Is Danny Done? What it means if Briere makes no more moves to change Flyers roster | PHLY Sports

Is Danny Done? What it means if Briere makes no more moves to change Flyers roster | PHLY Sports

[Music] hey everybody how you doing well that’s good welcome to PHL Flyers presented by mortgage CS check out mortgage phly to start your home buying process today company mlsid number 14647636 beat reporter Charlie oh Conor I don’t have that much mitkov stuff but it’s good to get it out there right away so people oh I got to stay for the mitov then exactly yeah so we’ll get to that eventually it’s good to be back in the studio though it is it is the remote shows were convenient uh especially for me as I was in bunk bed jail all last week Bonk bed uh some may have called it I like it uh but no it’s great to be back in the studio and and we I I can see Bren she can tell me when I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] up like that’s it’s all good uh um it’s you miss this place when you’re not here that long Z bman walked in today was just everybody’s back this is great like last week I guess probably a skeleton crew in here it is nice to just be back amongst everyone here at PHL why it’s also nice that I don’t have to drive to New Jersey anymore yeah well are you so you’re done until like rookie Camp well until the Flyers do something crazy because I mean my assumption that was literally how how I left it with with Kevin Kur of the athletic as we were walking out the last night I was like I’ll see you in a few months like or until the fagers do something crazy because it would be very Flyers if like mitchoff shows up next week and then they introduce him something like that or they make some enormous trade out of nowhere if not yeah the next time I have to be back is like the lead up to rookie Camp because the veterans start showing up you know a few weeks early obviously that’s a big thing that torz pushes and then you can you can interview players more easily if you want to so usually I’ll go a couple days to catch up with some of the guys you know work on some some future stories but yeah Saturday was the last day of development Camp I published my development Camp in-depth wrap-up story I’ve done this for years I I’ve always viewed it’s less so now I think because the coverage group is younger and to be blunt more motivated than they were back then but I remember back when I got started it at Broad Street hockey I realize very quickly that the vast majority of the older beat writers gave zero shits about development Camp they just didn’t care they would show up for the first day and they’d show up for the scrimmage and then every other day they wouldn’t show up it just wasn’t worth their time it was the summer and I came to the conclusion like if I want to separate my coverage this is a way to do it because no one is there and I can provide the the type of videos and in-depth Prospect evaluation that no one else is doing because no one else gives enough of a [ __ ] so I just kind of kept doing it and after every development Camp I do this in-depth story I I record tons of videos on my phone I take notes I go to every single session and then I just kind of try to kind of try to give people a uh a good idea of how they all look now obviously development Camp you’re not making any final decisions on a player it’s a teaching camp but these guys are trying to impress the brass and and the brass watching these guys to see what they have in them especially the guys they just drafted first time they’re seeing them on their ice wearing Flyers orange and black so it is valuable and you learn a lot about who they are as players and that’s what this piece does I go into um you know really I I kind of indepth broke down about eight guys and then I did little quick hits on another eight but we’re going to get into this in a few minutes um some of my observations on the bigger players but the the meat of the article is on it is for die hards only so check that out if you want to learn more watch more there’s tons of video clips um quotes from the uh we had quotes from Riley Armstrong from Nick Schultz from Samaran from Brent Flair uh quotes from The Players so it’s really in depth piece a piece I’m I’m proud of doing every year so check it out and I was like just listening to um yes it’s very difficult to okay well because of this Dev camp this is what I think this guy is going to be but just tracking the progress like you’ve seen a lot of these now and like listening to Martius and Meltzer and flyers daily today they’re like it’s hard to say okay this is what Denver barky’s gonna be but I can tell you from last year’s development Camp to this years this is what I’ve seen is different and like you having been to a bunch of them and being able to track that progress you’re able to draw on that a little bit I was actually really excited to see Denver Barky this year because we didn’t really get to see him last year at development Camp he he got banged up early if I remember correctly and barely was on the ice I I actually don’t know if he ever hit the ice cherick was on the ice got hurt and then missed but Barky was a disappointment because I remember being really excited about that draft pick when they made it last year and really pumped to see him on the ice for Dev Camp he didn’t really participate in Dev camp this is his first development camp and he was impressive so this is uh go to all sign up to be a diard get all Charlie’s videos get the breakdown the complete ER the place to go for all development Camp coverage the final say if you will but right now I’m want to talk a little bit about Saturday’s scrimmage and just your overall impressions of some of these guys and uh it was it was funny I mentioned listening to Flyers daily earlier they talked about jet luchenko signs at 17 won’t be 18 till August 21st could very well be the youngest player that they’ve ever signed like if anyone would know that it’s Meltzer uh and like he was I can’t come up with anyone uh but it’s just kind of crazy to think you know talking about when you started like yeah there is probably a lot of the uh beat reporters the coverage left from a long time who’d been doing it a while it’s like draft picks prospects Oh you mean trade pieces you mean you mean ammunition with names like with names written on it like that’s all this is and it has changed a little bit as the game has changed luckily you were kind of there and you know got to start that from Good Old Broadstreet let’s start with uh that young man jet luchenko 17 leaves camp with an ELC in his pocket when you sign at 17 like do your parents have to be there I don’t like I like I don’t think is that legal I guess can you sign an employment contract like if it doesn’t kick in until you’re 18 yeah like I don’t know I don’t know question I just I don’t know what the Canadian rules are you can’t because presumably he has to you know go under both rules right he’s a Canadian citizen so like he’s got he’s work he’s going under a work visa I presume you can’t rent a car till you’re like 25 you can sign a contract to be employed with like Comcast spectacor in the NHL whatever anyway jet luchenko we all have heard about his speed uh the more we’ve looked into him like the Combine results super impressive sure you mentioned some things that really suck out positively and negatively last week as we went through each day of development Camp what’ you see in the game and overall impressions of the 13th overall pick from 2024 I thought he was really impressive in the scrimmage I thought the scrimmage was the best he looked at Camp what you usually see with these guys at development camps I’ve been to to enough to know that this is very much a thing especially the guys who just got drafted and all the eyes are on them they usually start slow at camps at the development Camp because I think they’re just a little nervous it’s a whirlwind week they just got