Austin Slater Trade Reaction! Elly De La All-Star! Streaky Cincinnati Reds | CBox Stream 07-08-24

Austin Slater Trade Reaction! Elly De La All-Star! Streaky Cincinnati Reds | CBox Stream 07-08-24

e well well well well well here we go good morning good morning and good morning it’s a Monday morning a beautiful Monday morning here in Greater Cincinnati Ohio what was that graphic right up there Casey what was that did that say junk on it what is bull junk Casey mccollister our engineer producer bull what does that mean so BS is that another term for yeah it’s uh it’s what um Deion Sanders uses he does I didn’t know that did you know that Luke brenaman I didn’t know that did that’s what Dion says no sir he doesn’t cuss Dion no he doesn’t no he doesn’t he’s a man of God he uh he he does I mean now In the Heat of the battle maybe who knows right I mean Dean Smith was like that Roy Williams was like that former legendary basketball coaches do you think bob Knight cussed every now and again Bobby Knight yeah I think so probably here and there probably all right welcome to uh dialed in I’m Tom brenaman alongside my partner in crime Mr Luke brenaman and of course our producer Engineers as I mentioned Casey mccollister who is very fired up this weekend uh we come your way twice a week Mondays and Fridays 9:15 a you can find us uh on YouTube The Chatterbox Sports Page live many of you have joined us already hundreds if not thousands have jumped on we also broadcast we are we doing live on XX Elon mus SX that’s right we are we are all right we’re live there as well the Chatterbox Sports um address at is it at seox sports that’s right that’s what it is okay and uh we also post on the believe Network so you can download Us in podcast form we we suggest you do if you can’t join us live uh just search anywhere uh uh dialed in with Tom brenaman and you are dialed in all right now boys let’s go back to last Friday okay now I’m walking around town and Everywhere I Go everybody’s telling me how great the reds are they just swept the Yankees first time it’s happened since a 76 World Series and you know what both of those statements are true they did sweep the Yankees last week and yes it was a first time since 76 in the World Series now we fast forward 72 hours later and before I get into some of the numbers Casey I want to ask you because you were at the game yesterday with Jacob and Whisper and Jim who is a born and raised Detroit Tigers fan yes that’s right fired up about the Tigers sweep that’s right after the red swept the Yankees they come home and are swept by the Tigers a team that came here almost 10 games under 500 what was the mood like yesterday at GBP uh Tom it was not it was not a pretty sight um I think Jacob and I were just uh a little a little um a little down to say the least uh Jimmy you guys getting all tanked up yesterday on a Sunday afternoon Jacob and Jimmy were there very early uh I didn’t make it to the to the game until like the very bottom of the the first inning okay uh those two were there at the banks getting tanked up 9:30 something like that yeah something like that they were basically tailgating for a meaningless Detroit Tigers game but regardless uh Jacob was was pitiful uh on the other hand Jimmy um I’ve never seen him you wouldn’t have thought he was whispering Jimmy he was screaming Jim he was screaming Jimmy he was over the moon excited about his team scoo ball was shoving um I mean they were just killing the Reds basically and then they had done it all all weekend long and uh he was just eating it up he can’t he can’t wait to be on the show tomorrow or today on on uh Off the Bench coming up next the Reds scored a total now okay you know you hear me say this all the time okay and some people get all mad about it they’re like oh you know the bottom line I always say all the time it’s not how you hit often it’s when you hit it’s not who you play it’s when you play them okay the Reds had the same number of base hits in the Yankees series that they had in the tiger series they had 17 hits in a three- game series against the Yanks they had 17 hits in a three- game series against the Tigers the Yankees they scored double the number of runs they had eight runs total into three games against the Tigers The Unbelievable part is they struck out 30 nine times in three games they struck out almost as many times in the Yankee series but in this Detroit series they strike out 39 times they walk five times how’s that looking in terms of batting average on base percentage they are among the very worst in all of Major League Baseball and listen listen it’s not going to change okay now it might over the next seven days you’re playing the two worst teams in the National League but of course you the fourth worst team in the National League but the bottom line is unless you know they get some of these injured guys back and they’re not or if the guys they have now find some sort of magic Genie in a Bottle it ain’t getting better because they don’t have major league players starting on a daily basis in their Outfield which by the way LED them to making a deal last night where they bring in a veteran guy Austin Slater 31 years old from the Giants they trade away a left-handed arm and Alex Young Who sort of the Year hurt but young has had back-to-back really good years for the Giants two years ago for the Reds last year and a triple A he’s dealing this year but they don’t have him on the big league team but they bring in Slater who basically is the same as all the other guys they have he’s pretty good against left-handed pitching so that helps but he’s a fifth outfielder at best on a good team but that’s what they have full of outside of fry in their Outfield right now so anyway uh Colorado comes to town tonight first to four Reds are six games under 10 and a half behind Milwaukee talk more about that in a minute matter of fact let’s just get into it now because there’s some other things we can talk about Luke you and I driving in today Casey before the show three of us talking about this I I think we have reached a point with the Reds this season and you can tell me okay they rip off the next seven they beat Colorado uh and and the Marlins they go six- one 7-0 something like that okay there whatever under 500 going into the All-Star break they got some momentum do they really I mean if I would have said to you when the season began the redar starting Outfield would consist of guys like Benson although a lot of you were very excited about him tell the truth Benson Blake Dunn Stuart Fairchild Austin Slater if I would have told you at the beginning of the year that was going to be the Reds pretty much Outfield okay because that’s what it is now the over under would have been 6968 wins totally and if you actually look at it outside of the streakiness that the Reds seem to do on a week by week basis from just a record perspective they’re not in like a terrible spot no granted the national league and the in Major League Baseball in general has been bad when it comes to there’s a ton of these teams in the middle of the pack especially in that NL Wild Card race where it’s crazy to think that the reds are competing with about six different teams for a wild card spot and all the teams in the Wild Card spots right now probably outside of Atlanta just because of how good they are but the reds are also competing to not be a bottom three team in the National League so it’s really hard for a fans perspective because this sweep from the Tigers it just stings a little more and you wanted to be buyers at the deadline and you wanted to give yourself a second half of the Season that was filled with entertainment and guys returning from injuries and I think that this series sweep just really put all of that to a screeching stop and it’s a weird position for Red’s fans because I hate to say it and sometimes the truth hurts but I think they’re at a point now after this sweep that yeah they’ve have seven against two of the worst teams in the MLB whatever happens there I don’t think you necessarily look at it as life or death as you maybe could have looked at when you beat the top team in the American League three in in a row look they play great this year against the Dodgers the Yankees the Phillies I mean they’re red speak the the the the but you know let’s be honest when they played those teams they had a lot more guys that were playing then than are playing now yeah and they’re just not healthy they’re not a they’re not a playoff baseball team no you’re starting Blake Dunn will Benson Stuart Fairchild on a day-by-day basis I mean these are three guys that if you you know Trio that in an outfield grouping you are probably happy if there’s one hit between the three of them just looking at their numbers no doubt about it I hate to be a numbers guy but I’m slowly turning into one and if you keep watching this on a day-by-day basis the numbers aren’t changing if we Benson is hitting 180 he is going to get less than two hits every 10 at bats and that’s what happens so when everybody comes in and comes on the radio in the morning and says hey we’re surprised at the Midway Mark you can’t be surprised anymore that’s why you can’t buy and that’s why you got to stick what you got you know look I I admire the Reds for trying to go out and do something and and look this may turn out to be a good deal I mean because one thing Slater now some of you may know that name because early in the year when the Reds were out in San Francisco uh Slater went crashing into the wall uh trying to make a catch in one of the games that week um and injured his shoulder so he was out for a long time he’s just recently come back I mentioned he’s only played in about half the number of games that the Giants have played this year and look he he’s a he’s a major league guy he’s been in the big leagues for about six seven straight years now as a as an extra Outfield fifth guy but you know couple of years when he’s gotten a little more playing time he’s done pretty well he’s very good against left-handed pitching which we know has been a disaster for the Reds and Alex Young goes back to San Francisco where he had his best Major League season two years ago and he’s healthy again now a guy with a bad back I don’t know how long you can count on that but man left-handed guys that get people out don’t fall out of trees uh I guess the Reds feel like they like the guys they have there now but but here’s the bottom line I would not I would not read this would you as all of a sudden the reds are going to be buyers at the deadline no absolutely not and when I woke up and I think I heard it from you before I even saw it on my phone the Reds made a trade is the first thing I heard not for a fourth outfielder hitting a career 250 in Austin Slater I said whoa who did the Reds go buy because first of all who do they have to sell to buy anyone good they prove that they don’t but I person don’t hate this Slater move I don’t think it’s a buy at the deadline I think they could have done this before the season it’s just what happens when guys get injured and I mentioned this a couple weeks ago on the show they’re so young that like yeah inconsistency stinks and you’re surprised that you could sweep the Yankees and then get swept by the Tigers but the number one thing with young players is inconsistency so if you have a full team of young guys early on in their Major League careers you are going to be inconsistent so to bring in you know a 30 plus year old guy who’s been around the league he’s hit over 250 for his career just as a solid Defender he’s been around multiple club houses good baseball teams I really think it’s good for the group and their Futures but right now I mean none of them are playing that good of baseball to where it’s like hey bringing in some veteran isn’t going to make you hit or not hit some 200 anymore or have a negative War but got to do something right if we’re going to sit here and knock the front office and make all these complaints about injuries they did something they brought in another outfielder maybe he can rally the troops and the other thing that it does is let’s be honest about it I mean this guy goes from playing in uh one of the toughest hitters ballparks in all the Major League Baseball um out in San Francisco to the most hitter friendly ballpark in Major League Baseball so you know look he’s hit as many as 12 14 home runs whatever it is in a season you can probably tack on five six more if he plays regularly than that he only has one this year because of the injury but we’ll see uh by the way the rosters came out yesterday for the allstar game I tell you you know this really is where baseball is now in a lot of ways it’s very exciting in some other ways I’d be interested in hearing your guys opinion on this there was a time where um you had a laundry list of guys that were going to their sixth their seventh their eighth their nth their 10th All-Star game right and there are a couple of those guys this year Bryce Harper and there are some others but this year there are 33 33 first time all stars 19 of the all stars combined for both from both leagues are aged 2 seven or younger including of course the Red’s Ellie day La Cruz now one of the best stories is the former red Jeff Hoffman he’s 31 years old you know Colorado and in the Reds and he bounc around he lands in Philadelphia and has become an outstanding relever with the Phillies he goes to his first ever All-Star Game the Reds let him lead at the end of the the 2022 season and he had a good year uh but here’s the thing if baseball is trying to get and I’m curious from both of you guys because you’re younger guys Luke I’ll start with you is it good to have all these guys that a lot of people have never heard of is it good to have those guys or are you going to draw eyeballs if you have more guys that people are familiar with cuz this is going to be a a bunch of guys that as they walk up to the plate now I’m not talking about the hardcore fan but as they walk up to the plate most of the people who even lightly follow baseball or even more than lightly they’re not going to know who over half or three quarters of these guys are yeah but at the end of the day I think baseball’s in a transition of they’re entering a new era and it’s it’s hard to see but I think it’s pretty true I mean I’m not going to go as far as saying guys like Paul gold Schmid Nolan Aron Chris Bryant Anthony Rizzo I mean those were that was the core when it comes to power hitting third baseman first I mean I’m left out a bunch of names right but all four of those guys I just mentioned are being outplayed by the now Allstars so if that’s the case they got to be Allstars I I always hate the idea of saying hey an All-Star game is a big game for us we need like as a organization of Major League Baseball we need to put the guys out there that are going to draw USS and clicks and from a business perspective it absolutely makes sense but at the end of the day if you deserve to be an All-Star you should be an Allstar the voting can absolutely corrupt it a little bit when it comes to the starters but for the most part I do give MLB fans credit they vote pretty well they get some of the guys that I mean Arizona Diamondback C tell Marte at second base he was voted in as the starter because he’s having an insane year that’s a smaller Market compared to you know another Dodger getting put in Philly and that’s to another yeah another Philly but I think when it comes to the allar game it’s a new generation it’s good to see the young guys but with the MLB there’s such a drop off between all those guys up there hitting like 320 having record-breaking years and then I feel like the Casual in the MLB used to be a 250 to 260 hitter and now it’s a 220 hitter that’s right so that big drop off does make those discrepancies really pop out cuz you got to give the nods to the Luis arise who may just be a single double type of hitter but he’s hitting 320 well I mean he got could hit that’s what I’m saying he can really hit but you might not know who he is compared to someone who’s hitting 225 but they have 30 home runs it’s a weird game right now in Major League Baseball I’ll watch the allstar game I really will well not many people are watching it I mean that we know the World Series numbers have gone down every single year uh they had a slight uptick from the year before last year but I mean in terms of historically uh the numbers uh for the allstar game and the World Series are just awful um I wonder Casey I mean you really are I mean are a great guy I think to ask this question in hear your perspective because you admittedly are a guy who really just sort of came to baseball two years ago you decided before last season that I’m going to start investing and watching and I mean you go to a lot of games yep you spend your money to go to the games you watch them on television I’m curious do all of these now young guys get you excited to want to watch the All-Star Game or would you rather see the Bryce Harpers Etc mookie bets of the world well I that’s a good question Tom I think in general Allstar um Pro Bowl the the NBA All-Star games they’re all sort of like becoming irrelevant now I think it’s not necessarily who’s in it but just the game itself people don’t like it because of the injury perspective of it um the the level of play that’s actually on the field right they’re not trying their hardest it’s kind of why the NBA Allstar stuff has kind of died down it’s just it’s a joke right the games are a joke now with baseball I think it’s probably the most competitive out of all the ones out there without a doubt yeah the NBA thing is we’ll get into that another time I even the the greats of the past say it’s it’s it’s a joke but that being said like I a lot like what Luke said it is becoming a new generation right I uh want to see the best players play I want to see who those people are now you can could have a debate whether that’s the the mookies of the world or if it’s some of the newer guys but to be fair like Ellie De La Cruz who’s not hitting uh I think he’s like hitting like 250 or something like that no maybe not even that he’s the six best player on the allstar roster I’m pretty sure in terms of War wins above above replacement so I mean like people that don’t necessarily watch the reds or follow the reds or you know keep track of all the big names around the league will know Ellie because of this game now so I in one way I’m I’m happy that new faces are coming in happy that it’s becoming a little younger we’re starting to get to that new generation so then I can learn those guys yeah that’s right um but at the same time I kind of understand why people want to see the old faces too I mean it’s it’s a popularity contest and and the viewership already is declining so you need the viewer perspective from in terms of what the MLB needs they need those faces but maybe it’s time to move on yeah see they don’t have and and this is where guys like Elly De La Cruz are so extraordinarily important to the future of this sport I mean you know the things he does on the field you know we see him and you know you see him every day because it’s Cincinnati but you know the guy goes to New York and they want to shoot a bunch of commercials and stuff when he comes into town they bring him in fastest man on Earth all I mean baseball is hanging its hat on guys like Kim okuna who’s out for the year these are the guys that they are hanging their hat on being the future of the game they’ve got to be great players for this game to have any chance but let’s get back to deight Cruz for a second I think it’s great for the town I think it’s great for the franchise and it’s great for him that he’s in the All-Star Game there’s no doubt at least in my opinion that that every team should be represented in the All-Star Game yeah I know that’s been going around the chat the last couple minutes but that’s a that’s a hot debate topic everywhere around this time you know how are some of these guys Allstars they only are getting an All-Star because it’s their one Allstar right but at the end of the day everyone should be represented in the game if you think of any All-Star game if you take a high school conference All-Star game they’re going to take the a best guy from every team and start there just for representation purposes it’s good the allstar game isn’t competitive and there’s no advantage to it anymore like there used to be where you’d get wasn’t it game seven of the World Series well you get HomeField Advantage for the World Series that’s what I’m saying so when there was that perk it’s like these guys are going out there grinding because majority of the allstars are coming from teams that are in the hunt to win a pennant or the World Series so with the game not necessarily meaning anything outside of an entertainment purpose it makes total sense that everone should be represented and to your point about that gunar Henderson is absolutely in that conversation of young players in the MLB I think adley Rutman and both of them are Allstar starters so it’s going to be good for exposure purposes that they get to play Bobby Wht Jr as it’s pointed out by Shawn Conor in the chat guy like that a lot of people don’t get to see proar is having an unreal year nobody knows who he is um and he’s playing in a pretty