When will Caleb Williams and Rome Odunze sign their rookie contracts? | CHGO Bears Podcast

When will Caleb Williams and Rome Odunze sign their rookie contracts? | CHGO Bears Podcast

[Music] what welcome in Bears fans to another episode of the chgo Bears podcast on this beautiful Monday in Chicago and look the two crew in studio Greg with one leg actually in the shot you just have one leg right now that’s true that is true how you doing my friend I’m doing all right I’m doing all right um we’re making it through we’re making it through I I’ll find out more results here this week but couldn’t spend another damn day sitting in my basement especially in summertime it’s yeah it’s miserable yeah it sucks I got out for the fourth you know I jumped in you know we were in the pool just kind of hanging out taking in the sun yesterday so I’m not completely held captive but it’s nice to finally get back into the office I almost came the way like Michael Scott showed up when he burned his foot yeah with on the George Foreman grill and I was gonna like bubble wrap my whole leg see I was thinking similar office thing remember when Stanley has his heart attack I was gonna be real quiet yeah real gentle my voice walk how you doing that’s what Karm needs when I’m around him like the because it starts beeping as I get closer to him carel will return tomorrow he’s coming back from Wimbledon he’s actually coming back he looks like he’s having a great time over there growing be not completely confirmed we might have to pull him from London when we go there in October uh yeah there’s no guarantee it’ll come back the next time we go to London so see what ends up happening uh Greg we actually I mean for this Monday edition of Cho Bears we have a lot to talk about and you know with every I think Bears topic usually starts with Caleb Williams in some form or fashion yeah and just want to ask the chat real quick with with Caleb Williams Roman dunesday there’s a common denominator between the two one they’re going to be the onew duo the greatest one to Duo and bears history but also they they haven’t quite signed their rookie contracts yet right is anybody in the chat worried about that just curious you’re starting to see it build a little bit Yeah Bears fans have been funny and I saw I saw dendy City Productions who does a great job on Bears Twitter putting out the hype videos and uh does great work in his own right but um he mentioned like this has been such a weird last couple months through the the fighting between should they keep fields or get rid of them and now here since OTAs essentially there really hasn’t been any drama amongst Bears fans and if you follow Bears fans close enough especially on social media there’s always some kind of drama that we stir up and we get upset about and so like this one with the rookie contract’s not being signed like there’s been a few there’s been a smattering but not to the level that it’s reached any kind of drama or you know people overreacting or panicking yet now a week from today next Monday where you’re only a couple days from reporting rookies report earlier than vets then I think it will start to build um so it’ll be interesting but yeah no drama right now and Bears fans are just living in positivity so I don’t think anybody’s overly concerned at this point yeah and I mean the big thing like obviously you want I think we all anticipate that Kaleb will sign that rookie contract same with Rome because rookies who are you know holding out they they won’t be able to participate in training camp if you don’t sign that contract you can do all the offseason stuff the mini camps things like that but if you don’t have that contract signed by the time training camp rolls around you cannot participate but I don’t think that’s going to be the case with Caleb and fr what I’ve heard there isn’t a concern that he won’t sign so I mean I think it’s just a matter of time but again these things can be a little tricky in terms of contracts because it’s how much upfront money the bonuses the incentives things like that that can go into what maybe Caleb’s looking for we know he’s a business guy too like it’s not just obviously very committed to football wants to be one of the greats all time but he does think about those other aspects of the game and what the game can provide for an individual if they play it long enough um he actually this is the last day I believe of the uh the veteran mini camp where Caleb Williams was announced that he was launching an 888 Midas an investment firm that will Target private Equity venture capital and real estate deals and in the statement he said I always plan on being both an athlete and a businessman so I think just like in this approach is he has a this rookie contract you can negotiate and want to get what you want there’s a lot of different language in it right you know and and so you’ve got you know a couple different instances that you can point to as far as rookie quarterbacks that have held out we’ve gone through this with Cedric Benson holding out M that was I mean I that’s probably the most memorable one for Bears fans because 36 days he h out 36 days and when he came to the team they greeted him with some pretty tough practices he got banged up you know and then there was the whole Thomas Jones Dynamic and I think a lot of players didn’t like that the Bears had drafted Cedric to begin with yep um and then you also had roquan Smith hold out 29 days for his hold out there right so but we’ve never had it with a quarterback especially a number one pick you know Sam darnold is somebody you can point to he missed the first few days of practice with the Jets that pretty much had to deal with offset stuff and that’s what I mean when it comes to language a lot of this is over Bears fans heads because I I I think the average fan probably doesn’t realize like it has nothing to do with the money the total of money they’re slotted a certain amount of money that’s what you’re getting but there is different language and the way the money is spread out that that’s what’s got to get worked out injury stuff you know and signing bonuses like and and somebody that you know is very close to this kind of process I kind of talked to him this morning he gave a little a few different points to to talk about and he said you know Rome might be holding out waiting for Caleb uh to get in extremely favorable terms so then he can ask for the same terms so that’s one thing to look at in terms of why Rome has a sign not just Caleb um you know and the sticking point like I just said before a lot of times has to deal with with full signing bonus in one lum sum no deferrals which you know our guy was talking and saying you know which is believe the same reason JJ McCarthy is holding out and then of course no offset language like I just said uh you know and if you don’t know what that means AKA if the guy were to get cut you know would his earnings from the new team offset what he’s owed from this contract or could he double dip on both contracts this is a battle every single year in the top 10 um but at the end of the day day you know my guy thinks they’ll figure it out so you know that’s essentially kind of where we’re at in this there no reason to panic now I don’t think even if it got to next Monday there’s still no reason to pack you can literally get this done at the stroke of midnight before Camp starts and all is good