drafted they hopped on a plane fly to Vorhees well to Philadelphia first and then go to Vorhees and you just get the sense in the beginning they’re a little overwhelmed they’re a little star struck by it all but as Camp progress I thought lenko looked better and better like the skating that popped right off the Jump he’s an incredible skater he was the best skater at this Camp by far I mean guys like like jenden and uh and J.R Avon are are very quick skaters but no one had the skating ability allaround skating ability just oh [ __ ] that that lenko has but what I really liked in the scrimmage and what really showed in the scrimmage in a way that it just can’t really show in drills and in practices is just the details of his game you know he is you can see why the Flyers after the draft and presumably before the draft as well why they were so adamant that he’s a center because he just he has those little details that make you think yeah he can stick in the middle he he just he thinks the game at a high level in terms of you know you’re always seeing him checking behind him to make sure no one’s getting no one’s getting behind him he settles in down low in the zone to provide support for his uh for his defenseman as an outlet on breakouts there were some really slick little neutral zone passes where he was kind of able to facilitate his Wingers getting up ice faster because he knew what he was going to do before he actually did it even though he was under pressure in the neutral zone there were just a lot of little things he did that made you think like yeah he’s I don’t know what his ceiling is but the floor is very high because he does all of these things and that popped in a way that it just can’t pop in drills and in practice and then you add in the skating you add in the uh the the soft hands the quick hands in close he’s good at finishing in close and you could see what why they’re so high on him now it wasn’t perfect and I mention mention this in the story that I wasn’t in love with his creative passing ability um the decision- making sometimes wasn’t great sometimes he was forcing passes and the the one thing that like did jump out at me especially in the drills and it it was the case in um in in the scrimmage too is that he needs to get better at protecting the puck he gets the puck knocked away not in terms of getting hit but in terms of protecting it away from stick checks he lost the puck a lot and if if that doesn’t get fixed it’s going to limit his ceiling because he’s not going to be able to take full advantage of the speed that he has and the finishing ability that he has if he can’t get through the waves of Defenders that allow you to get to those dangerous areas that just strikes me as something like it just needs to become more of a focus because he’s been able to get by like if you have that type of speed a Defender is just going to be like well [ __ ] this I’m playing two stink lanks off of him so he just doesn’t burn me and then speed of the game difference like these dudes can skate you like first round picks whatever obviously he still has the standout skating but they’re used to really fast dudes and they’ll just I’m going to get up on him a little bit and see if he can see if I can neutralize his speed before he gets going whereas probably a lot of defenseman he’s played in his life for like I’m just not going to become part of this guy’s highlight reel yeah and so it just has to be more of a focus adjusting to what higher level competition is going to be might be tough but you mentioned like Sean cier who has become a pretty damn good power forward uh and has great hands around the net or at least did before this PRI season uh like it’s just something that can be worked on yeah yeah it can the the big question you’re going to have is does he have the the offensive creativity the vision to take full advantage of his skill set and that’s something that I noted I believe I noted it in my my pre-draft Prospect preview video that I did on jenko is just that you don’t know what the ceiling is because it’s like does he it’s not even that he doesn’t think the game at a high level because he does the details are there the hockey IQ is there the question is does he have the offensive creativity to find the guy that no one else can see but he can you know to to take the right route through the neutral zone so he doesn’t end up just like running himself into the corner but he he can see that like well if I make this little this little pivot or whatever and he has a skating ability to do it but if I make this little pivot if I slow down and then speed up I’ll be able to get to an open area rather than just running myself into a puck battle that’s the question and we’re going to see over the next couple years if he can the the exciting part about lenko and you spoke to this a second ago he’s he’s young he’s really young and usually not always but usually on average the guy guys who are drafted young tend to have they just have upside that like the older guys don’t have and that was a concern about for example yakam chuck yakam chuck was an old player for his draft class so the idea of like yeah he’s the super high upside defenseman and he might be there were it was tempered a little bit by the fact that like well he’s old for his draft year so maybe he’s not the kind of high ceiling guy that people hoped he was going to be whereas lucenko is Young for his draft here so he’s been playing against older players pretty much as life now he’ll have almost an extra like an extra what like eight or nine months over a guy like yakam Chuck to to further develop like you see the tools of and like yakam Chuck might end up being a noris guy who the hell knows but you just see the tools and you go well if he puts this all together and perhaps at a certain age you go like well he would have connected a maybe not a b and c but like he would have connected A and C by now and then we’ll see if B comes like yeah whereas a guy who’s almost a year younger well he next year’s really his big development like that could technically be you know he wouldn’t even be super old for next year’s track you know he’d still be 18 when they draft him all right um I have Stak my claim to Hunter McDonald he’s he’s officially hashtag myy guy it sounded like he looked pretty good it sounded like he looked pretty good in the scrimmage I am oh look at this SM he is you’re you’re SM no no like I’m seriously considering just like making the new bit being that I believe in Hunter McDonald I believe I believe in Hunter McDonald it would that would be so fun for your brand just to see what the analytics haters would have to say about you liking Hunter McDonald no it would turn into your show for the organiz that’s what it would be Danny and Jonesy love Hunter and if you start loving Hunter well [ __ ] the analytics we’re not we’re not mad at you for being a nerd we’re mad at you for having having orange glasses that’s what it would become it would be fun see the the switch though I think I think what I can say about Hunter McDonald at this Camp is that I now have a much better understanding as to why they like him as much as they do because the things that they like about him are extremely apparent and also and this is something that’s in the piece like the big thing with the concerns about Hunter McDonald is and because you bring up the fact well he didn’t score that much in college and the the obvious retort you get from his Defenders are well he’s a stay-at-home defens he’s a defensive defens he doesn’t have to score that much and that’s true however even the best defensive defenseman in the NHL scored a fair amount in lower levels like Chris tanov maybe the best offensive defenseman of the last few years or like maybe probably the last like six or seven years I mean top tier guy who uh who was a top-notch trade choice for uh for Dallas at the deadline he scored 28 points 41 games in his in his one year in