The Chicago Bears are betting FAVORITES to sign David Bakhtiari | CHGO Bears Podcast

The Chicago Bears are betting FAVORITES to sign David Bakhtiari | CHGO Bears Podcast

n oh hello it is quite lovely to be back with you on this Tuesday morning it’s calm British calm I’ve changed with my new blocks as I like to call them I am chuffed to bits to be here with you today Nicholas it is lovely to see you my friend I can’t do this there’s no way you must you you what’s what is the problem there’s plenty but you have a beard you have a hat and you have a you have this accent that I can’t quite yes I don’t know if it’s it’s London but you immediately reminded me of if you’ve seen the movie Just Go With It it is uh one of the characters is trying to impersonate some European guy that’s you you’re that guy yeah so you’re not all right no some of you for the record I have noticed have been a little cheeky on my new accent which I don’t appreciate at all I in fact I’m a little staggered by the response but that’s okay and I know that we have a show to get to and I’ll get to it in a minute but first can somebody bring me a cup of tea I’ll do it myself right there look at that lovely ah variety quite lovely yes all right uh this is an official Wimbledon hat I am back fully here um hello Chris panko good to see you my friend uh I’ll find salesman who’s doing a wonderful job but yes uh I will I I’ll try to not do that voice the entire show but I did I literally did speak that way for six days and we’re going to talk about true fan travel um because you know I gotta be honest I love my brother to the end of the Earth and he’s just a great great man but he also drives me nuts and the only way that I could like sort of deal with some of his idiosyncrasies was to talk like a Brit the whole time like he would just be having his problems like well it seems like you’re a little bit uh staggered right now though Dave it’s going to be all right um what did the locals think of your accent did you talk to the locals with I do I have uh I Stephen I’ll send you one video of a local that we can there’s like different stuff we got some pictures that I uh pulled out for today’s but they’re and maybe with uh with with brags tomorrow we can do one video with I which I interviewed a guy at the where was I I don’t know Tower of London somewhere uh we saw all the sites honestly I did not know like New York’s one of my favorite places to go because there’s no place like New York London is very like New York if you like if you like non-stop action if you like abs like any food choice that you can possibly have like they literally have everything if you want to um I mean for the G out there I mean they got casinos right in the middle of the city which uh I did not do but I would love to do and probably will do when we go on October yeah I mean it just uh but it it’s it’s I was super impressed of course wimbl in itself was amazing my guy Callum uh who hooked up the tickets for me he’s one of he’s a line judge legit line judge and he had the Baseline one day and like there was two really tight calls where you know they challenged and like I’m so worried for my guy and he nailed both of them wow that’s impressive it was freaking awesome you know and he he got me this cute cap that I’m enjoying with because they’re apparently very hard to find and they’re quite expensive but uh thank you Callum for that you could Rock the Hat though I I think you can rock the look there mark Super Chat from BRS $2 from BRS that says do the Jordan Wimbledon voice to end the show sure I I got you Gregory no problem we’ll do that it’ll be my pleasure um but Peter Peter a put the beer bucket by Nick he’s going to need it today I think you’re right I understand that it’s not easy for some of you to digest but you know and I know that it’s perhaps an awful accent but it’s whatever I found and uh yeah all right I any rate uh that was it was a it was good to be away and great to be back and we’ve got uh you know a ton to cover today yeah everyone’s talking about Caleb and Rome not being signed there’s only five rookies not signed and of course the Bears have two of them uh I know you guys talked about that a little bit so we’ll do a little bit more on that today in about 10 minutes I have my thoughts that I want to get out there uh but the news of the day Nick is David bakari the left tackle from the hated Packers being the betting favorite to be a Chicago Bear um you know the Bears are number one followed by the Chiefs and the Ravens and the Cowboys at plus you know at nine to one so I’m having a hard time understanding why this would make sense for the bears but maybe you have a a different take on I mean Baki 13 games over the last three seasons uh 1 and 21 11 and 22 played one game last year and this dude wants to be a starter I don’t know I mean were you coming out on were you as you digest the baktiar Bears rumors which you know if the gambling markets are thinking this then they obviously know something but I’m a little confused by it yeah do the gambling markets know that Ryan poles maybe is not fully in on Braxton Jones is that what it is I mean obviously it’s the guy only played two years in the NFL and did show some I think a upgrades in year two but David B tiar he’s almost like the the opposite of what braxon Jones has at least shown in two seasons like braxon has been available he did have a neck injury last season that kind of took him out for I believe five or six games but he played all of his snaps his rookie season and David baari really hasn’t been on the field the last time he was playing at that Elite high level first time or First Team all pro and a pro bowler was in 2020 but he only played again 12 games that season so if you’re if you’re hesitant that Jackson Jones can be a liability on an offensive line that still has question marks then I guess I can see maybe why the the betting Market’s thinking like he should be the favorite for Chicago because he can provide stability if he’s available and he can reduce high level play but just that’s not going to be guaranteed for 16 games he hasn’t played 16 he hasn’t played last time he played a full season was 2018 2019 so that’s like when I was young basically or it’s a while ago actually I was still the Bears were in the playoffs that year right I mean we’re we’re talking 12 and four Matt naggie bears are on their way to the Super Bowl oh no that didn’t happen Okay uh shout out Cody Parky I shouldn’t have done that I apologized but so couple things here do you believe does it make any logical sense that the Bears have had a slight turn on Braxton and what when I say slight because to your point and to his history maybe they’re looking at it like hey if we can get him for the dollars that we have remaining we want to upgrade here maybe they have some visions that they could slide Braxton inside use him as more of a swing I’m just trying to spitball why this would be interesting and if it doesn’t work out then we can put Braxton back out there that would be one per potential way to look at this and and then you don’t and you don’t see and perhaps you know Braxton had a significant neck injury last year he did yeah so you know a neck injury for an offensive lineman hopefully he’ll be okay obviously but that ain’t great so do they know are they concerned with how he’s going to come back from last year and the injury more than they’ve let on publicly to this point I it makes me wonder that if if if they