now if you start missing practices you know like okay I think every player understands that this is a business and Caleb specifically and Rome have to do what’s best for them but specifically Caleb when you’re qb1 you’re getting first team reps you know if this trickles where Sam darnold missed three days of practice it’s not going to go all the way to where JaMarcus Russell missed the first game of the season so it went all the way through preseason it’s not it’s not ever GNA get to that level but even missing the first three days of practice is with the way practice goes nowadays you have only so many reps you’re not doing two days that’ll be the kind of thing where veterans are kind of looking at it like with a side ey you know like hey time to go to work yeah and look I mean Caleb has a lot that he needs to work on before he’s even ready for week one I mean the verbal Cadence something he hasn’t actually done since high school that’s a basic thing that you need to learn you need to learn the just the chemistry you’re going to develop with the entire offense and whoever is playing Center at that point like these days do matter so I think for Caleb who is very obviously football oriented but also business business mind oriented he’s going to do what’s best for him to put him in the most advantageous situation and I think in both areas financially and also on the football field so I just think that he’s got his head on straight but that’s why you have all these like lawyers and guys that are really smart that can read all this all these different the language here so that they can get what they think is a fair deal well remember when in he talked about how much of an influence his dad was in those business meetings and the way now this is his opportunity to do that you just like you mentioned he just has the 888 Midas that he you know started up so you know he’s you know you’re those are reps too as a businessman right so like this is his reps to learn how to become the the businessman that he wants to be and so you know he’s gonna fight to get the best contract we all do that in all walks of life doesn’t it’s not just football so I think at the end of the day it’s fine and roquan he had a long hold out but he was beloved by his teammates you know what I mean so like even when he returned you know as I said middle linebacker quarterback two different entities the way the team is relying on you but at the end of the day you know I think these players are always going to be on the side of the play their teammates and the players and not not the coaches or the organization let me ask you guys this do you think it would be best for the team to just give him a massive signing bonus because the way it gets split up over the duration of his contract because then the way I look at this this is maybe at that point that opens things up maybe you need a defensive end maybe maybe you still want gway for instance maybe now you have a little bit more money that you could divy up towards some other needs to the team or maybe it’s a center yeah right yeah no I think that’s a it’s a smart way if you’re trying to still fill gaps on this roster because again you cannot have all the money allocated to just one one year will get kind of divvied up throughout the contract so I think it would be like the Bears still I think ideally would look if they could sign a guy like Conor Williams at Center and they need the money to do it like I think that would be an option another defensive end yanin G posting videos and putting a gorilla emoji and then ellipses and then hash God he’s like he’s ready to get signed somewhere so it’s like I think having more money and I think the Bears are they’re in a Prett pretty decent decent situation but that would be one way to also you know just be again a team kind I guess team guy right help out and you know just give yourself a little and I saw somebody in the chat say oh they’re waiting for the hard KNX cameras to film it you know the Hardo cameras have been there right they were there at OTAs so and I don’t think that has as much to do with it the cameras are there I mean I don’t know if kaleb’s there yet he might be Rome I know said that he wanted to stay While others kind of went away after OTAs were over waiting until we get here to Camp there’s some people in town I don’t know if Caleb is one of those or not um you know I know Cole Ked andaine Edmonds were at the Nascar race y here yesterday so some of these guys are in town but I’m not sure if Caleb was was one of them and like to do it for the the camera and like for the flash of that I that I think is furthest from what Caleb would actually want like he’s he’s been in the Limelight for his entire life basically but I don’t think he’s just waiting oh the camera’s here let me now sign my contract so everyone could see me do this this thing like no no no no we’ve we’ve kind of learned who Caleb is at this point and all those rumors in the you know the the off seon and what you’re hearing about them they’re fer this from the truth so I I doubt that that’s what uh you know Caleb would want to be doing so so Bryce young four-year contract 37.9 million 37.9 five million so then what are we saying how much is Caleb to make do we know the exact number yeah so uh cbs’s Joel Corey actually did an article projecting some of these first round draft picks and for Caleb Williams they have the total four-year contract at 39 over 39 m486 57 very specific there on the numbers so it’s about you know more or less a $2 million jump than than Bryce young did again if when the cap keeps going up you’re going to see more and money go to these number one overall and the first- round draft picks so it’s a I get it he’s trying to get every single dollar as you should because an NFL career is not guaranteed by any means so to be a very long career so you got to actually just you got to make the most of it when you have it y Drew black has an chat when is CH allow back at training camp next week or the week after um well like I said K returns to the studio tomorrow hog returns next week from his vacation and then Friday is when players report you got yeah not this Friday but next Friday what is that the 19th um we’ll be at halis Hall and then there’s practices closed to the public that weekend um which we’ll be at every single one and we’ll be breaking down what we saw at every camp and then in terms of when they allow me at training camp we’ll find out I’m excited to excited to get there though I know we all our tickets go on sale tomorrow to the public at 10: a.m. uh so make sure you’re ready for that as well if you’re trying to get to halis Hall to see pra open practices for the fans tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10: a. so like I said between the contract stuff and training camp getting started it is a funny time with fans that we were everything’s just pure Bliss there’s no negativity in Bears Nation right now so we maybe we shouldn’t talk about it and just bask in it for a minute because there’s very few moments in Bears Nation where it’s drama free yeah we don’t get enough for that but uh we’re gonna put a wrap on the contract and when Caleb will actually sign his and and Roman dunesday as well but before we get into talking about maybe some firsttime pro bowlers for the Bears to tell you about couple of Partners first I have to tell you about about Circa Sportsbook they