Raiders Report: Live News & Rumors + Q&A w/ Mitchell Renz (July 9th)

Raiders Report: Live News & Rumors + Q&A w/ Mitchell Renz (July 9th)

a Raider Nation what’s going on I’m Mitchell Ren host of the Raiders report it’s Tuesday which means we are live we go live every single Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday here on the Raiders report and even though it’s the middle of July there’s still some Raiders content that needs to be talked about that’s why Jeremy chugs and I are here so shout out to all the real ones that decided to pull up today I got a really cool show on to for all of y’all out there we’re going to talk about zamir white because my guy Zeus is going viral and I mean viral and if you’ve already seen this air white picture I want you to spam three down below because this guy looks like a totally different human being he’s working on a farm his arms are the size of my thighs and he literally looks like a Bellow running back that you could give maybe 300 touches a game then we’re going to get into a Trey Taylor interview takeaway my guy graphic Raider had the opportunity yesterday to sit down with Raider seventh round pick from Air Force Trey Taylor the Jim Thorp Award winner and did like a 53 minute live show with him if you haven’t already checked that whole video out go do so but what I wanted to do is give you like the cliffnotes version the biggest takeaways that I saw from the interview with graph and like I said I wanted to be able to shed some more light on the fact that what my guy doing is really really cool we are going to be doing a mailbag today so if you want to get those hash Raiders questions in early that would be much appreciated and we’re going to stay live as long as those questions are rolling in today so what about zamir white here how many rushing yards for the third year running back out of Georgia he’s finally going to get his opportunity to step up help Raider Nation forget a little bit about Jacobs one of the best running backs that this organization has ever had but then you got a new offense a coordinator in luk getsy you got a brand new offense in general the quarterback play is going to be something to look at what can we expect from the Raiders offensive line all of these topics are going to be what’s discussed today on the Raiders report but before we do I want to get some predictions this is a interactive YouTube channel we’re an interactive family here after all how many rushing yards for zamir white this upcoming season Rafael Millo is going to go with 875 I see 885 from Demarcus web Jacob ser N9 hundo plus 1,238 from krock G money what’s up man th000 yards if he’s healthy Roger Chandler says what’s up Mitch 925 880 from Rick CJ is going to go with 750 Yoda 1,200 yards and 12 touchdowns which kind of reminds me Yoda shout out to you if you haven’t already voted on how many rushing touchdowns Zeus is going to have this season that’s the live poll and I’m a big fantasy football guy zamir is probably one of these backs that is really really difficult for me to be able to wrap my mind around how many yards he’s going to have how many touchdowns he’s going to have he’s going to have an opportunity and the Raiders are really really going to rely on their young running back but coming up here on the show I’ll kind of break down what I expect out of him and I do have a little bit of a bold prediction here on today’s show so for those you that do not know this week’s deals are remaining the same throughout the entirety of the week $10 venbo you have an opportunity to win Raiders Cowboys preseason tickets courtesy of Blaine Craig we’re going to do this on Friday during our Friday happy hour show when we’ll announce the winner if you’re like Mitch where are the seats located I’m glad you asked the seats are located in section 139 row 36 seats 11 and seats 12 so you will be getting two tickets so you’re going to be able to at least take somebody unfortunately chugs and I will not be able to go with y’all we’re going to be working those days but hey you still get to go watch a preseason game I was able to take my fiance Alex her mom and her dad her mom and dad they’re Cowboys fans so is Alex I was able to take them to the Raiders Cowboys preseason game last year had a really really great time every $100 Super Chat that we get is a bang reminder every time that you bang this week we will give a free entry away to somebody for the preseason tickets and usually [ __ ] shows only happen during Madden Sims usually [ __ ] shows really only happen on Friday happy hour my deal this is for this month is anytime we bang five times on a live show at that moment it turns into a [ __ ] show which means if I’m rocking your jersey there Ed Robbins Papa Robbins you already know what the deal is going down Mario Guero beard or mustache for me right now it’s a mustache I’m probably going to rock the stash until the Raiders preseason gets underway and then once we get into the season a little bit more is when I’ll probably go back to the beard keeping the beard is a lot easier to maintain than the mustache just because I do wear makeup I know that might surprise some of y’all but I do wear makeup cuz I’m a very shiny individual and you know I just got a lot more a lot more space I got to cover but hey if you want to get in like I already saw La crash doog he’s in for the duck race Noah Santana he’s going to be in here for the duck race and I do want to get some people to get some of those comments flowing in here again if you want to make a statement if you have any questions whatsoever about the Raiders about the NFL about Jeremy and I you got to use use # rers get those questions on the mailbag which we’ll probably do here in about an hour maybe 90 minutes from now just depending on how much content chugs and I actually get into you know who’s one man who’s very very happy to see me and Robins B I’ll tell you what Ed if Zeus sends up having it in 18800 yards and 11 touchdowns we’re going to win 12 games this season I mean I I got high expectations for Zeus and I say that with also me being like they’re going to go buy running back by committee that’s a little bit too rich for my blood but I’ll say this man I I do really really think that zamir White’s going to be on a lot of my fantasy teams just because he is a running back right now I think I saw he’s going like 24th overall in standard leagues from a running back spot the 24th running back he’s going to be the main running back on a team that’s got a great defense that’s going to really want to rely and run the football Ed Robbins Ed’s already banged once and I know this rules are rues so Ed if we get four more bangs here on today’s show you don’t got to do anything else I’m throwing down a boot on the Raiders report we got 220 people here watching if you haven’t already make sure you click that like button here ASAP Rocky show some love to my guy Ed Robin who is always here always showing love to the channel and we’re going to be giving away now a free entry for a chance at Raiders Cowboys preseason tickets so chugs I need you to see whoever spams Ed Ed whoever spams erectile dysfunction the most down below right now in the comments they get a free spot so whoever whoever can spam Ed the most and if you have it hey spam it down below I see let’s go keep it up that’s funny I see I’m Punchy Steve Bobby what up Juan Hernandez boso Yoda Jenkins Big Island for the reminder I’m not going to give anybody more than one entry for the chance to win the ticket so Ray aguire Jamari Murray Zan zeso Jeremy Cole Brian Dar King shop Adrien Alama Chasey or Chelsea herd Josh I and La crash dog unfortunately for you you’re not going to get another entry but you do at least have one entry uh Jason Gutierrez you sir are in for the duck race along with Charles G I’m gonna go with Drew Himalayan Mountains Drew I know exactly who you mean I’m just going to put him as Drew him Drew I can I can send you the name I have it I I know know the picture and I know the last name but I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce his last name Himalayan actually it might be looking at it right now Drew is that how you pronounce your last name Drew himan Himalayan Himalayan yeah he is Drew Himalayan oh dude oh yeah imilan I get you oh yeah and now I know how the last name got it now I get it [ __ ] that’s pretty wild how many tackles will Trey Taylor have this upcoming season the Jim Thorp Award winner for those that do not know that means that he was the best defensive back in college football last season and dvon merri has also won this award some other greaters greats have won this award like a Charles Woodson but Taylor was drafted in the seventh round and the Raiders have a lot of really talented safeties in fact I think it’s one of their more talented groups from top to bottom you got Trevon Merrick Marcus EP Isaiah Palo Chris Smith see kind of where he falls Trey Taylor’s into that mix as well and a player that I’ll tell you this a player that we’re going to talk about here a little bit today just because he continues to get some interesting hype from players and people that I really personally respect um we’ll talk about who that is coming up here in just a little bit also plays the safety position chugs you were really high on Trey Taylor and this was a player that we had in a few of our mock drafts you were like I think you should go check this guy out got to watch him a little bit I don’t think that he should have gone in the seventh round oh yeah I don’t know where that came from oh Bobby Hernandez I’m like hey you know what hey if chug wants if you guys want ho yaas all day today we can probably make it happen Steve Manuel I still appreciate the Eds coming what were you asking though how many tackles for Trey Taylor this upcoming season oh yeah um I’m gonna go moderate because I don’t see where he gets a lot of time in the you know starting lineup on defense I think he’ll get you know special team snaps but I mean how many tackles can you really get on like a good special teams player I feel like gets in like the 20s for tackles like it we’ll get like if if if somebody gets hurt right because what Taylor wants to be able to do and I I’ll say this this might be a bit of a bold take but I’m going to make it I think that Trey Taylor is the Raiders play if they don’t want to bring back Marcus EPS next season I think that Trey Taylor is their guy who can play up into the box can do a little bit of you know everything a little versatile like Trey Taylor Isaiah Palo they try to both take over for EPS like to me the Raiders are going to put a larger concentration on Travon Merrick who’s 25 compared to EPS who’s 29 and then you also you know you got Nate Hobbs you’re going to have Jack Jones you’re going to have to figure out what you’re going to do with him next off seon yeah so like the Raiders have plenty of guys in this secondary that they’re going to need to pay and I could see them going you know what this Trey Taylor kid he’s got some connections with Ed Reed seems to be working his freaking tail off Jim Thorp Award winner could you go Isaiah Pao Trey Taylor and have those guys combined if you decide to bring back Travon merrian let Marcus EPS go I I mean I could see it but at at the same time you know seventh round pick you’re hoping that you get a guy who can contribute on special teams yep with the seventh round pick anything more than that is you know icing on top of the cake correct yeah I mean like let’s be real here you know what I mean like if if that ends up happening that’s going to be pretty good what on Earth do I have oh I see what I have now yeah sorry um Allan it looks like Allan oh boy Allan muron hopefully I