were going to bring in a guy like bakari I me Braxton Jones I get it not Elite yet but this is a Shining Moment of Ryan pes’s draft history fifth round pick Southern Utah yep who is cheap right now and you’re talking about bringing in you know an old veteran who can’t be on the field you would have had to have a massive turn in belief that Braxton can do the gig to do something like this so to me it’s like if if this is true and I’m not saying it is but if it is then it’s like they either have massive concerns about uh his health and or they there’s been a pivot to thinking that well we actually think that Braxton might fit nicely inside and with the ever evolving Nate Davis and whether or not Tevin can stay healthy and maybe they have some concerns about whether they want to pay Tevin you know that that would be the VIN diagram if you will to to to get there why this would make sense for the Bears for me well for the injury part of this he suffered that injury at the end of the week two loss against a Tampe bucket and didn’t return until week 11 I believe uh no it returned week nine against the Saints but outside of that game where he only played 76.5% of the snaps in that Saints game he played 100% of the snaps in every single game outside of Detroit in week 11 where he played 97.3% so he was available he was out there after that neck injury and I maybe I look at it this this way too when braxon Jones for the OTA practice where he wasn’t actually out there for one of the practices you had guys like Larry borham Matt prior and you know you would think Karan amaji would be one of those guys if he was available to practice so are you also maybe just concerned about the lack of depth if something were to happen to braxon Jones that’s why you bringing a David B tiari so then braxon would be that next in line because maybe you just don’t feel as confident about what Larry bne bring to the table even though he was the guy that filled in for braxon Jones when he went down last season so could it just be Str strengthening the overall depth of the offensive line as well so great point and that would make sense but bakari told ESPN quote I’m not a reliever guy I am your Cornerstone guy someone that’s not only going to play in September but in December and into February and obviously hopefully for a couple another couple of years so it’s good to have confidence in life and believe in yourself the track the track record the recent history is not great on that but that’s how he’s looking at himself so the only way that that that he can fall to the Bears in that in in the way he’s thinking is that no one wants to make him a starter yeah no it’s a good point and but I’ll say this too if you’re Ryan poles and you do believe baari is an upgrade at the left tackle position like the Bears shouldn’t be afraid to add veterans like that to increase the overall Talent of the roster like that shouldn’t be an issue like if you think B tiari is better sign him on a one- year one-year deal you do it but obviously you’re just there’s just no guarantee how much he’s going to play and again I I feel like internally the Bears do have this belief in Braxton Jones and curious to see what he can do again alongside Kevin Jenkins for another season and also you have Chris Morgan back still as your run game coordinator so that’s going to help things for this year three to kind of have a a smooth transition with obviously a rookie quarterback in Caleb Williams so uh it’s interesting and you know I wonder I I if I were to say it right now Mark I don’t think the Bears are going to sign baari I just don’t think it’s gonna happen but interesting that the betting the betters of the world think that it might happen let me let me ask you guys this real quick since he’s so confident he he believes that he’s still a star in the league do you think he would consider signing with the Bears knowing it’s a competition hey if you beat out Braxton Jones the job is yours that’s interesting now so the Bears talked to him hey man you know we got a young guy that we like but you’re obviously Pro Bowl level player and we’d love to have you but you’re going to have to compete you up for that I mean I’d go back to his comments like I think he’s going to want more of a guarantee but the maybe his best situation could be you can compete for it we’re open competition man open competition period and of story I would also think for in daav bti’s case like he’s obviously on the back end of his career like is Chicago like I think a lot of people including a lot of people in this chat think the Bears are an upand cominging team but if you’re David ba tiari well I guess how many starting how many opening left tackle spots are there on Championship caliber teams probably not a lot so I mean I would just think at the back end of his career with all the injuries he sustained that he’d want to go to more of a guarantee like this team’s going to be in this window to compete right now I think the Bears are you know hopefully ascending in that direction but again how many opening left tackle jobs are there on those teams that are ready to compete probably not a lot yeah uh and Tito piscor Tito I hope I got that right thank you for the Super Chat what’s up Tito $5 slide braxon inside n man he has a hard time with the bull rush at tackle you get killed at guard um baaria guard bakarat guard he’s massive and less likely to get hurt that’s another interesting angle I highly doubt it hey dude we look at you as a as a guard now in your career will you slide over has he ever I’m I’m I mean we’re like trying to put I mean the more you talk about it’s like square peg round hole doesn’t it just doesn’t it just doesn’t seem to fit um and that’s true like bra Braxton is not a you know I wouldn’t call him a strike First Natural he’ll have an easy time sliding over no problem to guard Jones at all yeah ABA tiari looking at his snaps he’s played in 8,415 offensive snaps uh five have been at left guard we got five we have five St there a chance uh sounds like that BL would like to stay a tackle to me that’s what I think uh but okay you know look you know the bear the Bears have some money to play with we’re all expecting it to be a pass rusher uh you know when’s yanuk and G G to come back or he’s putting out posts of him looking quite fit out there did you see that quite fit yeah’s he’s got the shirt off and he’s working out and what not but you know I I’ve gone back and forth on this as to what the Bears bigger need is this doesn’t make sense to me but if they end up doing building putting somebody else into the room that could protect Caleb Williams you’re not going to hear me screaming that was a terrible idea so um interesting we’ll also get back to some Bears Packers uh Connections in in a little bit of the show as we had some fun just you know going back in time thinking about te guys that have gone back and forth which is another part of this too real quick that you know how much is he mad that Green Bay has let him out there you know after all he’s done for the Packers and maybe he wants to you know come back and get Green Bay which would be interesting from a bear standpoint as far as you know having somebody like that in the room a little extra motivation perhaps but more importantly I know after seeing me today that you would love to see me across the pond and join us in London in October via true fan travel the Bears in London they’ll they’ll played five games at that point