big Market too I mean they sell out every game in San Diego is another topic but other than that um I think this allar game is not going to be bad the teams look really good I think the only of weird spots are obviously three Phillies in the NL I don’t love that they deserve it probably I didn’t really look into that shortstop race too much but Harper boom’s having an unbelievable year he’s a young guy in the MLB so the future looks bright I don’t think anyone’s like oh the MLB has no young talent coming up it’s just when you get into a phase where the young Talent is dominating something like this you’re like who are these guys but at the end of the day they’re the best players in Major League Baseball right now ever you make a great Point here this is something we’ve really never gotten into on the show about Major League Baseball they got a great group of young Stars uh and it’s actually up to them to actually highlight these young Stars unlike Mike Trout In fairness to Major League Baseball Major League Baseball approached Mike Trout multiple times about basically becoming the face of Major League Baseball PR campaigns a whole nine yards trout he said that’s not my deal I don’t want to do it you know the NFL guys do it they line up from here to next week to do it Were you invited to the White Party by the way uh no I don’t I I lost my invitation that’s why I’m wearing all black because I didn’t get my invitation I’m kind of in protest about it uh but no I did not go to the white party a lot of great characters there though a lot of great characters uh Jamar was there Jamar burrow was there burrow Livy Dunn was there Livy Dunn yeah justar in a great commercial but I know a lot of people like talking about how attractive she is and a popular but she she is was she a cheerleader or something that’s how she’s famous was she a gymnast Super Famous gy I understand that but I’m saying I had never seen this commercial till yesterday and when she’s doing all I think it’s for uh one of the uh Fitness uh clothing aloe orori viori right right right and she’s doing all these flips and stuff on the beach I’m like wow I didn’t anyway back to the white party Were you invited to the white party you lose your invit you’re the kind of guy that would love the white party you like being a dri don’t casy am I right I I see it Tom he’s just he’s just being modest right now you win you are a white party kind of guy all right this is a funny little story I got invited to um the Midwest Indiana University style of white party at my fraternity formal date party whatever and I screwed it up so bad that I went to H&M I’m like oh I can get these white you went with a date to this thing right right but okay it was all the theme was like white white party kind of like that style you know us just trying to be like the East Coast riches you know absolutely not but anyway I go to H&M I’m like oh they got these white pants for 20 bucks like I’m balling on a budget I’m going to look good so I get a white linen shirt get the white pants and I think I looked good first guy I see is my buddy on the steps of our fraternity house and he’s like dude you got two different whites on and I looked in the mirror again in different lighting and it was like one of them was darker and the other one was kind of light and see through and it was just an awful look so I already failed at the white party um I hear that the biggest ballers in Cincinnati are having what they call a gray party at the Little Miami River coming up gray so uh the what the gray party the gray party so you wear gray it’s just like the Little Miami River it’s like a white party they’re in the Hampton mon gr Tom it’s fancy who’s having this party I’m just saying I’m foreshadowing it I think I think it’s going to assist to some big names in the city that’d be big Lan Wilson would probably come to something like that right along the little I’m sure Mar bman would find his way in there Mar Brenan he would definitely sneak in there he would definitely he would have to sneak in he would be the red carpet rolled out oh yeah then no but if Paparazzi can’t have a red carpet a gray carpet gray carpet right white out but you are the kind of guy who would love the white all white there Casey knows it I know it our audience knows it every knows that stupidest thing too um okay I want to shift gears for a minute because Casey you said something before the show today and look I know at the end of the day people want me to sit up here and start burying the Reds uh it’s just not going to happen because they don’t have the horses uh we will get into as we get closer to the trade deadline Brandon Met the GM Nick they’ve already said we’re not going to trade the core whatever the core is I mean I got to be honest with you uh it’d be easy to sit there and rip them off on your hand but half of them can’t play because they’re hurt uh another one didn’t play 80 games because he was suspended uh other ones uh before they got hurt were were playing terribly this is what we talked about during the off season I talked about this religiously and I’m not patting myself on the back here my dad and I on the show here have talked about this there is very much a thing known as a sophomore slump there there is in baseball it just seems to be more so in baseball I don’t know why than other sports and you say it’s all nonsense and okay fine but you know we thought incarna strand was going to be this okay he was hting a buck 80 before he got hurt now maybe he was hitting a buck 80 because he was hurt mlan we haven’t seen him uh Ellie’s going to the all-star game but he’s a 240 batter he’s doing other things his war and so forth six best in the league as Casey mention so no complaints with him Marte it’s not been a good 10- game Run I mean it has not been good at the plate or in the field another critical error yesterday five errors in his last eight games led to three un earn runs against Alexis diet now he didn’t throw the pitch to the next batter and gave up a home run but you know fredel hurt all the time um fry God bless him you know he’s got the the child that had cancer and treatments during the offseason he’s just left the team for a while our thoughts and prayers are all with them naturally uh the core pitchers are the ones that have been outstanding Abid has been phenomenal hunter green has just been I mean he’s really been good he’ll aggravate you from time of time with a 100 pitches in four Innings like two starts ago uh but he has been unbelievable ldo can never get him on the field uh he would have gone to the All-Star Game this year by the way the Reds would have had two players in the All-Star game um Alexis Diaz after a slow start has been fantastic um you know so look there are some good things about the Reds but offensively they’re just too challenged not enough studs so I want to shift gears and I don’t know how many people are really into I mean really I think maybe they have their 20 something thousand hardcore fans and and then everybody else is sort of on the sidelines just watching and that would be FC Cincinnati but I tell you Casey and you’re the guy FC what they’re building down there I mean it’s it’s a it’s a budding Juggernaut down there right I agree Tom it’s it’s fascinating to me that uh it gets so much hate um at least from our demographic I mean it’s one of the best uh sports teams here in Cincinnati they are young upand coming and right now they are leading MLS once again first in all of MLS at top of the table they demolished in Miami say what you will about Suarez and and Messi not being there those guys don’t play defense and boy FC just demolished six to one demolished them that’s a total tail kicking in soccer absolutely I mean regardless of if those two were there they were struggling keeping possession the entire game like they they would have no chances on offense based off how they performed just this last uh Saturday I mean it was uh like I said a tail kicking congrats to Pat nton for figuring that out myy I mean the dude came out with this lineup and I was like man why is Kubo up front what why we got such a small lineup out there well we decided that we were just going to run past those guys we were going to just be the the the team that just a lot like Miami Dolphins how they are just a track team they just run around everywhere that’s basically what our front was and it just killed them they had no answers to it they don’t have the the depth and the roster pieces to defend something like that aosta was just everywhere uh Oro was just phenomenal Kubo is Kubo he can play anywhere and be decent for you and man it was just lights out I mean it was um Relentless I mean they had a mission and they passed with flying flying colors congrats to Pat nton and the boys are getting the first place I hope that this continues on further they’re going to end up going to uh leagues cup here soon um they take a break from M why do you have to ruin my en enthusiasm with this total nonsense of the sport but it’s a it’s a turn it’s an in I know but it’s such nonsense it takes away the fandom it takes away the momentum uh it’s a joke it’s a total joke but back to FC you said something to me and as you know I have always been even before I found out he was a neighbor of mine I have always been a pat Nan guy from the very beginning because I loved his press conferences yep when his team team plays good he has nice things to say when they don’t play well he has not nice things to say and I like hearing it and there is something about this guy your idea which I think is the best idea I have heard from you in all the years now we’ve been working together is what well I I I think that there’s a legitimate chance that US Men’s National Team takes a look at Pat Nunan as a potential replacement for their head coaching position I it’s it makes a lot of sense to where you look at his resume he used to be a former player for the US Men’s National Team yes he was he was an assistant coach for the US Men’s National Team that’s right so he’s got some history there he’s one of the best MLS coaches one of the best homegrown talents here in America uh I know that that position could be looked at on a global scale of course it could it could be it could be any any phenomenal you hire a guy from Germany to run the team but the fact that Pat Nunan right now holds the number one spot in MLS he’s taken a team from the bottom the very bottom of the barrel and took them all the way to the top develop these guys he’s developed young Talent time and time again he’s got a proven track record for doing so I think it makes a lot of sense for him to be the next head coach for the US Men’s National Team now I’d hate that for me being being an FC fan but it makes a whole lot of sense for the team to do so what do you think about that luky you know what I’ll say is I don’t follow FCC very much but I know one consistent thing that we talk about here when it comes to the Reds is if you’re a small Market team it all starts in the front office how are you going to get players here for cheap make things work and you have to play your way to the top that’s how it works and in October of 2021 FC Cincinnati brought and a new general manager in 2021 FCC won four matches lost 22 and had a negative 37 goal differential since then they have had a plus go differential every year and one had the best record in 2023 in the MLS they currently have the best record right now and that was since hiring Chris Albright in 2021 so if you’re going to give Newton credit you obviously they all deserve credit over there because nothing’s going bad unlike the baseball team town but they they absolutely deserve credit at every single level of there because I as a guy who doesn’t even follow the soccer team got worried when they lost Brandon Vasquez and I was like oh we had a good run here but of course someone went and nabbed our best player who’s on the national team but the way they’ve continued to improve Year bye has been great for the city yeah the one other thing too I see a lot of people that are like oh no don’t do that they’re the FC fans here are they saying no don’t I’m curious we we’re talking about the chat now I’m curious are they saying no don’t do that because Nan would leave kind of like you said as as an FC fan or no no no no he won’t get consideration for such a job well the like I said it’s a global it’s a global consideration and there’s there are MLS coaches like probably the Columbus Crew head coach I can’t remember what his name is right now yeah but he’s got his style of play and he right yeah like he would probably be up there before Pat Nunan now I let me uh me clarify this take because if Pat Nunan doesn’t win the MLS Cup this year I maybe even if he wins MLS League this or the the league uh the the porter Shield if he wins League um he would probably still get consideration but if he wins the whole thing if he wins the championship there’s no no reason why he shouldn’t get looked at to be honest with you I just tell you I mean he to me is everything and and look I don’t follow it closely enough to to know all of the potential candidates and Casey brings up a great point it is an international potentially International higher the the the women’s team the men’s team they’ve had people who are from some other country be the head coach of the US national team okay so that has happened before and could very well happen again but I always say to myself it’s kind of like what the Atlanta Braves used to do in baseball if you’ve got two really good C I mean really good candidates let’s say Nan’s one and somebody from Germany is the other okay and maybe the guy from Germany is a little more experienced maybe the guy from Germany has more on his quote unquote resume but you know at the end of the day they’re both damn good coaches I’m taking the guy from the United States I think you’d be a a crowd pleaser as well yeah I mean I’m taking the guy from the United States um because get back to the Braves analogy the Braves would do this kind of thing with players who are from their area they look at a guy from Texas and they look at a guy from Georgia and they’d say okay well you know what with the third round the fifth round the seventh round the ninth round pick in the draft okay if the guy from Texas is the same as a guy from Georgia I have a feeling the guy from Georgia would have just a little more to play for the Braves just a little bit more and they hit the lottery on count times doing stuff like that now I’m sure there are other American coaches that are more qualified but I think newon I think that’s a phenomenal idea I I think is because it’s a mess it is an absolute mess the women compete they’ve won more than they’ve lost on the international stage and that might be coming to an end now too and they don’t represent themselves most of them very well over there either with the national anthem stuff and I mean it’s disgusting it’s despicable but but the men team I mean to think that our men in anything any sport I say this all the time for the United States to not be among the very best in everything is insanity we have more than everybody else we have better than everybody else our facilities are better than everybody else our United States men’s soccer team program should be in the top four or five in the world and we can’t even qualify for some thing they’re playing right now Copa America right yeah it’s not good it’s not good getting bounced in the in the the group stage no and I’ll tell you this too even if he’s not successful he’ll hold that team accountable and he’ll say the right things when it comes to the interviews he won’t give you some bull crap he won’t give you some bull junk he’ll say how it truly is and he’ll tell you what what’s going on and get those guys in the best order that he can um regardless of what talent he’s given so the other thing too that I would say is maybe like a little cherry on top is the fact that if you are a national team fan if you’re a USA national men’s team fan you would like the idea of maybe aosta joining him on those trips aosta has been talking about potentially joining US Men’s National Team hasn’t made the jump yet for it Pat Newton’s the coach there if he’s the manager there oh well there’s no doubt about that I think I think for sure you get a look all right uh Reds and the Rockies uh tonight uh first of four then the Marlins in for a three- game series before the allstar break the All-Star game is a week from Tuesday night uh the guys ready for Off the Bench that’s right give them the lineup because now we made some changes here Casey the lineup on Off the Bench coming up here in a matter of a minute yeah we’ve got myself producing the show of course we got Jacob and Elliot on my left yes sitting on those couches over there and then on my right is going to be Jimmy Jim fired up Jim fired up Jimmy and then our host Justin Kenner um who just recently joined us will be hosting the show so that is coming up any other uh any other news and notes I need to be made aware of programming notes I don’t think so Tom okay okay uh Luke I have a final thought final thought make it quick Reds fans as you had in the All-Star break think about this to hold on to a little optimism look at the Pittsburgh Pirates they have the best young pitching core in baseball with Jones Keller and obviously skem all of those guys have been healthy and they’ve pitched well and great O’Neal Cruz very comparable to Ellie a insane young Talent at Short Short Stop who can run and can hit for power they’re very similar to us they have the same amount of wins they’re a half game better because they haven’t played as many games as the Reds the Reds have been completely beat up this entire year I don’t think getting swept by the T it stinks coming off the Yankee sweep but I don’t think you can be too pessimistic the injuries have killed this baseball team and I really do think this young core can work out if they’re ever healthy together it’s all about hope your guy Obama hope and change that’s Luke that’s Luke he’s all about hope I love it he’s giving Red’s fans hope rolling into the final games before the allstar break gentlemen thank you well done quit quit chuckling over there Luke just having a little fun all right uh thanks so much for being with us we’re back on Friday 9:15 we’ll talk about this series with Colorado uh and we’ll see what else is going on we’re going to start doing some NFL stuff here soon training camps are opening up very very soon uh Luke and I decided we’re going to do like a preview not only of the divion but the the teams that are on the Bengal schedule rather than a League wide I don’t know how many care about New England I don’t think they do right but in terms of teams that are on the the Bengals schedule this year we’ll look at some of them outside of their division all right everybody have a great day off the bench is coming up right now enjoy your Monday e e e e e e e e e e e e the Browns they’re putrid they’re the worst team in the NFL the season the 2024 season is over Lamar Jackson can’t win the playoffs he’ll WI a third MVP though so that’s great Drew sample is the most important piece of the Bengals offense next year go Joe burrow he deserves to be MVP I wish he was the Browns quarterback kind of mean that if you’re looking for the most reactionary silly and unserious show on the internet then you’re home live from Hamilton Ohio it’s Off the Bench by chatar box sports on 1410 ESPN Radio Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers welcome in happy Monday we are off and rolling this week and uh well the plan for today’s show a lot of Cincinnati Reds there’s a lot of chatter here on chatter box sports about those Cincinnati Reds of course good morning and welcome in I’m Justin Kenner we got the full round table of guys here ready to hit the ground running here on this Monday morning we’ll start with Casey Casey good morning welcome good morning good morning look at you black polo that’s right has been complimenting your attire today by the way yeah I uh I’ve been getting a lot of compliments I’m wearing all black I don’t know if anyone can see that uh slimming yeah yeah I’m wearing it in protest I didn’t get my white out invitation oh Michael ruin didn’t get you got lost in the mail yeah I I where’s my invite I think you have to sell your soul to go to that party so oh wow so Joe burrow sold his soul you never know I’m surprised he got I’m surprised Joe burrow got his invite to that because you know he hasn’t played and people forget about him or whatever he was crying about or whatever you were talking about before I don’t know I don’t know but uh but yeah but you look great you look great and this is your second show of the day so you’re loosened up you’re loed up you’re ready to go so there you go now the guy that is keeping me honest the guy that is continuing to stick to the T-shirt plan I like that because now I walked in I saw everyone we in a polo and I’m like well damn I was like I I need to break out I only have a couple polos that fit that’s my problem I got to space them out throughout the week but t-shirt wearing ellot wearing everybody T-shirt wearing Elliot thank you yeah it’s a beautiful day and and I do have polos but you know at this point uh I’m too far gone I’m just going to