pronounced that right Allan you are in for the tickets by the way so man Baron Allan I’m be honest Elaine actually is the name holy CRA I’ve never seen that one in my life Jason Goot and Charles in I see Trace Laver is in and then Jamari Murray also in for a chance to win some money today in our Duck Race uel Luna oh my God you’re in and then uh-oh 93 navman looks like he’s back right now as it stands $20 venmo you’d have the opportunity to win $80 here on the Raiders report and so far the only person that has banged today is Ed Robin so if somebody wants to see a boot go down somebody better have Ed’s back I need four more bangs for this [ __ ] show to get going we need it n man what’s up brother it’s good to have you back here 93 D Man shout out to the legend David Z yesterday’s show wild is he back from vacation if he’s back nav man was gone on vacation for a little bit I remember uh I got Mage working I thought he went away to work well I mean are you really working if you enjoy what you what you do for a living thanks all moving those Cows Out West okay is zamir white with you because he’s got horses he’s working on a farm and he looks like a Bell cow in fact I would name one of my cows Zeus and I Nam the other one zir moving moving those Cows Out West I didn’t I didn’t know Chiefs fans were visiting La well s the thing n man’s getting ready to go out the training camp and the only way that that’s possible is if he moves all of his Cows Out West with him oh which do people still do that what like if you got a is it a cattle yeah got you have cattle cat are you are you referencing a cattle drive a herd you just how do you get them out there you just how how do you think you load them up into an 18wheeler like like one of those horse things and you drive them over I just picture NAB man with a stick that’s probably about 11 feet tall and he’s just walking out there he’s got a long beard cloak nothing on underneath them and he’s just saying just going like this and there’s just hundreds of cattle I imagine if if you’ve ever seen that clip of the kids who are like walking the pigs around the um the stable and they have like the stick and they’re like like hitting their side the sides of the pig I’ll tell you this right now pigs are horrifying cows scarier what do you mean moving cattle when I was a kid like moving pigs and [ __ ] like that it’s scary dude have you ever done it yeah really all right well then hey you know better me I’m from Texas I don’t know it’s scary like when I had to do it when I was a kid terrified horrified they’re gigantic you’re scared you’re scared of cows when they’re running that yeah oh my God yeah that’s horrifying what do you mean are you are we speaking of bulls or cows cows a cow would kill you if it ran over you a big enough cow you’re not getting out of the way no way there’s there’s a whole sport of Mis of dodging Bulls which I would say are way more difficult than cows sure but they’re only dodging them for a short amount of time like if you’re if you actually have to get that cow from point A to point B and he’s not moving or she’s not moving I’m telling you right now terrifying they literally use dogs to to herd cattle yes I’m not a dog okay obviously I need Zeus here because Zeus could probably back me up on this though every time I picture Zeus I just all the only thing I think he’s doing is he’s just doing curls and he’s just riding horses and he’s preparing for this upcoming season I can’t wait man I can’t wait I’ll tell you what man I’ll tell you what man coming up here on the show this Samir white guy massive he’s like a huge cow man this dude could run you over in the a gap he says moo move zamir white is gigantic guys talking talking about Mick and cheddar man this dude can get paid this season man he really can he absolutely can man pigs are fast to catch from Mario I guess you guys are all just quicker than me I don’t know all right let’s get into this mere white segment I’ll tell you what man this is a mere white guy he can make you black and blue man and then we’re going to talk here a little bit about Trey Taylor the interview that him and graphic Raider had then it’s time to get into a mailbag and then I say uh we put a bow on this thing and we get the hell out of here remind man you put one of those rings in the middle of this man’s nose look like a real cow man I’ll tell you this right now if zamir white got one of those piercings which what are they called sep septum septum I think it’s an ugly piercing I’m just going to be honest if you have one at home maybe it looks better on you I just it’s not for me personally you put one of those on zamir white and then if you give him do you remember the old Payton Hillis face mask yeah I’m I’m just saying you want to strike fear into your opponent you have zamir white out in front you take the sleeves off of his jersey you put a septum right here you give him the pton Hillis old school faceball faceball fa uh football face mask wow that’s a tough one maybe we should just end the show right now that’s how you lead the charge just saying that’s how you lead the charge I got a Super Chat coming in here from Kuser Tim whose arms are bigger Wilson’s or zamir I think in terms of like if you’re talking bigger it’s probably Zeus we’re talking girth it’s Zeus length it’s Tyreek yeah what about their arms probably the same probably the same Jeremy’s like I saw zamir white curl 200 lb maybe 10 times that’s the only guy beat an aggressive master raid in R arm wrestling competition I’m just saying that right now that’s the only guy that’s going to take him down he’s a junkyard dog man that went to Georgia yeah zamir’s a zamir is actually a very good running back he’s just been behind Josh Jacobs he’s going to get an opportunity I think to run the football in a scheme that’s literally Built For Him Luke getsy the wide Zone scheme it’s kind of very similar to what he used to do at Georgia I don’t know what’s happening right now I can’t say that I can’t say that no did pety send you something can I read it here let me read it yikes yeah unfortunately I don’t think we can read that one out loud um I’ll say this though you would find it funny you would find it funny there’s no doubt about it yep I brother okay um let’s talk about zamir white here so what we’re going to be doing here is I’m going to be breaking down just some of my extra expectations here for Zeus and I got a really buold prediction that I’m going to say and maybe it’s bold prediction for some maybe it’s not as bold for other people out there but I think for the NFL Community what I’m going to say I do I think it’s going to surprise some people we got interview takeaway here for Trey Taylor mailback so please if you get a question and like Mario gallero said Raiders block Zeus is a 5-yard goal line and prevent catch the jacobe Myers but have Jimmy G as a quarterback if if you want to have those questions on our mailbag start already getting those questions in we’re going to take our favorites and then we’re going to put him up on the show so appreciate all y’all for always tuning in shout out to my guy Ed Robins for banging here early on today’s show the new rule is if you we get five [ __ ] show if I got your jersey on during the [ __ ] show you bang boot goes down so if we get four more bangs I got to knock back a boot here Cheryl you are in for the duck race Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl Anne is the name Cheryl an sherlan is the name in Raiders mailbag is her game I mean it might be I don’t know is any how is it your game huh how is a mailbag your game feel like that’s Blues Clues no all right I don’t let’s get into it oh [ __ ] you ready let’s go we got it oh I don’t know have you seen white coming up here on today’s show I’m going to show you what the Raiders running back looks like because my guy looks absolutely massive and coming up we’re also going to be breaking down what to expect from Zeus this Las Vegas Raiders running game led by Luke gatsy new offensive coordinator and then I got a bold prediction for zamir white so Zeus yesterday posted on his Instagram story this picture here him working in the lab it looks like he was made in a lab damn son the arms on this young man right here are unbelievable and I always say this there’s two people that I will never fight ever if you are a wrestler and if you are a farmer I’m going to add another person to that list the mere white cuz all I see him doing is working out pumping out 200 pounds doing curls he’s riding horses he’s working on a farm there’s that old expression a Bell cow I don’t know what a Bell cow looks like but Samir White’s got to be pretty flipping close and if you’re excited to see what Zeus is going to do this season I want you to spam some threes down below so coming up here we’re going to be breaking down just what I can expect from the Raiders Run game what we can expect from zamir white this upcoming season and there’s one thing that’s clear he is prepping to be a Bell cow Josh Jacobs was the leading running back on this team for a long time since 2019 and Zeus is finally getting his opportunity in his third year out of Georgia to be that main running back Antonio Pearson show nothing but confidence in him and realistically the Luke gets the offense with its wide Zone scheme and this power running attack that the Raiders are going to just kind of lean on here with some ear and don’t get me wrong you’re going to see a little bit more from the other backs here and there at times but the main bread and butter on first and second down they want to be able to rely on that defense they want to be able to rely on zamir white and we used to always talk about contract year this contract year that for Josh let’s be real this is a contract year for zamir white and if he goes out there and he does his thing he has a chance to make some money in his future the next thing that I’m going to expect is this is going to be a running back by committee but just because I’m saying it’s going to be an rbbc that doesn’t mean that Zeus isn’t going to have value in fact right now I think zamir White’s one of the most underappreciated running backs in the NFL I think he’s one of the most underappreciated undervalue guys in fantasy football especially if y’all are in a standard league but offenses that Luke getsy has run have always kind of been a part of this running back by committee Tom Tesco said that he believes in using two to three running backs the Raiders running back coach Carnell Cadillac Williams back in his time with auburn they went with an rbbc but they went with a hot hand approach as well and if you look at Zeus and how big he looks right now and if he’s running with that hot hand they’re going to do exactly what they did last season continue to run with that hot hand but when you really look at this new offense okay when you look at what Luke gety has done from his running backs in years’s past here’s are the running back touches from last season and the reason why I’m showing youall this is because I could actually see the Raiders kind of doing a very similar thing here with zamir white with Alexander Madison and then you can sprinkle in you know a little bit of Amir Abdullah you sprinkle in here a little bit of Dylan lby but like I think the David Montgomery snaps right that’s going to be zamir white the khil Herbert snaps that could be somebody like an Alexander Madison I will admit that my original projection for zamir might have been a little bit low and I said he was going to be around 191 carries I think that that number is going to be a little bit higher but I am always a really really really big believer and you got to look at what past organizations did because