five and0 five and0 0 and five two and three three and two four and one one and four it really doesn’t matter we’re going to have a great time honestly um but it’d be a lot sweeter if they were 5 and0 but let’s not go crazy here true fan travel is your passport to the World of Sports 8,000 fans traveling over 145 trips hasslefree travel planning it’s done by the Travel Experts you don’t have to think about this they will do it for you they’ll have your flight to London for you they’ll have your four to festar hotel accommodations was a lot better than what I had when I was over there so you’ll be you’ll be upgrading right there you’re going to have a welcome event at the favorite London pub these pubs are amazing and they’re completely crazy the the soccer fans I could not breathe I want to go to a soccer match so bad I mean I didn’t go to a match uh but I I did go to I went to a pub and um there was for the Netherlands game I think whatever it was I I couldn’t breathe I didn’t make it I left one of my buddies was over there too I’m like well well guy I have to go now because this is not going to work for me sounds like fun yeah but the private Gro on the boat cruise on the river Tims Tams I asked 7,000 people over there how to pronounce whatever um whatever you’re going You’re have a nice trip down the river that’s beautiful right through town it’s awesome uh there’s going to be an all-inclusive tailgate party that’s going to be sweet you’re going to get an upper level ticket to the game I talked to some people about Tottenham 500 level is sweet there so you’ll you’ll love where you’re sitting we got transportation we got on-site trip coordinators there’s going to be breakfast at the hotel every morning great way to start your day meet and greet with the CH goo team I’m going to be doing my own personal tours too if they let me Burl Market they have it’s this Market that is in town that has literally everything from like these huge mounds of paa to uh all the bakery Goods oysters um I went to this Italian restaurant there that was freaking phenomenal homemade pasta they do the strawberries and chocolate it was freaking awesome I I highly recommend it come with us go to truant truant make your deposit secure spot you got to do it by the end of the month truant gotta check out truan travel and you also got to check out ComEd because it’s getting easier for businesses to switch to electric vehicles that’s something we can all get behind there Mark Carmen for the health of the planet and for the well-being of all of us who share it that’s exactly right Nicholas I’m so happy to be talking to you about the electric grid which is evolving to meet your cleaner energy needs as we all move with confidence towards an El tomorrow whether you have one delivery van or a whole Fleet of shipping trucks ComEd can help guide you to make the changes that makes sense so Mark what should business owners do well they should go to clean and they can learn more about the resources Fleet rebates and infrastructure incentives available to help businesses go electric if you own a business do not wait start making your plans today to switch to electric vehicles good for business good for the planet good for all of us go to clean want to make sure I heard that right did you say ComEd /can you bet I did you sublo go now and see how going electric connects us to a better way of doing business and a better future for generations to come all right Nick I got a question for you I know that you and brags talked about this yesterday but since I’m here we’re going to do it again because I know it’s on the minds of Bears fans uh everywhere which by the way I heard that uh you know training camp tickets went on sale today and it was a little bit uh [ __ ] show yeah dodgy as they say over there DOD yeah uh that sucks and uh I know that one person already has reached out to me to try to help with tickets uh I don’t know how much I can do with this but I will try I know that uh it was you know the the the fervor to get in for training camp was as large as you would expect um and they want to see Caleb man uh that would be first and foremost I think on every Bears fan who’s going to training Camp’s mind so are you worried that Caleb is one of four of one of five rookies along with radun that is not signed right now you’re you’re on a let’s do it on one to 100 100 is panic on down to one not worried at all where where are you at and your Caleb is not signed woral meter um on that meter from one to 100 with one not being concerned whatsoever i’ I’d probably be like I’m at like a 10 Mark like okay I get it he hasn’t signed July 16th is the report day for rookies but you know I actually just put there was a moriano minute that stevenh helped edit that went out earlier today and basically said my thoughts on Caleb Williams not having signed his contract yet and did anybody expect this so out of all the players in the NFL him being so business oriented like wouldn’t you expect for anybody if anyone’s gonna wait the longest to sign it but still be in time for training camp it probably would be Caleb Williams with his attorneys and lawyers going over all the fine details actually look at this contract to ensure that he’s getting what he believes is fair um I I think it it was going to be a longer process in general um so but but even with that being said I’m not concerned that he’s going to miss time we also know how competitive he is missing training camp practices does not help him get prepared for the season where he’s got all these new teammates need to learn of veral he to learn this offense learn the chemistry with all the players it doesn’t help him there I’m sure they’ll get the financials and all the fine print all said and done before that July 16th date well and that’s the biggest part of this where the Bears I would think their Le Leverage is very minimal you have anointed him your starter correctly so of course mhm you have gone out and and traded for Keenan Allen drafted romad dun added on Ryan Bates and Coleman Shelton all these guys to try to make it as soft a landing spot well part of the soft landing spot is not having him miss any time at training camp he needs to be there and building chemistry with his guys and learning the offense and all the things Mike Florio pro football talk like outlined the three biggest reasons why a hold out Could Happen um one is signing bonus cash flow how much of a signing bonus is paid up front how much is deferred for and for how long players want their money now uh teams might try to push you know it out by a year or longer uh again no leverage give him the money here you go buddy right now you’re going to be a steal there’s your dough no problem the other one you know number two is voiding of guarantees what will it take to let a team Wipe Out the remaining guarantees issues in the past about suspensions for certain onfield infractions opening the door to erasing guaranteed money Players want to limit the team’s ability to unguaranteed the guaranteed cash teams refer the flexibility to get out from under a bad deal yeah Caleb you’re first class dude you’re not going to be in trouble you had your own apartment when you were in high school overlooking the field I’m not worried about putting in something in your contract that’s going to take money away from you don’t worry about it we’ll give you you’ll get all the dough no problem and then the last one was guarantee offset if the players release with