keep wearing the t-shirts the dark colored t-shirts and and we’ll just keep rolling with that I don’t think anybody gets offended by it that’s the good news uh the bad news is you do look like a little bit of a bum and that’s okay and that’s and that’s the crossy that’s the crosy bear uh but it’s a beautiful day it’s what day is it the 8th of July and listen the last weekend the the past couple days they didn’t exist they didn’t happen you want to know you want to know how excited I was for today’s show that I sent you guys the outline for today’s show like Friday afternoon like three days in advance and I’m not going to lie to you the show had a much different vibe and feel on Friday afternoon very excited for I couldn’t wait for today and I woke up today like do I get PTO days at Chatterbox I’m not really sure how this works to be honest with you but uh yeah so uh Jacob tissit how are you this morning I could be better I could be better but it’s all right I’m sure the Reds will sweep and then get swept again so it’ll be the roller coaster I signed up for that’s I think we’re going to talk a little Reds today now I think I think I’ve introduced everyone right have we introduced everyone we’re good I think we’re good we’re good right we’re good however before I do introduce this next guy this guy and I’m setting this up for Elliot I don’t know if you saw his little tweet I mean he just he was Mr hot take over the weekend which tweet oh which tweet that’s a good question let’s take a look at the Tweet let’s take a look at the at the trash talk everybody take a look look at this Nolan easy easy sweep easy we love it red stink Jimmy’s Absol tank stink I mean he he is tanked those cheeks are as red as cheeks have ever been I mean he hat backwards two buttons on the top of that Jersey you’ve already gone I mean he he’s tank up but he said easy um what was was this what I do have a question were you stirring the pot or were you was that a supposed to be a sweeping motion uh Jimmy everybody uh what what the hell was that what was that hand motion you were doing it was supposed to be sweeping motion oh it wasn’t he it was stiring the pot it was stiring the pot though that’s what I it didn’t translate stirring the pot also look at again stiring the pot look at that sweet I don’t know it I’m being nice someone else it look it could I mean we could you know trying to start the car and it’s just not working flashbacks to the memori all this Trace calm down we’re all good we’re all good uh but no with that being said yes so Jimmy was you know he’s very quiet I come in today and oh yeah he’s he’s dressed up he had a smile on his face I thought on Monday morning everyone’s usually kind of just easing into the week not him not Jimmy Jimmy is a Tigers fan and he’s feeling himself and he’s feeling his Tigers after the disaster that we saw at Great American Ballpark over the weekend oh yeah I had probably the best weekend I’ve had in a long time I went I went to go see my family uh Wednesday night Thursday Friday Saturday came back very excited for for the game on Sunday but my pre-plan was oh I’m going to come back and get ready for the game Sunday but we will have already lost the first two because I didn’t like the matchups there and hopefully we’ll Salvage one on Sunday with school ball on the mound I was wrong we won both so I was very happy going into yesterday because we had already won the series that Elliot told me that the L the loser organization that was the Tigers was going to lose and it looks like the winning organization that is the Tigers swapped the Reds and it was it was a wonderful weekend I got my I got a new birthday Polo uh new Tigers po happy birthday Jim wearing it today um went downtown with some of these guys yesterday for the game had a great time uh Elliot decided not to go because he doesn’t didn’t like the way that the Reds were playing so hold on he just ski your birthday yeah he text way the red were playing and said we lost game one and two I’m not going and seeing a sweep he did but it wasn’t about it was about Jimmy’s birthday never and by the way I’ve never been more happy with my decision my entire life he did warn me he did warn me after game one that if they lost game two he wasn’t going and I told him that that’s not the spirit whatever but they’re not going to lose game two well they found a way to lose game two and so he didn’t come yesterday and by the way who needs enemies when you have friends like that I can’t believe it was about his birthday how old are you 20 22 okay 22 it’s is it’s the big 2 two if he would have picked Saturday I would have been there if he would have picked a Saturday game I would have been there he picked the Sunday Day game I I’ve made my opinion known I don’t like going to those games in general I actually planned on going to the game I really did pick when your birthday is sure you do yeah you do and and here’s the thing Jimmy decided he’s going to go pick the Sunday Day game I don’t like the heat I don’t like sitting there in the sun I don’t like the crowds I don’t like any part of a Sunday Day game I hate it it’s my least favorite game to go go to uh during a week he picked that day I I knew the Reds were going to get swept as soon as they lost that first one the way they did I knew it was over the the whole series was over so yeah I I I was happy with my decision Jimmy I’m very sorry I didn’t go may you know what maybe next year I’ll go maybe next year I will go I but Jimmy was talking about that I will say this that wasn’t really the biggest win Detroit’s had over the past uh year Detroit ended 2023 with the fewest homicides in 57 years you know what oh everybody you know why that is the case Co it’s because the Lions the lions were good oh yeah okay football team good I know I know kill people that’s what it is gunar Henderson leading MVP odds B Baltimore murder rates down yes look at that I I just don’t think that um you needed to go that far after your baseball team lost a couple games like that that was pretty mean oh you you get your feelings hurt by the way to be fragile yeah I mean you’re soft at I mean I feel like 21-year old Jimmy could have handled that but 22-year- old Jimmy not so much but Jimmy glass case of emotion but yes so the real I mean I’m a big glass case of emotion right now after what happened over the weekend look let’s be real last week I gave Elliott a lot of fill-in the blank because I’m like stop with the negativity dude like this is a Yankee Series this is an opportunity to turn things around and they did they did turn it around they they didn’t just take the series from the Yankees they didn’t just take game one cuz after game one I’m like well I’m not going to get the full reaction from Elliott because they they always win game one right Jimmy’s over here like not always uh but you know uh they take game one against the Yankees then they take game two and then they take game three they sweep the Yankees in New York and then you look at this I mean just cupcake schedule I got diabetes looking at the final three series heading in all right to the all-star break that’s how cupcake of a schedule this is and leave it to the Cincinnati Reds to go on the road against the Yankees and sweep the Yankees not just take two or three they could have taken two or three I would have been more than happy with that I mean after Elliott’s reaction last week just taking game one I would have been happy with that he called The Sweep uh The Sweep was just a series too late how do you go on the road how do you go and beat the Yankees sweep the Yankees in New York and then come home for three series against three horrible teams and maybe not horrible but you know especially in being mean here I don’t know where we get this idea that we’re looking down at these teams when the Reds and tigers have the same exact record but that’s an argument for later on uh but the bottom line is I this is just the most Cincinnati Reds thing ever I made I I I said as a joke last week that the Reds youo watch they’ll sweep the Yankees and go and and get sweat by the Tigers and that’s exactly what happened I didn’t think that that was going to happen I didn’t feel that was going to happen but of course it happened of course that happens and here’s the thing I’m not a fire David Bell guy I’m not doing that that that’s not what my next little segment is about of firing David Bell but I do get tired of every time there is a criticism of the team in David Bell people say well what can you do when you have half the roster out what do you do when all these guys are injured it’s I know it’s a constant evolving you know season with everything that’s going on but at the same time it is up to David Bell who I do feel like okay yes manager impact on the game is significantly less than what it used to be but when David Bell does a good job when he gets a team that’s supposed to lose a 100 games and gets him to win you know 80 plus games and missed the playoffs by two games last year like that he got he should get praised for that and I’m not a big guy on on giving him a lot of criticism when they don’t win a lot of games but at the same time if he’s able to motivate them to go on the road and sweep the Yankees but can’t get them to win one dang game against the Tigers at Great American Ballpark in one of the final three series heading into the All-Star break this isn’t a fire David Bell segment but I put a lot of blame on him I put a lot of blame on David Bell this past weekend yes there were a lot of key outfielders out we’re going to get to a new addition to the Outfield whether or not that’s a big addition or not we’ll talk about that shortly but I’m disappointed in David Bell I know it’s a wild take I’m not putting it all on him but I do believe if we’re going to sit there and say well it’s constantly not on him because of all the injuries you can’t talk about how well the team was playing and how great it was to go and sweep the Yanke and then return home and get swept by the Tigers dropping two or three would still be disappointing but to get swept by the Tigers now you have a bad Rockies team for four we should feel confident about the series and I don’t I don’t feel good about this Rocky series I don’t feel good about the Marlins uh coming in usually the Reds like to put the dagger in you coming out of the All-Star break and I feel like they’re just putting us out of our misery you know couple weeks early here I that series was brutal I’m glad Jimmy had a good time I really am happy Bel birthday by the way uh but that was in all seriousness we could talk about injuries we could talk about well it’s a young roster we could talk about all of these things I don’t care you do not lose that series you just proved you can go on the road and sweep the Yankees play in a tough environment get inspired play by some of these young guys who maybe are playing out of position or getting more at bats than they’re accustomed to getting I don’t really care you don’t go sweep the Yankees and then come home and get swept by the Tigers it’s a disappointing series I I I’m not overlooking that I’m not going to make excuses that is on David Bell that is on the Cincinnati Reds and there’s no sympathy here I don’t care about the injuries or anything else you don’t get sweat by the Tigers when you’re playing really well and you’re coming home in a prime opportunity to take momentum into the All-Star break and then I’m just pissed cuz I had to rewrite the entire show that’s another reason I’m pissed but Elliot I’m curious where you’re at with this because I know you’re down on the Reds more than most of us but I think I’m meeting you at the same level or maybe I’ve gone below you I’m not really sure but your reaction coming out of this very disappointing weekend because I’m pretty pissed off I’m not going to lie that was such a disappointing Series yeah I saw the David Bell hate on Twitter as I do after every single time the Reds lose and I thought it was ridiculous I hunter green people wanted hunter green to stay in the game at 150 pitches it’s just not how baseball Works nobody’s nobody plays like that anymore I’m very Bak if if if you want to get if you want to get mad you can blame the league blame the way the league is gone because it certainly is an era where the where you coddle pitchers there’s no doubt about it mainly because you don’t want your starting pitcher going down uh similarly to as many of the star starters have gone down to start this year you want your guys healthy and and ready for as many games as possible hunter green threw seven Innings he was at 105 pitches and somehow we’re going to send hunter green back when we have what has been Nails this season our eighth inning guy Fernando Cruz and our ninth inning guy Alexis Diaz as of late those two guys have been as good as any as of late so why would you not trust those two guys after hunter green throws 105 it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s outrageous to me I I don’t I don’t understand why every single game we have to pick on David Bell I’m not defending David Bell I don’t care for David Bell whatever happens to David Bell I again doesn’t interest me I it’s a non-story there are 15 issues with this team the very last issue that I’m worried about is David Bell and I’m sure again after this season unfolds and the Reds finish with 71 wins or whatever it’ll be yeah maybe David Bell will get fired I certainly think that it’s time for a new look I I think eventually after what six straight seasons of failure then yeah let’s change things up a little bit but I’m not going to sit here and act like this series was David Bell’s fault the offense doesn’t show up and the offense that can show up they don’t there’s there’s I’m I’m going to look at the box score right now and excuse me right now Blake Dunn Edwin Rios Santiago espinol steuart Fairchild against righties will Benson’s hitting 180 on the Year this isn’t a good team that’s on that’s on David Bell David Bell’s supposed to just get the boys ready to go hey Will Benson can you not hit 180 today okay coach their thing it’s not how it works I wish I would assume Bell told Fernando Cruz to get outs and not allow home runs as well well that’s what that’s what I would think but some people don’t think that David Bell coached him up wrong right before he went out and then blew the game it doesn’t make sense to me I fire David Bell I just want him fired just so I don’t have to talk about it anymore just fire bring in then how long does that give us till they want to fire Freddy benovitz well it’ll be immediate of course so and then the next manager they’ll get about a one-year stretch too and every manager until we win a World Series will get a one-year stretch uh and that’s how baseball is it’s a thankless job I but the the story of that series was is is it’s been my issue Casey’s mentioned on the show it’s it’s the Inc inconsistency of this team and it’s been an issue now for three three straight Seasons they’re not good they’re not good you can’t trust them to be good the Colorado Rockies have one Road Series win one one they’re going to come into Cincinnati I think the reds are going to play great I think they’re going to probably either win three games or four games but then the the issue is they they’ll do that and maybe they’ll even sweep Miami too we we’ll go into the allstar break on a seven game winning streak but I know the answer is going to come immediately following the All-Star break they’re going to get swept by the Nationals or if they get through that one they’ll get swept the next series and they just match their good stretches with bad stretches and I’m tired of it that’s what I take away from this year I don’t take away David Bell they don’t have nearly enough good hitters on this team to be considered a playoff team and that’s where the reds are so real quick because before I get to Jacob on that so yes I came out hot with the David Bell stuff I’m not anti- David Bell but I do when when you get swept like that that I put on David Bell because that is the manager’s responsibility to be to have a team prepared to play to where you have them coming home and to not get at least one game now I know all the deficiencies that are stacked up against this team but at the same time if every bad team in baseball every bad team in baseball has deficiencies on based on that logic that you that you put out there about David Bell it’s like the no manager should ever get fired ever from a bad team but all managers that get fired are usually from a bad team as far as that’s concerned unless you’re Dusty Baker of course which don’t get me started on that but no with this David Bell wasn’t the overall problem over the weekend I get that that we could dive deep into all of the issues that happened over the weekend but just it makes me sick getting swept by the Tigers sorry Jimmy getting swept by the Tigers is just you can’t you can’t happen so we’re going to have continued reaction coming up here around the corner the Reds made a late night trade an overnight trade last night acquiring another outfielder but the Reds acquire an outfielder but they lose a couple outfielders over the weekend and uh will this addition be enough just to stop the bleeding in the Outfield we’ll talk about that coming up around the corner but we did put out a poll question uh over the weekend put out a poll question over the weekend about the Cincinnati Reds with that trade deadline coming up on July 30th what should the Cincinnati Reds do and uh Casey’s going to put that up on the screen now what should the Cincinnati Reds do should they buy should they sell or should they stand down all right those are your options up there take a look at that’s as of right now uh the results of everything going on so we’ll keep that in mind as we head into the next part of the conversation to this trade does this trade count does this trade go towards the vision of what you want the Reds to do by the July 30th trade deadline we’ll talk about that when we come back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers right here on Chatterbox Chatterbox Sports on YouTube and 1410 ESPN Radio and we are back way too many guys giving me the finger the pointer finger at least we welcome you back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Justin Kenner J Jimmy Casey Elliot and Jacob with you here again a lot of red talk today Mark Sheldon covers your Cincinnati Reds he’s going to join us coming up later on in the program as well I envisioned our com ation going a lot different when Mark and I talked last Friday after you know the Reds coming off that sweep against the Yankees I felt so confident about this show today and it’s basically been derailed because of Jimmy’s Tigers uh as far as that’s concerned before we get to the trade uh and the results from the poll question uh just Jacob and Jimmy just your closing thoughts on just this series uh with that Tigers over the weekend heading into this Rocky Series tonight at the end of the day this has to be the new expectation for the Reds I mean if you’re going to beat a team like the Yankees that’s great but we we’ve seen them match every winning streak for basically the last two years with a Los streak of equal or greater value I mean this team cannot gain any ground no matter how good they play because they can’t string together long enough stretches of playing good baseball and I mean I I understand I hate to go back to the hunter green thing just because you know that’s seems like a moot point in my mind but obviously it’s not people are complaining about it like crazy they sent him back out for the seventh inning with 96 pitches that in of itself is crazy yeah I mean great on David Bell for making that decision Hunter goes what I think seven or eight pitches in the seventh inning and dominat and gets out of that with with three up three down just incredible and then obviously with 105 pitches you don’t put him back in the game what are we talking about and then nobody does that everyone’s getting mad about the contact play with Blake dun Trace handled the conversation with that one so I don’t need to stir that back up again I think there were 12 total minutes of videos produced so while preparing a kid’s birthday party of course I mean it’s he’s the man of many talents so I mean yeah I think I think a lot of this stuff with with bell and with the Reds right now is just it’s what it’s been the whole time and it’s just everything all the about this team what it’s been for the last 20 years is just coming to a head CU we finally have talent that we expect to see change some of those results and it’s not happening all right Jimmy closing thoughts and you get 20 20 seconds how long should he get I wouldn’t give him anything but won three games against three seconds yeah no I’m I mean I’m very surprised that the Tigers swept the series for sure I’d be surprised too I’m but I’m not as surprised that they won the series because like I told you last week they were still facing in reese Olen and Terk sco ball which those are two guys that actually give the Tigers a chance to win every single time they go out on the field so it’s one of those Series where I’m not going to completely buy back in because I know that the Tigers aren’t good and they hadn’t had a sweep since the