Meeting Zay Flowers from Baltimore Ravens!

Meeting Zay Flowers from Baltimore Ravens!

team keep it clean something a little bit different today we’re going to get back to our regularly scheduled program videos tomorrow uh but I wanted to make sure I came on here and talked about how special uh yesterday was for not only me but for my son Carter uh and for his friends too uh and that was Z flowers Zade day the first official Zade day that he had down here in South Florida and we looking forward to him having plenty more of them over the years cuz yesterday was a lot of fun um but it was just a really really special event for me personally uh because it just it it it was special man uh the reason I say that is because of the experience when we first got there uh me and c and again two of his friends we first got there and I saw Isaiah likely I saw Isaiah likely and he was just chilling chilling he was standing solo and so I approached him I said hey what’s up Isaiah what’s going on man and he was super super cool he was super super chill uh Carter got to meet him Carter’s friends got to meet him and they they loved him cuz they uh they were just so excited because I showed them who he was I like yeah this a this a Ravens football player and they remembered his name they was like oh yeah that’s Isaiah likely uh so even so we met him and he was super super cool he was super super chill super super super super super nice man super nice um and when like the interaction the quick interaction that we had with him at the beginning of the event when we first got there the kid I enjoyed it but the kids they enjoyed it so much that when we were actually getting ready to leave they told me that they wanted to make sure they stopped by Isaiah likely because he was sitting down again just chilling they wanted to make sure they told him by so we walked over to him when we were leaving to tell him bye cuz they appreciated the interaction and they enjoyed it so much that they wanted to make sure they said bye to him on the way out so big shout out to Isaiah likely for just how he was how he is and just making that a super super special experience for me but more importantly uh for them then with Z flowers who whose day it was it was Z day um obviously this is an event for the kids they had bounce houses there they had all these different vendors they had food trucks uh they had cotton candy ices everything uh it was nice they had a they had football out there the kids are playing football and stuff but with with Z flowers um we were standing in the line to take a picture with Z flowers um he was giving out pictures they had shirts and stuff um but we stood in line and it wasn’t crazy everything was at the event it was smooth uh it was not wild or anything it wasn’t ramb buunk it was it was real smooth it was chill it was nice man a lot of fun but um we stood in line with for waiting for Z flowers and then like just watching him interact with other people before we even got to the line there were some big families of maybe like six seven people uh and he would make sure like there were some kids that when it was time to take a picture uh they might not have been making the process as smooth as like an adult would obviously cuz it’s kids it’s kids like some kids they know what’s going on some kids they don’t but kids being in their own world I mean some adults we be in in our own world too but anyway um he what I saw from him super super patient man he was never even though it’s a long line he was never like hey hurry up let’s go they need to hurry this up this need to be a lot faster this needs to be smoother this needs to be a better no it he was super super chill super super patient and that a flowers that you see on TV that we see doing the games and stuff with that big that big smile that big smile that he has all the time saw that yesterday just about every time that I saw Z flowers yesterday he was always smiling he was smiling laughing joking around with somebody just having a good time so that makes the experience even better so when we got to to meet him uh it was super super cool um and again super super patient uh he took a picture of me and Carter took a picture with Carter and his friends and it was just such a a nice experience and again the kid they they were just so happy because I showed them who flowers was I showed them like hey this is a flowers this is who you meeting and they like oh that’s the guy in the picture I say yeah that’s him and they were really really hyped they were excited so we met him and then after was like they were like oh man that was so cool we got to meet two football players from the Ravens I’m like yeah that that’s neat that’s really really fun so we um so we were there for a little while we went to uh we was at the bounce houses I always talk about how timing timing is everything um because timing and that’s just in life in general timing just has such a big impact on literally everything man but um we uh took the boys to the bounce houses we at the bounce houses they were jumping around and stuff but they were hot they were hot it was it was hot outside uh and Carter he was inside the bounce house but he was just sitting down cuz he wanted he wanted some shade he wanted to break from the Sun cuz it’s really hot down here in South Florida y’all know but um when we were at the bounce houses um somebody was walking past us and made eye contact and he was like oh how you doing young man I say hey how you doing man and he was