guaranteed money left will earnings elsewhere reduce the money owed players prefer to double dip they want to get the credit for the salary and from the new uh from where they’re going next Cam’s going nowhere don’t wor I’m not gonna worry about that if that happens that’s the least of their problems so don’t worry about that either so it’s it’s confusing to me like what the holdup is here you have no leverage give him what he wants get him in Camp let’s go I wonder I mean he doesn’t have an actual agent I mean I wonder if that just complicates the process here like he uh Caleb was asked man it was now almost a month ago and at this point where like when when you anticipate this contract to get done and he didn’t he’s like well I’m focusing on football and my attorneys and lawyers are kind of looking at the fine print of that stuff so yeah it’s um it wouldn’t be the first time you know a number one overall pick has held out we were talking Greg and I ear where Demarcus Russell held out for a significant amount of time and you know he eventually got everything that he wanted but you kind of see not that there’s any correlation but you see the career that he kind of had but it wouldn’t be the first time it won’t be the last but again I don’t anticipate that this will be a glaring issue and a lot of people who when I put out that Morano minute on this topic were like oh it’s for the cameras the Hard Knock they want him to sign it for that no I mean that’s that’s not going to be like hard knock is already there like if you wanted to get it done you can get it done but does it add a dramatic effect to everything where he’s when is he gonna sign sure but um well you guys yourselves have seen the Hard Knock cameras there correct yeah we’ve we’ve seen them at um seen the people okay yeah yeah but that’s insane that’s not what’s going on here the Bears would that doesn’t seem to be their personality at all no um so it’s it’s Caleb it’s Rome It’s JJ McCarthy the 10th overall pi pick with Minnesota the Vikings 17th overall pick Edge rusher Dallas Turner it’s the 18th pick Bengals tackle am Marius Mims those are the five all right and Williams is it’s supposed to be a four-year contract worth $ 38 a half million all right so Bryce young got 38 last year it’s going up by 500 Grand nice increase that’d be lovely um I’ll take it I yeah I don’t know how to put this in any other way other than don’t be the Bears here don’t be don’t be weird let’s not go back to the George halis you know days where you were trying to get guys as cheap as possible and I don’t think they are but it it does slightly again sort of almost like the same scratch of head with bakari like why are you having problems getting Caleb signed or why is this why why is this being dragged out and here’s another reminder if he doesn’t make it to if this does go past report day mat abber flu is not the coach that’s set up to do this imagine the flu in a press conference with so uh you know are you upset that Caleb’s not here nope nope I’m not upset it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s part of the deal it’s part of the business and he’ll he’ll be here when he’s here well is Tyson be and you’re starting quarterback now well you know Caleb’s still starter but you know when he gets here like I don’t that that this is not built for flu this is a nonflu built situation you want you want your guy Matty [ __ ] to be successful in year three get the quarterback signed uh the last thing I think Matt EO wants to do is have to handle six minutes eight minutes of questions to start each press conference at the start of training camp about where the hell the quarterback is that’s not what the Bears need and I know that this is not necessarily a Super Bowl season for the bearss but we are hoping that it is a playoff season for the Bears a nine- win plus season so let’s again lower the degree of difficulty as much as possible and not put the head coach in that position that’d be a to be fair I think that’d be a tough thing for any head coach to kind of navigate as they’re like oh where’s your starting quarterback at ah well you know they’re they’re still negotiating trying to get the contract done if it was the flu from last or last season where the whole debacco and Justin Fields was coming back from injury and like is he going to be available like I think I think and I would hope that MD reflu has learn how to not handle a press conference when there is a debate of whether or not your quarterback is going to play hopefully there has been some growth from eberl but it would be a tough situation where I think all the the other 31 NFL head coaches like how to hand how to properly handle it but there is a way to do it and we’re going off past experiences how eus has handled some of the tougher questions at press conferences they haven’t all been great did you get did you send Chase Claypool home or was he here uh you know it was bad it was bad oh uh by the way I got that wrong what I meant to say in hour ago was that clayo was sent home he wasn’t like no no no no no no no I got that wrong about Caleb there don’t do this but I think flu is better now like would you say the last couple press conferences we’ve been to he has hand there have been tough questions there haven’t been tough questions but he’s just there’s there seems to be more of a confidence around him how he’s kind of answering some of these questions 100% agree 100% flu has had a very solid offseason with the media he’s been relaxed he’s been calm he’s I think tring in the right direction you know look he he’s got through the first two years his general manager shown a lot of confidence in him he should feel you know bolstered if you will bolstered um he you know there’s wind at his back there you you uh the roster is way better you got through your defensive coordinator getting fired your running backs coach getting fired like all these things that would have sunk a lot of dudes and flu is still here with a much better roster but I don’t all that being said and he has gotten better I don’t think you want to put Matt Eber flu if your Ryan Po’s in the position of the level of distraction it would be if if Caleb’s not here it would be it would be an enormous distraction especially with Hard Knocks there too it only gets Amplified if things were to go wrong yeah but uh you know we’re going to actually talk about some bears for Packers becoming bears in our next s but first I have to tell everybody about C4 performance energy powers explosive energy with 200 milligrams of caffeine and provides enhanced endurance with carnis beta alanine made with clinically studied ingredients zero grams of sugar or artificial colors and carrying the NSF certified for sport label C4 performance energy is the athletes choice for elevating performance and of course C4 performance energy fights muscular fatigue empowers enhanced muscular endurance with energy you can feel I know when we go to London in October I’ll probably have a bunch of C4s just to get around and hang around with uh London Karm over here so taking C4 is definitely going to help with that and of course C4 you’re gonna love it we’re all gonna love it we’re going to love it more if we have some C4 performance energy which is available in a wide variety of amazing sugar-free flavors including delicious collaborations like grape popsicle strawberry Starburst and orange creamsicle as always C4 performs energy elevat your performance with energy