Brandon Aiyuk Shares Team Practice Film with Buddy Jayden Daniels

Brandon Aiyuk Shares Team Practice Film with Buddy Jayden Daniels

Brandon auk is he just trying to stir up problems in these days now uh in the off season Idol hands do the devil’s work as they say Brandon iuk still waiting for that contract hanging out with his buddy Jaden Daniels with the commanders posting their commanders team practice film big no no Brandon auk in trouble now is his buddy in hot water all that more coming up on today’s locked on 49ers you are locked on 49ers your daily San Francisco 49ers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to lockon 49ers Brian peacock and Eric Crocker at BD peacock Croy 209 thanks everybody for making us your first listen on the locked on podcast Network your team every day we love our everydays we love it when you subscribe hit that subscribe button on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast today’s episode of lockdown 49ers brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more as playoffs wind down and the Sports Stop sporting like we want them to this summer FanDuel is hooking all customers up with a Bo a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit uh just that’s it nolock on just to get started all right Croc if you haven’t seen it for the folks out there if they have not seen it uh not much to look at but Brandon auk on Tik Tok he’s been going to social media this offseason and uh he had a feeling that Croc and I were going to do an episode and thought here you go guys here’s a little bit more content for your podcast uh to start the week and uh and by the way thanks everybody for jumping in live I see some folks already hitting it with us let us know what uh what you think of everything going on with the 49ers and and feel free to drop some questions in the YouTube comments as we’re live here on this Sunday evening recording this podcast for the Monday morning audio listeners and Brandon iuk Croc posts his buddies all he doesn’t it’s not so much about him giving away secrets on social media of of the tape that he posted but the fact that there’s a a player in the NFL on an opposing team watching your practice tape is where this starts to get real iffy so what it was a social media post uh I believe it was on Tik talk Josh Taylor at Josh Taylor football is is where I saw the the screen grab of it I don’t even know if it’s still up there I’m sure someone told iuk to pull that down immediately um so Brandon auk posts a a practice clip of Jaden Daniels and the Washington commanders and in the clip I’m looking at right now J Jaden Daniels in shotguns got split backs and uh looks like Austin Eckler and maybe Brian Robinson in the backfield could be interesting dual tailback uh offense happening you know some Clues there so teams are going to like just even that still screen grab of that video and the formation they’re they’re running in practice there um so KOC as a former player I want to hear what you think about you know friends sharing practice film who might be seeing what you know guys are tight you know that there’s practice film being watched and some guys just want pointers and they hey how did I do this how should I run this route or whatever you know but this is a quarterback in a wide receiver uh I know for sure though Croc that that Dan Quinn and Cliff kingsburry and Adam Peters and the Washington commanders are probably more upset than the 49ers brass is about this because it is a big no no to share practice tape like that is something that you are not supposed to be doing even with with your best buddies Croc so uh I’m thinking there could be potential fines here um and and you have to wonder what the motivation is for Brandon I to post something like this I think you have to wonder what the motivation is for Jaden Daniels to expose this film to Brandon aou you know the 49ers are the team that everybody’s chasing and you know whatever they’re doing you’re giving this guy access to things that you guys are doing behind his closed doors and and I think for a rookie quarterback definitely a big mistake but that is not something that you want to start off his tenure at the quarterback position uh really having an issue with so not not ideal for Jon Daniels but it can Contin to kind of be this weird scenario and dynamic between the 49ers and Brandon aayu you know like why is aayu posting this I did see something else where it looked like maybe auk is hanging out with jayen Daniels uh you know you see some of the trophies in the background that Jayden Daniels earned you know obviously a Heisman Trophy award and a couple other trophies uh that he received from playing this last season you know Stellar campaign format LSU but fortnite was trying to you know get this contract knocked out and I think now it’s starting to hit a kind of this stage and dynamic that makes it a little bit more a big different a lot different than what we saw with Debo Samuel Debo got he was tripping a little bit he was a little disgruntled remov some stuff off of social media but that was it auk and hey auk however you feel you got to get your money man whatever but it’s almost like he’s going on this this press run to show how upset he is we talked about last week’s with him going on the pivot he called the pivot pivot they said it multiple times on there like you know you you called us like you know what did you want to get off of your chest right so clearly he’s trying to get this message out to the 49ers whether it’s through the pivot whether it’s through posting a still clip of Washington Commander film what exactly that is and is that going to help him get money I mean I guess that remains to be seen but it’s definitely