first series of the season they that’s a bad stat they hadn’t won they they hadn’t won back-to-back games in over a month so that’s another bad with all that I I am surprised but again I guess I feel like while you’re I know what you’re doing though what he’s bringing like oh yeah I’m not buying in because he’s given all the reasons why his team is bad but I feel like that’s still a jab at Red St yeah they so sneaky dud but then people in the chat people in the chat are saying they’re going to sweep the Rockies and then get swept by the Marlins they’re probably not going to get swept by either of these teams considering they’ll be favored in every single game I like their chances to at least win one in each series and I I think they’re going to play well at least one two four would really get the juices flowing against I think I think they went they have what seven it’s a four game series and then a three correct yeah okay so two and five I no I no I’m just saying I I don’t think they’ll I definitely don’t think they’ll get swept by these team I think they’ll win five or six well we also said there’s no way they get swept by the Tigers and here we are by the way you missed out on a prime opportunity if you remember he kicked you in the man Parts last week he embarrassed you on National tube okay I can’t I can’t talk I can’t talk junk today Victory if I was Elliot this is his this is his this is his day I would also willing ly openly admit that this was my world series damn it I was setting this up I I wanted you to say oh well you know Jimmy’s just happy cuz this was his World Series but good job good job you way to fizzle that out Jimmy said yesterday that it was game seven yeah before he even walked into the treating this like game seven all right I need the camera on Jimmy I need it zoomed in and I need you to do the sweeping motion one more time because this may or may not be used against you in another forms you know in the future so zoom in all right Jimmy let’s see the sweep there go oh he’s standing up oh look at that form the girlfriend clearly does the sweeping the two no no no be careful be careful I mean whatever it is what it is kickers Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers here Justin Kenner Jimmy Casey Elliot and Jacob with you here on a Monday again I figured we’d be talking a lot of Reds today a lot of baseball again the all-star rosters were announced the Reds get one All-Star and that is Ellie De La Cruz who is making his All-Star debut and too with the Cincinnati Reds so we do have uh that conversation coming up around the corner we’ll also talk about that with Mark Sheldon but you saw the poll question a little bit ago uh about what the Reds should do at the deadline and that trade deadline is coming up on July 30th and I’m not going to lie when I sent Casey all this stuff about the rundown for today’s show I thought that the conversation about the trade deadline might have shifted slightly because you sweep the Yankees you have all these winnable series coming up bad teams I thought man this team’s just going to be flying into the allstar break with momentum all right and then it just brought us right back back to where we were heading into the Yankee series but that’s just besides the point but a lot of people seem split on what the Cincinnati Reds should do come that July 30th trade deadline um and the other question do we have that video lined up too U oh right there you know if I just up um so an interesting uh piece from by the way Chatterbox Reds by the way trace and of course uh Nick and all the guys they do a great job with this it’s one of the it’s a top 10 baseball podcast in the country by that’s right all right like that that’s some heavy That’s Heavy hitter stuff right there true I mean there no grip rip it am I right Jacob I mean but you know it’ll it’ll do but interesting piece here um about the Reds general manager yes everyone thinks the general manager is Nick crawl it is not the Red’s real general manager actually spoke and well created a little bit of Buzz and Nick Kirby uh in Chatterbox Reds talked about this uh over the weekend take a look all right so something today that I saw all over social media I thought I’d bring it up um the Reds have yet to commit to a deadline strategy so there was a column from Gordon Whitmire of the Cincinnati Inquirer who apparently everyone now believes everything that he says uh because of what was written um the big quote that came out was uh Brad meter Reds GM said we have to wait and see how we finish off this road trip and the home stand coming up and then we’ll see we’re talking about it we’d love to be able to add but realistically we’ll probably just have to see how it goes um so those comments come out I know there was a lot of of Buzz about that I think there was also something in the comment in the article that’s behind a pay wall I didn’t uh go look it up um where he said something about how TJ fr’s coming back and the old cliche of uh that’s as good of a trade probably not the the best way of of wording these comments yeah you know anytime a general manager says and by the way shout out to uh you know meter that’s the real red general manager crawled get no hate he gets no hate no one even knows his name no I didn’t you want to I have to admit something I’m very unprofessional at my job I completely get that this happened at the memorial when I went in hot welcome back it was ker and& company the ker and& company is our live Memorial coverage presented by and then I drowned uh I forgot the name of the sponsor so that’s happened before but we’re at redsfest me and Nick Kirby doing redsfest together and then um I totally SPAC I could not remember the general manager’s name and I went to go introduce him and uh you know and we have Red’s general manager uh everyone give him a round of applause completely I mean it was so bad on my part but yes that that’s the last time I heard the name of Brad meter the red general manager because my favorite thing as a sports fan is when the GM or coach or owner or whatever says a player already on your roster is a good addition well if you remember when gets me going that really gets me going when Nick CW was in this position before if you go back to the Dick Williams times Dick Williams did that too when Dick Williams was the general manager things started going well if you remember and then he got called up and promoted to the position that Nick crawl’s in and then Dick Williams kept taking all the credit for all the success the team was having for that short little window and then when things started getting bad all of a sudden you started hearing Nick then you started hearing nick craw’s name all the time well Nick crawl’s like well I ain’t no dummy I’m going to do exactly what was done to me when Dick Williams was here because this is the first time I’ve heard Brad meter speak and this is why I know things are not going to go well at the trade deadline because or will for Jacob’s take as far as this is concerned but the fact that we haven’t heard from Brad meter all season but now that he’s talking and doing media you know hits ahead of the trade deadline coming up at the end of the month to me that he’s just being thrown out to the Wolves Nick crawl’s not going to get the bad publicity he’s going to throw him out to the Wolves that’s what that’s one take I have as far as that’s concerned but we threw up the poll question one more time Casey if we could throw that back up there the results of what the Reds should do uh at the deadline whether you you buy you know and you compete for the Wild Card you sell uh try to get some prospects back or you just kind of stand Pat you just kind of do uh what you’ve been doing and try to win games with what strengths you have while continuing to lose games for the deficiencies that you have um I’m very I’m not I should but what 40% all said sell I wonder the shift in that um billions and billions of votes by the way billions of votes uh but 43 or whatever that is percent they should sell my vision’s bad by the way I can’t even see up yeah but nonetheless surprised by those results or not as far as what the Reds should do at the deadline no I think people are are finally starting to come around and kind of side with me here and realize that there’s I mean this lineup swiss cheese like I mean there’s way way too many holes to try to fill in this lineup and be a competitive team I mean you beat the Yankees I think this would probably be a 90% uh buy poll if we put it out after that Yankee series but you know with no show on around Friday and you come back on Monday it swings the results drastically I think if that poll you know would have been out and we even win one game against the Tigers I think most people are saying by but I think people are really starting to realize that this team just is so inconsistent and honestly bad that you you have to capitalize on what you have now in guys like Jonathan India and I mean obviously Cruz with a bad outing last time but we were talking about him maybe getting in the All-Star game for a couple weeks he’s second or third in reliever strikeouts so I mean he’s a guy that you might be able to get a moderate return for I I think you you’re absolutely looking to sell and just capitalize on these guys this team’s just not good enough I would I would trade Fernando Cruz as soon as possible I I I really would for nothing and and this a lot of it does have and maybe not for nothing you’re Notre you’re not going to get a lot of reliever return but I’m just saying I’m not I’m not holding on to him because I’m not getting a top 30 Prospect like I’m trading him for what the return can be whatever it is guys who have no long-term future here as the Reds continue to spiral or whatever you call this cuz it’s not really even a spiral it’s just a let’s just all stay here and then go up and down and up it’s just avoiding the Peaks and the valleys and this has been the season of Peaks and valleys if there ever was one I don’t know how any time somebody from the front office speaks the quote gets worse uh that’s been the issue with Nick crawl now with this guy who’s this guy who’s this guy I still Brad met Brad meter his game get meter dude I’m just going to call I’m just going to I’m I’m going to call him this guy until he gets fired um but yeah I I don’t know how every single time anyone speaks from our front office it sounds like a horrible quote uh but yeah it’s it’s it’s tough I’m not surprised by the the poll results because how much can you buy if you told me you can buy a new roster then sure but I know that’s not how baseball works and it’s not realistic to think they’re going to do that um so at this point I’d sell every piece that’s on a short-term deal that’s an aging reliever an aging player that probably won’t be here in the future that’s who I would look to trade and see if we can replenish the farm system which to be clear has not been very good yeah and I mean I see a lot of people throwing around candi’s name for trades absolutely I think that’d be crazy you a that’s the one guy you don’t there’s no way you’re trading candelario I just want to clear that up I mean there’s there’s just no way you’re selling a guy you signed to a four-year deal why is baseball the one sport that okay for losing going into the deadline like I mean every sport trades at the deadline right but a lot of times it’s not really selling baseball is the only sport that we really call it selling right like oh they’re going to be in like the NBA will give up on soon to be expiring contracts or just guys that are not a part of the future but if we’ve talked about the Cincinnati Reds team and said man you know we can’t blame David Bell for the struggles of this team because this was not the team that we expected coming into the season you know obviously if Fredo is healthy uh for pretty much the majority of the season if the season isn’t start with mlan on the iil you know they get him back you know if Benson actually lives up to expectations like if all these pieces are trending in the right direction and this is actually a good team we wouldn’t be selling off all these pieces that aren’t a part of the future you would keep them so if the future next year is well we’ll be good next year because we’re hoping that these guys are healthy then why are we moving on from so many of these pieces you know like if like Cruz is not valuable to the Reds this year because it looks like they may not be fighting for a playoff spot much longer but if Cruz brings value to next year’s team which will be expected to make the playoffs I I’m just not a fan of that mindset I know I’m going to be the minority on this because that’s just what you do in baseball constantly well hey we’re out of it for this year so let’s give up pieces that can help us win in the future you move on from guys like that and then we head into the off season it’s like well the Reds might be in the market for a closer or for a you know uh for a reliever and it’s like well they had a reliever and they moved on from them I’m just not a big fan of that moving on from guys just because the reds are bad and not bad because they’re not a good team bad because they’re not healthy or maybe they are bad are they telling us that they’re bad I guess that’s my counterargument to that I’m not going to lose my mind no matter what they do if they sell okay cool it’s what you do in baseball but I guess to like to counter your point about that or both of your points if you sell for the future but you’re telling me that this team’s only bad because of the injuries why give up good quality pieces that can help next year’s team win if they’re healthy especially for a team that you know is not going to be super aggressive in free agency I think it’s a ballsy move just trade guys because oh we’re not good this year and then next year oh we’ll be we’ll beef up some other positions and then man I wish we had Cruz next year but we trade it on from them that’s my concern I’m not a big fan of that with baseball the NFL we’re back B we’re not oh man the Bengals like last year well Joe burrow goes down well damn might as well trade a AJ Green damn what the hell’s wrong with me uh oh might as well trade T Higgins all right you know he’s not a he’s not a part of our long-term future we might as well we’re we’re out of the playoffs we might as well just trade him this season shot you know the NBA same thing baseball’s the only one I know that because this season shot we’re going to just sell everything and that I’m not a fan of as far as that approach but I know that’s how baseball works yeah I mean I with guys like Cruz he’s what 35 now I mean the the cliff is here at some point soon so if I mean if the Reds aren’t planning on competing for a World Series next year that’s what I’m I mean that’s you have Montas on a one-year deal with a player option he’s one guy I would look to sell even though you know he’s kind of regressed a little bit lately so that that would hurt but yeah it’s just guys that I I don’t think would play and that’s the thing is I feel like Fernando Cruz is most valuable right now and it’s the best he’ll ever be and I don’t like and I don’t like banking on the injury thing but Reed does bring up a good point Ian Jabo pitched the most amount of games at any relever of any pitcher last year where is he in Jabo he’s hurt Fernando Cruz is going to probably Eclipse that number and he’s again I don’t want to bank on injuries but this is a 35y old pitcher I have no doubt in my mind that at some point next season he might not be the guy that he is right now he’s a 35-year-old pitcher who was a Roki at 34 correct like so I so I’m not going to I’m not movie script right I’m not going to sit here and and complain and act like Fernando Cruz is he’s the he’s the closer of the future nah he could maybe been the closer this year if Alexis Diaz continued to struggle but Alexis has kind of found himself a little bit so I I I’m fine get rid of him don’t get rid of him uh I staying staying still to me is the worst option of the three I I I feel like if you’re just going to stay still don’t make any moves whatsoever I think that’s the most realistic but I do think that’s the worst op would you say they still Stood Still like Slater move is still standing still I would say that’s not I mean that’s that’s a Sam mole trade that’s that’s it’s a nothing move uh and not going to get excited over it I it’s he’s a fine player he can’t get worse than the players that we’ve brought up and that’s no disrespect to Blake Dunn Levi Jordan I think he was sent to waivers too so yeah I we can go around in circles here but at the end of the day I know what the reds are I’ve seen them for too long now and and they’re just not very good yeah but they swept the Yankees dude they swept the Yankees they swept the Dodgers they swept the Dodgers on a 12 game winning streak they went on a seven game the Rockies last time there’s so many tiebreakers against good teams they do I’m telling you man do just gred off 20 losses in a row these tiebreakers are going to be good hey Jimmy stand up show us the sweeping motion again oh no Jimmy up sweep there it is there put me in a bad spot we’re clipping all these together and you’re just going to be dancing like that like that that’ll be good all right so the Cincinnati Reds as we step away for a few moments uh they acquire an outfielder last night in Austin Slater from the Giants okay in exchange for left-handed pitcher Alex Young the Cincinnati Reds Outfield picture right now now is absolutely insane it’s not very good I don’t know how people feel about the addition of Austin Slater but between injuries and guys just not living up to playing up to expectations this year the Outfield has been well a mess so we’re going to talk about what this addition for the Reds means we’ll get the guys takes on whether or not this was a good addition did they give up too much to get them or you Jacob he’ll set the record straight when we come back we also have’s Reds reporter Mark Sheldon coming up later on in the program as well Allstar rosters are out ell De La Cruz a firsttime Allstar and what will be many more Allstars coming throughout his career we have a lot more red stuff to get into it’s Chatterbox Reds today Chatterbox Reds is what Off the Bench is today but more Off the Bench when we come back all right we welcome you back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Justin Kenner Jimmy Casey Elliot and Jacob with you here and of course we’re coming at you on 1410 ESPN radio as well in Dayton uh but we welcome you we appreciate everyone tuning in to hang out with us today uh shout out to Tom brenman dialed in of course he had that show right before ours leading in we appreciate everyone that tuned in early to hang out with Tom and then stuck around uh to hang out with us uh we appreciate that as far as that’s concerned so all right so the Reds made a move last night we talked about what the Reds should do at the deadline the trade deadline’s coming up on July 30th it’s actually going to be here a lot quicker than we think right like it’s July 8th but I feel like it’s just sneaking up on us we’ve been talking about this deadline for quite some time because we just can’t figure out what the we know what we want the Reds to do everyone has different opinions on what they want the Reds to do but we still don’t know what the reds are going to do we we saw that clip from Chatterbox Reds a little bit ago uh with Kirby and the guys again on Chatterbox Reds and Brad meter the general manager of the Reds basically said you know we’re taking calls we’re looking into it but basically giving us the old poor GM excuse of well we’re going to get healthy and those are going to be our additions at the deadline that’s why I did not think doing nothing was a possibility but it sounds like that could technically be the case as far as that’s concerned but nonetheless with that being said the Reds did make an addition last night all right and I don’t know if this move technically counts as I don’t know what category you’d put this in stting Pat Uh tra you know selling or buying I’m not really sure how you look at this but Alex Slater from the Giants uh they they get him in exchange for Alex Young okay now he joins an outfield that is kind of a mess right now what you got Spencer steer who’s playing a lot more first base than anything else right now because again more banged up guys in the middle in field as far as that’s concerned TJ fredle uh he’s on the I we’re supposed to get an update on him either yesterday or today regarding the hamstring issues so he might be back for what the 104th time this season uh Jake fry out again with the family medical emergency list that you know as far as that’s concerned Nick Martini you know I mean it’s one of those things where I’m like damn Nick Martini’s hurt and Nick Martini is not good still sus but but it still stinks cuz they have no depth in the Outfield right now and then of course you have will Benson he’s out there uh and and then steuart Fairchild with the back issues obviously missing yesterday’s game so they go out add an outfielder and Austin Slater uh look he’s hitting 200 this season he has 18 hits one home run nine RBI 12 runs scored in 43 games and 90 plate appearances