that hits by the way I don’t think anybody has commented on my socks today these are these are official Wimbleton socks uh they have extra thickness and a certain level of comfort that make your feet feel lovely uh so I’d like to again thank my guy cumi for these socks that I’m wearing proudly today thank you tum all right uh by the way I’ll be wearing these socks when we’re going golfing I’m not sure if I’m going to get to go but some I actually forget it I’m going cookout classic I’m making that call right now uh our golf tournament presented by Miller Light and Shady rays in Circus Sports Illinois in St Andrew’s golf and country club you can come by yourself like me or a Tome a forsome 18 holes with a cart four person scramble te for every player to for a complimentary Miller Light um brags will give you his too so you can have a couple uh there’s going to be hold contests great giveaways and prizes for contest holes one complimentary Spike honor honor Palmer per person there you go there’s a lunch and a ceremony after the round cash bar for you late nighters you’re going to hang out there so I hear that brag is going to be buying drinks which is sweet um individual hole and tournament sponsorships are available too Spencer at all City if somebody wants to sponsor things Spencer allity if you would like to sponsor that uh yeah come on out and golf with us Stephen’s been talking a lot of blimy I will be winning that there it is that’s probably not used correctly but you know uh just so like just a little couple fun questions for you is anybody are we just cool with Packers and Bears just going back back and forth the list is getting longer and longer and longer I mean we we you know hey we were so happy when we got went out and got Luke getsy to to you know to be the to be the man with the Bears and I liked Luke a lot but you know the way that worked out in the end was probably not how it was completely designed catastrophic you know that was and and I’m not putting that by the way on Luke I thought it was it was yeah it was a bad situation plenty you know let’s let’s was that fault yeah I matd has his share on that but okay uh and then you know you just start going back down the list here of of former the guys that have gone back and forth and like you know we go back to Karm era Jim McMahon made the switch Steve McMichael made the switch for a year uh then recent notes is legi and then there’s Lucas Patrick and now we’ve got Jonathan Owens and Mercedes Lewis is a bear right um not to not not super far back you can bring up Josh s uh I forgot about EQ who’s now gone but was you know made the flip Jimmy Graham Adrien Amos um Julius Peppers I mean it’s like Packer bear Central there we just go going back and forth here now with our with our friends up north and I want to say well actually maybe outside of I don’t I don’t remember what peppers did in Green Bay I don’t think it was as significant what he did in Chicago but still good but he wasn’t as good yeah he wasn’t as good I feel like a lot of those guys were better in Green Bay then they were when they came over to Chicago so it’s like the Bears get these guys like oh look what they did in Green Bay and then they come here it’s like yeah we need to get Lucas Patrick out of the center position as fast as possible but yeah just hasn’t gone quite the way I think the Bears would have liked for a lot of these guys who signed here with Chicago I mean open open option in the in the chat here for your favorite bear that was a packer or M I suppose we could go the other way Packer that was a bear Martellus Bennett you the reverse Direction like it’s it feels a lot better when you take our dis our discard right exactly but it also sucks um when oh yeah padle Donald padle Donald’s a good call there we left that out Peter a good good one um it sucks when we let somebody go and then they go up there and play well like Adrian amamos played pretty well for the cers he was solid solid player you know like imagine imagine someday if Justin Fields was begging up Jordan love love got hurt and then Justin’s going up against us Edgar Bennett’s a good one too Gary Ross my guy um I don’t know is there a favorite out of these guys I mean look I like marcedes Lewis in the in the locker room he’s a he’s a really good dude to talk to and I mean we know his role but again such a s such a tiny tiny little I mean sometimes when he’s out there I mean he’s 90 years old like but he’s in great shape he’s out there doing his thing yeah but I like okay I would love to steal someone from them yeah like and give us Kenny Clark I was gonna say who would you steal give me Kenny Clark right now Kenny Clark’s a great one I mean I I mean who else would you uh I look I still like Lucas van I wouldn’t have minded you know Devonte Adams ending up here somehow and and when when when he was going out the door why don’t you come out down here and do that and have sweet revenge and talk a bunch of nonsense I would enjoy all of that old man David bakari to replace Brax and Jones that’s just not going to do it for me I mean I I mean I like excuse me I have to pull up my socks um like I don’t know it’s it’s it’s just I don’t if I have a real hardcore point on this other than the fact that it’s just a getting a little too friendly for me yeah there I mean there’s been I feel like a lot more of these Packers become be Vice whatever uh in recent years I I don’t even remember brags put in here if Hester uh had went to the Packers almost have I don’t even remember that I would have he said he would have thrown himself off a bridge I would have probably done the same thing that would be oh God that would be awful just seeing him in those colors but yeah so it’s been I wonder if that Trend will continue and again kind of Clark if he we actually previewed him as a guy that will be a free agent in what 2025 if you wanted to over that’d be great I mean sure you want to steal Xavier McKenna too uh oh yeah sure why not let’s let’s let’s diminish we could use another safety I mean Kevin bued for a season when I look at this though it seems like when we get players from the Packers more often than not it does not go our way right oh yeah it’s it’s like for me that alone not to mention you know there’s an age Factor there like it kind of turns me off of getting out all these former factors as much as you like the inivision familiarity and maybe some of that Revenge narrative Factor yeah just the history just doesn’t point in the best Direction I mean you know Aaron Jones moved in the division Viking I I always was that dude terrified me when he was wearing the green and gold oh yeah he destroyed the Bears I mean it was just like okay no one can tackle you your high legs are just this is this is awful um that I guess that would have been one but again like I would I would rather I would rather not take their garbage their rubbish and uh and do it another way personally um okay let’s let’s talk about somebody who hopefully will not be rubbish uh the the Bears put out a 15minute piece on Karan amaji third round pick remember him yes 75th overall veis was 71 hopefully he will not be veis part two I’m a little well if you on that Mark I’m not well I just you know just not uh trending it’s it’s an interesting selection feels like a little bit of a flyer coming out of Yale and he’s hurt right now and can’t get on the field and it almost feels like his I’m getting a drop ahead of myself but it does feel like his rookie