the Raiders they brought in Luke gatsy for a reason and I do think at looking at those Packers running back touches are important just simply because yeah gatsy wasn’t the offensive coordinator in Green Bay but he was working with the offense he was working with the quarterbacks and Devonte Adams was one of the big reasons why gsy came over here and I think it’s one of the big reasons why the Raiders hired him to use the offense that he implements because you get good production out of your running back room so this is going to be the pin comment here on today’s show you’re about to get hit with the YouTube ad break want you to scroll on down and give me your answer how many carries will zamir white have this season for the Las Vegas Raiders my original projection which I did a video around Zeus probably like two months ago at this point it’s all starting to blend together it’s the off season I predicted that he was going to have 191 carries based off some of the things that I’ve heard just in the last two weeks and based off what I’ve seen from zamir and also like some of the things I’ve heard about Alexander Madison some of the things I’ve heard about Dylan lby I’m going to bump this number up here a little bit I’m going to go up to about 235 carries cuz I also think it means that the Raiders are going to rely on that defense and they really want to slow down the game they’re going to try to beat you on 9 10 11 12 Play drives cuz they believe with this offensive line with this running back you got to do that for 177 games you got to do that for four quarters that’s a very very daunting task coming up here I got more zamir white and Raiders running back room expectations but you know what I like zamir white I got high expectations for Zeus but I also have high expectations for myself and I love Mando our awesome sponsor here on today’s show you know who also uses Mando I bet you papa Robbins because if you’re rocking a 69 you know for a fact you better be smelling good from head to toe I mean you got to be smelling good from head to toe and Mando they’re going to help you do that and I love Mando because it is a full body deodorant and the nation if you seriously put your hands right now underneath your armpits smell it does it stink put your hands right now underneath your gu does it stink put your hands right now on your feet do they stink my point is you could take care of all that stuff with Mando all you got to do because new customers get $5 off a starter pack with our exclusive code if you’re wondering that it Cates to over 40% off your starter pack so use code chat at I love Mando because it’s clinically proven full body deodorant to control odor for 72 hours I like the fact that I can use it on my pits my package feet and everywhere else in between also four cologne quality scents and bourbon leather which is my personal favorite Alex really likes Mount fui Pro Sport in Clover Woods which she also really likes that one I’m GNA be honest and it’s hot and I’ve been trying to get in better shape because I got my bachelor party right around the corner and you know we’re a family here at the Raiders Port so I got no problem telling you this a lot of times when I run my legs they rub together and I get some horrible chafing well luckily because of Mando you put a little bit of this deodorant in between those legs it’s going to stop your chafing so not only can I help stop your chafing and not only can I help you smell better I also got an awesome discount code to help you get hooked on my favorite smelling whole body deodorant on the market new customers get $5 off of starter pack with our exclusive code that equates over 40% off your starter pack use code chat at that’s s h o p m shout out to Mando for sponsoring the Raiders report let’s go to the next thing here of what we can expect out of Zeus out of this running game gy is going to get physical you know what I mean like I do think one of the reasons why Antonio Pierce was hired is because when he makes people want to run through a brick wall like I’m never shaking hands with Antonio Pierce but I’m telling you right now when I listen to that guy talk I want through I want to run through a brick wall and I think the way that the Raiders are really going to approach the running game this season is they’re going to try to get you to want to run away from them through a brick wall and going up against this offensive line led by you know Andre James Jackson P Johnson Dylan bar de mun for col Miller it’s one of the most most underrated offensive lines in the NFL and gy was a physical guy in Chicago the problem was his offensive line was as soft as tissue Raiders know that they need to be able to run the football they know that they have to take pressure off of their quarterback play and AD oconnell and Gardner muu and if you want to get the best out of those two guys you know it’s an easy way to do it here you go zamir here you go zamir play action oh 12 Personnel they’re going to do a lot the other thing that I saw and it fired me up I was listening to graphic Raiders interview with Trey Taylor if you haven’t seen it yet please go check it out Trey Taylor in the interview said that like they’re going to be running down throats major pause no doubt about it but like this is like you’re talking about a safety a rookie and when graph asked him he’s like what what’s like one thing that we can expect from this Raiders offense they said that they anticipate that they’re going to score a lot of points and that they’re going to be tough they’re going to be physical and you’re going to feel them especially if they’re running down your throat let’s go to the next thing that I really think that this running game is going to take that next step and I think I even me I undersold what the possibility could potentially be because 12 Personnel is going to help and it’s going to help because defensive coordinator are going to be a little bit unsure of what the Raiders are going to do and you know you can make fun of the Raiders quarterback play I mean it’s AO conell Gardner m i get it it’s one of our weaknesses people could point the finger and say you know what this running back room is unproven you’re absolutely right but you know what they can’t say that our skill position players the guys that we’re going to be able to use in 12 Personnel aren’t really good football players Brock poers is a phenomenal player Michael mayor’s a really good tight end Harrison Bryant is probably the best tight end three in the National Football League and then oh yeah yeah you get a guy like Trey Tucker who continues to get a lot of hype you got a guy like jacobe Meyers you get a dude like I don’t know Devonte Adams and when you just have all these players that can beat you in so many different ways it’s going to be easier for Aiden it’s going to be easier for Gardner muu and it’s going to open up some big running lanes for zamir white thanks to that 12 Personnel help on top of that like you know Josh struggled so much last season he struggled because people were stacking the Box up against him he’s got eight nine guys in the Box you’re not really going to be able to do that as easily with 12 personnel with the Raiders the formation that they’re going to be throwing at you and you know speaking of Josh Jacobs we’re going to talk about him here in just a little bit because I do I got a bold take for zamir white that has to do with the former Raiders running back who now is currently with the Green Bay Packers so coming up here I’m going to tell you exactly what that is and my bold prediction which maybe he’s not that bold for some people maybe Raider fans is not that bold but I’m going to tell you right now Z white will have more fantasy points than Josh Jacobs this upcoming season and you know one of the things that I think just kind of got swept under the rug last year was Jacobs and how out of shape he was when he showed up to Camp like it might not be talked about because we were just excited that he was there and but he got you know I don’t want to say he got paid he haded a phenomenal year in 2022 led the NFL in total yards over 2000 shows up the next season not in the proper shape and you know he was trying to fight for that contract a little bit well now the Green Bay Packers gave four years 48 million I’ll admit it when you really look at the contract it’s basically a one-year deal but like to me I’ve seen it in years past when Josh gets paid you know he he takes that he eases up a little bit to me zamir’s going to be motivated zamir right now is already showing you he’s in the lab he’s putting in the work he’s putting in that dedication and quite frankly I think zamir white who looks like this in a running attack led by the Raiders on a offense that yes the Green Bay Packers have a better quarterback Jordan love is a better quarterback than what we have but like the overall offense in general the Raiders have a more talented offense just minus the quarterback who’s got a better defense the Las Vegas Raiders who is a team that wants to run the ball down the throat it’s the Las Vegas Raiders and I’m going to bet on a Zeus who looks like to be in the best shape of his life and compared to a Josh Jacobs that let’s face it when in years past he’s taken a step back he hasn’t been healthy coming off the worst season of his career I think zamir White’s going to be better than Josh Jacobs this upcoming season random drug tests coming for zamir after that pick I don’t think he’s got anything to hide like he’s been big for a long time and he was big at Georgia he was big as a rookie he was big last season I mean I remember people being like holy [ __ ] have you seen zamir white the one difference to me is yes he’s big but he’s a lot more like defined I think this season than what you’ve seen in years’s past so to me zamir white is going to be physical this team going to be physical it just shows you yet again that you will feel the Las Vegas Raiders every freaking time that you play them you can bet your bottom dollar on that one chugs now as always we always make a lot of different videos here I hope that you guys share this video on social media tag Zeus in it because I would love for zamir to see the content that we make here on the show and I bet you this if you’re in the gym and you’re posting that dude he knows he looks good he knows he freaking looks Jack my only thing is this if you do end up sharing any of the content that you see here on the Raiders Port just make sure you tag chugs and I I’m at Mitchell Ren 365 he’s at Jeremy chugs best cookie you’ve ever had today’s naal get your mind out of the gutters sugar cookie day get your mind out of the gutters I saw you in there swoops and Yoda Jenkins yeah probably best cookie you’ve ever had the best cookie I’ve ever had it’s the best I’ve ever had Best I Ever Had jeez that’s a one man I’ll actually say oh B I’m sorry overrated what crumble cookies oh the the company owned by Cookie Society one owned by I’m not going to tell you it’s owned by but former NFL player uh they’re the probably the best cookies I’ve ever had I remember I went to this like fantasy football convention it’s probably like 5 years ago at this point and they had I can remember it was a peanut butter and jelly cookie and it was like from them yeah it was peanut butter and jelly inside of their cookie so it was a peanut butter cookie stuffed with like a little bit of peanut butter you didn’t eat a lot a little bit of peanut butter lot of jelly that was phenomenal I’ll tell you this they have a great banana pudding cookie allly made those lemon cookies that she made not not these most recent batch they’re good but the other batch that she made before that was