a play that I thought was frustrated but it is starting to trim more towards being a little disgruntled at this point in off Seas or maybe he’s just bored in the offseason like the rest of us to me him him posting the so like so there there’s there’s a lot of questions I have one is is it to the point where Brandon IU’s like hey man it’d be cool to play with you teach me your offense you know what I mean like can’t do nothing about it even if that is the case what can you you can’t do anything about they have you on your fifth year option they’ll probably tag you if you’re if they’re there past this fifth year like you you can’t do you can’t force anything the 49ers have you right now by the kones right like they just they’re holding you and and whatever they feel like doing they’ll do this is not I don’t think it’s Gonna Change like oh he really wants to go to Commander we don’t care because even if we do decide let’s say hypothetically speaking tomorrow 49ers are like we want to trade Brandon aou they’re going to trade him to the best like whatever they’re getting back that’s best for them like we don’t care that I potentially wants to go play with his former college quarterback so yeah we’re just gonna ship you to Washington hell no hey if they offer the best then yeah but like you doing all this that’s not gonna make us trade you any faster especially to the Washington commanders I totally agree and so then it becomes theater and then it becomes okay maybe and it becomes an IQ test in in some ways because it’s like all right Brandon like you’re having fun with it maybe and maybe you do want to be traded to the Washington commanders but now you’re getting your buddy in trouble because you have to know this is a big no no so now you’re actually making things harder on yourself harder on your friend by posting this potentially fines involved like uh if if let’s say Brandon I you can ends up signing in free agency in two years or maybe even next offseason who knows with the Washington commanders then the Niners is going to for sure be like okay what what about tampering you know so there there’s like a lot of things that could go into this uh from kind of an innocuous post and maybe he didn’t think think it through with what actually could happen and I would imagine potentially Jon Daniel’s getting in more trouble than Brandon auk because of this because that’s a big no no and you cannot be sharing your team’s film with other players and so clearly at least Brandon iuk had a glimpse over the shoulder of Jon Daniels and who knows maybe a lot more peeps at the Washington Commander practice tape and um and I’m sure it happens around the league but putting it out there on social uh just questionable motives there and and uh you gota you gotta wonder what Brandon I’s thinking doing that I know these these guys this new era this new generation they are a little different they do things a little differently but me growing up it was more so the women the girls that react emotionally to things like with men it’s kind of like it is what it is we’ll go about it how we got to go about grown man business right but like with women it’s subliminal things it’s doing this to get back at their ex right like all these little uh things to try to get under people’s skin and I’m not calling Brandon auk a woman all right like at all I ain’t saying that but I would say that the way that he is going is very woman isque like you know what I’m saying like this is not typically how men handle handle business and and just the the the little subliminals and the things here and there and really more so reacting more emotionally uh I think that’s why it’s something that we we haven’t quite seen to this extent but again some of these kids like it could just be a different day and age uh DJ Dunham says I wonder what his agent is thinking now maybe his agent is telling him to do these things I I I would doubt it I would assume that his agent is like hang tight but there’s something where he just hang tight hang tight uh post the practice film like he just can’t help it DN near right now yeah he he can’t help himself I think is a is a big part of it so uh a little more on this we will we’ll move on and uh really sad news around the NFL uh a rookie hadn’t chance had a chance to even play in an NFL game yet passes away from a a car accident over the weekend and we will get into the chat about the San Francisco 49ers and NFL as well to finish up this episode of lockdown 49 ERS next today’s episode of lockon 49ers brought to you by FanDuel and I you know I love sports Croc loves sports we all love sports that’s why we’re here we love them so much we never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down and we get fewer games the sports aren’t quite sporting as much as we might want them to but FanDuel let you keep going whenever you want all summer long all you got to do is open the app and dream up bets anytime you’re in the mood this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers not just new customers either all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long at FanDuel all you got to do is head over to and start making the most of your summer again that is FanDuel official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball you need a c yeah but before we we get started I don’t want to I would hate to like question uh uh his manhood like I don’t want to do that I’m just saying the way he’s going about this right like I don’t want to challenge him as a man but the way he’s going about it is a little bit more from an emotional standpoint that we typically don’t see with men so I want to make sure I clarify that you’re just talking about a new age of athlete then when