college and uh and then you have like Adam pel like another really good like defensive defenseman shutdown guy he was nearly a point per game in his final year in juniors like no they their offense never translated but they had some of it whereas Hunter McDonald had two goals in college and 20 points in two years so that’s the concern and that’s why the analytics people are always going to be skeptical of him however I will say that he showed more more offensive ability at this Camp than I definitely more than he showed in past step camps but way more than I expected he had one play and I have the video up on the article where he he has a really good gap on co co Canal this was I believe in the fouron four portion of the third Peri it’s a really good gap on Cole Canal he breaks up the entry knocks the puck down the ice and then it’s basically just them two chasing it on the puck he and Co gble is not a great skater but he’s gotten better he’s quicker he’s he’s he’s a guy who given his size and given the fact that he plays Four you would expect him to be faster than Hunter McDonald Hunter McDonald basically passes Coble despite the fact that he started about a stride and a half behind him in the initial race then he just basically manhandles him and throws him to the side to get the puck and then he sets up a quality chance for a teammate right in front of the net it gets stopped but the puck skills were there enough to create something and you watch a play like that and you think to yourself Ian I mean this is a guy who could score 20 points in an NHL season maybe he he might have that ability the skating I won’t go so far as Nick Schultz did in calling him an unbelievable skater but he’s he’s fine he’s a fine skater especially for someone who is 6’4 maybe Schultz met it literally like I didn’t believe he could skate this well I find what I just saw unbelievable that’s fair that’s very very possible I thought you were going to make a joke about Nick being like well maybe a comparison to him but I think of um like the offensive upside thing and shut down defenseman like remember that those two weeks where we like Braden Coburn’s onetime man like that was like a thing and he did have one what 36 point season and then the rest were like 20ish or fewer but like I I just don’t need it that much if especially you’re going to figure out a way to get him paired with a puck mover like an Andre or a Dale or whatever but I am very excited about having a guy like this when you mentioned the skating I just think like when guys that size figure out how to take advantage of the power and length of their stride they can become very very strong skaters and maybe that’s just something he’s figured out at a a young age yeah he’s the the skating is good enough I will say that it’s good enough he’s not slow especially for his size he’s not slow and you can see it when he’s in Rush coverage because as I mentioned in the article like being good at rush coverage being good at denying entries and GAP control like yeah yes part of that is defensive instincts and and having having Long Reach and things like that but a lot of it’s Mobility I mean you can be 6’6 and have a super long reach and be great in the along the wall and have physical strength but if you can’t skate you’re going to get turns all the time you better figure out how to not cross over C- cut and drive a guy into the wall otherwise he’s getting by you under you or long way around you every time exactly and I will say that McDonald was great in Rush coverage because he has the mobility to take full advantage of the size of the defensive instincts of the reach and that was intriguing so I come away from this Camp feeling I’m still skeptical because look it’s not necessarily the points it’s not like well Hunter McDonald has to score 15 points a year to be an NHL player yeah you’d hope that he gets some some cheapy secondary assists if he’s creating some offense but the big thing is is that if you don’t create offense at lower levels it tends to imply that you’re not doing essentially anything to get play moving in the right direction ction because you’re not picking up any cheapy assists like you know defenseman do if they’re at least throwing a decent first pass out to the forward so they can go up ice and the concern is is like yeah Hunter McDonald might be a great defensive defenser might be great in his own Zone but if he spend than 80% of his shifts in the defensive Zone he’s not going to be a good defenseman you’re just gonna get you can be the best defenseman ever yeah the other four guys while you’re stuck on defense are probably not that you’re going to just get scored on a lot so he has to at the very least provide something from a puck moving ability not be a total black hole up at the point in the offensive zone he has to be able to you know execute a pass half decently those you know you know activate down low if he has to if that’s the way the cycle rolls and I would say this Camp he showed me that he might be able to do that and that makes me feel better about his upside I’m still skeptical because guys with his profile don’t usually become an H it’s pretty rare but after watching him for 4 days I can see why they think he can be an exception I get it all right Charlie about this next player I just have to ask all right so Conor Bard Leo Carlson Adam fan Tilly Will Smith David rebacker Dimitri simachev Matt V mitkov Ryan Leonard Nate Danielson dalbor dorski okay over whom would you take Oliver Bon over those guys oh yeah because didn’t Danny say Dan said he’d be a top 10 a top 10 I’m skep look he’s just talking up his guy Danny is obviously trying to present his organization in the best light I think he probably jumps Danielson to be sure Dori maybe uh I don’t think he jumps simachev just because the the idea is that his upside his physical upside is through the roof um I think he jumps to the top 15 okay I the top 10 is a bit of a stretch because you could certainly make the case that like well Gabe bro killed it you know maybe he jumps up to the top 10 too because you have what like 60 points in in college as a freshman but he doesn’t count because he wasn’t on the Flyers board well yeah that’s the problem and I guess neither would be Will Smith so in a redraft you have to erase those two guys entirely that is fair I would say that bong stock is definitely up I think saying that he would be a top 10 pick in a redraft is optimistic not impossible given the fact that teams reach on defenseman all the freaking time but it’s optimistic it’s optimistic but if you just saw the number and like again I don’t I I don’t know but I doubt it like that he fell to 20 and in a year like not even when you do oh yeah five years later let’s look at the redraft and see who really translated the best who had developed well but a year later it’s like yeah I don’t know but if you just look at the numbers it’s like well damn yeah maybe uh but Oliver Bon I heard some good I heard some well he still needs to work on some things what was your overall Takeaway on Bon boy uh I thought so Wednesday so this would have been the third the day before the Fourth of July I thought he was the best player on the ice he was fantastic I defensively especially you can tell he’s made serious strides in terms of his play without the puck defending two-on ones along the boards he just looks steadier than he did last year and that’s exciting because as much as we’ve talked about him as like well he’s this allaround two-way defenseman his defensive game was need to work it was far from a finished product and it does seem like he’s just calmer he he he knows what to do without the puck you know he’s when he’s when he’s defending a two on one he knows that he’s got to be defending the pass and then he baits people into trying to make that pass and then deflects pass like these are finer points of defensive play that and in the Flyers did the Flyers credit they thought