have tight moneyline splits and a loow hold model games will strive to be a minus 110 split on the Circa Sports menu unlike other sports books which may use a minus 115 or even minus 120 split circus Sports keeps as little money 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only it’s it’s like you know in Star Wars like help us Caleb Williams you’re our only you are our only hope you know seriously man I mean I guess you don’t you you can watch in each individual season how it all plays out and then not realize how bad it really is until then you say it right there Greg but it’s time for some one of these teams to start making some change and hopefully it is Caleb Williams these Chicago Bears um and you know that would be just a nice bright ray of sunshine for one of these I mean I think they’re the closest right they have to be they better if they’re not like I said I’m leaving I I don’t know where I’m going I’m just leaving right so where you going to go I don’t know yet but it’s not going to get to that point it’s not g to get to that point Greg because this team I think is one that a lot of people can agree is ascending and we’re we’re here to talk about who can be actually like firsttime pro bowlers on this team because there is potential for a lot of guys right now we did get some All-Star announcements yesterday right with baseball um sha imanaga for the Cubs and Garett crochet for the White Soxs maybe they just did that you know as a consolation price every team has to have a representative but I think start that game gar crochet that’s how good he’s been and show of in his own right if you take away as two bad starts as ER is like 191 yeah I think they probably would have earned it regardless of the every team mandatory so yeah it did get us thinking a little bit of who’s going to be the allstars or or pro bowlers here for the Bears potentially this season how many pro bowlers did we have last year so in 2023 you had montz SW and Jaylen Johnson in 2022 you had roquan Smith he was traded but I think he still technically goes down as a bear Raven as a pro bowler then before that in 2021 Robert Quinn and if someone can get this in the chat I will like come on who who’s the other pro bowler from 2021 if someone can put this in the chat in like the next 10 seconds you are a real one um let’s see it let’s see I mean I doubt going to Google yeah you’re definitely going goog somebody’s going to Google it but if somebody gets it right off the top of their head yeah Gary I would expect to I know it would be coming in about right now if you knew it off the top of your head just saying that’s wild we’ll let people see who comes up with it first in the chat to give a shout out we won’t spoil it but yeah like who is gonna be pro bowlers this year um you know people guessing scales and trabis nothing there but um ah Sergio Sergio Silva and that is Jak jaem grant grant all time great Chicago Bear he scored a touchdown against the Packers in the night game I believe or maybe that was not was that um or was that somebody no was that Tyler bird that was that’s a real guy right bird no bird no no no you just made that name up I did not did I really yeah bird I think there was deir deir B is that that’s a maybe he scored a touchdown he had the touchdown against the Seahawks in the back of the end zone oh that was a crazy catch too um but no getting back to who I think potentially so I think Jaylen Johnson montz sweat you know could run it back for sure umil bird rooting for Tyreek Stevenson be tough though I mean wasn’t DJ Mo robbed of a I mean when you put some of his I mean there were a lot of good watch receivers there were a lot of good wide receivers putting up numbers but DJ had a career year in catches yards touchdowns and he did not make a pro bowl so I think that’s another guy well it might be tougher though this year because you do have Keenan Allen you do have romad dun so that might make it a little tougher for a guy like DJ to make a pro bowl hippy nerd in the chat saying TJ Edwards could easily make the Pro Bowl should have last year I think that’s a very good uh name there Ken shaine Edmonds who we just had on recently you know breakr with the Bears as a pro bowler if jaquin brisker stayed healthy for a whole season I think you could say that about him and Tevin Jenkins I was just about to say that think if either guy stayed healthy for a whole season they could be set up for a pro bowl type of year yeah this is where I get in trouble though because I could pick like eight guys card blasting Game Pro of course um no I do like the te teevin Jenkins play if you put him in again if he plays a majority of a season like that’s Pro Bowl level Talent we know that we’ve seen him dominate games the physicality that he plays with what he does for the Run game what also he can do is a pass blocker but at some point there is it’s in his career something has derailed him where he hasn’t been able to keep up that consistent play but when he’s on the field like you have a a dominant guard but that’s that’s always going to be the thing with Tevin I don’t know if there’s anybody that were is any what about Kyler Gordon I like I like the Kyler Gord I like the Kyler Gordon thought to your point about Tevin when he’s healthy he’s one of your best players on the field yes um so I I do like that one I think Kyler certainly could break through the one statement I made last year was if you’re not going to take the top defensive tackle available a three technique and pass on that and take Darnell right then you’re if you’re going to take a right tackle in the top 10 then he eventually better be one of the top right tackles in the league and I do think Darnell wght is trending in the right direction I think he showed more than enough last year to have you excited about his future as a bear but it would be cool we’re talking about t Jenkins and he could if he could if he could stay healthy well we turn right the injury isn’t as much of a concern MH so if he could make that jump here in year two at to become one of the top right tackles in the league and become a pro B bowler that’s going to make me feel even better than I already do to this point about the decision to draft on our right in the top 10 and he kind of had a little bit of a slow start you saw some of those fall start penalties our own Cy Wooten draft night when they when they take him he said pro bowl or year one now that didn’t happen but that’s a pretty lofty statement as a a rookie Pearl bowler which kind of brings me to my next Point there’s one name you guys haven’t said yet Co K oh Caleb Williams you guys oh W because we’re scared we’re scared Stephen we of course we could say Caleb Williams but we don’t want to jinx it because every year we talk all this [ __ ] and then the season starts and we get smacked in the mouth and so everybody’s like super positive but we’re also wearing the meatball Island shirt Dam it I want meatball it would been Bears fans have been super positive for the last two months but they’ve also been super quiet and it’s honestly been disgusting normally we are swearing at anyone that doubts us we’re writing all sorts of checks that then the team has to cash and then when the season starts three games into the year we want to fire everyone bench everyone Hellfire and brimstone and the Packers fans are laughing at us but not this year this year we are going to keep