you grew up right yeah um Croc would how much film have you seen from teammates in your career is that something that you would ever like imagine is that something that you knew is like a straightup no no and like remember like you see it on Hard Knock right like the guy gets cut in training camp and like bring your playbook you know what I mean like this is not information we’re trying to share with people around the NFL and especially a disgruntled player which would be the type that might share more stuff than they would otherwise and would normally uh so is Jaden Daniels seeing 4 ERS practice tape are other players seeing 49ers practice tape too so it opens up a lot of questions there how much do you think this kind of goes on and do you think it’s even a big deal at all if if if players are seeing other teams practice tape I don’t think it I don’t think this goes on a whole lot and if it does it ain’t something that gets posted to social media right you know there might be a time where you know let’s say me and my guys in the offseason right you know we’re training we working out and they’re trying to show me something and it’s like look okay look how I did this on this play right and they might show a clip maybe just trying to show something that they did or whatever but that’s not something that really gets out ever you know it doesn’t get out now we have seen you know you go back to Dam Lor’s rookie year rookie mini camp the clip of him you know press pressing a guy out the line of scrimmage and you know that clip went viral and we’ve seen a lot of that right I Sho I wish I have got more of my Clips out maybe I’d had more opportunities at the NFL level but um when it’s a situation like this where it’s clearly there’s a guy dis scr I think it just raises so many more questions because now it’s like it truly is like what is the point of us seeing this like what message are you trying to send that’s the part you don’t see like buddies might man look how I did this you know and you might see that right like there’s a the symposiums or whatever these dline pass rush camps that you see all these guys go to and you have a bunch of guys and there might be a rep that they really like from uh from practice so they want to show that clip like like okay how I did this this is what we’re trying to do right like use as teach tape but just watching the guys like offense and what they’re doing and it might have been harmless and this the part where Jay is gonna have to learn right like he’s gonna learn from this he’s gonna get scolded it’s gonna be a little weird at first they’re gonna they’re going to talk to him about what you can and cannot do and stuff like that like you said earlier he might get slapped with a fine but maybe jayen Daniels was just like like an innocent in this where it’s just like hey man like you know I like how we did this concept like do you guys do anything like this or whatever and how like let me take let me sneak a picture in and show everybody like just to try to help with his leverage on his end and Daniel’s probably like hey bro what you doing yeah yeah could have been like uh I was like oh yeah we run something similar and he’s like all right let me bring it up and he’s like okay how do you guys read this out where you know he’s just trying to actually get better and asking questions about a guy who’s been in the league a little bit a veteran player you know and and so something that’s pretty innocent and I don’t think is a big deal just if this is an isolated thing uh but again like what could come about and and guys’s getting in trouble for it guys getting fine because remember the dador Lenor thing from his rookie uh his rookie uh and again this is it’s another like innocent rookie kind of innocent mistake thing and dador Lenor I think 2021 was his rookie year right in the in the OTAs when he posted that clip uh who was the wide receiver that he shut down by the way it was an undrafted guy a Austin uh like bigger wide receiver too right Austin something something Austin can’t remember his last name or his first name was Austin he he put hands on that guy I remember that I can see why he would want to post that clip but remember what happened and I don’t remember if BR or if um gador Lenor actually got in trouble or got fined or anything like that but what ended up happening is the league finded the 49ers and finded Kyle Shanahan personally so the ners got fined $100,000 and Kyle Shanahan got fined $50,000 not because they posted practice film but because you’re not supposed to put hands on guys in that portion of the off season it’s not supposed to be contact so the Niners actually got trouble for having too much contact in practices because of the clip that dador Lenor posted and I think it’s one of those things where the league knows it happens and it’s like look these are the rules and they don’t police it too hard but when you post it out there well now they’re like okay well now we’ve seen it now it’s out there now we have to find you so that was like an extra thing that that uh that gador Lor was probably not even thinking about at all that actually got his team in trouble and I I don’t remember if he actually got fined or if anything happened with him or if he had to take a little trip through the doghouse um because it took him a while to to get a a foothold in the in the 49ers defense you know beyond his rookie year so who knows what happened with that but again uh look I you don’t have to be an NFL player to know it’s a big no no to put anything public to share that practice all 22 film with anybody on other teams on social media it’s a big no no and they know that I don’t think Brandon n is thinking very clearly at the moment