he was going to get better at these things because they love the fact that he’s in London in a great developmental program that pumps out NHL caliber players so they were anticipating this and it seems like they’re getting what not what they paid for but what they drafted they’re getting that benefit he did not look that great in the scrimmage he had some moments I I have a couple videos of him making good defensive plays transition defense to offense the thing that you have to remember out the scrimmage though for anybody that went to the scrimmage this was I don’t know if Danny lost a bet to Jonesy or something because the way they did it was it was like team Brier and team Jones and team Jones was stacked and team Brier was like you had Oliver Bon and you had Carson bjis and then like all Camp he got the goalie and everyone else was on the other team yeah and team white the the Jonesy team just obliterated them and it just seemed like Bon like was trying to do a lot because he didn’t have a lot of help and then was making more mistakes than he usually does he was not great in the scrimmage but I felt like in the drills and defensively on the whole he had a good camp wi see had a great camp but he looked fine I think we’ve talked a decent amount about Denver Barky and of course re Charlie pets all become a die hard to read it but uh you talked about Alec bum uh Alex bump the other day and it was the day my connection was [ __ ] uh and I missed like 5 minutes of the show right um so I’m want to talk about him because I heard some good things read some good things about Alex bump at this Camp what did you see from him I thought he was the most impressive forward in the scrimmage I I put this in my piece that that I don’t think it’s impossible to know this like unless I guess you had like tracking software at a [ __ ] development camp scriage which like maybe the Flyers did I don’t think there was a player who possessed the puck more and made more plays with the puck in that scrimmage then bump he he was the engine he was on a line in large part with lenko they they juggle the lines at times so it wasn’t like he was only with him but as good as lenko looked and he looked good like bump was the engine of that line he was the guy driving the play he was the play driver on the line he’s just a guy where it does seem like the Flyers might have gotten a steal on this guy and I know the numbers in college in his freshman year weren’t incredible they weren’t bad they weren’t incredible but this is the third Camp I’ve seen him at and he’s popped at each one and he’s only gotten better I thought Brent Flair’s comment after the scrimmage where he said he looks like an NHL player to me I mean that’s as it’s as good of an endorsement as you’re going to give to a fifth round pick they they like him and look I’m not saying he’s a top liner I’m not saying that they they’ve stumbled into you know their their big steel who’s going to be a topof the lineup guy but I watch him and I see a potential middle sixer I think he has that ability he has the the creativity he has the vision he’s got a really balanced offensive skill set he’s a guy I would I would definitely keep an eye on this year I could see him having a big breakout at uh at Jonesy’s uh Jones’s Alma moer Western Michigan oh gez yeah the Harvard har of the Midwest he used to love that one uh before we go any F further I gotta tell you about oh man this is it’s a great setup because my Lord do some people on social media need to chill between work between work social media and the choices life throws our way it’s no wonder we’re more worked up than ever Kors light celebrates Rising above and choosing a chill mindset why not turn to rain out barbecue into a karaoke house party or after a tough loss settle scores with an ice cold peace offering making the choice to choose chill then reach for a cor’s light it’s Mountain Cold refreshment listen man there’s there’s lots of stuff going on right now uh you just go on social media it doesn’t even have to necessarily be Flyers Twitter um maybe you watch the news there’s PL probably plenty of things driving you absolutely insane I know I’m fired up pretty much all the time that’s why sometimes I need to chill and there’s no better way to celebrate choosing yeah making that choice to just go you know what I’m good then with an ice cold Coors Light so whether you’re freaking out about draft picks free agency trades whatever it might be you need to find the Blue Mountains in your fridge and enjoy a beer as cold as the Rockies because when everything surrounding your favorite hockey team is on fire or maybe the world itself sometimes you just got to chill make the most of the times you choose to chill choose coorsite get coorsite delivered straight to your door with instacart by going to PHL hockey celebrate responsibly Kors Brewing Company Golden Colorado and while we’re here let me tell you about our friends over at Trumark Financial I’ve been telling you about all the benefits of joining a credit union like Trumark Financial for uh 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then we’ll answer your questions at the end of the show uh but that pretty much wraps it up for a lot of the uh development Camp stuff again all read Charlie’s article for a full breakdown of like what 26 guys or something that you talk how many dudes did you talk about so eight in depth eight more quick hits so about 16 16 I knew it was a number that ended in six yeah and Dey also I thought was was good in this Camp so check him out um I did a did a fullon write up with a lot of videos basically the short of it he comes as advertised he is just as Relentless of a player in game situations as you’ve been told he is and he’s a lot of fun to watch it sounds like he’s going to be a really entertaining guy um we mentioned the jet luchenko uh ELC there was obviously the brink uh Bridge deal got done a couple of weeks or like a week or two is it even a bridge deal I don’t know his second contract whatever you want to call more like a short yeah cuz last year this his first year so it’s really just like I don’t know we we need to look at you more yeah we need to know what you are yeah uh Igor zamula gets a similar contract two-year deal 1.7 million average annual value um they’re keeping him around he was a restricted free agent they quod him they work out this deal 1.7 mil pretty nice uh pretty nice little pay bump for our guy zamula played a lot last year had that nice little run on the power play at one point you could do a lot worse as a 67 than eagle or Zola I think down the line just looking at what this defense is if he’s part of it if he’s an extra whatever I think he’s a nice enough player the thing I’m looking at right now though Charlie first uh still exists yeah it’s still kicking it’s it seems like it will be dying any day now but for now it’s does it’s still there but I log on today just to see what the Flyers are up to about 830k over the cap right now how do they get cap compliant without ltir that’s my question for you right now I I don’t know if there’s an answer aside from they’re going to use ltir unless they make a trade and when we spoke with Danny Brier on July 1st he more or less said I don’t have the direct quote in front of me but he basically said if I haven’t made a big trade in the next week or so it’s probably not going to happen well that was a week ago so doesn’t seem like the big trade is coming so at this point choose chill choose C light choose chill at this point it does seem like they’re going to use LTI R I guess the only like the only possible way out of it if they don’t use ltir is and I guess this is theoretically possible even though I’m not expecting it is if like Ryan Johansson shows up for camp and says he’s healthy because then I guess what they could do is they could wave him and send him down and then use that to get below yeah and he knows that that’s what’s going to happen I