year is going to be kind of a red shirt season which he did at Yale as we learned if you watch the video where you know Co hits and there’s no red shirt in the ivy league but Karan didn’t run out of there which shows a a lot of character there was a ton in this video If you haven’t seen it to really like about Kaji like his parents both uh come in here from Africa and like high level of focus on education and you know so the you know he goes to Hinsdale Central and ends up at Yale because his you know thrilling his mother they put him in literally every sport the dude was playing tennis he was playing Hoops he was swimming he was he was riding horses the amaji family uh little more accomplished to the kmen family they were I mean holy cow you missed the craziest one the hip-hop dancing hip hop dance classes him and his sister should help with movement skills on the football field man if you could do oops tennis hip hop dancing martial arts soccer golf swimming horses hip-hop dance classes I me crap no wonder he went to I mean when you do the extracurriculars like in high school I mean he literally fills out every single box and oh yeah I played football too like nuts no wonder I mean so like easy guy to root for super likable in in this whole deal um and I loved him at the end he’s like um his quote I’m a baller I’m a dog this is I want to do be the best player at my position in the league and that’s the that’s the goal that he is setting for himself and he expressed that confidence on Draft when he got drafted like that was his first uh when he introduced to the Bears media like that confidence was spewing out of Karan magaji like he has his faith and belief that he can be that type of player for for me the confidence showed the year prior when he runs into mat eut on the golf course and he says like you’re going to be looking at me next year and you know sure enough that’s the way it turned out as we’ve heard the story but I mean that was a good story too that he goes a little bit more in depth on him and his dad yeah that was super interesting so his dad’s at the golf course uh and flu is there and so he calls him and he’s like get on over here buddy 40 minute drive okay all right Dad I’ll go see Matt Eber flu show up at the goers be like I I’m going to be a bear you should pick me a year prior and then and then the Bears end I mean that’s it’s a lot of confidence man that’s a lot of freaking confidence to say that I mean to one of the 32 NFL head coach like you’re going to pick me I’m you know I’m an NFL caliber player and I play at Yale that that takes a lot like when you think about it do do you think Nicholas Morano with all your confidence and your Rise Up from Iowa via depal to this prestigious position sitting here with Karm and with my head on it uh see do you think that you would have followed your dad’s advice right there popped out of bed and Riven to see Matt Eber and tell him that I’m going to play for you uh no cuz that that Nicholas Morano retired football uh in high school but I definitely told all my professors like I’m going to cover the Bears like and they they told me like hey you’re going to a big medium market like you probably need to go to a lower Market to start like yeah but no I’m going to do this when I graduate and we got you were an aggressive Nicholas got that dog youi you yeah Nicholas Karan amagi yes and that’s another thing by the way listening to his mom say his name Kiran kidan it was like she that that I would love to get to know his mom she seemed like the most likable Lady of all time his dad too it’s it’s a really it’s a really well done piece by the Bears I I enjoyed it fully it makes again amaji very easy to root for and I also wonder like he just needs to get on the football field Mark like he really does he’s been injured since what he only played was it eight or four game yeah didn’t play very much and then miss a Senior Bowl that he got invited to so he’s still battling that injury from back then so we need to see Kanan amagi hopefully get out there I know you know it was talked about that the start of training camp hopefully which is coming up here in a little bit so it would be good to see that third round draft pick on the football field see him get some actual physical reps out there at tackle just so he can get acclimated to the NFL game and I mean it’s going to be a big jump for him but just based off of how he kind of you know just the belief that he has in himself like he thinks he can go out there and compete with uh the best in the world well when PS was asked about it at uh whatever media session it was do you see him as somebody that can push braxon Jones well not necessarily his first year yeah first year yeah but down the line we’ll see you know we’ll see yeah that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about a little bit just because he talks about that first season at Yale it’s a CO season they don’t as you mentioned they don’t do the red shirt years there in in the ivy league and he tells the coaching staff no I’m going to treat this as my red shirt year the co season and he’s going to come into sophomore you’re ready to go you think we see something similar rookie season to sophomore season with the Bears because that’s kind of the way I see the best case scenario for him playing out for his development yes let me answer that very shortly yes if Karan amaji is playing this year something went terribly wrong this is a year for him to get stronger to get acclimated to the NFL to learn to get angry that he’s not playing and to you know show in minimal opportunities that he’s capable that would be an ideal rookie season for karagi I would think yeah and I mean look you have Braxton Jones that left tackle you have Matt PRI who’s played left tackle you have Larry borm who’s also played there are guys in front of him right now in the depth chart so if he is well if he’s out there battling and beating those other guys on the back end I mean I think that’s a credit to Karan amaji but there are some steps that he has to take uh just on his individual growth as an NFL player to even get to that point but you know I think best case scenario you don’t you don’t really see kanagi Braxton Jones is doing his thing a left tackle guys are not getting injured maybe in a swing tackle role you could see him like on those heavier packages you get on the football field but that probably is the best case scenario that he doesn’t really play much in year one I mean if if amaji is able to beat out Larry borham prior whatever uh even even interior to get a shot uh that would be an incredible incredible accomplishment in in a rookie season for a guy who’s coming out of Yale I mean I did like one of his what his offensive line coach said about him like that he is um he’s got a violence to him first let me get it correctly exactly what he said um natural naturally great get off and strike people that’s hit him that yeah let’s go I initiate boom it’s a good quality have as an offensive lineman but it you know you you watch his tape and he’s 50 pounds bigger than the dud he’s blocking in most of it and so ain’t gonna be the case in the NFL they’re all equally as big right all right Nick um as you can see uh you know I enjoyed my trip haven’t shaved in yeah how long that take it’s a it’s a week okay and I got a little flow to the hair and our head of content Kevin kada suggested that perhaps I can out flu the flu I’m not sure who’s doing it better right