the best one she’s made these are good the previous was better allly just used a finger that doesn’t really mean a lot of good things towards you I mean I also put up I’ve also eaten the most cookies out there big lemon cookie guy no doubt good old classic chalky chip choc Choco Choco chip chocolate chip white chocolate macadamia nut I think it’s good I would never say that’s the best cookie that’s like one of Alex’s favorite really white chocolate macadamia you know what’s actually one of my favorite cookies a good molasses cookie I actually really like molasses oatmeal raisin very good I actually think oatmeal raisin a really good oatmeal raisin beats a really good chocolate chip cookie the problem is a bad oatmeal raisin is not as close to a bad chocolate chip cookie which average maybe average is probably the way I’ve never if you’re at the grocery store Okay cookie aisle best cookie in the aisle there’s one answer and one answer only and it ends with the same letter that it starts with I don’t know if I’m going to go Oreo Oreo deep fried Oreo deep fried Oreos can get it see again if I’m going to eat cookies I like my cookies with coffee not with milk Keebler fudge strips are good Oreo is just better I like Oreos Oreo oh Girl Scout oatmeal rais and I’d rather eat rice cakes I mean if you’re going to get a Girl Scout cookie it’s Samoa Samo was my favorite I like double stuffed Oreo top cookie in the aisle it’s very good that dipped in milk I I don’t know how you can beat it for like store-bought cookies if it was a store bought cookie I would probably get like a don’t come in here with that chipsahoy [ __ ] yeah I’ll actually I’ll admit I’m kind of with chugs I think chips aoy was the cookie that I ate a lot when I was a kid yeah it’s not that good of a cookie yeah whenever whenever my nuts dropped I stop eating them wow interesting all right I got to switch jerseys after that one I got two more brand new jerseys that I’m ready to unveil sorry I’m I’m trying to be more hot taky thin mins out of the freezer super cold mint cookie and vanilla shake Reese’s chips aoy slap I’ll give you they’re they’re good I’m still taking Oreo over that I’m still taking Oreo over that fullsize Oreo dipped in milk with a spoon for a few seconds oh yeah o Double Tree cookies from the hotel or Rick agular thank you for putting that Chick-fil-A cookies are the top tier you know actually has good cookies the what was that free Bird’s place I’ve actually had I think Free Birds just makes food for people who are just not 100% there when they show up they’re like oh you’re going to get a Mega burrito you’re probably not 100% here right now swoops the the Oreo flavor would be double stuffed you got to get the double stuffed I agree I mean if you’re going to get Oreos you got to get double or I’ve been really into because I’ve been on my Panda game not a sponsor of today’s show but a sponsor for uh for later shows I’ve been on my panda game with the ninja creamy some Oreo some mint Oreo thins in there very good oh yeah very very good oh yeah new guys giving me the head nod like this he’s saying oh yeah he looked at me dead in the eyes he said let’s get it on I was totally talking about the fight yeah absolutely we got a few super chats to get to here on the show Jersey Boy Greaser Zeus must be working out with Derk Henry Derk Henry is still bigger Zeus’s arms I think are bigger actually than than Derek’s but Cen Henry in person I’ll say this seeing derck Henry in person I saw him at a bachelor party probably about three years ago in Nashville Tennessee dude was massive like I saw Julio Jones as well and Julio Jones was a big guy Derrick Henry when I say like just the broadness of him was not close if Zeus is that big which again he’s not that big height-wise zamir also is a lot more lower to the ground Derrick’s a little bit more of an upright Runner Zeus is a bowling ball man that that is the craziest way that I’ve ever heard anybody say that somebody’s shorter what they’re closer to the ground they’re closer to the ground he’s a bowling ball you could have just said zamir white is shorter you were like zamir white closer to the ground closer to the ground hey Ed Robins carrot cake cookies from Walmart might have to be something that we try sometime josa Garcia that would be funny Mitch and chugs verse Zeus in a tug-of-war you can only use your teeth no seriously if it was you and me no against Zeus I think we could win I don’t think so you don’t think that we could win all I would need cuz I for tug of war it’s more about technique if you would be an Anor do the squid game well that’s ridiculous where they all just I’m just saying you you by yourself you probably weigh as much as zamir white how much do you think I weigh you’re probably 225 220 okay so zamir’s got a few pounds on you fatty and then I’m 180 like we have the weight and I’ll always bet on the weight and if you just anchor yourself you’re like I’m not moving okay and then you allow me to pull his hard as I can I think we got a halfway decent shot you know what you’re right we would smoke him well I don’t know about that it’s onir if you want to tug a war challenge unless you’re a little bee it could be a fun fundraiser Mitch and Jeremy vers zamir white tug of war what what do I hear a little scared zamir over there in the corner I think we would win I really do stop being so scared zamir I think 2v one and answer the challenge and the weight the weight is a big thing answer the challenge me this Monday night on Raw me you Mitch tug of war tough Bandit chugs try the Oreo sugar cookie are you talking about the Golden Oreos I don’t know Golden Oreos are good unless like you’re talking about like a like a a sugar cookie that’s got Oreo chunks in it see like if I’m going to have an Oreo you just go old school Oreo like you just go old school double stuff or or or regular because of of course nobody else besides Robert Jansen the the king of counting would would be on this take but Robert said don’t fall in for the Trap Of The Double Stuffed that just means less cookies per box I’ll tell you what it’s an interesting thing but I still pick double stuff like I mean as a kid what did you do with like when I was a kid and I ate an Oreo I pulled them apart pulled part and I’d lick the icing i’ throw away the cookie I’m not going to lie to you that’s what I did when I was a kid I’m waiting for live o to tell us that his his wife’s husband could beat us in a tug-of war probably I’m waiting for Live Oak to say my wife likes Double Stuffed me you against the Wyatt 6 the Wyatt 6 we got 300 people here on the Raiders report if you haven’t yet make sure and I mean make sure you click that like button right now I I love Devonte Adams today I’m I’m sure we had few people were going to ask like if you haven’t seen Devonte Adams was on uh a show with K Adams today my you’re Jo you’re Joe burrow my good friend yep hey if you don’t believe K follows chug so that’s I’ll pull it up right now it’s a cold heart fact we’re fact K follows Jeremy chugs but right right there it’s true follow follows you I’m not going to lie I’m pretty jealous I am I I can slide in our DMS right now now what up K black black but like the kimbe Matumbo Devonte Adams said that Aaron Rogers has been trying to get him to go to the New York Jets and said like that he’s been talking to him a lot also told the charger social media team to like back the F up kick rocks back the F up keep my name out your mouth and for Devonte somebody who has dominated the Chargers since he’s been a Raider I actually think in his last four games games against the Chargers Devonte Adams 490 yard four touchdowns it’s pretty good it’s pretty good maybe maybe the charger should be worried a little bit more worried about stopping 17 instead of comparing him to a garbage Pop-Tart yeah what screw you Chargers F them man F them F the Chargers I I’m so heated today I just I want to fight someone no you don’t not not physically verbally oh I mean all right if you had to verbally assault anybody out in the office right now who you picking oh dude it’s Chip he’s not out there oh he’s out there in the office give me old cross-legged that’s almost that’s just loow hanging fruit though I might take the new guy the new guy he needs it look at him yeah yeah did you see what he just did to you I would never do that on my first week never the goal unbelievable the absolute goal and look at Marshall he’s just chewing his food all cow like get out of here te is just here I I don’t even know if he knows he’s here te has got a lean like no other yeah t te is like an uh he’s like a 135 degree angle he’s just like this right now in his chair at all times at Absolute all times all right y’all let’s get into this uh Trey Taylor takeaway video give me Joey he’s too nice take down that take him down at the knees he’s too nice see I I feel like yeah yeah yeah we are talking [ __ ] Joey he’s too nice like he’s actually he’s too nice built like a kangaroo I mean that’s what happens when you’re next to all those Zin pouches poor guy poor guy all right let’s talk here a little bit about Trey Taylor I saw a really cool interview with my guy graphic Raider if you guys haven’t already seen it please go check it out it’s on his Channel right now I’m going to give you guys like my cliffnotes version of it just some of the takeaways that I heard Trey say some of the cool stories that he was able to tell but you know take time out of your day this week and go watch the interview it’s a really really really good interview man I liked it did you watch it I watched pieces of it pieces of it yeah I mean it’s it’s 53 minutes long I watched it a little bit uh last night I listened to it a little bit this morning and I just just wanted to be able to write some of the things that Taylor talked about some of the things that he was able to share about our offense our defense and I just compiled it all into this like whole Cliff Notes thing here we go coming up right now let’s talk here a little bit about after this segment a detailed uh breakdown of Monday Night Raw all right I want to give a shout out to my guy graphic Raider for having an awesome interview with Raider safety Trey Taylor and coming up here on today’s show give you my biggest takeaways from the interview if you haven’t already seen it go check it out it’s like a 53 minute show it’s a live show really really cool if you want to know what the thumbnail looks like it’s right here also in the description and comments on this show we’re going to be able to put the link for you guys down there below if you don’t already go watch subscribe to the OLV Raiders Network hosted by my good buddy graphic Raider because Trey Taylor he’s a really really good dude man and just all these takeaways that you’re going to see we’re going to talk about players we’re going to talk about family and I think I have like 16 or 17 takeaways from this entire interview the first thing that I saw was that you know he watched a lot of Jamal Adams he said growing up he also like made a a comment about like he had a connection with Clay Matthews which kind of made me wonder like oh like old Green Bay days do getsy do is there any like kind of like overlap there at whatsoever but the reason why that I found the Jamal Adams comparison and like the thought behind it was because Adams when he was first coming out of the NFL he came from LSU he was very very highly regarded as a great leader goes to the New York Jets turns out to be a really really good player gets traded for two first round picks to go to the Seattle Seahawks and then I think honestly he just got lazy now I think he’s a shitty human being but like when you look at the type of player that he is