don’t think he wants to play in the AHL I do not think Ryan Johansson at like 30 years old wants to be riding the bus exactly I just get that impression so unless they make a make they make a trade whether it’s you know trading away someone like riston whether it’s a hockey trade that has some money going out it does appear that they are poised to be tapping in a long-term injury reserve at least to start the year and then we’ll see how it plays out from there just thinking about how they would go about this like Ryan Johansson is just like he ain’t part of the plans we’re going to LTI him and I realized like on cap friendly it’s like well Ryan Ells cap uh LTI candidate would they not put him on right away or does if they’re going to do it might as well do it doesn’t matter it doesn’t really matter I mean and they could theoretically put him on long-term injured reserve in the off season two you’re allowed to do that they didn’t really want to because you only the only real reason to do that is the whole you can only exceed the cap ceiling by 10% in the off season but they’re not close to that anyway so it’s no big deal I think the key is just that they’re going to wait until the last possible second to put him on ltir because they don’t want to use ltir they’re hoping against hope apparently that something is going to pop up it’s going to allow them to avoid it whether it’s you know some GM who you know rejected a Danny Brier trade offer wakes up the morning and decides I want that player that you offered me and then does the deal you never know I it doesn’t seem like anything is imminent at the moment but it could happen you never know sometimes there happen in the offseason where general managers have a change of heart or their their previous plan fell through so they go back to plan b or plan C you never know but again the fact that nothing has happened yet it does cut down the likelihood that something is going to happen at least something substantial all right with the zamula contract sign as well I think it’s oh we can take a look at how we think this defense is going to shake out and maybe what the plan is going to be a lot of it would you know depend on the risto health but let’s just for the sake of this convers station pencil risto in as yes he was hurt for the second half of last year but in October he will be on the right side in one of the three spots uh on defense so let’s just look at this right now top pair you have to believe York sanheim reunited uh seems like proba seems like something they would want to do um both had very good Seasons last year and they’re the two best defenseman on this team so it makes sense after that we get a little sticky and like defense pairs can change you mix and match it’s going to be a whole season they have a lot of guys who might be in the fold at some point but sealer Dale um Nick sealer signed the fouryear deal at extension right around the deadline they like Nick sealer a lot he looked really good last season Jamie Dale um we’ll see jie like these two together the ically it’s like this makes sense and then when they did get out there together not Grant it was like a game maybe two it that Montreal game was that Montreal game it was a [ __ ] disaster yeah it was dump they were like minus five and it they really weren’t that bad in the other games together but that one they were so bad it was it just colors our vision of but like these two you got to believe are going to get the ice time they make sense together and then you look at like okay I guess Aristo sure yeah um that’s a third pair if I ever heard of one but then Eric Johnson we know they resigned uh Ronnie Adder not uh waiver exempt so he’s going to be on this team in some fashion you gotta believe maybe they try to sneak him through maybe I got he’d probably get through I think he probably gets through but it’s a risk it could it could happen it is a risk they don’t like these RIS Felix anstrom is not good and they held on to him like through the middle of December last year a really good point yeah yeah they were terrified that we just don’t want to lose someone for nothing now maybe they just get down to this numbers game and they’re like yes we’re already over the cap like I don’t know uh but Ronnie Adder then there’s Adam Jenning who is waiver exempt there’s Emil Andre there’s Hunter McDonald who we think is probably gonna get a game but maybe it’s more down the line could be in the mix Camp could be in the but but he has to have a really good camp they love him so much he’s going to get a look yeah he’ll get a look and HJ GRS who is also uh waivers breer’s praised him a few times brought more than expected considering he was just like a guy last year yeah he was like yeah like belpedio comes up Mee comes up jinning and Adder both eventually come up it’s like all right Andre made the team out of Camp it’s like okay HJ gr’s probably not in the mix but he’s his name has been mentioned they they’ve mentioned him he was banged up a little bit Yeah but they’ve mentioned him a few times so he’s theoretically in the camp mix I think you kind of nailed it with your proposed mix I think sanheim York is probably your first pair I think they’re going to give the sealer Dale pair a long look they’re hoping because I mean really if you if you compare this Decor the projected Decor to the one they they ice most of last year especially during the good parts of last year the big difference is the lack of Shawn Walker jaale in for Walker in for Walker so what they are banking on I mean because look they know they’re not competing for a cup but all things being equal I think they’d like to be comp competitive and the big thing that’s going to be a question mark going into next year from a defense standpoint is can Jamie Dale be somewhat close to what Walker was and that’s not going to be easy because Walker was damn good they got a first round pick for Shan Walker yeah like he’s very good yeah he’s a good defenseman and Dale last year was very much not a good NHL defenseman so he’s going to need to take a pretty gigantic step forward to even you know closely approximate what Walker provided I think Dy was more physically gifted by a lot than Shawn Walker but he’s younger the development of his career maybe hasn’t quite gone according to not plan but the Flyers think he wasn’t developed quite right they think he’s a little bit of a Reclamation project they need to fix I trust Brad Shaw but might not happen overnight they might not be able to fix Jamie Dale within you know a month of camp or even a season it might take multiple Seasons before he starts turning into the guy they think he can if he does at all so that’s the question on the second pair the third pair Zam I believe will have the leg up to be in the lineup but I think this is important I don’t think zamula is locked in I think zamula will enter Camp the favorite to make the team and be in the starting lineup yeah but if he underwhelms and if jinning outplays him if Hunter McDonald outplays him if Ronnie Adder outplays him I wouldn’t blow me away if Zola starts the year out either on the bench or it wouldn’t even blow me away if he got waved I mean I don’t think they want to do it but if he flops in Camp he didn’t play well enough last year to be like you are a lock to make this team he needs to play well in Camp to keep the other prospects behind him right now he’s ahead of them especially Play 60 plus games he had moments he showed he can at least hold his own at the NHL level but he’s got guys coming for his job and he’s not a cam yor or a Jamie Dale where he’s a locked in part of the future he’s there and he’s fine but he could lose a spot and like that gets to what I’ve talked about so much with what I want to see out of this defense like I want Ronnie Adder to make it and be up here and if he plays he plays we’ll figure it out but like the guys who are waiver exempt I want to see some rotation here like I want