Detroit Pistons Free Agent Reactions Signing Tobias Harris & Malik Beasley

Detroit Pistons Free Agent Reactions Signing Tobias Harris & Malik Beasley

so one of the first signings that the Pistons made was to buy SS and I wanted to get kind of your reactions to the signing do you think this was a good value signing for the type of contract that they gave him over a two-year period I think it’s really hard to have a bad two-year contract um and so do I think that Tobias Harris is worth you know $3 million on the open market like probably not um but I do think the Pistons had a glut of cap space needed to use it on someone and I think Tobias is a fairly good candidate uh he really fits on the roster like we we talked about Wing depth right he obviously adds to that um he’s not like a primary ball handler but as like a a second side guy who can generate offense he’s averaged like he’s averaged 16 points a game at least for like the last like five or so years and so you expect to have like a nice scoring Baseline coming from the wing position which is something they didn’t really have last year um yeah and like it is only a two-year deal right like sure sure he’s overpaid but um I don’t think that like his contract is going to really really like deleterious to the Pistons like in the long term like it it it’s really like again it’s just really bad to have it’s really hard to have a bad uh two-year deal and he should still be a helpful player right I mean um he’s been a been a fairly consistent um fairly durable player this is something like James has pointed out a bunch or James Edwards the third at the athletic is poed out a bunch that like all of L A lot of langan’s Acquisitions like actually play and don’t get injured which uh which is nice um and yeah I just think he’ll be useful um yeah I I I I think the understand I think the frustration people see is like you know people saw the obviously struggled a lot in the playoffs over the years for the Sixers and that gives a big like negative impression of him to people but the the Pistons don’t need him to play perform in the playoffs they need to get to the playoffs he should help them do that yeah baby steps you guys baby steps yeah um we we’ll get there but I mean I thought for the contract I always said like between 15 to 25 I thought was kind of like the the range that he could possibly get I know I saw a lot of people on Twitter overreact saying oh like why did we go after a guy we already had which to your point at 16 and seven durable like I pulled up the numbers because it’s off season and I have way too much time on my hands we played 70 games last year and Joe Harris and Monte Morris combined played 22 and that was a bulk of your cap space last year man Joe Harris was here remember that yeah and like not that and like the they use the bul of their cap space on not even uh in Joe Harris and Monte Morris like guys that you hope could play uh Joe Harris in particular was just like so confusing to me because like I thought he I he looked pretty done um the last I’d seen him play um but like Tobias is not like oh I hope he can play Tobias is like oh like he can start right like we know we’re going to be able to rely on this guy for production and I think that’s really valuable for a team that had a lot of uncertainty coming into or you know going through last year yeah yeah I mean I I like the signing I I don’t think it’s a signing where you know I I know how Pistons slitter is I know how they overreact to like every little thing but I think it’s a good signing and you kind of need those bigger contracts if you want to attract some of those stars out there like 26 million and then you throw a 10 million and a five million there maybe you can you know possibly trade for a max player down the road you never really know yeah I do think that like a lot of it too is just like people feel like the opportunity cost of spending that money elsewhere is now gone Pistons only have it’s like 20 million in cap space right after the Beasley signing um it’s like oh well we got like we didn’t really we had 60 million in space and all we have to show forward is like Tobias Harris and it’s like that that I understand I understand like why on its face that’s kind of frustrating but like on the other hand like I don’t know if uh some of the other names that people were talking about like right like Brandon Ingram Zack LaVine like I think again like those are those are longer term commitments uh and this P this piston steam is still kind of rebuilding and I don’t know if you want to I don’t know if you know with a new head guy with the new head coach I don’t know if you want to make a long-term commitment to a br ining or or Zack LaVine um like and that’s like the best way to be moving forward with the team and so I like yeah just having a short deal like gives you flexibility uh this year next and it um and like again Tobias can still play and be consistent and be productive and uh and be healthy yeah I mean that I I think the the health part is actually like worth the contract because you last year you used to bul your cap space on guys that like you said Joe Harris was like on a really serious calf injury and it had like no lift whatsoever I mean um I might have more lift and I’m way out of shape and I haven’t played basketball in probably 10 years um and then the mon Morris thing was weird like he was healthy then he wasn’t healthy then they wouldn’t clear him then he was traded and I was like wow like that what a roller coaster but uh happy for him uh in Phoenix actually have a a point guard now so they might be able to do something at come play out time you never know but that was that was a really good signing by them I like that signing for for Phoenix yeah same here same here um I I did want to uh shift over to Malik Beasley and kind of the same question like what were your thoughts on the signing and were you surprised that the Pistons got him for under 10 million a year I was surprised the Pistons I’m I so my thing was like after the Tim Hardway Jr trade uh which I we’re like not doing it in order um I was surprised that the Pistons wanted another of this type of guy right like a heavy catch and shoot guy um playing like you know small shooting guard or small forward but uh not an amazing Defender um somebody who can be attacked defensively but like a really useful offensive utility piece um they’ve been rumored to be in like the Buddy heeled sweep Stakes obviously um I think the situation that buddy chose is a little bit better than Detroit um so I can see why they wanted and you can see why they want to put more spacing around Kade Cunningham and use that to be to figure out if he’s going to be somewhat someone you build everything around um for the next couple of years um was I surprised he got like less than 10 million like no not really um Beasley’s like B Beasley is a very one-dimensional player uh he was very helpful and useful for the uh bucks last year um but he also like he’s had stretches during his career in which he goes cold shooting from three and if he’s not making threes like there’s not really a lot he’s offering you um and so I understand why a one-dimensional piece and player like that like would not be very heavily valued um the other thing I’ll say is like not a lot of teams had cap space uh with with the new CBA with the new second apron thing like uh his talents I think are more suited to a contender right as just like a guy who comes in and you know what he does and he’s consistent with it and we’ve seen him play that role for uh quite a few continuing teams over the last couple of years um but so I think in him signing a very short a one-year deal that’s very very tradable I think it’s entirely possible that he’s like flipped at the deadline if he performs um and if he doesn’t then like it was just a one-year deal um he can get back he can go back on the market and the Pistons like don’t have to force themselves to him right it’s not like oh we handed this guy $15 million we we we got to play him it’s like no you know he can if he’s not if he’s not fulfilling his role like there are other directions the team has to go in so yeah I’m I’m a fan but I I like I like the move um I like Beasley as a piece I understand what he does it it was just it just uh surprised me when like I first saw the news I was kind of surprised because I I saw the hoopsy like uh report M it’s like yeah the Pistons want to you know Target Beasley but they also want to go in like a the the market for a trade to absorb cap space then like six hours later it’s like you get the uh Shams uh tweet I’m like oh okay so we’re getting him cool um I like I like him offensively to your point like he’s an elite three-point shooter he’s a sharpshooter uh the the one thing that is really weird about him and I don’t know if it’s like uh consistency thing like you look at his free throw numbers he’s either like 80% or 60% there’s no in between it it’s like the weirdest thing I just like he just like flips a coin one year okay I’m gonna be 80% three-point shooter I think he shot like 70ish uh last year with the bucks but to your point I think you could flip it because it’s only six million it’s a one-year rental if it works cool if it doesn’t it’s not like that big um I think it’s kind of telling too with Langan and you know Blackstone of just these one into you know twoyear deals like they’re not really committing long-term money on this roster which I think is smart because you don’t really know what you have yet

Today I was joined by Laz Jackson we talked about the Detroit Pistons free agency moves so far and what we thought on the deals.

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