um for the Giants I I don’t know really what to make of this they needed they needed a guy in the Outfield they needed guys to take some at bats in the Outfield so here we go he has a pulse um I’ve never seen that I’m going let Jake it take it from because I know you were kind of laughing like the both of you you and La were like can’t believe that this is getting as much attention on social media as it is but we wanted the Reds to make a move but this is the most Cincinnati Reds move that you can imagine here in July the week before the All-Star break no you’re right Al Alex Young I mean he’s a left-handed pitcher in our Bullpen that we know has struggled a little bit with left-handed pitching mle’s been good this year but Justin Wilson has been a borderline liability for the B last however many games so when you trade a left-handed reliever when that’s a struggle a lot of people get mad yep Alex Young has pitched two in for the Reds this year I I play 63 games last year so everyone remembers the name Alex Young was not in the mix with the Reds this year he he’s been in Triple A the whole time and how many relever injuries have we had how many guys have we brought up and set back down to Triple A and he’s never been the guy to get that call so yeah it’s a nothing in terms of what we gave up Slater has been pretty good in his career against left-handed pitching he he’s was traded for to be a bad against left-handed pitching and looking at his stats from this season the splits are exactly the opposite so that’s a little bit concerning uh about 400 higher Ops against righties than lefties he’s hitting 174 average against lefties 286 against righties in his career that is opposite he he’s been a very good left-handed hitter but yeah I think you’re just hoping that he’s better than Blake Dunn and that bar is pretty low so I don’t think it can be a bad trade I think he’s going to make the floor of this Outfield unit while we’re banged up much higher yeah hopefully those power numbers come back leaving Oracle and coming to um Great American much much smaller ballpark so hopefully he can hitter’s ball part right that’s right hold up hold sorry what Jimmy no it’s it’s definitely a hitters ball definitely a hitters ballpark Jimmy says the the home run that the Tigers hit yesterday wouldn’t wouldn’t have made it to the warning track at keric Park and what the Tigers do over the weekend what is this the tiger swep the Reds what is what is is that just what are we doing he’s jabbing at you guys you’re you’re jabbing at me it’s we’re all on the same team over here it’s us vers him don’t get on his team I’m not look it’s not that I don’t like the Reds though I just think it’s f up what did you say entire Tiger’s uniform over the weekend yeah and you literally said too easy you saw the video clip too easy red stink you guys we were talking we didn’t even hear the end to that if you guys go back and rewatch that he literally said red stink red stink he says I’ve gone to so many Reds games this summer and Ward red stuff though to be fair he’s a double agent thanks Jim just means always a pleasure uh yeah this trade is is is a nothing Burger I I it doesn’t interest me if he can be half the player that Stuart Fairchild is it’ll be a fine trade and that’s all I can say it’s is he going to be better than uh Levi Jordan Blake Dunn Edwin Rios uh Santiago espanol Nick Martini I if he can be better at least a little bit than those guys at the plate then it’s it’s an AOK trade for me you want to know where I’m at with the Reds this year I didn’t even know who this Rios guy was I didn’t know who he was and he pinch hit in the Major League Baseball game did he get a hit they pinch hit for him before he even tooken that bat so we’re playing pinch hit matchups with these guys so it’s yeah people were mad at Again David I don’t want to get into the David Bell thing but people were getting mad at David Bell like we’re getting back into the davell I know you’re pinch hitting espanol what’s what are his options what are this guy’s and I guess the other option I guess is the one player haven’t mentioned is Austin wins so Austin wins A+ doubles machine doubles machine you luk there’s no way he’s coming back to this roster zero chance zero chance but here’s the thing I I this is a trade that feels a little bit different than the Sam mole trade because I feel I feel like the Sam mole trade was almost half-assing it a little bit it was something where all right the Reds fan base wants us to do something let’s go out and do it uh and we’ll just service we’ll just service the fan base to make everybody happy say we can do something this feels like they were proactive they knew they looked at this roster and said you know what this isn’t good enough let’s try to make it better uh you’re yeah does is Austin Slater a good player I don’t know probably not he’s he’s the definition of mediocre you look him up it’s he’s just a he’s just a mid player and that’s okay because the Reds have below mid uh all around the all around the roster right now so get this guy in it’s a fine move it’s a decent trade I think there’s High upside or high higher upside I should say than keeping Alex Young Who will not play for the Reds this year who wouldn’t have played for the Reds this season so bring him up see if it works if it doesn’t work you cut them loose and you keep trying it again and you try it try it try it until this season eventually ends uh and then you go into the lab next offseason but no you’re not going to get a you’re not going to trade for an Allstar level player it’s just not going to happen the Reds aren’t going to do it uh and and no team’s probably going to willingly do it before the deadline when their value is going to be probably worse right now than it would be at the deadline when teams are making last second moves I saw people on the talking about oh let’s just throw something together and trade for I don’t know Luis Robert yeah let’s just let’s just do that let’s just go get the biggest name on the market yeah that but do you realize how abused we are like do you guys hear yourselves that’d be a terrible move for the oh I hate adding talent to the roster that’s your take you’re trading three top 15 prospects for a guy who’s never played a full season suspects not prospects suspects we we you know we we don’t know who they are we don’t know who they are yet to trade Ellie and Marte and mlan for a guy five years ago where’s I mean Marte you mean juice who missed 80 games this year forish decisions mlan who might play this season no I do not want them to move on from them by the way just to be clear but yes good point there as far as that’s concerned but again that’s at a that’s at the start of the rebuild heading in but when you’re this close how close are we this team completely healthy was projected to 5 pitching how many times have we talked about okay how many great pitching performances are they’re getting and they’re losing games by what one or two runs every single time I mean like five more wins with just decent at bats from better hitters five more wins that’s a huge swing as far as the expectations of what they’re living up to or not living up to this season so I get that but like your two points are not wrong because you’re B and you do what I do everything we say is based off of how we know the Reds operate So based on how the Reds operate you two are very correct they’re not doing that but that’s the problem we bail the Reds out when we just adhere to that framework of thinking as far as that’s concerned and you probably have other reasons yeah um but I value prospects if at a value prospects but like the Reds have always valued prospects for decades and look what where it’s getting look where it’s gotten us yeah best roster we’ve had in a long time if they healthy right now yeah and where would they be if they were healthy who knows right now they are the Reds are 27th in batting average they’re 24th in on base percentage they’re 22nd in slugging percentage one guy is not going to make that better this is a team issue uh and and again when you lose half your roster it seemingly feels like to injury due to injury I I I don’t I don’t understand what major move we’re going to do that impacts this team this year and we’ll also somehow be able to help our team next year when everybody seemingly God willing is healthy again so these are the things you have to look into I know I I I’m I’m somebody who wants to play for now right now I get it but at the same time if you’re going to play for right now and at some it’s going to affect the future plans which it might if you trade a Luis Robert Luis Robert type of guy right and you’re trading away your prospects so now next year’s team team seemingly would in in hindsight could get worse or in pright whatever it is foresight foresight uh anyway my the anyway the point is I realistically I’m not going to expect them to do it because the Reds haven’t done it uh for quite some time and I I I don’t expect this to change this year could it help sure maybe but there’s a lot more issues than just one big Superstar player what if they went out and got a guy like Brent Rooker who now that’s something Brent Rooker Austin Hayes like a multiple year multiple year team control not quite playing up to their upside I guess Rooker playing like crazy but like guys like Austin like playing a little bit below expectation on a team that’s competing now I think that’s God we’re always going to be Aver about the peak of what I want to buy like I I just I think it’s a terrible idea for a team like the Reds to trade prospects for a you are a fan of a team and actively arguing not to go get star players yes cuz I think it’s bad for the Reds I think it would be detrimental to the Reds like but Brent Rooker is also he’s like a really he was an Allstar last season I’d be fine with a guy like that he’s had a great year this year he’s cheap he’ll have a couple years of Team control and you’re doing it too he’s cheap I don’t want cheap I want good I want cheap I don’t want to trade for guys that are making a t Rooker is good and he’s coming from a team like the A’s where you probably wouldn’t have to give up that much right I want the Reds to spend money too but they’re not going to so instead of instead of saying let’s let’s just hope the Reds spend money because that’ll never happen let’s go into it saying you know what let’s try to get the best deal possible for a deal that I think the Reds potentially could make it’s like a I feel like that’s a great deal for a guy that can play in the Outfield and be a consistent bat on a team that doesn’t have a lot of consistent bats spent a ton of money this last just go up there give some good quality of bats just foul some off you know bottom of payroll though they did spend money but it’s one of the most spent offseasons in one of my favorite moves the Reds ever made was Jimmy the the the Trevor Baler move years ago and the reason was I mean ultimately goes on to win a sa young and just was kind of meant nothing because that stupid 2020 Co year but um that move what I liked was one of my favorite moves the Reds ever pulled off because it was about okay we get him might help us the back half of the season but this is a move to put him with Luis Castillo to put him with sunny gray uh you know and guys like that heading into next year it was like a win-win as far as that’s concerned and the reds are mathematically in the picture I know they stop a lot of deficiencies uh as far as that’s concerned but again you don’t want to give it prospects because prospects are for the future but what prospects a couple years ago did we not want to get rid of that we didn’t get rid of that ultimately never led to what we want this team to ultimately get to and I know these are the same arguments we have all the time so my bad I apologize uh but we’ll move on from that part as far as that’s concerned so it look it’s going to be interesting heading into this deadline what they’re going to do what they’re not going to do but I think we can all agree we can all agree on or we can all have our opinion of what we want them to do but I think we can all agree on what they’re going to do which is nothing of substance nothing of nothing of flare we can all agree on that I think right like I’m still holding out hope that they can sell tring to Jonathan India trading to Monas that’s a splash I think they could do that I don’t think I don’t think they I don’t think it’s going to happen I don’t think they will trade Jonathan India I don’t I just just because I know they will get more backlash than anything that they could do is trading your best offensive player at this moment I’m not saying it would be the wrong move to do I’m just saying from their perspective I think at some point they’re they are trying to save face up there in the front office uh and trading Jonathan India would be the last thing would be the last straw of this season for this fan base attacking them that’s what I’ve continued to applaud this front office for though is in this iteration of the Reds building this iteration of the team they haven’t bowed down to Fan that’s right they moved on from Winker right they wanted win they wanted to resign casianos those have both Winker obviously having a great year so far this year but those have both turned out to be great moves by the Reds to let those guys go trading trading Luis Castillo he’s been great in Seattle no one wanted to trade him the return we got from him has been incredible so far that was a great move for different circumstance like so the Winker thing people for forget Winker was bad post All-Star break that year he made because him and castanos obviously castanos wanted a big contract the Reds expected to be bad a lot like they didn’t expect that season last year right so like of course it made the Reds look worse when they were competitive and man I bet you was you had castanos now right like at that but like having castanos play at a high level for a team that was rebuilding didn’t make sense so I understood why they didn’t you know commit to him long term Winker they made that decision because he was just God awful in this back half of the season I think they were always kind of keeping an eye on what his value would be and they made out pretty well there and Luis Castillo same thing everyone said last year man imagine what Luis Castillo would be like in this rotation again paying a lot of money to a pitcher to lead a rotation that was going to be filled with you know first year seconde guys in a rebuild wouldn’t have made sense either those I agree with you I actually applauded the Reds for all of those while people were pissed off and mad that they moved on from Winker and Suarez and all these guys like those were actually good moves and unlike that first rebuild when they moved on from Brandon Phillips too late and Jay Bruce and Frasier and that they moved on on time this time like they they moved too late and they didn’t get any good Returns the last and I applauded the Reds front office last off season for not going out and buying not going out and making a big trade because I thought this team was well ahead of schedule and it would have been a mistake to trade prospects so hopefully they do it again and and they don’t listen to the fans and they sell and they take the lashings and then when the team’s better next year and in 2026 and in 2027 and we continue to compete with a healthy roster and a better Farm the fans will get over it that’s my hope um real quick Casey what are uh and if you’re jum working on something my apologies but I’ve ignored everyone in the chat still working on getting better at that my apologies but what’s the uh what’s what’s the vibe of the chat I see Molly’s in there she said earlier I did see from Molly fire David Bell that was from our conversation earlier so she’s on the fire David Bell train most of the chat is I think I think everybody is I think everybody’s on the David Bell she wants an Elliot bobblehead I did see that we should get that figured out right I love one too I got a big stand in line for that one I please let’s make it happen Captain let’s get a sponsor let’s do it all right I’m I’m listen I’m down for anything I if you if we want to do a bobblehead I’ll talk to the Reds and we’ll see if we can make it happen but uh Casey what’s the uh Vibe of the chat right now uh Vibe of the chat I would say that it’s um it’s lukewarm to the idea of the red season being over I would say that um there some are saying extend Bell some are saying fire David Bell I it’s just Evan saying extend Bell a lot you might be right everyone else is say fire you might be right uh yeah I I would say that there’s a lot of unhappy fans in that uh poll by the way I think yes it did win cell cell did win um but it was only by like a few percentage points it’s still pretty much very divided I feel like the fan base right now is very divided on what they should do obviously I hope that they don’t um do anything drastic I think this move to be honest with you if they did a couple of these types of moves where you get a uh you get a guy that’s going to be good good depth and he’ll be gone later on he’s not going to be a major part of this roster I think that’s fine I think getting a couple guys like that would just help out the depth because we’re just Lo we’re dropping like flies here you got to do something to keep depth around otherwise you’re going to have a guy out there dun who’s batting what 63 or something like that not not good not good so but he’s fast my my my my my thing is contact fast enough contact another one he you got those written down over there I love I’m a big Jimmy fan today dude he just Thanks James he’s picking his spots I like it thanks James my my only thing is eventually this has to turn around I have to see the fruits uh of the labor here and eventually hopefully it’s next season but this season has been a train wreck to no fault of anybody really it’s when when half the roster gets hurt who can you really blame that on uh and you can try to stay the medical staff but it’s I have a hard time the Red’s medical staff is out there injuring our players could it be the case maybe I have a hard time believing that’s the case next year next offseason I want somebody in the Outfield I want I want uh precautions for when this seemingly unhealthy roster gets unhealthy again during at some point next season do I think every player like next year will be hurt like this year no I do not I think this is a one-off thing and how unlucky it’s been it’s been kind of crazy but next year next off or this coming off season get in the lab do something try to make next season worth a damn that’s what I would like am I throwing the talent in this season maybe probably I’ve Just Seen I’ve just seen the team for so long I will never argue with you again about your uh attitude towards the team CU last week although I felt like I won because the Yankees got the sweep and then it was a very humbling three- game series with the Tigers I’m like oh that’s why La it’s abused right there yes right there thank you well Drew Garrison $5 Super Chat smug or comp wearing a national champions shirt when your team hasn’t won one in over a decade Drew’s national championship before this year they didn’t even print t-shirt yet he didn’t have the chance yeah yep um a lot of dates on there it is nice though having a shirt that has a bunch of national championship dates on it they don’t have an asteros next to it um I mean if if I mean he’s a fan of a team that is Barry the berry bonds of college football that’s right wow you know that’s right well no cuz they weren’t actually good well Barry Bonds was good and cheated they were bad and cheated yeah they had to cheat to win Barry Bonds just was already great and he just also cheated but like the Michigan fans that sit there and say Barry Bonds is not the Home Run King because be Marte of college football heyo all right off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers 1410 ESP ESPN radio chatterb sports on YouTube Drew Garrison supports a cheating National Championship team the biggest cowards in all of college football we will be right back nice we could do uh sorry my bad but do your take care Casey take care of the housekeeping items I didn’t stick to the rundown my apologies everything got kind of changed a little with the stuff over the weekend but if you want to get to that let you know we can roll with that yeah uh we’ll we’ll do the housekeeping items uh were you not ready I we can go right back into the radio mode dude no no I I uh rolled the the Stinger thing I didn’t need to I guess uh you don’t want to give yourself the Stinger you don’t want to come in on like a cool ENT like you know Casey we can get another sound walk out like Undertaker yeah oh yes Undertaker you know and then in the backd drop on the green screen it could just be Jimmy just doing the sweeping motion the entire time that you’re doing the reads yes like we we’re we’re on to something here and I could set you up but it be like Colin coward he goes like oh you know so and so with the news all right Casey with the news there you go there we go yeah sure Casey with the ads yes uh let’s start with pony water today Pony water have natural Limestone filtration