to see some guys playing I don’t want it to be a locked six dudes this is who we’re going with because what’s the point of that if we’re not competing for the Stanley Cup like none of these guys are very good outside of like three maybe you know like I want to see everyone play and see who can stick and see who can really impress and eigor zamula listen yeah I think if he’s going to be a part of this thing it’s as a 67 that means I have no attachment to him like oh he’s a part of this he’s a black Ace you know like that’s cool good like as a undrafted dude that’s all well and good you got something for nothing but he’s not that important that we can’t see these other guys play over him especially guys with higher upsides Igor zamula is basically what he’s gonna be well they they think he there might be another he he could jump he could it’s possible I’d be surprised we’ll see you know but I just think some of these other guys have a lot more than they have been given the opportunity to show and zamula pretty much was what he was last year and it’s fine but it’s not changing the team I I just think that they are going to make him earn it he is not going to be promis anything he’s got to he’s he’s making more money he’s making 1.7 mil so he’s gonna have a leg up on those guys that are still on you know sub $1 million a year contracts or whatever but I just don’t think he’s a lock and you know a couple our commenters mentioned that there is the the mitcha actor that’s true you know they’re going to want to have some Russians around to to ease the transition that also helps him out in terms of keeping a spot but they’re still fedotov you know zamula is interesting because zamula obviously knows Russian but also can speak English so he here yeah whereas fedotov is more of just a straight like I he barely can speak English and fot Z could be something of a translator and just fedotov got his little cup of coffee but he joined this organization in March like zamula has been here a while yeah he can’t not just talk to him have conversations but he can talk to him about what’s expected where things are yeah like fedotov gonna be figuring [ __ ] out around town too like hey man where can I get a [ __ ] cup of coffee around here eigor samula will have the answers to those questions as well and that’s why I’m all good with keeping him around like he should be in the mix I don’t know how good any of these dudes are I how good Jamie Dale is like let alone some of these guys I do want because I have been iffy on what I think Jamie Dale is ultimately going to be I do like want to point out that he was a 2020 draft pick and we all know what the year 2020 was he plays 24 games in that weird 2020 21 season like not only his development was bad but the timing of everything is so [ __ ] whacked for everyone let alone a child at the like 17 18 19 years old finally when he did play a full normal season 81 games 32 points like he scored he did what he was supposed to do in that year the next year he gets hurt and then following that the weird training camp and the negotiations with Pat for and then ultimately traded like he has been on a weird track so even if I’m like oh yeah I don’t know if I see number one in Jamie dville first pair I don’t know if I see this if anyone is like it’s just going to take a little longer you look at this dude’s path and go yeah there just needs to be some work done because he missed like three years of development yeah like it’s very very clear even if you don’t want to blame the ducks like just blame time and like time and space like so I do want to I know I’ve been down on Dale a little bit but I cannot deny they’re right he wasn’t developed properly even through no fault of the Ducks just like The Way of the World at the time I do think that bears mentioning again well it just it remains to be seen what they can get out of him they believe they could have an impact level Talent if they develop him the way that they feel he should be developed and I don’t think it’s going to be H snap your fingers and immediately he’s a top hair defenseman I think it’s going to take time I do believe they have the right person to do it in Brad Shaw and I think that should if he could turn rasine into a play driving defensive defenseman out of whatever the hell he was before that I’m I’m a guy I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt and I think Jamie D out is a lot more things going for him in terms of raw skill set than rist Lan ever did so I’m intrigued but it’s not a forone conclusion and there’s also the injury concerns you know there’s concerns will he be able to hold up will he be able to play long enough stretches to really take full advantage of the tutelage of a brad Shaw all this remains to be seen but the way I’m looking at it is is your top four pretty much locked in risto you’re hoping comes back from the surgery fine and plays and then maybe they can move then maybe they can move him um Adder is interesting because as you mentioned he’s no longer waver exempt I almost wonder if like if they tap in a long-term injured reserve I almost wonder if that makes it more likely that ader stays because if they’re if they’re trying to stay under the cap sealing to not tap in ltir having an extra Guy having an extra guy doesn’t make a lot of sense but if they’re already tapping into then it’s like well we might as well just keep him because we’ve got $6.25 million on long-term injury reserve anyway it’s not going to hurt us any worse to keep at her two and we’ll just we will not take the risk the 10% chance that somebody picks up a 6 foot three decent skating right shot defenseman and takes a stab at him on their team for the year off of waivers that might be the best thing for him the only concern about that in terms of the way they will look at it is does he make the team not playing every night they might look at it as we would rather him we’d rather take the risk on losing him because we don’t think it’s going to happen could happen we don’t think and have him play the first 30 games of the AHL season and then call him up when someone gets hurt see what he’s got but I don’t know how they’re goingon to they’re going to play the outer situation it literally might be a you need to have a great camp and if you have a great Camp we’ll find a way to keep you and if you don’t well we’ll take the risk it might be that simple it’s like listen I’m going to see I’m going to see Ronnie Adder playing and everything he’s going to turn 26 in the season end of the season March 20th but like he ain’t young he’s older than a lot of guys on this team right now it’s not as if he’s gonna be some in man dude yeah if he was a double uh he was a double redraft guy he got passed over twice so he was drafted late and then he’s had a longer developmental like Runway so yeah he’s older this is his time like just how last year was zam’s time it was like Z doesn’t do it this year it’s over if Adder doesn’t do it this year it’s over yeah all right um I mentioned it’s it’s mitov Monday at the top and honestly that was just to make sure you know we have Mitch’s name mentioned at some point but no I I do want to talk about like potential line mates because I saw a lot of like Log Jam talk on Twitter like where are dudes kind of gonna fit in what’s this top nine and I gotta tell you I don’t think there’s really a log J I don’t either right now they have 14 forwards and that includes Ryan Johansson and Nick delore now yes Nick delorier two years ago played 80 games oh [ __ ] Nick delorier is penciled into this lineup he played 60 games this past season Charlie he played eight of the final 22 games I gotta believe that’s the coach recognizing yeah this isn’t really worth it to anyone especially considering they’re not tanking like they want to put out the best 12 guys that means your fourth line is Kate’s paling and halfway now I know that they the coach loves Ryan paling and at some points in this