our mouth shut silent assassins until the season starts we’re not g to get overhyped we’re gonna have a calming confidence about ourselves we’re going to walk into the season and do what we haven’t done the last few years and not let us down and actually live up to some kind of expectation Greg I’m going to call you on your [ __ ] right now cuz as soon as the first training camp practice ends and Caleb lights it up oh my God it’s going to be it’s going to be great to watch it’s gonna be fun to watch it’s like who’s who’s gonna mess with the Bears right it’s gonna be it’s gonna be funny we’re all kind of at like 10 wins for the season essentially and every day of pract like how many wins will I have it up to by the end of camp and then will Karm who’s always the cynical one have it like Whitted down like I think that’s kind of where you find the gug cuz like last year at Camp every day that pass I get more and more excited I just so excited to be there every positive play I I I just take too much from it then you turn around and K’s like this team sucks yeah yeah exactly and he’s like giving you [ __ ] about being too excited and so you have to find that middle so he correctly predicted them to win seven games yeah Kudos and so we all said like nine or 10 or whatever so you’re like trying to find that happy medium we all when the schedule release came out said around 10 wins but it the line’s probably going to move up as camp and pre-season unfold it’s just it’s our natural state of being as Bears fans we get we get too excited every off season well we just read off how this was one of the worst statistical years in Chicago Sports history we need to have something to look forward to and training camp BR provides that that hope that that that maybe dream that the Bears can actually have a good season and they do have look they do have legit players on this team and we just got to see how things kind of all come together to see if they can actually you know cash those checks Steve 34 bears in the chat saying if Caleb is the Bears first 4,000 yard passer he’ll get a pro bowl nod for sure I mean to me of course if Caleb does Things That No Bears quarterback has ever done in the history of the franchise you know we saw Matt eberl is the front runner for you know odds on favorite to win coach of the year like all of these things go hand inand if Caleb Williams is able to do things that no player quarterback has ever done statistically for the Bears he’ll get Rookie of the Year he’ll get a pro bowl KN IA flu will get Coach of the Year Ryan poles will get executive of the year that like all of those things kind of just work together I don’t know if Caleb even has to go for 4,000 yards to get Nam the Pro Bowl because we saw trabis do it with less oh yeah and Caleb is yeah I mean that’s kind of the the NFC though too like you’re thinking about the quarterbacks that are going to be at the top of that Lit I mean what you would think maybe like Dak Prescott after a good year Jaylen Herz uh Jordan love jerck gof okay so I mean there’s there’s a couple guys that you would have to actually you know obviously compete with to get that right and to your point Stephen about you know um trabis making it well it you become an alternate so like I think in this discussion the way we’re framing it is essentially they didn’t make it as an alternate they were clearcut guy like it’s gotten a little watered down a little bit at the end of the day once they make it we’re like hey he was a pro bowler we use that as our ammo the next off season uh but just for the sake of this discussion just to kind of lay the groundwork correctly I think saying that not as an alternate but as you know a a legit pro bowler but uh we got a guy that potentially could become a pro bowler that we want to talk about after the break but before we do want to give a quick shout out to some more of our guys here at chgo Bears we appreciate all of our sponsors at chgo bears and specifically my guys over at Sunnyside Sunnyside has been you know here for a couple years now and we love having them on board coming at you live on this sun um Sunnyside summer is our guys over at sunnide make sure you head to Sunnyside do shop or the nearest Sunnyside cannabis dispensary and use code hi cgo for 35% off your first order what is Sunnyside Sunnyside is your home for judgment free cannabis shopping a place where all kinds of visitors are welcome to explore discover and purchase a wide array of high quality products Sunnyside has everything you need to elevate your summer um some of the amazing features that make the brand or product awesome it’s a One-Stop shop for all cannabis needs Sunnyside has an expertly curated menu with over a 100 strains to choose from plus easy online 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details all right this is the CH Bears podcast I’m Nicholas Moran joined by Greg brags Jr we have Stephen Nicholas producing here and you know obviously the Bears are going to be on hardnox but if you want to get your hard KNX fixed right now you can watch the hard KNX uh off season with the New York Giants and I actually personally haven’t seen the whole entire episode yet but for Bears fans there was a A snidbit in that uh episode kind of talking about DeAndre Swift and just what the Giants were seeing as they were trying to find a replacement to saquan Barkley um some of the quotes that came out um just from all the the Giants Personnel kind of talking about Swift uh physical standpoint this talking about DeAndre So Physical standpoint can make up some of the things you lose with saquin and then if you sign him he would be more of a package player one of the guys you sign in a committee sty style of backs and I think that I think it’s it speaks highly of DeAndre Swift but also you know if you’re maybe the Bears don’t view him exactly the same way that the Giants were kind of viewing Swift but if you have Swift with guys like maybe a k Herbert Roshan Johnson you can get a nice Trio a committee of backs to then using your back field to obviously elevate your offense yeah I mean when they were talking about him they didn’t feel like the Giants weren’t 100% positive that they could even afford them true yeah and they also weren’t confident that he’d leave Philly so you know other teams obviously were interested in DeAndre Swift first Bears signing right out the gate he was like the first signing of free agency and honestly I think between him and Kevin byard probably the least talked about players on the team they were the first signed uh he could have a big impact here you know I saw Harrison Graham uh talking a little bit about this over the weekend as well you know from a pass catching standpoint that’s something we we really haven’t had like the the outside Zone has been very successful that’s why they rolled over you know that scheme here to this offense kept you know the offensive line coach and kept everything kind of in Place obviously they’re drafting offensive line Personnel to fit the outside zone so you’re not going to leave that be a lot more of an overhaul if you were to so now you bring in DeAndre Swift and maybe he adds an different element to your pass catching game but surprisingly enough when we were looking into this this morning because you would have just assumed like oh yeah DeAndre Swift gonna bury anybody on our roster in terms of pass catching well he actually