you could tell that you know Jamal was like this box safety somebody who’s not very good at covering but when you watch a lot of Trey Taylor’s tape you kind of see some flashes early on there of Jamal Adams I just hope that Taylor’s career transcends a little bit better than what Adams has did though if Taylor gets paid the way Adams did I’m sure he’d be happy with it let’s go to the next thing here the best part about the interview graph and I hope that you don’t take offense to this is hearing Trey Taylor talk about his grandmother and it’s a little bit earlier on in the interview and I’m telling you right now you guys got to go watch it because it’s probably one of the coolest freaking stories that I have ever heard so apparently when they’re sitting there waiting for him to get you know drafted and I’m sure that’s a very long and just crazy day his grandmother apparently had two hats at the draft party because she thought that one of the two teams that she already had a hat picked out was going to draft him then as soon as Taylor gets the phone call from Antonio Pierce Grandma already knew who was on the phone hands him the Las Vegas Raiders hat and she has already purchased Raiders season tickets for this upcoming season I’ll tell you this right now grandma that’s a real one right there so you can already see in this this picture here that he’s got to have on during his draft party so for Grandma to say like you know she just had a gut feeling she had a feeling and they always say like you know mothers know best Grandma’s know best too Trey Taylor man the grandma I want y’all to show some love to Grandma Trey and Trey if you end up watching the show and you call her something like I call my grandma Grandma I also know a lot of people that call him well what do you call your grandmother Nana Nana like there’s Nana there’s I’ve heard Mimi there’s I’m white so my grandmas have weird names abua like I mean there’s a bunch of weird ones right so Trey Taylor’s Grandma to me we always talk about what is a real one you had a Raiders hat ready to go at your draft party you put that on your grandson and then you bought season tickets if that’s not what a real one is quite frankly I don’t know what it is Spam Grandma Tre down below let’s go to the next big takeaway and this has been something that you know we’ve kind of talked about before of you know Antonio Pierce they really like when you can have these like connections with pass players pass Players tournament into Co like Carell Williams you know Antonio Pierce even himself and he’s the cousin of Ed Reed and Taylor kind of goes on to say that like when he was a little bit younger talked to Ed a little bit but then again like you know when he’s little Ed’s in the NFL and the older and older and older Trey got right around when he was about 18 Ed started to like you know reach out talk to him a little bit more now he says he talks to him all the time and always wants to pick his brain if you want to take that next step and you want to be a great player on and off the field why not talk to your cousin Ed Reed 2019 Hall of Famer one of the greatest safeties to ever play this game let’s go to the next thing one of the things graph asked was like all right so tell me somebody that stood out to you this off season whether that’s at mini camp at OTAs and it was like ASAP Rocky of an answer he was like yeah Trey Tucker was unbelievable and where there’s smoke man lot a lot of fire starting to pop up here around Tucker and I don’t know what type of impact he’s going to have I don’t know how many catch he’s going to have how many yards he’s going to he did start to play better at the back end of last season they’re going to use him and it’s just yet another report you know what I mean like you can already save this video you can bookmark this one because it’s another video it’s another report it’s another person saying Trey Tucker look like a different human being this off season coming up here I got Trey Taylor’s thoughts about the offense which I kind of like that graph did this just because you know like he’s a rookie and sometimes when you talk about your side of the football a little bit more let’s say humble maybe you don’t give the exact answers that you want I I’ve never met Trey maybe he’s not that type of guy but the answers he gave about the offense to me just felt like really authentic it felt like a good answer it felt like I was listening to Antonio Pierce compared to listening to Josh McDaniels you could actually believe it now to me I do this show because the Raiders it’s a family and the Raiders support it’s a family and it’s the way that chugs and I provide for hours so if you could hit that subscribe button help the Raiders report family grow also as graph says wipe them feet because this is how we provide and I also wanted to give some love to my guy graphic Raider for having an awesome interview with Dylan lby Trey Taylor it sounds like he’s got another one coming up here and again I just wanted to bring more light on the off season because there’s a lot of really good Raiders content creators out there a lot of my good friends and graph is absolutely one of them let’s go to the next thing here on some of the thoughts that Taylor had on the offense which he said that the offensive line was really impressive this off season and just it’s an extremely physical unit and this team wants to win on the in the trenches they want to win in the trench on the offensive side of the football defensive side of the football and let’s face it our Raiders offensive line every single day of practice they’re going up against the best defensive line in football if you don’t match that energy if you’re not bringing to the table what Max Crosby and Christian Wilkins are bringing this is also him saying that they looked pretty damn good this is also without Colton Miller that tells me a lot Taylor also kind of broke down that he expects to see a lot of 12 personnel and just kind of spoke about him being the safety and you know kind of how confusing it can be when you don’t necessarily know what play is coming and then saying that the running game is going to be tough and that they expect to score a lot of points this upcoming season when asked like how he thinks he’s going to make an impact on the season this upcoming year he said that special teams will probably be where he’s at now he also said he was like you know you’re always going to have that mentality that you’re going to try to get on the field no disrespect to Trey Taylor he’s not going to get on the field over Marcus EP or Travon mer at least not any way if one of these players goes down sure he’s probably going to be competing with Isaiah Pao Chris Smith to try to get that some of those extra reps but one player that you know and I think this just kind of goes to show the type of guy that Taylor is was like you know who’s another player that stuck out to you and he said Jaden Grant and the reason why I want to give jayen Grant some flowers is because if you don’t follow the Raiders jayen is a player that a lot of people myself included I don’t see him making the 53 man roster they got a deep deep safety group you know but could this be somebody that ends up making the practice squad they keep around a little bit and I can remember Max Crosby posted on his Instagram story happy birthday shout out to Jaden Grant I ended up messaging Max and I was like what do you like about him and Max just basically told me that he was a dog and you know there’s another example of Jaden getting some love from Max Crosby and if you’re getting love from the leader the captain let’s face it Max is the Raiders right you’re getting love from him that tells me something now you got another example of Trey Taylor very well respected player very good head on his shoulders getting some more love there jadden was also a player that in a few different reports this offseason was like if there was one person that has taken that step forward Jaden Grant has taken that step forward all I’m saying is somebody to keep an eye on during training camp and during the preseason maybe one of my favorite things that Taylor said and as soon as I heard it I told chugs when he walked into work today I go yo he said Tyree Wilson is a freak and I actually chuckled because Taylor was like I’m I’m actually afraid to walk near Tyrie just because of how just unbelievable of an alien that he is and just how big and massive that this dude is so here’s a picture of Tyree Wilson and the guy that he’s standing next to is about my size like I’m not a big guy by any means but I also don’t look this small Tyrie is just an absolute alien and like when you see pictures of him and then the picture that went viral of him at the sack Summit I mean that’s John Jenkins one of the Raiders biggest defensive tackles and then next to him is Max Crosby the best defensive player in the NFL they look tiny like they look like tiny individuals but here’s another example of where there’s smoke there’s fire and you’re seeing a lot a lot of hype around Tyrie Wilson you know why second year in the NFL second year with Patrick Graham another year with Antonio Pierce and he’s finally healthy and probably the most important chug called it let’s go to the next one here jakori and Bennett great athlete Taylor just kind of spoke about another player that you know was really like taking that next step and somebody to keep an eye on joran Bennett was a player that he what he was a player that he threw out there and was just like you can tell that he’s a great athlete and I am excited to see what jakorian is able to do this upcoming season because he kind of reminds me a little bit of Travon Merrick and I’m not saying they remind me in the same stance from like the way that they play the game because they play the game totally different but jakorian was a great athlete when Travon Merrick was first coming out he was a great athlete as well now Merrick had a good first one year year okay that second year though the first year in the Patrick Graham system merri really struggled and he kind of spoke about it being like you know I was just out there thinking so much that I really wasn’t able to go out there and react and when I did react I was one step slower you can kind of see that with jakorian here a little bit where you know even Taylor talks about it where he was like you could tell how athletically gifted Bennett is and if he goes out there and he’s not thinking so much and he’s just going out there reacting trusting his instincts trusting that his team’s going to be around him knowing this defense a little bit better you could see benett potentially flash some of that athletic ability and the Raiders quite frankly they need it I’m still a believer that this is going to be a team that ends up adding an outside corner because Hobs is going to play in the slot Jack Jones going to be on the outside but another example of jakorian getting some love and it could be one of the reasons why he continues to work with the first string with Brandon B and there could be another reason why this team hasn’t gone out and they haven’t signed any other corners on the free agent Market next thing coming up here we’re to be breaking down as he said Antonio Pierce is the perfect fit to be the head coach of the Raiders and you know I I got to give graph some flowers here too because graph was like talking about hard ball and was like Hey like you know we we liked hard ball a lot and I think a lot of Raider fans you got to love and respect what Harbaugh has done at the University of Michigan now he’s an enemy now he’s a rival with the Chargers now as far as I’m concerned Harbaugh go f himself but like you know