like oh you got the uh you got the podcast where you talk about the Ravens right I said yeah I said yeah we do he said oh yeah he said good good work cuz it was it was the a man and his wife they walking together he was like yeah good good work uh and he said um we we try to support your videos we watch we watch your videos especially cuz you talk about our son and I said hold up I said you you Z flow’s dad and and mom he said yeah we are I said oh man nice to meet you and it it was just it was so cool man it it was super cool and it was um I don’t know it just touched me man for real because it was it just made it that much more special man because it was like man you just I always talk about on here how you just you never know who’s watching you never know who’s watching your stuff um and that’s why on here we always try to do our best I know we we we’re not perfect so we make mistakes sometimes but we always try to do our best no matter what the topic is cuz there can be some topics where they they very s very sensitive information but we try our best to to treat everything and everybody with respect we try that I remember in past and years ago we didn’t do the best job of that all the time but we we really try to do that the best that we possibly can um because these are people’s kids who you talking about these are people’s parents uh who you talking about these are people’s cousins brothers sisters whoever it might be these are people’s families and even if they didn’t have a family these are people these are human beings that we on here talking about every single day whether we talking about their play on the field whether we talking about something off the field whatever it might be we talking about these people every single day but their people so I I just really really uh appreciated meeting Z flowers his dad and his mom and it was a quick interaction but they were both super super super super super nice man so I appreciate y’all it was a a pleasure to meet y’all thank you for and thank you for watching the channel too man um there was another experience where uh the boys they wanted some shirts cuz we got there a little bit late you know i’ be on CPT time but we got there a little bit late so we didn’t get to get a shirt right away um so the boys wanted some shirts so we were walking over to where the shirts were uh and this guy he um he saw us waiting for the shirts and he was like oh y’ y’all need shirts I said yes please and he was like okay I got y’all what size y’all need and then he took us directed us to where the shirts wet and he was just the guy was super super super nice super nice so I was um just scrolling on Instagram last night and looked and I saw oh my goodness this is the guy that was helping us with the shirts it was one of Z flowers brothers and I’m like man this just it’s crazy cuz I I I didn’t know um I didn’t know that that was his brother I thought just somebody helping but it was just super super super super nice man um I did meet a couple people from Team keep it clean there uh shout out to my guy Daryl who was out there got to meet him nice to meet you Daryl uh he he told me that he’d be watching the videos every morning so much love to you man I appreciate it um and then there was somebody else who when we were first walking in um he was like hey he he he he was off to the side with one of his boys and he said what’s up I said hey what’s up man he was like hey you you do the uh you do the the the podcast on the Ravens right and I said yeah man said keep doing your thing so I just really appreciated that man it again yesterday was just super super it was such a special day man such a special day and then to end it off when we were we were getting ready to again timing is everything we were getting ready to leave cuz again it was hot out there the boys they were done we had oh the vendors we um the guy that was he was on the grill he I came over cuz I I just really really wanted to get a a drink for the boys I was thinking about getting some food but I just really wanted to get them drink it was hot they had water but you know when it’s super hot and your water gets hot it’s like H that that don’t taste the best so I wanted to get drink so I walked over to a table where they were grilling like the burgers and hot dogs and stuff and um he was like hey we we sold out of drinks we don’t got no drinks no more I said oh man but he did say hey but we do got food he said what y’all want he said you want hamburgers you want cheeseburgers we got mac and cheese said what you want so I got the boys each uh cheeseburger so we got three cheeseburgers and he was super super nice about it extremely nice so I appreciated him so then we went to another uh vendor and this let I want to try to make sure I get the uh the name of the vendor right um because they were very very very very nice it was where’ it go see now I don’t see it I know it’ll pop up though but anyway um they were uh just really really really nice I think it’s called like gold bar oh gold soul that’s what it was called gold so um they were barbecue place so they I went to ask him if they had drinks she was like yeah we have drinks uh and I didn’t have my wallet on me so I was like oh do y’all do Zale she’s like yeah yeah we do Zale so she gave me the number uh told me how much of drinks were uh so I sent her to Zale but she was like they were like oh do y’all want fries too and they were like oh no it’s free it’s free of charge and I was like oh yeah and they were