unlike the artificial processing other brands use the result is a healthy alkaline water and some say the best tasting water in the world visit Pony water at pahh ni so you can buy this great tasting water it’s delicious goes down the gullet nice and smooth that’s right uh Encore Technologies they provide IT solutions for a data centered world with the sweetest Services mobile Computing desktop data center supporting both centralized and work from home Computing modules to improve efficiency and productivity productivity that’s right Jimbo uh path Innovation begins right here visit Time app take the guest work out of buying tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code OTB for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem code OTB for $20 off your first purchase download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed and of course just going to list out some of the things that they’ve got going on around town here on Game Time Rockies at Reds tonight uh tickets as low as $2 let’s go uh that’s got to be some sort of sale and then $5 night after two teams are bad well two two two two one more than one one less than three uh Brian later on on 13th at River Ben that’s a pretty $45 I might go to that uh and then of course Charlotte FC at Cincinnati on the 13th that’s $43 as well some really good deals should check them out really consolidating the schedule Charlotte or no FC play two games in a month gez can they handle that I mean that that’s just a terrible pit yeah they play like every Saturday and then occasionally three Saturdays in a row two month break little breather and and obviously you don’t have to play if your country’s playing God forbid God forbid you commit to the team you signed the contract to well you know what you know what they actually do go on a break but not from playing they just take a break from MLS play and they play in the leagues cup they do right which which is on Thursdays and Monday so looks like Elliott can maybe join us no I I can’t wait Wednesday because Elliot didn’t come to my birthday then he can come with Casey to go watch FC play NYC FC yeah wherec Will sweep what night is this it’s like August 5th you probably won’t be busy actually I have something do you have something yeah I have something it’s funny that you say that I think I’m at the same thing Jacob’s at dang unfortunate that’s a shame why are they playing on a Monday cuz it’s the League’s cup did you not listen to Casey they play Three Seasons at the same time get it together sorry it’s a tournament in season tournament it’s yeah it’s a tournament Not Season the Copa the Euros the Gold Cup the supporter Shield the supporter sh FC doesn’t play in Copa though maybe they should USA stinks that’s true that is true I saw Canada Advanced further than the United States what a joke we have we have the Stanley Cup all right Canada has a roster full MLS players too which is just what if Mexico wins the football championships Canada wins the soccer championships and we have the World Cup and we’re just even I’ll take World Cup for that Global equality glob Global equality um by the way do we have a list of all the nut cutter members uh uh I I can get that you want me to get it out right now no not the second but I just want to you know our guy Trace he he wanted to make sure in the chat to everyone there we have six tickets for tonight’s game okay six tickets for tonight’s game for the nut cutter members all right let me make sure I read that correctly so that we’re all on the same page two I believe yeah three sets of two or six individual tickets am I right Elliot you know well he he said he’s giving him to pairs three pairs three yeah but no we’re so um we will do at the end of the show Casey we’ll do a drawing from the N from the list of the nut cutter members correct all the active members there are 57 total members as of right now so there’s going to be a lot of names to to pick through here are all 57 of those guys and gals hanging out with us in the chat because you know should we shrink it down like we should do like a roll call maybe I mean what we do go you know what’s the way to go about this you know we’re just rolling I you got to be in the chat today got you have to be in the chat right now let’s reward the the the Cutters that are tuning in today we’re also going to have more giveaways throughout the week not just Red’s tickets but um Riverbend tickets for upcoming concert like are going to enter I’d like to throw my name in the Hat for that unless Reed I woulds what if we just draw for the Riverbend tickets amongst ourselves we can do it live well because then if he wins you’ll just give his tickets away that’s right I’ve seen it happen that’s right it was brutal it was brutal so as far as that’s concerned it’s going be hot tonight we’ll have incentives for new members as well uh Colin shout out to Colin he went uh we got him hooked up with those Reds tickets over the weekend he got to see the Reds get swept so there’s that I don’t know if we punished a new member or not but that’s what it feels like we punished Colin yes um I have some inside baseball uh Mark sent me an email asking uh he thought this was for the radio not for this show but it is on radio so let me shoot him you want me to okay I’ll let you I’ll let you talk to him yeah let me figure that out go back to housekeeping items while I shoot him a note yeah uh Casey I didn’t do the FC segment I had it ready in my headlines I know they skipped over it um we were going to though but the FC segment had it typed up so they won 6 to1 over Miami Miami didn’t have any of their good players but they did win six to one uh are they all the way back because now they are in first place in the table I mean were they ever gone to begin with yeah they didn’t win the championship last year they didn’t win the championship but they were in for but they won the supporter Shield so they were the best team in the league they were the best team in the league last year and they’re they’re going to compete for the MLS Cup this year I mean they were right there in the semi finals they they didn’t even make the championship no they lost in the semis they lost they lost in the semis to the eventual Champions I thought I went to the semis no that was the quarterfinal oh my God what are you doing you went I thought I thought that game matter no so so one of our lovely uh swag swaggy plague in the chat um he’s not I don’t think he’s been in the chat here as of late cuz he rotates his shifts and whatnot but he gave us tickets me and Elliot to go to the quarterfinal matchup I don’t remember who it was against was it Philadelphia was it the union I don’t quite remember which which team it was but we ended up going and it was a great game it was fun watch Elliot enjoyed himself and then after that he just went right back to hating on FC I yeah I don’t see how you could do that after they hosted you so so nicely and treated you so well but I I’ll consider going to that Monday game on the fth I’ll consider it to be fair to you and to to Jacob there I don’t even know if they’re going to play their best players excuse me I mean I mean what are we doing why do we do this every single time we talk about FC Cincinnati we do our little bit over here and you talk about how good they are and then you add something at the end it just makes it even more ridiculous but to be fair they are very good they they’re they will still be good yeah even without their best players on the field they just I don’t know what they’re going to do this year I they might actually try to compete they didn’t last year because I think that they were like going they were gunning for for the supporter Shields but they they might actually try this year is that bad like winning the president’s cups bad in hockey uh or has the MLS not been around like long enough I’m not sure I have no clue I don’t have the statistics on that I don’t have this yeah I don’t have that in front of me but uh yeah it’ll it’ll be it’ll be a good time if you guys go it’ll still be packed house I’ve never argued that I I’ve never argued that time especially when Jacob saw the game that I went to uh when it was 4 to3 and you said how great of a time you would have had I glad you didn’t go because had an amazing time yeah I would have a great time and I would not be able to hate on the team and the yeah program anymore which would stink very nice Stadium too if I remember correctly last year leagues cup inter Miami was like in the finals right that was when Messi came around I’m pretty sure I believe so yeah and I don’t think I don’t think FC really tried last year but I think they might actually this year Miami won Roger says Miami did win okay did I hear you spreading some propaganda that it wouldn’t have mattered if Messi and Suarez played propaganda they would have still won I don’t know if they would have blown them out but they would have still won well they win 61 61 yeah yeah Messi and sers would have scored seven alone no 86 Miami no you didn’t you didn’t watch you didn’t watch the game you have no clue they were they couldn’t even hold possession would have been able to you see uh by the way you see TR see would able to get to Messi you see Trace came in and said uh watching world class players uh in these cups uh play soccer must admit it’s a bit entertaining so in the you know like cop America and Euros the Euros have been great been great EUR have been great watching star player you know but unless you put the Red’s hat onar players you’re obviously not watching the MLS kind of like Jacob’s like I don’t want to watch Jacob doesn’t want to watch Star players though he he likes the average ones you know it’s true it’s true it’s true should we get back to the radio we should get back to the radi do we lose our guy I I don’t think we’ve lost him yet we’re just clarifying my signature has the time of my one show and then this was for this show and I think he’s been on this show before so I think he’s just so we’re getting ironed out so okay we’ll get rolling I don’t know if he’s been on this show before with with uh Tom I believe he has did he okay think so or with Kirby one of the two Nick or Kirby or Nick or Kirby Nick or Tom he’s been on with one of them so maybe it’ll be with us too we’ll find out maybe 5 Seconds silence imagine being Drew Garrison imagine your National you your team finally wins a national championship and you don’t even get to enjoy it because everyone just constantly reminds you that your team cheated like you know what I mean I I I I just I feel bad for him have has a host ever sent a super chat back like is that pod not aund possible not AA but like I you could just pay to chat him he he sent he sent five I’m going to send him six because it’s sympathy for supporting a cheating National Championship you’re a good man yeah you know but it has been 10 years since Ohio state has won a national championship as indicated on this shirt but when they win it clean this year you know well Drew will probably disappear for a bit I’ll get him a shirt oh we should get him a shirt I’ll get him a shirt shirts without asri on him those are the shirts to get you know those are the shirts to get but welcome you back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers uh Casey just killed it with the housekeeping items and the ads you know just want to throw that out there appreciate that you brushed off the polo so everything looked good it sounded good so shout out to Casey uh Jimmy’s been over there just every once in a while just coming in with some zingers for all Elliott over here the sweeping motion I’m happy for Jimmy I’m happy that he gets to do this today yeah can I say I’m not am I allowed to say I’m not happy for Jimmy you’re okay I’m not happy for you shouldn’t be happy for me all say is I’ve been I’ve been bashing the Tigers for the better part of a month now maybe more and Jimmy deserved it ever since I started the bit so I I can’t do it anymore I’m not going to make fun of the Tigers any longer uh when you sweep the Reds after the Reds sweep the Yankees it’s just like yeah I’m over it’s over I’m over they still are bad huh they still are bad the I won’t say it though okay fair they you’ll have to hear it from you but I I will admit it tell you about the Detroit crime Statics we breaking news are we sure there’s breaking news we have we have breaking news Dan Hurley of Lakers fame five or six-year $50 million contract extension to remain in stores Connecticut H that is a lot of money is that the is he the highest paid coach in college almost certainly I don’t know who else would have it so the thing the thing about a school like Yukon I know they have a football team but like he retired like years ago they what he said Jim beheim Jim be retired years ago I mean he his pension might be pretty good I don’t know you know we talked with Mark Adams the other day we talked about the the the the pay for college basketball going down um but no the thing about Yukon with all the rules changes with like this you know the now these schools could pay up to $20 million towards the towards whatever like when you’re a basketball school like 20 million is a lot right like as we know but like when you’re a football school and you to balance that between all the sports and your two big money makers you know basketball and football but when you’re a basketball school and all those dollars could be allocated towards that like yukon’s like that could be a powerful program I mean it’s already a powerful program don’t get me wrong it’s been a powerful program for decades but that’s the type of program right there that when all their money and resources like they can with the football team they could decide that they want to be a football school like what do you do if you’re Yukon do you you have all that money so with that new law you now $20 million you are allowed to to your University can actually pay up you know $20 million up to to that little salary cap if you will pay like if you’re a Yukon do you invest into the football team and make that be a power or do you just continue piping it all into the basketball they they they they’ve put some money into the football team lately they hired Mora the old uh he’s been there for a couple years though I’m just they’ve gotten better I don’t I think you’re definitely going to still focus on basketball I Meb you’re barely an FBS team FCS team so but like but with that though with that money that’s what I’m saying is like now you you can invest into football yeah but I don’t know I think if you’d win six national championships in 20 years that kind of makes it your decision for you I’m not saying you’re just a basketball school whether you like it or not but I’m curious how universities will start to will they like Dayton obviously you know they’re a basketball school right yeah they decide hey we want to kind of let’s see if we could take this football thing conf football what is that the Pioneer the Pioneer Football League I got that one right holy crap yeah first when you asked I like hit panic mode and then it like came right away Bill self gets paid 9. six a year okay so it’s a little less than that it’s a little less than that now Sheldon’s good by the way we are good to go what’s Jim one thing that is interesting is I just texted my buddy who’s A from Connecticut and he said doesn’t matter no coach contract does because he could just leave anyways true in the future but at the same time it’s like he did turn down two massive job offers this year you’re not taking Kentucky what job are you taking you’re not taking the Lakers if you’re not taking the Lakers what job are you taking in the NBA so that’s that’s where I wonder right is there any any chance that he leaves I think the only chance of him ever leaving was them not giving him a competitive offer with the other top coaches because they hadn’t until now and now that he’s two or three in the highest paid coaches list what is there to what is there to go get you when Coach K res like retired right and they set up um what’s their head coach’s name now why am I drawing a blank sorry um Duke’s head coach John sh John sh right so sh was named the coach and waiting heading into that final year right like you have to think if you’re Hurley you’re just pissed cuz you just missed out on that like if Hurley had won back-to-back national championships kind of heading into that run like I think it wouldn’t have been shy I think Hurley would have been the next Dan Hurley at Duke would be that’s quite a philosop be incredible it’d be terrible for everyone else in the world because they would just never lose they would literally never lose yeah that would stink I mean but like but no like I don’t know okay he he turned on all these big jobs while at Yukon but they were big jobs like Kentucky and if you don’t take the Kentucky job from Yukon does he I’m not saying he’ll never leave Yukon but at the same time what are there what are you taking the Lakers and he turned that down but I think he knows that job will be open in two years LeBron hasn’t played for a head coach longer than or three I don’t think he’s played for a head coach longer than three years well he won’t be in the league for three years that’s oh well LeBron I mean maybe maybe he will twoe deal deal a roll over deal he’s done he go Michael Jordan He he’ll get that uh Vegas team and then play for his team what go out like Michael Jordan get suspended for gambling get your father killed and then whoa not coming and even Jimmy said who that’s usually Jimmy coming from oh I forgot you’re a you’re you’re a bron sexual oh yeah oh yeah big time Big Time I like LeBron I wouldn’t classify myself as a LeBron sexual but it’s not LeBron sexual it’s Bron seual but yeah LeBron are you a Lebron team USA’s official account tweeted out the Olympics with the pick the roster yeah it’s incredible but finish your point you sorry oh I was going to say maybe in like two to three years he’ll he’ll come and Coach the Pistons when he can make that team his and do run it how he wants maybe I mean he’s on the Pistons for quite some time to be fair like to be fair I mean maybe they can go after Brony the Pistons uh I for forget to read his stats yes uh 21 minutes played he scored Four Points he was two for nine from the floor he played against the Pistons no oh he missed both free throws that he attempted Victor wama for summer league game four points three of 20 from the field so summer league shows a lot bronnie is No Angel Reese dude he’s no angel Reese you know how about that that like is like get like some legit like like hatred on social media like some WNBA Rookie of the Year debate has people chatting yeah it’s well that was the dumbest argument I’ve ever we all know what clip you’re talking about and if you don’t know I don’t know her name she was on Monica mcnut mcnut that’s right how did I forget mcnut awesome and and mcnut and mcnut went on the radio or on ESPN and said Angel Reese should have a should win the Rookie of the Year because her team is going to finish higher in the standings yeah they’re ahead by I think half of no no no the fever are ahead of them now oh oh so fever are ahead of them now so her take just voling back and forth as far as well I hope she sticks with it today I didn’t get a chance to catch first take this morning but I I’ll look it up hopefully she says Caitlin Clark’s winning it now because she’s in the lead right that’s what you would think how it work with her rationale would by the way so you tune you tune in ESPN right now like so all the main hosts like off for the month like for one Stephen ha’s not coming back to like October I don’t know if you guys caught that or not but like it’s a great power play on his part because he caught a lot of he he said a lot of stuff that’s true that people just don’t like right like when he said no one ever heard of Monica mcnut Before him people got mad right but he wasn’t wrong no he wasn’t wrong in fact the only reason we’re talking about Monica mcnet right now is because of some other wild crazy take that used absolutely no logic whatsoever so all these people are taking credit for the success of that show of of First Take or whatever but he’s taking this long Hiatus off I he’s just rooting for those ratings to Plum it but everyone hates on Stephen A they say get rid of him they don’t need him think of how many quality journalists you can hire for the amount of money that Stephen A is wanting the bottom line is Stephen A moves the damn needle Stephen A gets like viewership like that’s what amazes me it’s always like skip bis and Stephen A the two guys that I mean every time you talk to people I hate them I hate them they’re both horrible they’re both horrible there are so many people that do not find that to be the case because those are the two biggest names in sports media whether we like it or not it’s pretty wild stuff and Pat McAfee he’s at least likable he’s up there as well which when Pat McAfee got hired and everyone wanted Stephen A Smith to be mad at that he was super happy because he’s like I’m happy he got paid that because that’s where I’m starting in my negotiation bet you didn’t think we’d have a Stephen A Smith segment today we did not this the rund down I mean we’re still on the first the first blip of