season he was the one C uh but as long as coutrier is some semblance of what he was for the first half of the year as long as Morgan Frost is not chain to the dog house there’s look there’s a lot of possible Bobby could get scratched a fair amount I’m fully to be at least one where loses their minds go Mitch get scratched fully expecting it like I I I’m preparing myself it’s going to take me the full two months left of the offseason to prepare myself mentally for the [ __ ] show that Twitter will be chill but like it’s gon to happen choose chill because it’s just Tor but I think it’s very obvious that and like again I like to put in the notes app on my phone and screw around what the lines could be these are not lines just in terms of what your top nine is farby coutou conne Forster Frost mitkov Brink lot and tipet like that is a very clear top nine to me yeah I agree and I they don’t have like anyone else I guess if yeah we just love paling we need to bump them up Frost guess what we hate you but like it’s so obvious what this lineup is going to be taking the torz factor out of it which you can never do I I just don’t really see I don’t see a way for them to be like paling is one of our top three centers I think he’ll get some time up there they’ll Shuffle it around if he’s pushing out lton for if lton struggles sure I get it oh if you want to if you want to sub out lton and paling and make those two interchangeable you never know like lton could be traded as soon as the show ends we have no idea we’ll talk about that in a second there’s a few minutes left um but like I I just don’t see any possibility like you said there’s a chance Brink gets scratched a decent amount well I mean well if there’s games where they want to get delore in because they’re gonna play like delore is not he’s gonna play he’s gonna play especially when there’s games where the other team has a heavyweight if R if they are up against Ryan Reeves or Matt rampe or one of these dudes he gonna play Yeah you got to move somebody out I just named two guys yeah there’s a few yeah I mean Kates maybe if if farby stays in his dog house maybe he sits sometimes like there are guys they can sit I don’t think they particularly want to sit a guy like hathway they love him obviously they sign that extension torz loves freaking loves Ryan paling really surprised me it wouldn’t be a John torella flyer season if Morgan frost didn’t get scratched at least a couple times like let’s be honest here it’s gonna happen it’s just what he does incredible just T so I think they’ll figure it out but no I think the chatter I saw on Twitter today was mostly about the idea that we like Joel farby won’t be in the top six but I and while that might be true at times I think a lot of it’s just going to depend on who’s going who’s hot who’s who’s scoring at that point and I do think a lot of that chatter is it’s not that there isn’t some truth to it to the fear that like well what if farab and tourist are just on the outs and then far’s value tanks because he ends up spending the whole year on third line but I do think a lot of it is driven by the the bias of people on Twitter that just want trades to happen and they’re trying to speak a Joel far trade into existence by saying that well he’s going to be on the third line you got to trade him now or else his value is going to go down and I don’t even think they necessarily even fully believe it it’s just that they want a trade to happen I just like labeling any of the any of like whoever is playing with ketne is the deao top line I mean for now until until mitov until shows to be what we think he can be but like I’m not expecting that especially for like the first 30 Games AG like I’m not expecting mitkov to be what he’s going to be in two years right away if he is [ __ ] aw G give get me the tattoo now like let’s a Stanley Cup tattoo but like I I’m slowing down with my early season expectations for him it’s and maybe they figure out a way to play those two together you know it wouldn’t be crazy to play KY and mov together con’s played the left side before he can he has I’m not like mov he’s a lefty right he shoots Lefty but in Russia you play you play a lot of opposite side in which I am all four because I think playing your offside gives you the best chance to shoot the puck into the net and that’s fun but like if tippet is your first line left wing and that knocks farby down like I don’t know farab coutou conne is that that much better than Forster with lton and tippet like tell me which one of these is a first or a third line I I just don’t a top two I don’t think you have a top six I think you have a top nine and it’s a bunch of dudes who are basically all the same and then you have Kate’s paing halfway to beat the [ __ ] out of out of teams like that’s kind of what this is but who do you think is the best possible fit to play with mov right away to me it’s Forster and frost that that’s what I lean to I really like the idea of mitchoff and Forester on the same line because I like the size that Forester would bring we know Forest are going to play the left side because he played a lot of it last year even though he’s a natural righty so you can keep mitchoff on his preferred right side as he’s you know getting his feet wet at the NHL level I I’m sure at some point down the road they’ll have mitchoff play some left side I don’t want that to be the first thing they did learn one thing yeah let’s let let’s let’s make it as easy for him as possible as he’s getting adapted to the North American game but there’s no reason why he can at some point play the left two he can bounce around that’s just the way an NH NHL lineup works I like the idea of Forester with with mitchko I really dig that then it’s just really a matter of whether it’s C or Frost and in theory I like the playmaking potential of frost setting up mitchoff mitchoff as I’ve said on the show before he’s got great Puck skills he’s a wizard with the puck he can pass but more than anything he wants to score goals and more than anything Morgan Frost wants to set up goals he scoring a goal is like his last resort he wants to pass the puck to someone in a dangerous area that could be a potentially deadly combination and it also could serve the benefit of making Mor for us look a lot better than we thought he was so I want to try that do I think it’s C it’s possible that we find out that mitchoff works much better with shanier because shanier thinks the game at such a high level because he brings the size that Frost doesn’t have because he’s a play driver who can give mitov more opportunities in the offensive zone maybe that legitimately could be the way it plays out but the upside potential Frost mitchoff excites me more right now in theory than the upside potential of curer mitchoff in the middle of July that’s got a long way to go Chuck we got we got some time uh and before we wrap up today’s show there’s one more thing I want to bring up uh quickly but first we got to talk about our daily presenting sponsor that’s right each and every day we’re brought to you by mortgage CS I’m want to pass along a little message for you uh from mortgage CS yes rates they’re slightly higher uh but home prices they’re still Rising mortgage CS can help you get into a home before they go even higher and also help you refinance to save money when rates drop who doesn’t love that idea the same house but with a lower payment we all know about interest rates right now but the thing is if you’re in the market for a home home values are elevated and expected to keep Rising so it might not make sense for you to keep waiting for interest rates to drop to buy be before you buy a home when the price of houses just keeps on going up plus mortgage CS can monitor your refinance opportunities and will ensure you save money responsibly when the rates do drop refinancing with mortgage CS is straightforward you don’t want to pay a ton of fees when you refinance and