had a career low in catches and targets last year at 39 catches 39 catches and only 49 targets career lows like I said um for DeAndre Swift rushing yards though a career high at, 149 only one receiving touchdown on the season so you know I’m we’re not following Philly as closely as we are Chicago so you know what they were asking him to do you know why he wasn’t a bigger threat you know catching the ball out of the back field obviously viously a big threat you know as a runner you know but you you bring that in last year it was Herbert foran and Roshan Johnson and combined they had what around 60 catches a little over 60 catches the thing that was surprising Nick when we were talking about this is Roshan Johnson with 34 catches last year for only a 209 yards um 6.1 yards per catch but still I wouldn’t consider Roshan Johnson a a pass catching threat the way DeAndre Swift is right yeah no doubt and I wonder too how many of those catches maybe came on third down because when I think of like what back might be on the field when you need him in an obvious passing situation I would almost think that Roshan would be the guy that’s not guaranteed to be out there but gives you the most likelihood to make that play successful just because of what he can do as a blocker and you know earlier what maybe maybe two months ago now I got a chance to talked to the Bears running back coach Chad Morton and he loves what Ro Roshan brings and the blocking stpoint as as from the running back position he allows you to still operate your offense the way you want to and not be a liability that we’ve seen at times from guys like khil Herber previous backs as well so I think another year being in that role will only expand the opportunities that Roshan Johnson will be able to have as a pass catcher But to answer your question though Greg like when you look at them stylistically I mean DeAndre Swift is different in terms of how he can move how he can break in terms of cuts and things like that he ran a wheel route in one of the practices where Keenan Nan actually threw the pass to DeAndre Swift down the right Sid line oh yeah this was a Caleb Williams throw to the left Keenan Allen then Keenan Allen throws it back right to DeAndre was a spiral it was it was good spiral it was just a little short DeAndre Swift had Tyreek seon beat that would a touchdown and so it just kind of gives you an idea of like the little wrinkles that the Bears might be messing around with all these playmakers that they have because DeAndre Swift can run that route uh Keenan Allen threw a touchdown against the Vikings last year so it’s like they have guys that can do different things and uh in terms of like how you can split maybe a DeAndre Swift Out wide against a linebacker I like that matchup yeah so the Bears so I again I think each one of these guys gives the Bears options I have a potential hot take I want to get your guys’ opinion on it I take I think I Don’t Give opinions on this show yeah you never I think DeAndre Swift gets the most carries and I think the player who’s on the field the second most is actually Roshan Johnson in the backfield this year I think C Herbert’s in third there you think that could be the case or am I crazy to say that for a guy that was the starting running back last year to I think to Nick point and get this Mr Rogers graphic off the SC it’s distracting I look like such an idiot um which no shock to anyone but no to your point um as Corey here is calling me Cory Wooten calling see what he’s up to Bears after dark tonight but to Nick’s point about you know the fact that Roshan you know they love his pass blocking ability that was something that was highlighted as soon as they drafted him Tom T I can remember going into Camp saying this is the best pass blocking rookie I’ve ever seen I don’t know if that’s is exactly how it translated last year and I I think there’s still room for improvement but I think he’s fully capable of becoming the best pass Blocker on the team because I don’t think DeAndre Swift is necessarily known for his pass blocking prowess as well so to your point Stephen I absolutely think that that that while khil Herbert is very talented and I’ve loved him from the day he showed up at Camp as a guy that could surprise and he’s proven me right as far as his ability to contribute on this roster signing Andre Swift to the money they did and the role he’s going to play the trust they have in Ros John Johnson on third down is a pass blocker who also had what did we say how many catches 34 catches out of the pack field so somebody you can trust if you do call an audible to split wide make a catch or run through something or be you know responsible for picking up a Blitzer he can do those three roles so khil Herbert all of a sudden becomes the backup to what Deandre Swift’s role is you got the dash and you got the smash and right now that’s DeAndre Swift and Roshan Johnson and KH Herbert fits in when those extra carries are needed Dash and smash wasn’t it thunder and lightning with uh Jordan Howard and Tre Coen we always try to come up with these nicknames for our dual backs even before that with some of the backs we brought in from like Minnesota and Detroit oh yeah whose names have alluded me now and we always thought that the like each back we brought in well like Chester Taylor Taylor sorry uh then we brought in um from the Lions whatever I could do this all day but every backup running back we bring in from a lot of times it’s a division rival we think they’re going to be good and then they end up not being good here every time but uh I do think DeAndre Swift as a starting back will be a good signing here for the Bears this year and did you bring up like through what you know Shane Waldren you know the capabilities at least from what we saw with what Shane’s doing yeah obviously with him being the offensive coordinator here just kind of looking what did those backs do you had a veteran Kenneth Walker and then Zack shanet was a rookie there in um 2023 Kenneth Walker 29 receptions 37 targets 29 yards and a touchdown through the air and then Zack shanet 33 receptions 40 targets 209 yards no touchdowns and again speaking with Chad Morton who was in Seattle uh as a running backs coach there he really liked how Zack shanet was adapting to and I’m going to be doing an article on this little uh sneak behind the curtain here but like they’re they’re going to be utilizing a different blocking technique this year in Chicago that you’re gonna that you don’t normally see traditionally around the league um and something that got Zack charmay on the field in Seattle was his a way that he adapted to this new blocking technique usually even in like high school you chop your feet and you like throw your hands up you’re trying to hit pads and try to strike the opposing defensive player that’s not what the Bears are going to be technically doing this year and they’re kind of adapting this new technique where they’re almost going to catch the opposing defensive player and throw them there’s going to be a lot of shoulder kind of being used and the reason for that is because some of these linebackers are just too good in terms of the moves that they’re bringing at the running backs and uh Chad morn the running backs coach for the Bears was saying that B Wagner was destroying everybody and he was just tired of Bobby Wagner destroying everybody so they’re like let’s try a