Antonio Pierce was the right person for this current Raiders team because I think the Raiders you know with Max Crosby being the leader you take on the identity of your leaders and if Antonio Pierce is going to be somebody that’s like gonna run through a freaking brick wall and if Max Crosby is the type of person that’s going to run through a freaking brick wall that kind of just goes all the way down and when you hear just players just continuously talk about like the only choice that the Raiders could have make was Antonio Pierce and I agree that it was the perfect fit more interview takeaways coming up here on the show one person asked in a Super Chat and you know he didn’t really give the answer which I’m not going to blame him for that kind of talked about Aiden lonnell Garder mchu and like who could start said that it’s been a really good competition between both guys did use the word mediocre and I don’t know if he meant to do it on purpose but he said like mediocre and like that they could be good quarterbacks into the NFL but said that they do a lot of things like very very similar which again it’s kind of what you would expect here but I think that people want to know who’s going to be the starting quarterback but like let’s face it you’re not going to be able to find out who’s the starting quarterback until probably we’re a few days away from the week one game against the Chargers next thing coming up here that Taylor talked about his gety running down throats and really really talked about just how physical and how tough that this Raiders running attack’s going to be and you know for a safety somebody that’s used to playing up here a little bit closer to the Box you’re going up against zamir white a physical offensive line and that’s going to be a very daunting task Taylor said like getsy wants to run the football a ton and I know I know that some people out there like want us to air the ball out more but you know like let’s be real here we got aan lonell Gardner muu two quarterbacks that aren’t very good from NFL starting caliber standards so it’s another example of a player on our team saying that we’re going to run the football a ton so how about this zamir white how many rushing yards for Zeus this upcoming season if you’re watching this live I’ve asked you how many touchdowns is he going to score I’m ask you how many carries is he going to get based off of what I heard from Trey Taylor and based on the pictures that I’ve seen of zamir white looking absolutely jacked I’m really curious to see what you guys have to say here how many washing yards for Zeus this upcoming season another fun thing that I saw that you know Taylor kind of talked about was he said that he played baseball at a little bit of a younger age I don’t remember what age he said but he said he played with Prime and that Prime was like the coach and that he’s well good friends with shador he also talked about how he knows one of the other Sanders and I don’t remember the name that he used maybe it was shy I I don’t remember off the top of my head but I think it’s another example of somebody who his entire life he’s been surrounded by people that have done things at a high level and if you’re seeing that early on that can kind of lead you to going down the right path which is what Taylor has done one player that he also said that has been impressive this offseason was Michael Gallup and you know Taylor was somebody who’s kind of like from down here in the Dallas area that’s kind of how graph had the opportunity uh to meet him had that in-person interview was probably like 25 30 minutes North from Dallas where Jeremy and I do all of our filming here but he said that Michael looked like really good and that you know one of the things that one of our Cowboy sources told us that gallup’s basically running on one leg based off of what Taylor said I’m going to kind of wander here a little bit more maybe I should be taking Michael Gallop a little bit more seriously because for Taylor to say that he’s running some good routes that he looks healthy that he looks like what like when you hear the name Michael Gallop like to me I picture Gallop two or three years ago right I don’t really picture the gallop that you see with the numbers that he had because he wasn’t healthy last season based off of what Taylor said my expectations for Michael Gall have definitely grown a little bit and then the last thing here and I know I kind of broke down a lot of stuff again please go check out the the the interview for yourself the final thing was Trey Taylor’s got that Raider mentality and like he’s got that mentality that Antonio Pierce wants where I’m going run through a brick wall but I’m also going to be a family man at the end and he’s a really good person and one of my favorite pictures that I saw was Taylor took time at the end after the interview after they ate some food to be able to just hang out with a few Raiders fans join up in a prayer like I don’t care who you are he don’t have to do that like people don’t understand that a lot of times like these guys are just humans too and he’s a he’s a young kid still right like he’s trying to figure out the way where he can go in the NFL he wants to be the best player possible but just hearing how fired up he was to be a Raider just hearing how fired up that his family was to be a Raider I’m telling you right now man I am rooting really really really hard for Trey Taylor to be a special special player for the silver and black and I do think that he’s part of a long-term plan here of if the Raiders are unable to resign a Marcus EPS if they have to choose between merri or EPS you could see Trey Taylor step up here and be a really interesting fit because to me one player that I’ve just continuously said could the Raiders go out and get and fit with a Patrick Graham defense and I know a lot of my ogs know this name jabril peppers I think Trey Taylor’s got a little bit of jabril peppers in him and it could be an interesting fit to look at going forward on this Raiders defense so before I wrap up today’s show one more time shout out to graph shout out to Trey Taylor’s entire family for pulling up for an inperson interview it’s not an easy thing to do but I want you guys to go watch it go subscribe to the olb Raiders Network here on YouTube they got 25,000 subs and just like everybody everybody’s got to start with one sub everybody’s got to get to a th keep on helping Raiders content creators grow because believe it or not this is how we Prov for our friends how we provide for our family and most poly how we provide for our dogs Chuck and sad do me a favor and like the video from Noah Santana you better do it you better do it or else or else or else or else wo great stuff oo little little sad that we couldn’t make it yesterday yeah also graph if you’re watching you’re also a little bit responsible graph texts me at 2:30 yesterday and he goes yo Trey Taylor interview if you can make it and I’m like cuz him and I were talking about it before like doing something together and he was like I responded with sure when is it he goes today 5:30 I’m like hey can you give me a ride to the airport yeah when do you need it now yeah literally when it was I wish I could have made it too but at the same time I think it was also cool for graph to be able to get that interview oneon-one and cuz then you know we probably would have been a little bit overwhelming if we would asked even more questions but it looked like he had a great time and uh Trey if you watch this show ever and you want to pull up on the Raiders sport favorite cookie he’s just has the list he’s just ready to go glad you asked I would never have Trey on Raiders Friday happy hour not as a rookie but it would be can can anything beat the Germaine luminor uh naked interview naked interview I don’t know I I don’t know the Germaine illuminor naked interview here on the Raiders sport was wild oh yeah it was definitely uh I’m not going to say it moved mountains moved something some people might say it was sketchy if you want those questions on the show use ash Raiders to be featured or you can Super Chat to get those questions comments up here on screen right now I know you’ve been really wondering what’s been going on on Monday Night Raw yep um so last night basically Liv Morgan has been tempting dirty Dom for the past couple weeks and really been like you know flirting with him getting on his level saying Hey I want you so last night they have a tag match with dirty Dom’s dad Rey Mysterio and Selena Vega and at the end of the day you know they maybe cheated a little bit here and there Liv Morgan and Dominic Mysterio they get the win right and then there celebrating Liv gives him a big hug and they land on the ground Liv’s about to kiss him and then out of nowhere mommy comes back Ria Ripley enters in goes down to the bottom of or goes down to the ring and then I mean she’s about to whoop live Morgan’s ass she high tails out of there and then she looks back at dirty Dom and she’s just so pissed off and she’s like how could you and then she walks out of the ring that’s how it ended all right what I need you to do this weekend get WWE get the game we’ll pay I’ll pay for it you get the game I’ll pay for it and I want to do I want to do a Royal Rumble here Robert J you wouldn’t be saying that if you saw live Morgan I want you to buy WWE this weekend buy it right now I don’t even care you want my credit card let’s I want to buy it and I want to do a Royal Rumble Raiders report Edition I’m going to invite graph and we’re just we’re going to we’re going to do a Royal Rumble show one day instead of like instead of us going live like on a random like Friday right for like Friday happy hour we’ll go live Friday happy hour and instead of doing segments so so this is live this is live I just want to do a Royal Rumble this is live Morgan okay right like what am I what am I so that’s she’s attractive and this is dirty dirty Dom AKA Rey Mysterio son right okay he looks like he looks like if Jake Paul failed this this is Ria Ripley who before she got injured she got injured by Liv Morgan um dirty Dom called her mommy right what are we talking about and then this is Ria Ripley who a lot of people find attractive as well but she’s like honestly I go to the gym to look like her she’s ripped dude her shoulders her arms she looks like she works out with Zeus but yeah this is this is a good picture of like why oh yeah a lot of people a lot of people are team Mommy so I I need to know are you team Liv or team mommy let me know down in the chat Mario show him Mommy I don’t know who I’m a fan of are you are you team Liv or team mommy like if in terms of looks or is this like a wrestling question either or I have no idea can’t control you might have the best answer out of them all mommy salami salami salami I know for a fact Ali Barefoot loves WWE you love wrestling wrestling yeah huge wrestling fan yeah see Tex too Tex is a huge W Tex likes Tex likes raw H hey are are you team Liv Morgan or team Ria Ripley come here Tex big raw guy I I need to ask you so I’m gonna show you two pictures first Ria Ripley AKA momy right traps wild all right and then this is Liv Morgan as Mario described it tex say Liv Morgan’s a little bit more like feminine if you will got bigger that’s not what I asked you though Tex answer this question whose team are you on Mario said do you want to manhandle or be manhandled I want to man I don’t want there there’s your answer team live team team live the other one looks likee oh unfiltered always Marshall’s team mommy all day I don’t know what I am I have no idea I think we should get into a mailbag all right ask all your Raiders NFL or WWE questions right now