you’ll never 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in there and will answer your ridiculous questions no matter how silly they may be actually the Discord pretty good it is a pretty good discourse in the Discord not nearly as insane as some social media Outlets so maybe you uh want to maybe you want to be not driven insane for the next couple of months uh by social media well the best place to continue to get to talk Flyers with some fans is in our Discord you also get a discount on merch like our Mitch kov Mania shirt that’s right Mitch COV Mania run and wild and we want you to go to PHL right now and Order yours while supplies last everyone loves mad mitkov it is the point of this upcoming season it’s mitkov Mania well guess what you can wear the shirt and support us at the same time get the shirt before people on social media decide they actually hate mitchoff it it’ll only take it’ll only take a few weeks believe me uh but you can get that shirt there and you get a free shirt when you sign up to be a Die Hard get two birds stoned at once get the Mitch COV Mania shirt sign up to be a die hard all right we got super chats oh yeah super chats let’s do that we can do this anytime uh so we have three super chats with our boy Gary be Charlie how did Noah pal look in Camp there’s been a lot of talk about Noah pal the uh story of him being a heart of hearing he met with a student athlete from SNY hockey also suffering from hearing loss kid is an awesome story how’s this game I was impressed by Noah pal he the way I described him in my article because he was one of the eight players that I uh that I highlighted in depth uh with videos and whatnot he’s just noticeable like he’s always doing things to make you stand up and notice that he’s on the ice that he’s in the middle of a rep you can see the power forward potential you can see the fact that he has legitimate Puck skills he almost he almost nailed a forsberg uh in the scrimmage it actually it got stopped I saw it was a good it was a good save but like he he’s got the creativity and he’s got the dangles that he’s going to try out some fun things he also what I really like about him too he goes to the danger areas like he’s going for the slot he’s going for the net front he’s mixing it up in front and his shot it it’s got some velocity it’s got some zip to it the one thing that I did notice that I think he needs to work a lot on like he was approaching haral down levels of falling he was falling a lot oh I love it and you watch him skate and like it’s not that he’s slow he’s not fast but he’s not slow there were guys at this camp that were slow cough cough Jack berglin but I wouldn’t say that he was slow it’s that he doesn’t look that strong on his skates and if he’s going to play a power forward style he’s got to look more stable so that he’s not just easily getting knocked over when he goes to the dangerous areas I think he can he can work on it I think hopefully as his lower body gets stronger maybe works with the skating coach he can improve that but that was the big red flag I saw but everything else no he looks like a really good fifth round pick and you like I had to laugh because you’re like well if he wants to play power forward and it’s like one of the best we had in the last 15 years but like he won battles and stuff oh yeah like he didn’t get knocked down that way he was just a goof and would fall down like for no reason like away from the play like that’s what made hardal funny it’s like it’s not like he got knocked down it was he just slipped uh but yeah so there’s a little bit of a difference there all right the uh next Super Chat from big juicy germ be juy germ Sawyer Bolton go boom I love this kid so Sawyer Bolton was an inv well so sort of um he was signed actually I think it was like right at the start of Camp he was signed to an AHL only Phantoms contract um he’s more of like a a physical goon type beautiful um he was noticeable at times at Camp sure you know what like one thing I will say I not expecting soer Bolton to be even probably not an NHL player but as you can attest and we have something up here AHL fighter goon types they get people into hockey and if that’s what s Bolton is GNA be for the Phantoms this year I love it was eight years old when I saw Frank boois play never look back that’s my kind of hockey it love it Sawyer oh we got to check out we got to check out some Sawyer Bolton soon and the last Super Chat of the day from JH what does Bill think about uh STG claiming Mitch Mania and by extension hul Mania um I good for them man I guess cool like cool you know we’re not trying to start fights here yeah good for them they apparently put the shirt out a while ago I’ve never listen to their show I don’t follow any of them so it would be pretty difficult for me to steal that also I can show you the super like my idea for the Mitch COV Mania shirt was totally different um a Russian flag ripping like Hulk Hogan shirt and uh mitkov like like the mitkov uh silhouette like we have on the Mad Russian shirt emerging from that that’s like one a lot of work and two I don’t know if we want to like put out a shirt with the Russian flag like being ripped like that seems like a bad idea yeah I mean it’s tough given the invasion they’re not they’re they’re justifiably not exactly very popular having their flag on the shirt maybe not the best idea ripping it maybe not the best idea I don’t know I would just spit bing one night might have been participating in some extracurriculars uh and the design we came up with I very much doubt our denver-based merch guy was trying to steal from some other podcast in Philly coincidence um Hulkamania both I and members of their show around the same age uh grew up liking wrestling yeah and Hulkamania the biggest [ __ ] thing there’s ever been so so draw your own conclusions from there yeah we’re not we’re not here to start face I don’t care but yeah buy it from us buy it from them I don’t give a [ __ ] mov man is running wild buy from us yeah buy it from us but mov Mania is running wild either way uh all right so that is all the time we have for you on PHL flyers today I like that they paid to ask that question because there’s no way I’d ever address it if they did but it’s a super chat so I’ll give you the answer I’ll give you I’ll I’ll show you the [ __ ] DMS with Eric our merch guy like anyway that’s all the time we have for you on PHL flyers today thank you all for listening thank you for hanging out thank you very much to our presenting sponsor mortgage CS check out mortgage phly start your home buying process today you know where to find us subscribe right here on the YouTube page set those reminders never miss a live show we’ll be back all week at one o’clock back where we belong baby at that 1:00 time slot now the development Camp’s over follow us on Twitter at phore flyers and uh follow the podcast PHL Flyers wherever you get those boom subscribe both ways listen everywhere pump up our numbers all right that’s it my name is Bill matz that’s Charlie o’ Conor you stay loose and sexy Philly we allting like the mayor

Egor Zamula, the Philadelphia Flyers last remaining restricted free agent, has inked a two-year deal. Development camp is over, complete with a Jett Luchanko ELC signed.

The draft wasn’t as exciting as we hoped, free agency was a predictable nothing-burger, and now into the second week of the new league year, Danny Briere has not done much to differentiate this year’s Flyers team from last season’s, with the obvious exception of Matvei Michkov’s pending arrival.

What does it mean if Danny is done? Does he HAVE TO do something? And why hasn’t Scott Laughton been traded yet?

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  1. If Danny does nothing he should just change his name to Ron Hextall. Trade TK. Trade Laughton. If ya wait until the trade deadline their value will be diminished.

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