just like super super nice man that just the the whole experience of the day everybody was just super super nice and and as y all know in life like you could be having a great experience somewhere and somebody’s Vibe could change your experience For Better or For Worse but everybody there the the vibe was on point cuz they were all just super nice super positive just happy everybody was just enjoying themselves so that just made it so so so so so fun um then uh so we we got the food uh we got the the drinks we got the fries we got bag they gave bags for and everything too again super super nice um then we were getting ready to leave cuz again it was hot it’s very very hot the boys were ready they had even asked a couple times hey can we leave can we go and and real quick shout out to my guy Beezy too shout out to my guy beey from Extreme Sports Talk 305 that’s my guy I met him at Lamar Jackson Funday maybe like three years ago something like that we been locked in ever since he’s super super cool I had him on the channel before super super cool dud I’m going to have him on again too for sure but um got to see him yesterday too but again we were we were getting ready to leave and the boys had even asked like uh he said can we go home now cuz it’s hot we’re tired said Okay cool so we were walking out and then Isaiah likely he was on the phone and he was talking to somebody then he hung up and then he told Z flow he’s like hey he’s over there he been he he over there chilling in the car he been chilling in the car for a little a little bit but he getting ready to come in he was talking about Lamar Jax so I’m like man we were just getting ready to leave but Lamar’s here so I told Carter I said Carter I said your buddy’s here and he was like who I said Lamar so then Carter he was hot he’s ready to go but when I told him that Lamar was there he was like oh okay so so he’s willing to wait so um then there were uh these two kids there were these two kids who were walking past us and they were like hey what what’s going on and I told him that I said Lamar’s here he was like Lamar Lamar so he start running he start running cuz it’s Lamar Jackson so of course they going to be hype so Lamar came in again you know Lamar just always on a chill Vibe all the time uh he came in everybody saying what’s up to him course the crowd of people around him and stuff and Lamar Jackson again every single time that we’ve met him that we’ve seen him that we’ve talked to him that we’ve engaged with him same thing every single time super chill super respectful super positive super happy super engaging with all all of the kids so many kids want to take pictures adults wanted to take pictures too Lamar was with it all they like oh can we take a picture he said yeah sure come on come on and again super patient showing support to his guys a flowers he came through he had on his own clothes at first and he made sure as as soon as he walked in he made sure that they gave him a z flower shirt a Zade day shirt and he put it on right away show that support for his guy but um when we were getting ready to uh to we wanted to take a picture with I wanted the boys to meet him and take a picture with him um I called him real quick I said Lamar but he ain’t hear me and I ain’t I just I want to be like lar lar lar grab his shirt I didn’t want to do all that so my guy be like you want me to call him for you I said yeah sure so my guy shout out to my guy bezy again but he called him he was like Lamar right here so Lamar turned around he saw me he said hey hey what’s what’s going on man what’s up so say what’s up to him and then he saw Carter and I’ve talked about this with Lamar Jackson before how he has this photographic memory because I remember before cuz it always stuck with me when John hobaugh said that about him a long time ago like oh photographic memory huh okay cool like it ain’t really hit me like that when John Harbo said it about him but when I got to really experience it for myself because we had met Lamar Jackson uh years ago at one of his Funday events um and then and he met Carter and like ever since then Carter again he knows who la Jackson is but Lamar Jackson has shown that he knows who Carter is because when we met him um years ago uh then I remember last year uh when shout out to Nitro when we went to the uh when we interviewed Lamar Jackson at his restaurant um I had FaceTime my wife and Carter and he remembered Carter and he cuz he was like hey I remember you you you came to the fun day car was like yeah and I was like man like how how does he remember like this dude Lamar $300 million quarterback franchise quarterback for the Ravens obviously he got a lot on his plate very very busy person meets a lot of people has a lot of interviews has just does a lot very very busy obviously how does he remember Carter how does this dude remember my son out of everything that he does all these people he in how how how is that even possible like I don’t I don’t meet that many people I got a bad and I I can’t even remember half the people but this dude meets plenty of people all the time all the time you know every time he goes out in public you know he getting approached but the fact that he had remember my son when we did that interview with him at the restaurant I was like wow that stuck with me a lot so then um last year at his fun day last year at his fun day again he remembered Carter again he remembered him and that was a couple months after the interview at his restaurant I believe