using hashtag Raiders let’s get them going I want to get some hashtag Raiders questions flowing in here on the show we’ll answer questions for about 15 20 minutes and then reminder if anybody wants to chance to get in for our Duck Race today it is a $20 venmo at Mitchell Ren 365 also on top of that if anybody wants a chance to win we’re giving away preseason tickets Raiders Cowboys preseason tickets section 139 row 36 seats 11 and 12 if you want to look at it up on I guess the Raiders website that game is on August 17th which is a Saturday I actually think it’s a really late game I don’t know why the Raiders preseason games are so late this year I I kind of am annoyed by it like the Raiders preseason games on Saturday the Saturday game is at 9:00 hour time 9:00 hour time and then the next day or the next week is when they play the ners that one’s also at 9900 p.m. wow 10 p.m. eastern time but you have to think 400 p.m. specific 7 oh yep I was thinking East Eastern yeah I mean it’s it’s 7 o’clock which I get it on the West Coast that’s a late game though late preseason game La I’m awake what’s up gunny what deals did I miss what’s up fam sorry I missed the zoom how do I get in the zoom this week Raider Nation for life real one for Life simpy # inet suicide actually had the SEI Jersey just on uh gunny just had it on shout out to trash dog uh basically for the zoom call tomorrow I really even I haven’t really talked about it all that much but if uh just because last week it was literally only Rebel and I I’ll send out an email to everybody that has ever gotten in in one of our Zoom calls and I’ll just send out an invite to all the emails that I have I uh we’ve been we’ve been kind of like pushing you know for a few other things one of them was like the tickets from blae Craig so I haven’t really planned on doing anything tomorrow on Zoom but I can I’ll send out some emails tonight after the Raiders report and we we’ll do Zoom call tomorrow same time like we always do gunny what up Noah Mitch saying I don’t know who I am is so 2024 why’ you read that so robotic Mitch saying I don’t know who I am is so 2024 I I to be honest I read it just first first Mitch saying I don’t know who I am you you read it like each of the next words were popping up one at a time Mitch saying I don’t know well I am the definition of Ron Burgundy I have to like cuz I’m also afraid at times which I shouldn’t be afraid of what no is going to put CU he’s not ever really out to get me but sometimes like people put stuff and like if I read it too quickly I don’t really realize what I’m saying I know this one wasn’t bad but I guess I’m Liv I don’t know team Liv there you go team Liv um all right we have a decent amount of questions but I’m saying this right now if you can still get in our mailbag by using hashtag Raiders or Super Chat we don’t have quite enough questions yet but I’m going to go ahead and start it okay and I’m going to believe that you guys in the chat can help me out with a couple more questions so I need the real ones in the chat to get together use some hasht Raiders get some more questions in there and I’m going to I’m going to put my faith in y’all that once we get into the mailbag we’ll have some more questions that we can pop up on the screen does that sound good to you Mitch I like it Patrick B’s got a good one and that’s exactly how you do it hashtag Raiders and then ask your question to get up here on the mailbag if you want to skip the line think of it like the Disney FastPass that’s when you Super Chat and we’ll get you up on the show a little bit quicker cool chugs is ready to go are you guys ready to go coming up here here we got a Raiders mailbag here on the show also special shout out again to our one and only bang today Ed Robbins four bangs away from a boot will it go down here on name he appears who I believe in Joe hendri who the hell is that it’s a it’s a whole another rabbit hole we can’t we don’t have time for that Mitch get focused all right we’re focused coming up right now Raiders mailbag if you want more Raiders mailbags here on the Raiders report click that like button right now we’ve been trying to answer a lot a lot more questions here from the nation and if you’re wondering Mitch how do I get my question up on the Raiders report you got to tune in when we go live Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 4 P p.m. eastern Time 1 pm Pacific somebody who I know likes the bang Ed Robins Zeus will have 1,800 yards and 11 touchdowns I think 11 touchdowns actually isn’t all that crazy of a projection for me personally right now I got Zeus around 237 carries about 1,10 yards and I have him down for 10 rushing touchdowns the Raiders are going to be physical they’re going to want to run the rock quite a bit 1,800 yards though maybe the tequila let’s go to Cruiser Tim whose arms are bigger tyriek Wilson or zamir whites let me know down below because zamir if you guys haven’t seen the viral picture of him dude looks absolutely massive and then you got Tyrie Wilson on the other side who again looks really big in terms of girth I’m going to go Zeus in terms of length I’m going to go Tyrie Wilson in terms of their arms I’m going to go with zamir WIP reminder y’all hasag Raiders or Super Chat get those questions up here on the show joshu Garcia will Zeus be top five in rushing yard no I don’t think that he is going to be top five this season in rushing yards at the NFL level quite frankly I don’t even know if he’s going to be top 10 and I say that simply because the Raiders will use a running back by committee they’re going to want get Alexander Madison some touches they’re going to want Dylan Lobby to get some work Amir abdulah is going to get a little bit Zeus is still going to get the majority of the carries but you know you’ve seen Tesco say he wants to use two to three running backs Raiders running back coach Cadillac Williams has used running back by committee at Auburn before he came here and then Luke getsy he himself is used running back by committee let’s go to La chronic who do you think starts the first preseason game for us Gardner muu or Aiden oconnell oh boy this one’s really hard to answer before training camp just because I do think training Camp’s going to be a really big it’s going to be AAR big learning point I think for the Las Vegas Raiders however I think I have my answer but you know what I’m glad chug is going to ask this one who starts preseason game one if you think it’s going to be muu I want you to type GM if you think it’s going to be Aden lonell I want you to type AOC down below this will be the pin comment here on Today Show so scroll on down while you’re getting hit with that YouTube ad break my answer on who starts the preseason week one game against the Minnesota Vikings after this YouTube b break I think no matter what it’s going to be Aiden o Connell and you know I did a video earlier in the week saying like Aiden doesn’t deserve to start week one of the regular season I do actually think that Aiden maybe deserves a little bit to start week one of the preseason which is going to be on August 10th against the Vikings we will be live for that game we’re going to be live for every single preseason game and if you like hanging out with us during our Madden streams if you like hanging out with us during the regular season as well we’re going to bring it to the preseason we’re going to have a lot of fun but like to me the Raiders should give Aidan oconnell that first look in the preseason action then you give to Gardner unless Aiden looks really bad during training camp and Gardner muu is already has the job one I just don’t think that that’s going to happen therefore Aidan’s going to start week one preseason against the Vikings what’s up goots JJ knew that Zeus was coming up probably why he skipped town I mean Jacob skipped town because he got paid for years 48 million at least it’s the opportunity when I spoke with jacobs’s agent two years ago and then this past off seon they told me that they were getting some pretty interesting contract ideas I’ll admit this though and I swear to you on my grandfather’s life uh Josh jacobs’ agent literally was like we haven’t gotten any four-year contracts we don’t think we’re going to get any four-year deals so the fact that the Packers were willing to give them a deal like that is is why Josh Jacobs ended up leaving let’s go to Patrick B what udfas will make the 53 three I would say right now the ones that are the most likely to make it I do think Carter Bradley has to be in that discussion in case the Raiders want to keep three quarterbacks because I have heard Carter Bradley’s done pretty well compared to Anthony Brown now again still haven’t seen much right training camp still got to happen I think Ron Stone is an interesting player to keep an eye on I’ll throw out the name Amari Gainer could be an interesting name from an edge special team standpoint from a money standpoint the guy that gave the most money out of all the ufas was quarterback Quan Shepard from Maryland Jake janning could be another name interior offensive line that the Raiders like a lot out of Ferman and then one name that I heard probably in the last I’ll say 72 hours I was talking to a Raiders player and I was like give me a name of somebody that impressed you woo governor was another name that I’ve heard most recently now remember y’all if you haven’t yet make sure you subscribe never miss a moment of Raiders football stay locked in we’re a family here I want to continue to help this family grow and if you like free videos you like free Raiders content I know that sometimes people get a little bit of upset with us just because they’re like oh my God you guys talk so much this this my job man you know what I mean like I can’t just not show up to work and not talk about anything I will find things to talk about and I’ll find things to talk about every day hell I’ve put out a video on this channel every single day for three years that’s commitment to Excellence also I got to give some love to our new Subs because if it’s not for those people that watch the show in the middle of July and they’re like why the hell am I going to subscribe to a guy with a shitty mustache because we’re coming up here to the regular season and I think people do what they do on this channel because of the commitment that chugs and I show in May June and July but it’s also because we get Rowdy in August September October November December January and I’m just like y’all I can’t wait for Raiders football to happen and if you’re excited for Raiders football make sure you guys click that like button let’s go to my guy Blain can I get another shout out for my buddy Rick root I’m sitting at the pub where we watch countless Raiders games over the past decade I just felt like I needed to be here today rip to Rick root you know what Blaine I’m pretty confident I have your venmo Blaine if you’re sitting right now at the bar which it looks like you are I’m going to send you some money real quick and I’m just going to say get a round of drinks on me Blaine it’s not a lot of money but you know what at least get around a drinks on me man you do a lot for the show thanks again for the hookup on the tickets reminder if anybody wants a chance to win Raiders Cowboys preseason tickets section 139 row 36 seats 11 and 12 benm me 10 bucks we’re going to do a raffle at the end of this week on Friday during Raiders Friday happy hour and we’re going to give away Raiders Cowboys tickets courtesy of that guy right there blae Craig let’s go to gunny what up crash dog which I’m super stoked at the seeri Jersey just came in gunny I know I know I am an optimist and always want the best for my Raiders but I think