that Bottom bar right yeah we never went to headlines it hadn’t moved I know still haven’t done headlines yet can we get like a clip Casey of like so can we get like Jimmy at the bottom like doing the sweeping motion to like sweep the Cur like the bar over to the next one that would be awesome can we can we end this segment with my headlines yes we have we have three and a half we have three and a half minutes three and half minutes this is the second Miss second to last segment of the show worst segment of the show but we appreciate those uh who have remained with it we’re going to get back to the all-star conversation coming up around the corner but here we go again Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers it is time for Elliot’s headlines Elliot loves three Joey VTO David Bell and leading Off the Bench with top headlines uh how about the Reds how about we’ll start with the Reds uh because I typed it up and I’m going to just continue to read it they get swept by the Tigers 5-1 yesterday Ashcraft we didn’t talk about Ashcraft uh he pitched decent I guess four and 2/3 he allowed one earned run fine mediocre decent performance uh Tariq scall obviously was his career high in strikeouts 13 strikeouts yesterday seven Innings three hits one earn run Zach mckinstry who entered yesterday’s game hitting almost 150 hit a home run went two for four and brought in three runs as well the Reds offense mustered up four hits one of those was Austin WS with a double the first red to hit four doubles in his first six set bat since 1960 I don’t know the name of the player that did it uh the red like leather shoes McGee yeah Le yeah yeah yeah uh the the the first excuse me the Reds faced the Rockies four games starting tonight at 17 which we will be giving away tickets uh it is Abbott vers feltner Ryan feltner is 1 and seven with a 56 ra Abbott is 8 and six with a 3-2 ra the Rockies have won one Road Series all season long um and by the way I did mention this Ellie de Cruz is the only Reds Allstar I was kind of upset about that because I thought Hunter Green deserved it more than Paul SK but I’m sure we will discuss that in the next oh yeah then and we we’ll discuss it the next segment uh around the league Mets rallied to beat the Pirates 3 to2 the victory Lindor uh hit a two-run single off of RIS Chapman in the ninth inning to Win It Cardinals crushed the Nationals 83 Wilson contras hit his second home run of the Series yesterday against former red Derek law uh Braves shut out the Phillies 6 nothing Lopez went six Innings allowing two hits striking out six Braves offense hit four home runs Marlins they defeated the white sock 7 to four as Jake burer hit a game-winning three-run Jack in the ninth Guardians beat the the Giants 5-4 uh B nailers pinch hit three run home run sends the Guardians Pass San Fran the twins walked off the Astros 3 to2 on a Christian Vasquez home run Cub shut out the Angels 5- nothing West neski goes six and a third only allowing one hit Rangers destroyed the Rays 13-2 the Royals they dismantled the Rockies 10 to1 Bobby Whit went four for five with three rbi’s and a home run the Orioles win 6 to3 over the Athletics Brewers crushed the Dodgers 9-2 Dallas k four in a third Innings allowing three hits zero earned runs and he also walked five guys but nonetheless decent start I guess technically for Dallas kyel Red Sox shut out the Yankees 3 nothing last night thank you to Jacob’s Uber driver for giving me the wrong play there yeah that’s um cuz that parlay was a massive parlay I took and it’s terrible PGA Davis Thompson wins the John Deere classic he shot 28 under par uh WNBA as we all as we kind of just mentioned there angel Reese did break the double double record the sky fell to the storm Reese had 17 points and 14 boards in a losing effort her 13th consecutive double double record setting and I mentioned FC Cincinnati good for them Kubo had two goals aosta uh Assad Venezuela they each had one so good for everybody he going back to back MVPs Casey at this rate yeah the Golden Boot not the golden the Golden Boot the balloon door B the balloon door the balloon door yeah like balloon and then open the door that’s it’s the that’s like soccer MVP really yeah balloon door bendor oh my God bendor Bor how about that the balloon door but that’s it that’s segment five we’ve we’ve we’ve gotten through five segments here on this Monday that was segment five oh yeah I’m pretty sure pretty sure what was segment four I don’t think we’re on segment five are you sure Ellie radio over here I’m I’m almost I’m almost positive we are guys it’s 11:30 there’s no way we wouldn’t be on it we started late we didn’t started that late though like 10:08 well we we’ll figure it out sure will we always do yeah we do have we have uh Red’s beat Rider Mark Sheldon confirmed he’ll be jumping on with us coming up here in about five minutes so keep that in mind we’ll chat all things Reds with him we’re going talk about of course la de Cruz’s uh Allstar selection uh the only Cincinnati Red selected and no no no what David Bell oh I’m sorry Allstar David Bell I forgot true he is an allar you want the allstar manager fire Allstar manager yeah that is crazy I mean I’m like you know LeBron running a near Coach of the Year fired right there I mean like come on um but yes we’ll talk about things Reds with Mark Sheldon coming up around the corner and I like it’s take about hunter green being more deserving than a particular national league pitcher on the national league Allstar roster we have all of that coming up off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers all right and we are back Mark Sheldon Reds beat Rider with we’ll chat with him coming up here uh in just a few moments but the uh ell deight Cruz the Red’s lone Allstar selection um and I don’t think that’s much of a surprise look I heard Tom’s show a little bit ago they were talking about you know whether or not they liked whether you know every team should get a selection I’m not a fan of that I do not think that every team should uh get a selection I I just don’t I I don’t like that I mean I know some people will say that okay you need that because of course that’s an opportunity to Market these players around Major League Baseball that an argument could be made for that I get that but I mean when before baseball really started you know putting star players in every ballpark as we talked about last week if it’s coming down to one game to Market your entire sport it’s probably not going to be that effective to begin with uh but that’s besides the point la de Cruz no doubt about it deserve to be the representative of the Cincinnati Reds however some were a little surprised that the Reds didn’t get two many people thought that Ellie and hunter green would probably get the dod uh as far as that’s concern but Ellie uh Ellie Elliot had a very interesting take uh you believe hunter green should have been on the All-Star roster not over la de Cruz but over arguably the best pitcher in baseball explain Paul SK has pitched in less games and I do think I I do think it does matter for this specific uh occasion hunter green has pitched great all season long Paul SK has as well there’s no doubt about it but hunter green has done it and done it for longer this season I think that should be the tiebreaker if there is one I again paulski yeah great upand Comer he’s going to be great for a long time in Major League Baseball saying that for this season I have a hard time justifying why Paul SK was in over hunter green well if you guys remember last year there was a lot of talk about La should have been on the allstar team last year but everyone kept saying oh didn’t play enough games didn’t play enough games and I remember that was a debate there was a lot of national radio shows and sports talk shows were picking it up too that believed Ellie should have probably been on the roster last year but everyone kept because he was the most electric player in all the baseball I mean he gets called up with early June and was the most electric player for that good month and some ch leading in to the you know to basically this past weekend which was the allstar selection weekend of course and there was a lot of people that felt very strongly about that but to People’s Credit they stuck to yeah but you can’t just let him in to let them in that’s too gimmicky you know you got to like earn your way into the roster had he got called up earlier probably would have made it and I agreed with that but you’re right here we are a year later in a pitcher and schemes with the with the Pirates obviously gets the nod as far as that’s concerned but yeah I I know that may not be a popular take but I agree with you I agree with you wholeheartedly on that um is there anyone out there Ellie deserves to be up in the roster but if you could only pick one red is that that’s the red right I no doubt clearly I I think any other red that gets on that roster is on that roster because of the every team gets an All-Star rule Ellie’s making the allstar game with these numbers regardless of who he plays for he he’s an All-Star this season cut and dry you know Point Blank whatever you want to say Ellie Del Cruz is an All-Star so I think he would have been on regardless of who you played I think I thought Hunter should have been on too but schem wasn’t the one I was G to have out I think Logan Webb being an allar this year is ridiculous to me I mean SK is 5-0 in 10 starts to start his career it’s unbelievable and all of his stats that aren’t counting stats are better than Hunters pretty much across the board um but Logan Webb’s not better than either of them so oh no and trust me no one’s saying look Ski’s arguably best pitcher in baseball at this point right start for the national league and but I think it was to Elliott’s point it was about the longevity you know being called up late that type of thing the same arguments were being made for Ellie last year uh but hey he had played long enough but to your point Hunter Green’s numbers outstanding and had been there since basically you know from the beginning of the Season as far as that’s concern but all right again Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers Justin Kenner Jimmy Casey Elliot and Jacob with you here uh again off the bench on chatterb Sports on YouTube and 1410 ESPN radio and Dayton 1410 ESPN Radio Dayton’s radio home for Cincinnati Reds baseball the Reds trying to put the sweep uh behind them no not the sweep over the Yankees them getting swept over the Tigers over the weekend Great American Ballpark and uh coming on now to talk about that as well as Ellie De La Cruz and the All-Star selection and everything else all things Reds baseball Mark Sheldon Reds beat rider for uh Mark I appreciate you taking time and jumping on the show with us happy Monday uh how are you doing today doing okay pretty hectic but it’s uh you know trying to keep the house going before work but it’s all good you know so last week when we were talking you know back and forth about you coming on the show i’ had a completely different Vision about our conversation I felt great the Reds just swept the Yankees and they’re heading into three what many people see is very three easy winnable series heading into the All-Star break you’ve been doing this a long time you can’t you know the the es in the flows of a long season but how surprised were you after that type of sweep over the Yankees on the road to come home against a you know not a very good Tigers team and not just lose the series but to get swept that had to be a little bit of a surprise for you and everybody I I won’t say surprise because they’ve done this a lot this season where they’ve gone one step up and and two to three steps back so in one sense it wasn’t a surprise but yes I thought maybe this time it would be different because they really did play almost Flawless baseball from from uh start to finish of that series they they controlled everything they pitched well they they never trailed in any of the games um and they did all the right things for the most part so I was a little surprised that that did not carry them into the next series and for them to have that kind of let down was a massive disappointment uh um and it’s a big problem because I honestly I think this is the stretch here between now and the and the uh the All-Star break where they really need to show whether they’re they’re going to be worth uh investing in with as a buyer at the trade deadline and right now they’re not showing that you know with that being said again you have that trade deadline coming up at the end of the month and I know they still have a couple more series left they have series coming out of the All-Star break All-Star breaks next week so I don’t to get too far ahead of ourselves but we did put out our poll question about what are fans expecting the Reds to do uh you know obviously viously just stand Pat just stick with what you have and just see if it’s enough to remain in the race in the back half of the season do you sell do you buy what do you do as far as from where you’re sitting right now obviously we talked about how things kind of shifted after the loss over the weekend but where are you at right now with what you think this team is going to do and what they should do in your opinion sorry hang on T you’re you’re totally fine is that your dog is that your dog no it’s my son oh sorry didn’t mean sorry about that uh no uh re I’ll re ask the question no just for the expectations coming up at the end of the month uh you’ve been doing this a long time you kind of know how the Reds operate what do you think they’re going to do as far as being buyers or sellers or just standing Pat or do you think that they might try to be a little bit more aggressive than they were at last year’s deadline how do you see this playing out at the end of the month it’s hard to say because it really is dependent on on their performance and if they can somehow win the next two series emphatically like maybe go three or four against Colorado sweep the Marlins then they’re still in a position where they could be viewed as buyers if they go out and lose two more series against two really substandard teams that are not performing well uh then I shouldn’t say substandard but I would say definitely non-performing well and that would be a problem and that would tell me that that they’re not in position to contend and they should probably start selling and but when I when they sell though it will not be a dramatic uh fire sale like it was a couple years ago I mean they’re going to keep their core the the la de Cru types and and um you know noeli martes are not going anywhere but the guys they can move are the the pitchers they signed on short-term deals whether it’s Frankie Montas whether it’s Nick Martinez um maybe they have a couple of Veteran relievers whether it’s Bren sudo or buck farmer that could be moved uh they can make some Maneuvers that way to a team if they needed to and then figure it out from there but I still think with the one thing they have going for them is that this national league is so wide open nobody’s really running away with it and they it does buy them some time when you’re only anywhere between you know they’ve been as close as one game they’ve been three four five games you’re not out of it and as the Mets showed you really need one or two good weeks to get back into the race because the Mets were left for dead and now they’re they’re very much in it so uh that makes it hard to make the these decisions and you gotta kind of wait and see what happens’s Mark Sheldon Red’s beat reporter hanging out with us here again Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers again Red’s back in Action tonight coming off the sweep uh over the weekend against the Tigers trying to put that behind them and regain momentum heading in to the all-star break next week um you know Red’s general manager uh Brad meter has a quote was popped out from him over the weekend about kind of what the basically everything you and I just talked about obviously it’s all going to matter of where the reds are at you know as we get closer to the deadline but one thing he did bring up too is you know we’re going to get some additions just by getting healthier obviously keeping an eye on TJ Fredo this team’s pretty banged up I know mlan we’re entering that time line of where we could have maybe possibly expected to see him back where uh are the Reds at right now healthwise as far as that’s concerned because that will obviously play a key role too and not just how they produce on the field but just how the roster is structured heading into the back half of the Season well the lineup wise on the lineup side they’re they’re a mess um besides the guys that you mentioned uh they lost Nick Martini over the weekend they think it’s going to be an extended period with a thumb injury uh Jake fry is right now on a family emergency leave uh steuart Fairchild apparently had a back issue yesterday uh and that’s partly why they acquired Austin Slater uh from the Giants overnight because they they really are short on on depth when it comes to their lineup and there really is nobody at Triple A that they could bring up right now that would be a huge difference maker and I’m not sure what Slater will necessarily be a Difference Maker but he’s got experience he’s been there even though he’s not having a very good season he does have a track record of of some better results so uh they needed outfielders as well so I think this will at least get him through this period but uh you know Fredo is uh he still needs to get an MRI to see where his healing is but if things go well he could be back sometime after the allar Break um Nick Lolo on the pitching side could be back as soon as tomorrow if uh everything is going okay with his uh injury he’s eligible to come off the iil so they do have some guys coming back but unfortunately Fredo’s been somebody they’ve kind of pinned a lot of hopes on as being a big spark and when he came back it was pretty good but he’s not been able to stay on the field so it’s been it’s been very frustrating for them and then Marte they are waiting for his suspension to end and he’s been struggling as well he’s still a rookie and it was probably a lot to expect him to be a big uh boost to their lineup I hey Mark I’m gonna I’m gonna sneak in for a question but I I was I’ve been watching this team now for quite some time and you mentioned that they’re still alive for the playoff race and mathematically they most certainly are but I look around here and I and I’ve seen what this team is for the most of the majority of this season and and towards the end of what they are what they were last season I don’t I don’t see a world where they can compete in a playoff series uh not with the current lineup that they have now is is does it make sense fully uh to buy right now or is it is it a Lost season do we mark it up as a bad luck season due to injuries and we move on to next year I don’t know if you can go so far as to say it’s a Lost season because and also I don’t necessarily subscribe to your view about October only in the sense is they they’ve beaten all the good teams they they swept the Dodgers they won a season series over the Phillies um they obviously swept the Yankees who I know are reeling but they’re still there’s not there’s Talent there certainly and they did very well against them so uh you know last year you really just look at the the the Arizona Diamondbacks who who stunk in the second half kind of backed into the playoffs ahead of the Reds by two games they won 84 games and went to the World Series so in this in this format of of the playoffs with the expanded uh extra wild cards you have a chance chance if you get in all you have to do is get in and and you can figure it out and I’m not saying that the Reds have a great lineup because they certainly have been so frustratingly up and down uh you see what they do against uh you know they had a big you know big offensive outputs against the Cardinals and then get shut out the next game they have a huge Series against the Yankees and then don’t do anything much against the Tigers so the offense is there it’s just they haven’t been able to sustain a consistently they need some guys to step up Jonathan Indy has been doing a great job at that but he needs some help and they need some guys to to kind of get going again candelario is doing really well in June he’s been dealing with a knee injury and it’s kind of uh you know hampered his production and so they have some opportunities to get some guys going and it’s there but it’s I still think it’s slightly too early by a week or 10 days to decide whether this is enough to uh to carry forward and try to buy Mark uh how how refreshing has it been to see the the play of Jonathan India because this is a guy that obviously Rookie of the Year it takes a step back in his second year obviously you know battled injuries and then trying to get it going again last year and then coming into this season didn’t even know if he would be a Cincinnati Red his name was being brought up in every rumor trade rumor out there um and for him to remain a red and to kind of get through the shaky start to the season and to now be one of their best producers right now uh just how how nice is it to