yeah really sad news in the NFL uh Croc with um a death to a a rookie football player hasn’t even had a chance to play in the NFL yet Minnesota Vikings rookie and former Oregon Duck Kyrie Jackson defensive back uh died in a in a car accident and according to the mar Maryland State Police statement there was there was was a triple fatal crash and there still investigating it and this happened in uh Upper Marboro and Kyrie Jackson 24 Anthony lton and Isaiah Hazel all in the same vehicle I believe Isaiah Hazel was the one driving Kyrie Jackson of the Minnesota Vikings the the rookie draft pick was um sitting in the front seat right riding shotgun in the in the car there and you know there’s High rates of speed uh shortly after 3:00 a.m. is when this accident happened uh there may have been alcohol involved and and I know a lot of people and I think I saw in the chat here are saying you know the the female that was driving the other vehicle now she did not lose her life it was just all of the uh all the guys in the same car as is uh is Kyrie Jackson and um there there was alcohol potentially involved I don’t think from what I’ve seen they said it was for sure her or so so you know and I hope the the the young men that were driving that car uh that lost their lives that they weren’t drinking as well obviously it’s something we talked about before drinking and driving is just really dumb um I know a lot of people said nothing good happens in the middle of the night you know nothing Goods H nothing good happens after midnight kind of thing I’ve had a lot of great times after midnight right um you can have a great time I’ve got a lot of great memories but you also got to be smart and um it’s just a really unfortunate incident and I don’t want to draw any conclusions about anybody that was you know because we don’t the in investigation’s ongoing but the bottom line is it’s just such a sad incident this football player lost his life before he had a chance to have a career yeah you know it’s really tough and you know seeing that news it really hit home for me you know I had a team in of mine a lot of you guys know you know my rookie year in the arena football league that was kind of how I got started Prof I was one of two starting rookies on our defense the other starting rookie was my guy Jerry Brown and middle of the Season Jerry Brown ended up getting picked up by the Indianapolis Colts so he went to the Colts and he uh you know eventually you know he played in his preseason games and everything they let him go Dallas Cowboys picked him up right away and I remember he you know he messaged me on Facebook and he’s like hey Croc you know IND na coaster asking me about you so you know whatever you’re doing just make sure you know keep doing your thing Bal out whatever and that was the last time I spoke to him uh because shortly after that he was involved in a fatal you know car crash and you know lost his life and you know got like stuck in the car car caught on fire his teammate which was like a defensive lineman that he was driving with uh you know he ended up like getting either suspended by the team or like kicked off and you know it was kind of like this this big thing uh during the 2012 season but you know it’s always tough when things like that happen because you know you could be going about your your night not not thinking anything too crazy and and and when we’re young you know and I I’ve been you know in this situation before too you do kind of stupid things and you hate for a lesson to have to be learned not even by them but by you know this woman driving I did see that there were several people in that car uh but they escape with very minimal uh you know injuries if any injuries at all but it it is a very tough situation and and three young men uh you know lost their lives and and I see all through social media Med you know some of the impact that those guys had you know those those other guys you know they were football players too I don’t think at the NFL though but they played at Florida State one played at like Maryland and uh you know these are guys that were you know you know Brothers they were you know kids to to to parents and and uh to to know that they’ll never you know get to you know their their family won’t be able to speak to them again it’s tough it’s tough another situation I lost some kids that I coach and School football and these guys you know going too fast they’re they’re with these girls and they fly off the the ramp and and they die you know and that that happened a couple years ago and you know that was a tough one as well you know not thinking that you know when you’re coaching these kids at any point like this is the last time I’ll ever speak to this kid and uh just a really tough and sad situation you know all the way around for for really everyone involved even you know the people in the the other car and uh you know I just you know send prayers as soon as I saw that I think I was outside mowing the line and I got that report but you know I I definitely made sure that I sent some prayers to you know the families of the victims and uh hopefully and I’m not saying that they had this opportunity but the NFL definitely provides you with a lot of different services and I I hope that people start to use those Services when I I went out you know I was a nobody bottom of the roster but you know when I went out with teammates man we had this uh the driver person pick us up and you know we went out they made sure everything was good they walk through first make sure it’s good as like you have like your security and all this is provided by the NFL and you know I hope that people take more advantage of those things because you know it’s just a