different blocking technique and when you saw throughout the course of the Season those Seattle running backs were actually doing a better job of handling incoming blitzers and just they’re blocking assignments so that’s what these new running backs are going to have to learn throughout the course of this season he said a guy like DeAndre Swift who is smaller it’s actually more advantageous for him to learn this technique because if you’re trying to throw your hands and strike a guy and you miss you’re going to get off balance you’re not if you miss your strike you’re not going to stop anybody but if you can catch somebody and kind of toss the guy and use their momentum against them gives you more of a likelihood of being successful on the play but uh working on that right now it’ll be all up in article version but it’ll be an interesting thing that the Bears are working into their offense this season 100% um yeah it’ll be interesting because we know that Shane Walder likes to utilize his tight ends yeah you we got two tight end here with Cole K Gerald Everett pass catching tight ends I mean Cole certainly holds his own blocking I’m sure not sure of Gerald Everett’s blocking prowess as a tight end and then we’ll find that out here soon enough you know with the bears but I know Cole K can get the job done as a blocker um very underappreciated I think in his role in that regard so um it’ll just be interesting to see I mean you just have so many options right do you know when we’re talking about DeAndre Swift we’re talking about the running back room obviously we’ve talked ad nauseum about this wide receiver room tight ends there’s just so many different options that Shane Waldren has to get creative in terms of the looks they’re giving defenses it’s going to be exciting to watch it’s going to be exciting to see it all kind of come together at training camp see some of the different ideas I like your little snidbit here of the of the um the the throw from Keenan Allen at Camp those are the kind of things that get my ears perked up for sure of creativity yeah I hope we see that like show in training camp who cares you know put it out there let make teams have to think about it but it would be uh fun to kind of just watch that and again that’s why there’s so much on Shane though like when you’re thinking about there’s just so much that is put on him you have The Playmakers and we talk about the offensive line that could be maybe the killes heal his team but it’s up to him to but what personnel are we going to be to take advantage of the defense that’s showing out right now do we want more tight ends do we want more of our talented pass catchers that’s why for Shane who was in his first year with the Bears like there’s just a lot on him to get the most out of what he has there’s a lot of situations in the NFL where you’re handicapped you don’t have The Playmakers but he’s in a position where there is a luxury a little bit where you have running backs that you can use you have obviously two tight ends that you could throw to or have you know block and then your your three top pass catchers and your wide receivers so it is a nice luxury to have but it also brings a lot of pressure for Shane waler and how he’s just going to handle everything and utilize those guys Kevin Jones was the running back from the L Kevin Jones throwback yeah and then somebody brought up in the chat uh Run DMC with Mike Davis yes was a great nickname the trio didn’t exactly work out I mean they were they were salid I feel like Mike Davis was one of those that we thought was gonna be so much better not to say he was bad but just so much better than he was oh I know dude had the biggest legs too like just tree trunk legs Kevin Jo man when did even play this is but you know when they 2008 when they needed him though he’d played and deontre Foreman was kind of the same thing when they brought him here when they asked him to be the starter he got the the the job done um Edward elich is asking will there be a kickoff Classic golf outing this year uh we are running it back you know uh at Cog Hill are we calling it the kickoff classic we called it last year yeah is that what it’s called okay just making sure because we got the cook out yeah is that the cookout classic cookout classic July sign up still can sign up to come to that somebody can carry me around the golf course July 22nd at St Andrews Golf and Country Club if you go to ch.com events you can still sign up uh presented by Miller Light circus Sports Pen Rose Selzer Shady Rays whle ball the whole bit big Drive energy our guys over at dmvr Spencer is going to be coming out um so we’re really excited for that uh make sure you sign up the whole crew is going to be out there I’ll be out there limping around crying so uh but it’s gonna be a lot of fun and then yes we will be at cogill we’ve announced that event as well yeah so go to all ch.com events get your tickets if you become a Die Hard you get a discount on that event you get discounts on our upcoming tailgates a lot of people have been messaging me about the tailgates yes those are going down as well so a lot of lot of cool things in store here coming up and it’s only few days away man I mean we are less than two weeks away two weeks from right now we’ll be talking about a practice that just took place oh my God it’s gonna be it’s gonna be great to actually you know real substance right people want to know about the training camps and who’s winning the day who’s losing the day all these things well to that point Eric harburger has a super chat about he’s asking about training camp and you guys have any info on Bears family fest I I wasn’t here I was on vacation when they announced the training camp schedule and I get excited every year when the training camp schedule releases you know I I do miss the days of bourbon a it is cool to go to Hallis hall for most of us it is a Trek to get out to Lake Forest unless you live that way um but it is cool to go on the Bears campus and watch practice from their facilities uh nothing will ever top bourbon a in my opinion even though it was in the middle of nowhere um but I will say this year when the schedule came out the first thing that stood out to me was the fact that they aren’t having a family fest yeah and that to me was really disappointing because that was always an opportunity to have a practice training camp event at Soldier Field tickets were free to purchase you know it’s a 60,000 seated stadium so as many people that want to come could come you know it’s in the city so if people can’t take their families all the way to Lake Forest they could at least go to Soldier Field and it was another opportunity like for me I’m not going to take my daughter to a Bears game she’s too young for that you know maybe a preseason game and then when in terms of affordability let’s say you have a family with four kids you’re not going to take them to a game it’s a lot of hassle it’s it’s expensive yeah and and to me family fest in the training camp opportunity was a way for fans with families to bring their kids and it it’s more of a Leisure event you don’t have crazy meatballs hammered trying to get into the south gate and stuff so you know I I you know I understand with the Hall of Fame game that their schedule is going to be a little different here but at the same time it was disappointing to see that it also was disappointing only nine