazing want to put that out there because I saw it actually love I like all animals so I shouldn’t say that um do you not see a when when you see a floating Apparition do you not see ghosts walking on the floor because the spiritual plane is mere inches off our own we’re going way off track now see all right weird [ __ ] oh my God and Kevin cats Are Spiritual all you got to do is look into the Egyptians right oh that’s I mean I get it but I’d rather have a dog I think cats are I like both you got to earn the love and respected cats dogs that’s what I say to my wife hey that’s what I say to my wife all the time about my cat she why is he like that I’m like because you got to earn her love Yeah Neil anything to add before I end this hey Neil well after the after our show last week he got into a situation with a skunk that was not fun um but yeah he’s he’s he’s he’s a four-month old black lab who’s absolutely in insane how much does he weigh now he’s huge I’ll send you a picture he’s he’s he’s monster now um I actually think that he’d be be a better Right Guard on this team than Liam mikenberg already uh let’s go but uh my two food takes uh I I like the breakfast sandwich one and I do this here uh I do a scooped out everything bagel with scrapple and pepperj jack cheese that’s the first thing what’s the first one scrapple it’s like a hash it’s like a pork pork it’s very salty okay right scra I’ve never heard of it and then I scoop out the everything bagel because it makes me feel good but it’s good I’m a big I used to if you would asked me two years ago I I told you that there’s no chance you put pineapple on pizza but I told Reon this I want you the next time you order a pizza to try when he suggested this you do you do bacon jalapeno but you got to get real raw jalapeno you can’t get like that like jar [ __ ] andapp and the heat from the the heat from the jalapeno and the sweetness of the pineapple with the the crunchiness of the bacon top Pizza combination of all honestly pepperoni real jalapenos like you said and hot honey drizzled on top is phenomenal too reason yes wait too spicy for me uhuh nope careful you gota be careful with those jalapenos because some of them if they have a lot of seeds they will light your ass off it’s actually it’s the stem it’s the stem of jalapenos along with the seeds but it’s mostly the stem that brings the not the body so good so good it’s not the body it’s the stem that brings the heat not the body the interior St yeah yeah yeah yeah I my favorite breakfast sandwich is a heart attack so bacon yes fried egg cheese and then I put ketchup salt and pepper and butter both sides of the bagel I love that that sounds delicious a fast food je called Hardies that used to have it something called the heart attack was like really bacon sausage egg Che like it was yeah it was so much one of my old Works used to like the lunch lady when you could go buy stuff she would make a heart attack and that’s where I was like 18 when I learned what that was it’s fantastic yeah but I’m a mune cake so you know ketchup has to go up on that we all know that Dave Porto does that pizza review stuff right like and like a lot of it’s very subjective and he likes bar pizza like it’s clearly obvious he’s a barza guy yeah you gota have a type I’m like that with cold cuts though I love finding old Italian delies and I where’s the Gaba I need the Gaba I just want Mortadella I want the thin Morella Neil one day I went to the deli what’s Mortadella Mortadella is like fancy bacon that has like pistachios in it and it’s the best [ __ ] [ __ ] you can ever eat if you get it sliced super thin it can like literally just like melt in your fingers or your mouth and one day I went to Big Y which is our supermarket and I like looked at the deli woman who was like this older woman and I was like she she asked what thickness I want and I was like I want it shaved like I want to see through it white landel Lakes American cheese [ __ ] shaved and I want a [ __ ] however many pounds of Mortadella [ __ ] shaved and I looked at her like and she looked back at me like it was a and she [ __ ] accepted this challenge the exact way that I wanted everyone to for the past 25 whatever years I’ve ordered this and I came back and she was like it’s in the cooler waiting for you and I got home and that was so [ __ ] thin literally if I hel who would have known that Mortadella is all it takes to bring the F bombs back out from Jennifer sorry yeah it’s it’s literally all it takes you love the Mortadella that’s that’s for sure I love it I love it but yeah I’m on board with you I will go find you’re North Eastern you’re a Northeastern person like myself you know the chain the grocery train Wegman’s right yes yes so I sto I stopped shopping there because I didn’t know that it was from Buffalo and they sell Allen cereal and Josh Allen hot sauce and they had they had Buffalo Bill shirts and I and I take my grocery shopping really seriously like I I I go and Friday nights I usually go with a nice little buzz I got my headsets on and but I I I totally changed my grocery shopping uh plan because I won’t support that damn place because they they had Josh Allen cereal and Josh Allen hot sauce and it made me disgusting I’m fully on boarded with that at 100 billion perc but when that woman I I wanted to call blame her I no I want wanted to call and say look I don’t know what her name was but I need you I need to get her recognized because this woman took the challenge as seriously as I always wanted people to and she she freaking she nailed it like out kicked her coverage like amazing and she knew when she looked at me and said they’re over there in a little cooler she she knew she knew she killed Mortadella is an Italian style baln and sausage all right this Show’s off the rails we’re now talking about yeah see would you look at that would you you look at that it’s time this show I appreciate all of you for coming through go subscribe to sideline T to find out why the sky is blue and not green L and I appreciate all of you for coming through smash the like button subscribe if you’re new over 700 of you between both platforms we’ll see you on the next one Finn’s up bye take it easy everyone

On this episode of Dolphins After Dark, Reason is joined by Neal Driscoll as well as Brittney and Jennifer from the Sideline Tea Podcast to discuss their bold predictions and takes for Miami Dolphins training camp this year!

Is Bradley Chubb on track to be ready for the start of the regular season?

Who is under more pressure to perform this year? Mike McDaniel or Tua Tagovailoa?

They’ll discuss all of that plus much more on tonight’s episode!


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  1. why you even listen to women that never play or know anything about NFL football please girls cook,wash,clean the toiletsuberbowl and stay home making babes girl.

  2. Long Island NY here….Friendly's was huge by us….all closed now… The Jim Dandy and Banana split was the go-to for me!!!! Now live in Florida……none here near me at least

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