extra line of protection that’s not to say again we don’t know what was going on there you know with these cars and whatnot but uh you know especially these guys at the NFL level or anyone man you use a uber uh my wife and I we were talking about having a date night and uh you know going to the the bay FC game the the Bay Area uh women’s soccer team we’re preparing to go on a week and she’s like hey our hotel is going to be uh you know a mile we can Uber to the game you know we can have some drinks or whatever Uber back to the hotel and and not have to drink and drive so uh use those resources man yeah don’t even take the car in the first place Uber out you got no choice to Uber back right yeah be smart on there folks not just for football players either for everybody out there be safe um next let’s get into the chat Croc what do you guys want to talk about uh I know some people you keep wanting to talk about Brandon iuk some people are sick and tired of hearing about Brandon iuk so we’ll get into the chat a little bit here uh as we are pre-training camp and of course some upcoming episodes previewing position by position training camp for the San Francisco 49ers let’s finish up this episode strong in the chat next this episode of lockdown 49ers brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience it’s the formula for winning championships it’s also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always want to find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because with eBay Motors you’re burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need 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player signs and he’s part of your franchise but uh don’t forget the fans stay with the 49ers when you go when you’re a player too uh they they root for the team they root for the team before you were there they’ll root for the team after you’re gone as much as they like you as a player for your team and so um it’s it’s a good lesson both sides right to sort of like well okay I got to get mine while I can but also it’s pretty easy to alienate fans as well uh and so you know and like Bosa do you remember what happened with Bosa as training camp was ending preseason was ending and he didn’t have a deal yet like there was like people saying oh well this team’s oh this team might be offering this where all the trade talks we were having about Nick right like oh maybe he will get traded The Season’s GNA start he hasn’t even signed yet and uh and then the got done like okay yeah Nick Po 97 same dude love this dude imagine him not being around you know so uh I I would I would preach some patience for Brandon iuk I would preach some patience for the fans out there I know it gets frustrating sometimes um and as Dr Steve Brule puts it is there 52 other players on the roster uh there is man but this is the story and uh and and more people want to talk about the story than than are tired of hearing about it but uh it it would be nice to have some other stories because I kind of made the joke at the beginning Croc like oh Brandon iuk knew we had to record tonight so we threw something on social media to get everybody stirred up again uh and uh and so yeah anyway um it is the off season so look we’re talking about Brandon iuk it’s the big story and uh we’ll probably have to keep talking about Brandon iuk and hopefully the next time we talk about Brandon iuk is because he signed a contract well in a few weeks we got training camp starting and guys reporting so we’ll have more to talk about today and and if anything if it continues to go how it has gone in the past Brenan a will not be signed you know in the in the next you know two three weeks so there will be a lot of discussions and if he continues these different Antics right posting clips of Washington commanders practice uh you know going on talk shows or or podcasts and you know expressing his perspective on the situation and how he feels personally those things will be getting discussed on lock on 49ers we will try to bring you other news of course but uh why would you not you know just kind of you know give our thoughts on it without having to try to get like too deep with it but you know it’s a it’s interesting just to kind of see where he is mentally and peacock and I bounce different things off of each other trying to figure out like what exactly is auk’s ing game with this is is he showing that he’s frustrated because he wants to get signed or is he showing that he’s frustrating and wants out right like and just trying to decide CER between just a disgruntled player or a frustrated player and all that so I think it’s just kind of fun conversation but definitely understandable how it could be a little tiring at times as well how about this angle Todd says I think auk is doing all the social media things because he’s loving the attention when the national media talks about the 49ers offense it’s always mcaffrey Debo KD Shanahan mentioned first and I think of a guy like Antonio Brown like as great of a player as Antonio Brown is we talked a lot about a lot more about him because he’s weirdo than because he’s he was such a great player so maybe this is just maybe this is genius PR tactics by by Brandon auk just getting his name out there he’s a more famous person now than he was to start the offseason Croc that is true a matter of fact he was a guy that we felt like it’s like does he even talk right like does Brandon a talk like we didn’t know he even talk until he started posting his jersey and being not being happy with some of the Targets in the Super Bowl and all that and and then now it’s like oh he does talk you know like that 5-year-old kid I don’t know if you guys have ever been around like a 