open practices it feels like every year that number goes down MH so I thought maybe this year there’d be more because of everything kind well the extra week because the Bears play in the Hall of Fame game so I thought there’d be more open practices and I honestly think there’s less than last year and the other aspect of it too is typically when training camp starts the first open practices are the first weekend and the first open practices for the fans this year isn’t until like the fifth practi in sixth practice in the 26th Friday so you know all those things I think from a fan standpoint I think are are disappointing ultimately you know if you’re able to get a ticket tomorrow once again they go on sale at 10 a. and and I say sale but they’re free you just have to get them the same way you would purchase tickets for you know an event that’s dropping you don’t have to pay for these uh Gary’s saying it’s the same number as last year I don’t know more it feels like it goes down every year now we had nine if he’s saying it’s the same as last year nine open practices there’s also what they have is Community Days yeah which are for basically season ticket holders MH and then last year we also had the two practices in Indianapolis The Joint practices which were awesome so this year there’s only one joint this year only one joint practice but it’s in how Hall and it’s with Cincinnati and Joe burrow like last year it was cool to see Anthony Richardson but this year to see Joe burrow and the Bengals a team that’s been to the Super Bowl recently come to H hall and then play in a preseason game that one’s going to if like and that’s the final open practice yes yep the final one close it out with a bang like that’s going to be a fun one if you’re just looking for matchups how the Bears secondary matches up with all those receivers in Cincinnati like that’s something you’ll be watching for but that’s going to be a fun one um but yeah hopefully if you haven’t been to training camp and you have an opportunity to get some of those tickets definitely do that rock your chto gear to when you go out there we’re all open to say hi and you you know stop by and you know talk some bears with you while we’re out there covering Camp it’s always a fun time for all of us and I think Greg I’m not mistaken on fields One and Two from what I saw there might be a little shade little shade little canopy like type of thing over the all the really yeah yeah that’s what protect my son from explo or not not the sun my phone exploding from the Sun exact all the thoughtful of them that’s what I saw hopefully I don’t know can’t say anything about Fields three and four but that’s so nice to them so Mark will be Wheeling you around and you’ll be you know in the canopy nice yeah make sure you say hi if you see us a can if you see Mark push him into you know garbage cans or whatever you know push him into the bushes trees if you see him walking you know the path push him into the grass somewhere soft I’m not saying hurt him I’m just saying just give him a little nudge over just let them know you’re there you know that’s what you in a physical way in a physical manner physical way yeah you know uh Greg we are gonna close out this show with I think kind of a little tribute but you gonna sing no no I mean you were singing you were singing uh no you were singing early before was singing actually pretty good something about this studio that makes you want to sing yeah maybe well when Mark’s not here and singing someone has to fill the void and Greg you just stepped up right to the plate uh team player there but you know Demar de rozan he’s no longer a Chicago Bull but it in three seasons you felt the impact that he had on the the Bulls organization one playoff hel his own the team sucked yeah it was the whole operation of the dream of D rozan LaVine Lonzo ball Caruso it lasted about a month but D rozan did his part fourth quarter it was it was must watch TV with Demar de rozan yep he just knew how to close out king of the fourth um but I wanted to kind of bring this into a bears related topic obviously came over three seasons now is gone with Sacramento but what Bears player free agent signing slash maybe traded maybe had a similar impact in terms of their short time in Chicago but you’ll still remember them maybe as a bear for life or again just had that impact that Demar kind of had for the Bulls is there a certain player that comes to mind yeah I I mean and I think we’re buron Tavern style this could have been a good Tavern style we could just do the tavern style read halfway through this and knock a Tavern style out for the week but um to me I think the the the guy that you could compare to marar rozan with the Bulls and the Bears player that compares to that has to be Julius Peppers right uh a great free agent signing a guy that carried a certain pedigree when he came over here yeah and while it didn’t work out with us with Julius and the Bears or Demar with the bulls they held up their end of the bargain they were worth the money that they were paid to come here you ultimately you didn’t win a championship you didn’t win a Super Bowl and so at the end of the day should you have gotten them or just tried to go a different route maybe but they did what was asked to them and that was to be a leader of the team and be the guy you could depend on and I think you know Demar D rozan did that with the bulls and I think Julius Peppers did that with the Bears I think that’s a really good one I so this player didn’t have maybe the leadership aspect but I think the production on the field uh it was it was evident but Brandon Marshall a little bit here in Chicago had three years with the Bears and that first season 158 yards and next season 1,295 yards and then had 11 touchdowns 12 touchdowns but the production was there there was a new almost era of bears offense when he was out there you can throw it up to Brandon Marshall he’s going to find a way to go up and get it and then you pair it up with some of the other guys he had also on offense like there was just an impact that he had with Jay Cutler or you know maau whoever it was at that time like Brandon Marshall was he was a force and he was a guy definitely was you had to as a defense you had to game plan for number 15 when he was out there yeah and like I saw somebody say um Bojack Eddie Jackson well we’re talking to compare it then you’re talking about a veteran free agent signing not necessarily somebody we drafted in comparison I see Nino NOS uh bringing up Thomas Jones yeah that was I think that is a very good comparison that was gonna be your your pick yeah because he was a top 10 pick it didn’t really work out with him I think it was Cardinals and there was another team he’s on it might have been it might have been the Buccaneers and then he gets a chance to become a feature back with the Bears and just goes nuts I mean he was a massive part one of the biggest parts that offense for that he was only on the Bears for three years his teammates loved him yeah I mean you could pencil him in for a thousand yards just lock it in every single year giant biceps giant biceps you can’t forget that and you just knew when he was getting the ball you were in good hands yep and to your point Thomas Jones then left the Bears and went to the Jets and still had a good career and now if you want to keep with the Demar D Ro in comparison Demar is now leaving