yeah that was a couple months after that interview he remember Carter so then um this year just yesterday when we met him he remember Carter again he was like oh man you don’t you done got big you done got tall he said that that must be from eating at the restaurant huh and Carter was a little nervous and whatnot but Carter was proud man Carter was happy because Lamar Jackson Who Carter knows that every Sunday or Monday or Thursday when he his dad in here screaming watching the Ravens games when they on offense he hear me screaming and celebrating about this guy Lamar Jackson of course some of the other guys that that he met too Z FL Isaiah likely and them but it just the fact that that guy that he remembers Carter man that makes it special man that that makes it so special for me but it makes it so special for Carter and that’s what it’s about that’s what the the events like these are about for the kids I know right on Z flowers on his flyer for the fun day it says for the kids and that’s real it’s for the kids obviously for adults too we be there too but it’s for the kids it’s for them to have these experiences and these moments and it’s just great so when we when we were leaving when we were really leaving this time we really really left the kids are just so happy man was happy his friends were happy and they were all like man I can’t believe we got to meet Three Ravens players and they were talking about it all through the rest of the night so they and and they remembered it too because we left the event maybe like 3:30 4:00 I forget exactly when they got home uh they ate of course they playing Minecraft and playing party animals playing Mario Kart play playing all the games and stuff but then when we were getting ready to drop his friends home and so this is like so like we dropped him home about like 11 12 so about 7 eight hours had passed since the event and he was like oh man we had such a fun day today we got to meet three RAV play we got to meet Lamar Jackson Z flowers and Isaiah likeley the fact that this was their first time meeting uh NFL players for cter friends and they remembered every single name exactly how it’s pronounced exactly how it said they remembered every single name that was significant to me you know kids be messing up I’ll be messing up names and I’m an adult so but they remembered every name exactly how it supposed to be said and all that I was like man so it really touched them and then when we got to their house to drop them off um car’s friends were telling their uncle they like oh man we got to meet they they showed them a picture of Z flowers that he’s the the picture that he signed they were like oh we got this from Z flowers we got shirts too and we got to meet Lamar Jackson and Isaiah likely and then their friend was like oh yeah yeah I mean their Uncle he’s like oh I saw the pictures cuz I had put them on my Instagram and it a special man so um big shout out to Z flowers for having that big shout out to Isaiah Lely for being there big shout out to Lamar Jackson uh for coming through to the event man it was just um it was really really really cool man and like I said this for them is like not to say it’s nothing for them to do something like this because it does take work it does take planning and whatnot um and there’s a a financial responsibility with it as well you got to pay for these vendors to be out there pay for the bounce houses and all that but um it’s like and again it’s not a necessarily a small gesture from them but something like this to to me it just has a big impact man for me it had a huge impact and it was just a very very special special day it was a special experience that I appreciated I I again caught appreciate appr his friends appreciate it and it’s something that they won’t forget they won’t because stuff like this it just sticks out to them kids nowadays like I don’t know what they be eating they be remembering everything like Carter this dude remembers everything from when stuff was he was a baby stuff he a little kid I mean he’s still a kid but this dude be remembering everything I’m like how you remember so much but since these kids nowadays their memories are crazy they’ll remember this they won’t forget it and it will forever be a special moment for them so now when I might be watching a game or something and Carter might be watching it to he maybe he look at highlights cuz sometimes it’s like him my wife will watch um but he if he see oh Isaiah likely he’ll be oh I met him you see oh that’s Raven Z flowers call be like oh yeah I know him but then of course especially for Lamar Jackson car be like oh I know him and he knows me too

Meeting Zay Flowers from Baltimore Ravens!

0:00 We’ll get back to the normal videos tomorrow
0:15 Zay Flowers’ first official ZayDay
0:38 Meeting Ravens Isaiah Likely
1:56 Meeting Ravens Zay Flowers
4:35 Meeting Zay Flowers’ parents
7:10 Zay Flowers’ brother was super nice & helpful
8:05 S/O Team KeepItClean that was there
8:49 The vendors even made the experience nice
10:54 Seeing Lamar Jackson again
13:52 I always appreciate Lamar remembering Carter

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  1. Ingraven, i haven't heard that many supers since the last "Justice League " movie…😂😂 Glad you and Carter and friends had a good time!!

  2. Been a minute from watching , but glad everything is well ingraven cant wait till the season starts
    59 days , 4 hours , 5 min , 38 seconds till kick off

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