now what what would Grody say about this because he was also once a flu all these flu imposters yeah I mean Grody does a great job in in in Grody land and Mark’s one of my good friends so I don’t want to you know try to outdo Mark but Mark hasn’t gone the facial hair yet he hasn’t you’re taking to the next level he hasn’t he hasn’t fully committed to flu’s face facial whereas Karm has gone your Tru has gone with a facial situation here now you just need the next step for you if you’re really going to complete this is to get the fade it’s really to get the fade in the sides and get you line I mean the beard yeah the Beard’s looking good but if we get the fade going I I mean people are going to stop you they probably already stop you because you’re Mark Carman but they’re going to stop you thinking your flu and that’s G to be that’s a nice compliment I think yeah uh no one’s getting a facial tww over this I’m looking to create the look of dignity and professionalism and coolness so who’s doing it better one for me two for flu one for me two for flu can I overtake him what do I got to do um no I’m gonna make a poll yeah what you got on YouTube poll on YouTube let’s see nice little fade I’ll hook you up uh Robert gunars kampa being allowed back in the country is a is a border I did see that com yeah that’s that’s a that’s you’re a funny man there Robert kampa being allowed in the country as an indictment of the Border Patrol’s Effectiveness I call them and for these going to try to re-enter the country I got to tell you uh I’ll give you can’t stop him I’ll give you this one piece of advice for those of us who are coming with London you might want to consider getting the global re-entry cuz that is depending on when you’re coming back in that was a good hour to get back in oh like that which is not what you want after the eight hour flight now I have a hit me up if you’d like I got a I got I got a good app that got me through a lot quicker so it was lovely okay but uh so I snuck through Garza take that um well Mark I mean you’re sharing all this Insight of London I know we have you know some I think some pictures from your adventure that you would like to share with our listeners and viewers of the show and myself I I do Stephen uh if I do Nick rather and Stephen if you could just in no particular order I’ll just talk through them for you um that one that one I took for Gregory because we know that Greg has eats like a four-year-old and I just wanted I wanted to let him know that you can get the KFC in London uh first night there it was I didn’t eat there thank you very much no no disrespect to KFC but if I’m in London I’m not going to KFC but there you go Gregory you can have yourself some KFC now that right there is a Wimbledon ball boy and breaking news I my biggest goal in life outside of being right here talking to you is to be a ball boy at the US Open and we’ll talk about this more in depth when it’s official official but it’s very but it’s it is trending strongly in the direction that I will be having a tryy out to be a ball boy for this year’s US Open come the end of July and or early August I will be flying to New York and I’m going to try to be just like that dude I’m going to lift up my arm and I’m going to roll the ball and I’m going to be on the court with my tennis Heroes and um shout out to my friend Nick Wright who uh has made this possible uh it’s not official official yet as far as the date that I’m doing it but I’m I’m trying out to be a US Open ball boy that’s awesome that’s really [ __ ] cool actually uh wait so are you still a ball boy even if you’re like older like it’s just ball boy ball man I would be a ball ball ball cramp um I would still watch I was actually I was actually watching tennis a couple days ago Mark so if you’re the ball boy ball man ball kampa I’m watching well like you know it has passed me by to being on the court as a player and but I’m watching these ball boys and it used to be they would fire the thing down but now it’s just roll but I was like I want to do this I want to do this I how do I do this and I’ve applied via their you know and I talk to ball boys there how do I get in they’re like all you gotta do is apply I have applied they have not taken me so I needed big honcho Nick Wright to get this done for me but I can do this I can be a ball boy yes you can there’s no doubt that I can have the focus and the respect to the players I’ll sit and like sometimes I was watching them bounce the ball to them you know because when they’re serving they you got to throw them the balls a lot of them are bad throws I’m going to be on the money I’m gonna be I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m going to give them the the respect that they deserve this is my dream that’s awesome yeah a couple people asked this in the chat too now typically I had to ask you this pre show as well yeah usually around like 16 years old you’ll see the ball boys now how many people would you say would fall into your category I seven of the of the many ball it happens it Happ yes I’ve seen I’ve seen people out there they they have well Jimmy Butler ran out there to do it put they’ll put celebrities out there um but I don’t as a huge celebrity I don’t want to go as a celebrity I want to go as somebody who’s earned their position right way up so yes by the way my tri out uh to Total Anarchy Kramer was a ball boy that was a great episode we are going to be filming this situation oh yeah so I don’t know how but exactly but that thing’s somehow some way I’ll make Nick shoot it if I have to uh I got you by the way uh to Jake Flanigan and Kevin KCK I’m gonna need a day off to go doest I guess I’ll fly on my own dime don’t worry about any of that but I just you know uh uh ideally you know I’m happy to take a vacation day but if you want to call it a working day for me that’s okay too anyway I’m going I’m going to do this and that was my ball boy hero so why that’s why I took a picture um there all right next up on my on the London tour and there they are as we did our video these dudes literally stand there that is at Buckingham Palace and they don’t move and I was like Boo hello Cal hello Bears these dudes are focused nothing I’ve got a video too that we’ll show at a different time but that that that’s literally a gig you just stand there in that outfit what I mean how how long do they stand like there’s got to be shifts I’m sure I think but they’re there for a like I I I don’t know two hours at a time I can’t even sit for like a long period like standing that’s I guess we’ll see him when we go to London in October but that’s uh interesting little gig they serious question what do they do if they need like a bathroom break they it’s like you got to plan it out man you piss you got be ready you piss yourself and you stand that’s what you do y your boy Boogie Karm did you take that picture waist high I don’t know what are you saying that I’m short I am a 5 foot 10 inch 83 pound man sir um I was just impressed by those and look at this guy I just just a solid that’s a line judge and look at look at just how formal he is I I’m sitting right there obviously right you know in the front row and I’m like hello sir are you a bz fan uh he didn’t turn the guy was the guy was focused he was getting his job done good job by the liesman hello there Lawrence how are you a couple more for you there’s my guy [ __ ] who got got me in there that is uh Center Court behind the the level this that that