to go to the Kings and will continue to good career have a good career so I think that’s that’s a good one Chim Chim say Chase Claypool resident Lions troll that’s a good one Chas Chim almost called you chase Chim um you know I saw Gary said adawal aona um a little bit I mean came from Miami right came here held up his end of the bargain I think those are good ones K Mack was here for four seasons and obviously he made his impact game one the first half the first half of that game like it was Unreal and this tavern style is brought to you by SOS Pizza when you’re hitting up SOS make sure you mention chto for 50% off your entire order see look at that boom look M on Grant to be specifico on Grand make sure you mention Cho for 50% off your pizza see boom parile done in the middle of a bear show that’s how we do it we were organized today Nick we started on time succinct yep good good segments we even knocked out a Tavern style I mean I you know Happening Here on C we miss the Savvy vets hog and Karm of course do we need them no we don’t of course we don’t their chairs are here though if they ever want to come back and you know yeah in on the show yeah for sure uh we did have a couple more Super chats that came in here on the back end we appreciate everyone and their support even Crystal who is a Karm lifer for whatever reason 9999 Super Chat hey guys just sending love on this Monday keep up the great work C brags I was going to say hash team brags then you started telling people to attack km just kidding all love brags bear down well I mean yes I did tell people to attack kmen I don’t take it back I mean it when I say this I would like for everyone to follow what I say do what I say especially if he’s doing that London a London accent now if he’s pushing me around in a wheelchair which I don’t think I’m gonna be that dramatic at camp but we’ll see you should do it for at least one day like I end up having you know surgery or things of that nature and I do need somebody to push me out a wheelchair Mark kman will be the person that I elect to do this and he will have to do it he needs to have one of those little p fans for you too like cold water towel the full full service yeah I like this sounds lovely yeah so we’ll make sure if that ends up being the way that it goes that you’ll be taken care of Greg I like it I like that uh we have a 999 Super Chat from Big cram uh B Marsh turnaround TD vers Green Bay till this day is my favorite Bears touchdown man’s was such a dog too bad he wanted to fight everyone inside the locker room laughing emoji yeah no I that was the first when I was like talking about Brandon Marshall that was a touchdown that I think of I was think of the one uh just the game against San Francisco where they had the The Comeback there like that was a good one with Brandon Marshall but it was a beast he just like you said wanted to maybe fight a couple of people in his own locker room yeah Marshall had the nice touchdown against the Chiefs against right the Chiefs one was nasty yes to win it what a throw by Cutler as well um the 49ers game what do you have three touchdowns or was it four three something crazy he was on my fantasy team that night and thank God for so yeah he had some great moments but I agree that Green Bay turn around you know like almost like a postup turnaround I don’t know if I’ve really even seen like when you think of like touchdowns from like wider like I don’t know if I’ve seen that actually happen again other than that one where it was you fade post up yeah and then turn around you need to be on the exact same level like connection wise and him and yeah Marshall and Jay had that mhm and that’s what you’re hoping with um you know Caleb and Rome you know obviously all these guys obviously but you know um going forward yeah but that could very well be the kind of chemistry in the Red Zone with Rome you know Rome’s that that big body and Caleb’s the type that’s gonna let you go get it not say that DJ of course can go get it but you know Rome his 50 50s turning into 9010 802s I’m all for those kind of odds very very favorable odds very favorable odds but do we have any more Super chats or are we good here no that’s all of them Mark Carman returns from Wimbledon tomorrow it’s gonna be exciting to hear his stories he’ll probably talk tennis and London the whole whole show tomorrow and I know sker is very excited for that as we all are yeah does it in Jordan voice um yeah it’s exciting I know and then he’s going to give us a Lowdown of everything we have to look forward to on our London trip y here coming up in October for true fan travel make sure you’re hitting up true fan travel to sign up you have until July 31st coming up to sign up for the London trip so we’re only a couple weeks away from the deadline the cut off time to sign up you can get tickets to the game October 9th through the 15th will be in London really nice hotel setup uh you can see the whole packages when you go to truant travel.com again if you become a diard you get a discount on that event so you know the this is going to be a one hell of a trip I just got done booking because I’m going a few I know you’re going a few days early y hog and I are also going a few days early my wife and I are going to be in Paris for the first three days before we get to London we just booked our room in Paris on hell of a view so I’m excit I’m excited for um that whole thing it’s across theun it’s it’s going to be a lot of fun I got to hit up my guy Cory Wooten who was calling earlier um um to figure out after to figure tonight we may have a very special guest coming on tonight don’t want to Spill the tea here uh just yet but I’m GNA give him a call but we are doing Bears after dark tonight at 7 pm Central and make sure you tune in uh could be a very special guest joining us so stay tuned for that that my friends has called a teaser to end the show how do you like that I love it great we are professionals Nick we are we’re we’re running this thing we’re holding it down until the guys get back but make sure you tune in tomorrow we’ll be back C bears and we’ll have more bears content for you [Music] adios like the May

As training camp nears for the Chicago Bears, 2 players remain unsigned: Caleb Williams and Rome Odunze. Today, the CHGO Bears crew dissects why that might be the case. Are the players waiting for better guarantees or bigger incentives?

Later, we discuss which Chicago Bear could be the next to be named to his first Pro Bowl on the heels of Shota Imanaga and Garrett Crochet being named to their first All-Star games in baseball. And with DeMar DeRozan being traded to the Sacramento Kings, we ponder who had a DeRozan-like impact after landing with the Chicago Bears in their career. Join Nicholas Moreano and Greg Braggs Jr. on a Monday edition of the CHGO Bears Live Podcast.

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  1. I Feel like people aren't concerned about Wright with injury, but forget he started training camp with an injured foot, then played with his shoulder falling off the second half of the season. He's tough, but every single O-lineman we had last year missed some time with injury.

  2. With salaries being slotted, likely just language around potential situations that could reduce guarantees and/or the percentage of the signing bonus that will be paid out this year.

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