see the not just him producing but also just playing a big role in the leadership side of this team as well well they certainly needed him they were waiting for it I think what he has been saying is his he just feels healthy again you know if you remember last year he missed 39 games with uh with planner fasciitis in his foot and it really hampered his ability to to move and uh it even carried into the off season and then he had the the the little tendon the little piece of tissue tore and that had the heal in the offseason and he didn’t really come to spring training 100% And then you throw in that he was trying first base in the outfield on top of it um I think for him it’s just he’s feeling good he says he feels good he feels like he’s got his legs under him he’s only playing second base which I’m sure I’ll Prov provides him some comfort and I’m sure he’s very comfortable back in the leadoff spot and you throw all that together and and and who knows if that’s what is enough to get him feeling you know where he needs to be but he’s also a very selective hitter if you look at the numbers he’s one of the best at not chasing outside the strike zone in all of baseball and you take that and you and his health and that’s probably why you’re seeing what you’re seeing and it’s it’s uh and it’s definitely helping the res it’s helping them stay afloat I know they haven’t obviously had a good series but they are staying afloat in large part because of him that Jonathan Indy is such a fascinating you know guy to talk about too because the one reason his name was being brought up in a lot of trade conversation it was just because of when this team’s healthy they have so much depth in Middle infield and obviously right now that’s not the case just because they’re beat up so much but uh you know moving forward with Jon Jonathan India playing this way have we heard the last of the trade rumors do you think when it comes to Jonathan India or is he a Mainstay of the we talked about the core a little bit ago is he a part of this core in your opinion moving forward well I would say probably not I say you could you could make a case that he would get moved he’s got a very friendly contract he’s on a two-year $8 million contract with a year uh Club control before free agency after that so he he would be a guy that teams would want for sure uh if you look at the fact that you know Matt McLean will get healthy at some point if it’s not this year it certainly will be next year and he will be penciled back in as the second baseman so I I I I think longterm I don’t I don’t see India being in the plans just be based on who they have but at the same time for all the talk about all this dep the Reds had in the off season and how they going to get all these infielders to play now they’re now they’re uh they’re missing guys and uh that dep will come in handy and if I think if again if they if they don’t sell he’s going to be a big part of what they what they need to do this year and they could figure if mlan somehow comes back they can figure it out um you just got to find a find a way to make it work for now and and and and then see what happens I just think there’s you can never have too much depth and I think the Reds have showed that this season Mark Sheldon redbeat reporter awesome enough to give us some time here today on Off the Bench la de Cruz send us out with this la de Cruz name to his first allstar game of course and what will be many more to come uh but pretty special seeing the video yesterday when they uh you know told him for the first time he’s going to be an All-Star I don’t think it’s a shock at all Ellie is the representative of the Cincinnati Reds no it’s not you also go by the fact that people want to see excitement at these games I know they’re exhibitions they’re they’re supposed to be fun and I don’t know if there’s anyone more fun on the Reds than him to watch because you just never know what he’s going to do whether it’s a a triple or he’s you know an inside PBE from hell maybe an inside the park home run for him and and then you throw in the power you throw in the arm you throw in the speed he’s the lead League leader and stolen bases so he can do everything and you just can’t not watch him he’s appointment television so I I think he’s a deserving star I think they got it right with only one All-Star you could have made a case maybe for hunter green maybe for or uh Andrew Abbott um but really he he he is the All-Star not a surprise that it’s only ell but were were you were you expecting more than one red to be named to the roster when it was announced yesterday no not really um like I said you could make it you could have made a case if hunter green had maybe one more opportunity to pitch before the vote came out because obviously he had a great last start and he’s had a nice season but you also have to weigh in the fact that I don’t know what the other teams with the with the minimum one player rule you know you have to kind of fit the puzzle together just right in order to make it work so I I think one based on where the team is this year and the fact that there really hasn’t been a lot of offensive contributors uh overall you know sustaining it throughout the whole season and Ellie’s been I know he’s been up and down but if you look at his numbers he’s he’s he’s got a nice Ops he’s got the stolen bases he’s got he’s on Pace for almost 30 homers and 80 steals that’s a pretty good year to me so I think he’s deserving and uh it’s it’s we’ll see if the res Maybe maybe add another guy if there’s any injuries or somebody has to opt out of the uh out of the game all right good stuff Mark Sheldon redbeat reporter mark thank you so much taking time and hanging out with us today and uh en uh enjoy your final week for you get a little bit of a break right because news stops once the allstar break gets here so thanks very much yeah take care all right good stuff that was Mark Sheldon again Reds beat reporter here on Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers uh Justin Kenner we got Jimmy Casey Elliot and Jacob we’ll close out the radio side of things when we come back more Off the Bench next all right and we are back off the bench presented by United Dairy Farmers shout out to Mark Sheldon uh giving us some time appreciate everyone who’s hung out with us on the show today a lot of red it’s basically been all reds all reds um and I think we all kind of figured that’d be the case after again the emotional just the shift the roller coaster which basically has been the red since April right um sweeping the Yankees I bought back in I fell for it I got duped then they get swept by the Tigers and then they make that trade last night not a big trade but a move nonetheless um heading into this final week before the All-Star break and then Ellie gets named there was just a lot of Reds news I appreciate Mark coming on the one thing he said I’m a big Jonathan India guy I do not want to see him go but it does sound like everything you’ve talked about Jacob it’s sounds like I don’t think he’s moved at the deadline at the end of the month or maybe he is I don’t know but it does not sound like based on our conversation with Mark Sheldon Jonathan India does not seem like he’s going to be part of any long-term plans but he’s the T if you will of the Cincinnati Red we’ve known that for at least two years now that joh India is not I mean he’s you take out one month of baseball and he’s a below average Defender and a below average bat he had a great month I’m not taking anything away from what he’s done this year the only chance he would have is if noeli gets busted for steroids again that or mlan has a massive setback in his injury rehab which was cleared for baseball activities over the weekend so seems to be Tren trending in the right way for him you would have to lose a key piece of the core and I and that’s just not I I don’t think that’s realistic I was going to ask him uh I was going to ask Mark what his thoughts are on the injuries and if they’re going to continue if you’re worried about them continuing next season because the depth certainly was an issue this year and I think that’s crazy because I we came into this season thinking they had great depth I thought the Reds were were ready to go and they just weren’t because when you lose three four key pieces of your lineup um for most of the Season most of the first half of this season it was never going to be a fruitful season um but yeah it’s what he said is is correct they’re not dead yet they’re mathematically most definitely still alive if if there is a push they have some pieces still in the lineup that are contri contributing on a nightly basis Jonathan India ell De La Cruz Spencer steer uh jir on a on a usual regular basis it’s just the the bottom half of that lineups that’s been so bad uh and what they’ve needed help for and that’s why you go out and get a guy like Slater will he be good I don’t know I if if I were a betting man I’d probably say he’s going to be a fine player I don’t think he I think he’s going to be better than what Harrison Bader was last year um and I think he’s going to be probably a little worse than what steart fairel someone in the chat said I’ll bet everything I have that he’s just a warm body well that’d be great because we don’t have a lot of Warm Bodies in the Outfield we don’t have a warm body it’s so it’s yeah I it’s it’s a more than fine play yeah and you know and so there’s familiarity too with him because I guess that goes back what with Slater with the Giants he what he’s been there for eight years I guess when David Bell was with with his positional role there they overlapped a little bit there so that’s some of the familiarity that David Bell has with him and one reason that they advocated for that move as far as that’s concerned a 200 hitter you know it’s interesting a lot of people jumping in like the thing is with these moves we don’t know a lot about these guys half the time and everyone Sprints towards your you know you know the internet to try to get as much information to see what’s on the back of the baseball card with these guys and what’s the one thing everyone oh great another 200 hitter and the thing is I know average isn’t everything right now right there’s so many other formulas you got to go to college to know what all these formulas are to track who’s good not good in baseball but like it’s wild to I saw Colin coward tweet this out over the weekend there’s only right now 11 guys hitting over 300 in all of Major League Baseball so like we keep throwing out the average what is what’s what’s the so it used to be 300 300 was like oh the good hitters in baseball hitting 300 I know there’s more to it than just average right now so calm down on my stat nerds out there but what is a respectable average in today’s baseball because you know what I beat up on vad for far too long for the 220s 230s but I feel like the 230s the 240s like that’s like your median right now if you’re lucky I think we’ve matured as Baseball fans in the sense that there is no acceptable average 230 can be fine and 230 can be bad it just depends on what else you’re doing outside of that I think that’s been great for baseball to get Beyond just purely counting stats OBP is is is usually my metric o OBP and Ops are the metrics that I usually use I like now if you’re hitting 150 something’s not working right so like Mendoza still comes to play Mendoza is still in play like Kyle shorer is going to hit 225 on a season he’ll hit 40 home runs and it’ll be like okay and if Kyle Scher hits 186 with 40 home runs I still don’t care Adam dun was just ahead of time exactly all home run or nothing like so I I don’t I don’t put too much stock into that and it’s I I saw somebody justifying I think it was Red’s daily our former friend Red’s daily I think he tweeted out for uh well he is he’s still a friend but he’s uh no longer with us um and he tweeted out he tweeted alive he died well no he’s still alive he’s no longer our former friend no longer with us I didn’t even his I didn’t even mention his name I just said Red’s daily it’s going to be hard to find that Tombstone apparently all right well I’m going to continue with my point he tweeted out he tweeted out that some guy was like well Ellie is a 200 hitter and he’s never he’s he has hasn’t been good all year and it’s like if you can’t just look at batting average anymore it’s it’s very evident Ed La Cruz is the perfect example of why you don’t use batting average as the main metric of to who is a good player and who’s not I still use batting average I still want Ellie De La Cruz hitting 260 that’s and to answer your question I think that’s my number if you’re 260 I I consider you a competitive hitter um and 250 by all means and then again like Jacob said that metric’s skewed anyway so who cares um but yeah Slater will he do probably not maybe maybe that’s the thing he can’t be worse than Point what is what what is Blake dun’s average do we know 065 065 can’t be worse than 065 I guess you could you could but like unless he goes a full asral Cabrera and doesn’t get a hit in his first 50 at bats but I don’t think that’ll happen has droal down the third Baseline and get thrown out at first ah so no so 11 and again I what did Reed just say where did he go the good old days of 1968 only six dudes finished about 300 uh so we’re at 11 right now last year how many do you think finished how many total hitters in baseball do you think finish with above 300 average a lot I would assume qualified hitters it’s not a lot five I’m going to say it’s close to what he said oh is it five yeah be more than this guess nine nine nine guys so and then in 22 it was 11 214 in 2020 it was 23 but again that’s a truncated season season because of the 60 game Co year um but in 19 it was 19 2014 it was 17 2015 20 guys hit 300 or more but like you know again you go back so you go back to those times so if the ma average doesn’t matter and who cares if you’re hitting 300 or not I mean why was that a metric that everyone valued back then and did a good job of depicting who was good not back then but now that number doesn’t matter the people that lead the league in batting average are still usually among the best players in the league it’s just there’s just better way to well maybe the pace to play maybe there is no such thing as the pace of play rules that change maybe it’s just everyone sucks at hitting now and that’s why well the pitching the pitching is just exponentially better than it’s ever been yeah that’s I mean that’s what it is by way I don’t actually think that we’re the the reliever the bullpen I mean you’re having guys coming out of the bullpen throwing 105 like it’s the bullpens relievers starters as a whole it’s better than it’s ever been we talk about hunter green not coming back in after 100 pitches starters going 150 pitches was worse pitching like against for the batter like it you’re pitching is falling off as you continue to go well you know great ones Nolan Ryan whatever sure they were great and they did that consistently that’s awesome you were tailing off at the end of the game it’s just the reality of it the human body fatigues so when you’re bringing in two three four guys in some of these teams out of the bullpen that are going three up three down throwing 100 miles an hour with a slider that breaks 20 inches it’s like what do you like what do you want the hitters to do yeah nothing I I think there’s only two teams by the way major two teams in major league baseball right now that are hitting greater than 260 as a team that is collectively I think collectively and that is the fewest uh in the past several decades the worst team batting average wise is winning their division right now the Mariners how about that hitting 218 as a team the Astros will win that division but probably yeah they always do all right well this has been on the radio side now we are wrapping this up on the radio side Elliot the radio just the radio side so that wraps it up on the radio side Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers 1410 ESPN Radio Dayton’s radio home for Cincinnati Reds baseball shout out to Mark Sheldon uh giving us some time a little bit ago uh if you missed that conversation we’ll have that coming up on the ker and Kev show here uh in just a little bit so keep that in mind but yeah a lot of Reds talk today uh we’ll be keeping a close eye on what the Reds do this is a big week it’s the biggest week of the season for the Reds and I know there’s games after the All-Star break but I think this is going to give us that true indication of who the reds are heading into the break coming out of the break with the uh trade deadline looming as far as the direction and what they plan on doing so closing thoughts on the radio side of course yeah woo Reds go Tigers I said we gotta win he I mean that’s yeah you know uh Jimmy the sweeping motion one more time as we close it out do it again sweeping motion yep look at that look at that wow look at that it’s getting clean it’s getting clean over here it’s yeah we done thank you for tuning in Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers all right what happened segment wise today no idea that was six segments and look at that noon on the freaking D how not many segs felt like I I counted six in my head we did six I don’t know it’s going to be close I don’t think there was ever a mathemat because mathematically if we do it six segments we end at 11:35 we did our job yep 25 minutes we have a 25 minute ad read there’s no I mean there’s just no way we started eight minutes late and that ad read was I guess a little long because of the we were still trying to get Sheldon on uh so maybe it got up to 15 but we’re I mean I think we were hash talking Saker for a little bit we were I don’t know I I don’t know usually I I I keep track of my phone but today I lost it so we opened up just I got lost early I got lost early too so we opened up just with the light fun you know Jimmy just talking [ __ ] and everything okay cool everything was rolling and then we did we teased the poll for Segment two and then came back and talked about the poll and the results then the third segment the hell did we talk about in the third segment I think that’s where we went missing I think that’s where the brains got scrambled yeah then we came back then we after that third segment I thought we went right into the the reads this is great stuff by the way look at that the numbers just 102 101 100 it’s fine because it’s 12:01 uh as far as that’s concerned but no thank you everyone for tuning in hanging out uh with Tom Show again to start and then going right into our show here uh Off the Bench presented by United Dairy Farmers uh down to 99 we’re done we got to get out that number just keeps dropping we got to go have a good night until next till tomorrow I should say it’s been off the bench present by we’re gonna box lunch lunch sorry box lunch once we figure out this audio

Watch Off the Bench Presented by UDF with Chatterbox Sports Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. LIVE on the Chatterbox Sports YouTube channel. SUBSCRIBE to the channel to ensure you never miss a thing.

The Reds scored 8 runs in three games.
They struck out 39 times, including 15 yesterday, while walking 5 times.

In terms of batting average and OBP, they are AMONG THE VERY WORST in Major League Baseball.
And it’s not going to change…..
It might be over the next seven days against the two worst teams in baseball, but until the injured return or the guys here now find a magic Jeanie….it isn’t getting better.
And btw….the Reds made a deal last night, acquiring giants outfielder Austin slater. He’s 31 years old…. basically a fifth outfielder on a good team. The Reds have lots of those already.
Slater is hitting .200 in 45 games with one home run.
They traded right-hander Alex Young to get him.
Young has pitched brilliantly at Louisville after starting the year injured….pitched well last year for the team.
Colorado comes to town for the first of four tonight.
THE REDS ARE six games under .500, 10 ½ games behind the brewers in the NL Central.
We will talk more about the team in a minute…

The rosters for the all-star game came out yesterday..there are 33 first-time all-stars and 19 players under the age of 27, including the Red’s very own Elly De La Cruz!

One of the best stories is former Red Jeff Hoffman. He’s 31 years old and is going to his first all-star game as a member of the Phillies.
The Reds let him walk out the door after an excellent 2022 season.

How about FC Cincinnati? Like all of last year, they now have the best record in the MLS after blasting Inter Miami FC at TQL stadium over the weekend.
FCC has lost just four times all season and will host Charlotte FC on Saturday.

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⏩ Watch More:
◼ Do Reds Fans Forgive Noelvi Marte? | CBox Man On The Street –
◼ Asking Strangers if Cincinnati Reds David Bell Should be Fired | CBox Man on the Street –

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1 comment
  1. How could you not see how Hoffman was on the up and up. I never wanted to get rid of Hoffman. Young however was absolutely terrible for us. Last season he couldn’t come in without giving up a run or multiple runs.

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