dude was Nails on all his line calls I think he’s a he’s a future chair umpire right there and a huge chgo Bears fan my guy uh and there you go Che uh there’s the hat and my cheesy face cuz I was I was having a lovely time you you were cheesing you were love loving it and Nick Nick I hate to do this to you because of the terrible things that happened in American Family field or whatever they call that thing up in Milwaukee Miller Park uh that looks terrifying I’m not gonna lie the escalators Gregory that’s for you too buddy you’re going to have to get over this the escalators are significant going down into the subway system there I mean I it’s it doesn’t end it doesn’t end there was oh God the if you’re going down to the Picadilly line you are deep underground and I didn’t know that at first so I was I was like you could either take the stairs or the lift down so I’m like I’ll take the stairs like let’s get some exercise 175 steps that I didn’t know I was taking I mean I it was it was the spiral thin staircase uh that is not meant to be done and and I did it cuz I didn’t know anybody but then you saw you have to like at that particular station you’re you’re always going to take the the lift but there’s also huge escalators so if you need to you know better help is a great option for you you might need to do this yeah explain this one what’s going on here Mark so that was at the Tower of London I think um where that’s where the king stay King George and uh all the other kings too whose names I’m forgetting now and there was like this they had like monkeys that were put on you know different little perches there because apparently back in the day that’s how it was like you they had exotic animals there were elephants and monkeys and all this stuff that was like protecting the the property um I walked through the moat which is now they’re trying to like do what they can for climate change in the moat there there’s so there is so much to see over there I went to uh Church Hill’s W rooms learned about World War II and where Church chill was making his decisions it if you like history London is a good spot for you I on the other hand was amusing myself the entire time well okay Churchill you so Churchill Churchill to the flu who was better probably Churchill but let’s but let’s hope that I mean the dude did take down Hitler and then here you go Nick for a fun one to end it up oh this is burl Market strawberries and chocolate it’s that flowing chocolate they take these fresh strawberries they put it in there it’s there’s a huge queue as they say for it um but straight delicious oh I mean it’s got to be the best tasting chocolate strawberries ever you you go there on an empty stomach and you eat for three hours oh so I mean what else was I mean we saw chocolate strawberries but what else were you kind of encountering guys here so I I I went to past a place called p where they’re making the fresh pasta but they I was telling you about the huge pot of paa people are walking around with like just look straight delicious um cheeses from everywhere so you’re getting you know all the tastings and whatnot um there’s I mean literally any food possible all the desserts that’s awesome um like for you Gregory there’s you know your standard like chicken sandwich that’s that’s deep fried they have a Taco Bell for them yeah they’ve got I mean they literally everything and it it is crowded there so there’s there is that but um it is like it’s it’s it’s it’s a food orgasm that’s what it is food orgasm y yeah um I so you’re looking forward to going back to London I am I am you’re not gonna come back though that’s the problem I thought we were talking Greg and I I’m like oh is Mark actually coming back he looks like he’s having a fun fun time in London yeah so there’s no guarantee that Mark makes it back after the Bears defeat the Jaguars yeah I Colin I did not do the the full English English breakfast which was a huge uh that was just poor Focus but I so that’s an opportunity in the future um is a full English breakfast it’s the Bango and mash there’s like sausages and there’s eggs and I don’t know it’s all sorts of stuff on there that I baked beans that I wouldn’t necessarily eat for breakfast but that’s what they do okay um Bears all right wrap up the show there’s a there’s something you to pay off here though oh I do we still have FR a Super Chat oh Jordan wion voice to end the show how certainly Nick I’m gonna ask you a question then wrap up the show in my MJ voice as we look ahead and we facilitate our future what record after five games do you think the Bears will have when they head over to London we laid out the options mhm 5 and0 0 and five 4 and one one and four three and two two and three yeah you could pull it up if you want to look at it I’m really leaning I I don’t even know the schedle by heart which is embarrassing but it’s I think I do it is I’m leing Titans Texans Colts what’s week four week four is half ah yes the Rams we force the Rams and the Panthers uh I’ll go three and two three and two um that Rams game’s going to be really tough and then look I the cuson Tex and Sunday Night Football that’s that’s a really tough one so I’m gon to go three and two getting wins over obviously Titans so you got wins over the Titans Colts and Panthers yes sir it’s fair it shall be interesting Chim with his Lions love saying they’ll be two and three ch whatever Chim uh no no no Jordan combined with wimon Voice start over so he wants like a British Jordan that’s tough yeah British Jordan like I’m not sure how to do this for you Gregory it’s one or the other it’s uh I have no idea really I mean you want me to perceive the perception of the of of of Michael in the Brit is that what you’re saying I must disregard this request but even though I have authorized it with my authorization that’s the best I got for you Gregory I miss you Greg’s back tomorrow yes he is Nick uh heard you guys been crushing it while uh I was gone and Hog’s gone so we’ve been trying good to have you back um properous I swear to God you sound like the guy from Just Just go with it it’s Adam Sandler movie it’s the same exact voice I forget I think the actor’s name is Nick you are him B mark ah all right thank you I’ll I’ll keep on working on it I’ll probably be have to put this to rest but I will bring in a little more Wimbledon Garb tomorrow because you have to I can’t forget about it this quickly uh all right we are back tomorrow at noon previewing the Vikings Vikings yes yeah uh today we got some other big guests coming up later this week too so uh appreciate it if you are not a subscriber hit that subscribe button if you haven’t hit the like button today hit the like button uh Gregory hope things went well for you today and uh Bears fans hang in there on those training camp tickets and to those who did get seats congratulations we will see you there yep adios see you later like the mayor

Vegas lines have opened up on David Bakhtiari’s next team and the Chicago Bears are the favorites at +500. How would the career Green Bay Packer fit on the Bears’ offensive line? Would he be a depth piece or starting ahead of Braxton Jones? The CHGO Bears crew breaks it down.

Later, we dive into some other former Packers to play for the Bears. Would a Bakhtiari signing be more reminiscent of Lucas Patrick or Mongo McMichael? Join Mark Carman and Nicholas Moreano for that and more o nthe CHGO Beas Live Podcast.

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