5-year-old kid that maybe looks a little bit younger and you don’t think the kid talks like it’s like looks like he’s like two years old but the kid walking around then all of a sudden the kid starts talking to you and you’re like dang you speak very well too like dang I didn’t even know you knew how to talk like that’s BR auk right now where it’s like does this dude talk it’s like he just looks at you and blinks and then all of a sudden it’s like oh no he has a very big personality as we’re starting to find out tono fanga not a name we’ve brought up a lot coming off an injury what about comeback Player of the Year in 2024 for talo huanga I think the 49ers and I don’t know about comeback player of the year but he’s definitely a guy who the 49ers got to lean on to really be a big part of this defense you know the 49ers just got ranked the number two secondary on PFF and if you look at the corners I think you’re very confident with what they have in that group is it like these big- time Big Money guys no but there are guys that play well and play at a high level but also they’re not just stopping at the cornerbacks with you know VAR Ward and dor and Isaac yum or the rookie green man they are including the safeties in that and I think PFF is expecting a big gear out of taleno hu funga if he does have that Big Year I’m not sure about comeback player of the year but definitely a guy who if he is what he was a couple years ago when he when he was all pro that will be huge for the San Francisco 49ers if he’s come back player of the year he might not come back at all next year in 2025 because I don’t know is going to be able to spend topof the market safety money top ofth market corner money and domor Lor who we mentioned earlier charvarius Ward uh so uh there’s there’s other contracts out there besides Brock py next off season too and that’s if the bayuk thing gets figured out this year so um uh can they pay a guard right Aaron Banks is gonna be a free agent as well what a could be a very interesting offseason in 2025 if you’re mad at this hopefully we have a lot uh we have a hopefully we have a we have a higher number of subjects next off season right but it’s probably not a great sign I don’t know I guess it is an okay sign if you’re talking about signing a guy at this point in the offseason because that means it’s a big- Time piece that you’re trying to get into Camp right uh if you’re talking about if you’re not talking about a guy who’s a free agent then that means he’s probably gone so huanga might be gone who knows um who what what positions can the 49ers pay next year that’s be that’d be a good episode Croc I don’t think I have time to do it right now but we should probably rank upcoming free agents guys going into their walk year their contracts uh rank who the 49ers can least afford to lose in 2025 free agency I you know real quick I will touch on Aaron Banks and and that is a very interesting one you know is he a guy that the 499ers continue to bring back you know in that what number the offensive lineman especially interior lineman they’re starting to get paid a little bit more now and for a guy who is playing you know he’s playing well for the 49ers I don’t think he’s playing as well as L and Tomlinson like I think L and Tomlinson was valued a little bit more but at this stage and kind of the way things are trending there’s a scenario where if he hits the open market another team is like well yeah he wasn’t great but he played well for the 49ers hey we’ll throw you millions of dollars per year to come over here and we saw that with mlinci where mlinci it wasn’t like he was great for the 49ers but he was a you know a serviceable starter so he goes to Denver and they pay him like SE 60 something million guaranteed or whatever it is which we’re like damn like they paid mcglinch that much but that’s the go on market for a guy that just started for a team and Aaron Banks clearly has started for the 49ers by the way everybody make sure you subscribe on YouTube and uh Joe in the chat says just caught the end of the live show what’s up Croc and peacock what’s happening Joe appreciate you stopping in all you got to do though is hit that notification Bell the next time you can catch the beginning of the live show and not just the end of the live show too so uh we appreciate everybody that jumped into the live with us on Sunday evening it’s going to be in your audio podcast feeds first thing Monday morning uh we appreciate all of our everyday or out there make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and everywhere you listen to your podcast COC and I back tomorrow right here lock down 49ers

There may be a fine or two incoming after San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Brandon Aiyuk shared a TikTok of Washington Commanders practice tape while hanging out with his college friend and NFL quarterback Jayden Daniels.

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  1. Jayden is starting to act immature imo. I’m sure he shared the videos to BA. He needs to wise up asap. Giving me the late Haskins vibes in terms of his immaturity.

  2. As a Commanders fan, I’m over Aiyuk and I don’t want him on my team. I’m also disappointed in Jayden and I hope he can mature because this is the second time that he’s done something stupid this offseason (made bet with Malik Nabers public)

  3. I WAS all in for BA getting paid but he is acting like a petulant teenage girl . Maybe I was wrong, maybe we don’t need him. Maybe he is too immature to keep him on our team.

  4. Are we mad at him for speaking up, or are pleased with him for keeping his head down and grinding the last few years? Can’t be both……

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