AOC will surprise a lot of people this season book it I hope you’re right I hope Aiden surprises me I hope Aiden surprises chug I hope Aiden surprises you I hope Aiden surprises the nation if Aiden lonnell can turn out to be that franchise quarterback and I’m not talking about like a guy that’s just barely a serviceable starter I’m talking about a quarterback that like if if Aiden could play to the level of like what Derek Carr could play at after this season I would be extremely happy about that if aen could prove that he’s like somewhere in this like you know 15 16 17 quarterback range on that type of contract and just his second year I’m going to sit up here on this show and I’m going to go well holy [ __ ] maybe we should give this guy another opportunity maybe he can get better he’s always been doubted and I know I’m sitting up here and I’m one of the guys that doubts him the most I don’t think Aiden’s going to be that guy but damn it I’m I’m a Raider fan too I want him to prove me wrong I want AEL Connell to be our franchise quarterback because if you can find a franchise QB on a cheap rookie deal that’s when your Super Bowl window is I want to be in the Super Bowl window let’s go to Jansen what’s up bro we may need a corner but if we don’t make our offensive line good enough to allow AOC and gner mro enough time to get through their progressions our offense is in trouble I I don’t disagree with you but our offensive line will be good enough I actually think that the Raiders have a top 12 offensive line in the NFL you have one of the best left tackles in Colt Miller you have have a very good young rookie in Jackson Powers Johnson and you know remember how Dylan paron played as a rookie my expectations for jpj are much higher than what they were for pum Andre James continues to get better and better and better every single season so I don’t know why we’re doubting him and they mford I get it is you know kind of let’s be real the Achilles heel of this offensive line but mford last season showed you that he was able to play pretty solid on the left side got better at the right side and I do think somebody who’s a little bit more athletic like m that could give him the opportunity to be a little bit better here in this wide Zone scheme because mford is a good run blocker like he is a good run blocker he’s struggled in the passing situations and for how much they’re going to run the football plus you add a little bit of 12 Personnel to help chip a few guys our Raiders offensive line is just criminally underrated and I don’t know why if anybody needs a Raiders jersey out there always remember they can go to Raiders jerseys we got hundreds and hundreds available there’s always different ones on sale as well that Link’s going to be available to youall down in the comments and down in the description of today’s show which I’m right now looking at the links and I’m just going to tell you guys real quick whether or not like I’m looking right now at Devonte Adams Nike Legend Jersey white you can get that one for $99 it’s not this one exactly it’s a color Rush Jersey which I’m not going to lie I think the color Rush ones are pretty sick so there’s the Devonte Jersey I’m looking at right now for 99 the Bo Jackson say that they’re almost gone so you might want to hurry up on them I’m also looking at a Bo Jackson Raiders Mitchell less Legacy Jersey on sale right now usually 160 you can get it for 120 bucks so depending on when you see this if anybody wants a Darren Waller Jersey you can get that for 49 bucks little extra toilet paper for you Raiders jerseys we got them for you unfortunately the GMAC that one’s for me and me only let’s go to the next question rolling in here which you know I guess we can kind of go back to the whole Robert Jansen thing Corner you’re good I do think the Raiders still at a corner I’m hoping it’s the Fawn Gilmore Mario Kareem hunt or zamir white it’s zamir white and it’s not close like I don’t know how many times I got to say this the Raiders are never going to sign Kareem white Kareem hunt the Raiders are never going to sign Kareem hunt the Raiders are never going to sign Kareem hunt and the reasons are Fred bov’s daughter let’s go to Christian Cole I’m a Razer back and I keep see and trayon Burks in trade articles is he worth a shot for us thanks no trayon Burks is not worth a shot for the Las Vegas Raiders quite frankly I don’t even know if he’d make the team and Burks was a player that I was excited to see like what he could do at the NFL but also was a player that you know we talked about him being a bust because when you see a player what they do in college and Burks was a really good wide receiver at Arkansas they had a few solid years there and you know was an explosive player but then you go to the NFL and you hear a lot of reports of that he’s lazy he doesn’t have the good work ethic and to me you’ve seen a player who had first round Talent trer brks had first round legit NFL talent and now they don’t even know if he’s going to make the Titans roster why because he doesn’t want to put that work in he’s not going out there he’s not being physical he’s a very soft receiver considering how big he is and to me if I’m going to add a receiver like I want to add him for like the little things where can I add a receiver that’s a really good run blocker can I add a receiver that’s going to go out there and make our team better on and off the field to me you got a guy like trayon Burks and he’s just simply not going to do that but you know what what do you guys have to say should the Raiders trade for Titans wide receiver Tayon Burks if you think that he’s an upgrade over Michael Gallup sure go ahead do it but like I don’t think he is I don’t think he’s an upgrade over Michael Gallop he’s not an upgrade over Trey Tucker so you’re going to go out you’re going to trade for a player that yeah he might end up getting released and you’re hoping that he’s what your fifth sixth wide receiver on this team I’d rather go out and get a guy that like shows me that he loves football cuz Burks to me hasn’t done that let’s go to David Booth who throws the ball the better deep ball AOC or mchu who hits Trey Tucker in stride I’ll actually admit that neither quarterback is good at throwing the Deep ball and if you guys want to see a really good article my guy Tristan [ __ ] on Twitter put out a really really analytic article tons and tons of stats that just kind of outline a lot of the things that you know chugs and I say where we’re like we’re hopeful mchu can take that next step we’re hopeful Aiden could take that next step but when you really like look at the numbers look at the tape neither guy is the quarterback that you’re really it’s it’s hard to get excited about but I’ll say this if you’re sitting in the pocket and it’s a clean pocket if I got to have a quarterback throw the ball 40 yards down the field I’ll take Aiden oconnell if the play breaks down and I got to have somebody scramble to their left or their right then I’m going to have pick gner menu but like neither quarterback is a good deep ball thrower and that’s just a fact man let’s go to my man see do you know where I can get toddler jerseys MJ is going to be four and it’s time for her to down the silver Dawn the silver and black I would say yes uh Raiders jerseys there are I believe baby jerseys as well there’s also like toddler jerseys in there if you if you go to the link that you see down there below you can actually filter it by size which I’m looking at right now gender age all that kind of stuff you can filter it down to baby I’m looking at some right now the baby Jersey that they have they have a baby Bo Jackson infant Jersey for 75 bucks if you want one let’s go to Raider Mike is Michael Mayer on the trade block no I anybody that’s saying that Michael Mayer is on the trade block is either probably writing for Bleacher Report or doesn’t know Raiders football and they’re going well they drafted Brock Bowers and they signed Harrison Bryant so they’re they don’t like Michael Mayer and they want to move on no the Raiders want to run 12 Personnel Michael Mayer I promise you this Michael Mayer is going to have his hand in the dirt and more snaps than Brock Bowers this season Bowers going to have more snaps in general he’s going to get more opportunities but anybody that says that Michael Mayer’s getting traded I no don’t don’t follow that person let’s go to Jared Sila are we going to sign a corner where do you think xaven Howard plays this season I do still think that the Raiders are going to be a team that looks to add a corner whether that’s right before training camp maybe it’s right after training camp during the preseason maybe it’s right before the regular season starts maybe after a few like roster cutdowns on August 27th 4 P p.m. eastern time I will say this though and you I hate bringing this up because again rip to Kyrie Jackson it’s got to be one of the saddest stories that I’ve heard but if I’m the Minnesota Vikings right and I was talking to seeps he runs our Vikings show here at chat sports and he was like you know Corner was one of the biggest needs that Minnesota had before the draft then you draft Kyrie Jackson out of the fourth round heartbreaking story where he ends up passing away in a horrible car accident and now if you’re the Vikings you’re probably like I got to go out and I got to find another corner I got to find somebody else that I can add to this rotation so like to me the Raiders might have a little bit more competition with the team that originally they didn’t think that they were going to have competition in cuz if I’m the Vikings I got to figure out a way to go out get a corner that can help me right away so I’m going to say this I think that Minnesota deserves to be on a lot more Radars out there for a cornerback maybe a spot like xaven Howard what up Josh who is the most underappreciated Raider on our team wow it’s a really good question it honestly the answer is probably going to come down to Aiden or Gardner uh where if one of those guys ends up being the starter then you know that guy is probably pretty underrated underappreciated I think Adam Butler John Jenkins have to be on that list just because they’re just two big guys that did their job very well last season and you know the attention went to Malcolm Co the attention went to Max Crosby but those guys dealt with a lot of double teams and they freed up and I really think it’s one of the reasons why you saw Malcolm Max and kind of our defense take shape a little bit like Travon mer is one of the most underrated safeties in the NFL and then I’ll go out and I’ll say another really underrated player on our team is Andre James at Center having a center that you can rely on and to be somebody to be like that anchor on that offens of line it’s very important let’s go to Raider Dave Raider signed a linebacker the room is weak should we sign a linebacker if if you can make your team better the answer is always yes and I think for a guy like Antonio Pierce who is a linebacker himself we have a good linebacker coach in Caldwell who’s had a lot of success at this position but like to me the Raiders are going to go with a lot of two linebacker sets with like you know you could have five DBS and then your two linebackers are going to be Divine Diablo Robert Spain they like what they have in ikenberg they also like what they have in Luke Masterson Amari Bernie those five linebackers are going to make the roster but like if you told me right now we could go out and we could add a Zack Cunningham yeah I would do it now man what’s up man Tom celic equals Mitch you’re not the first and you will not be the last if you ever SE a picture of my dad with a mustache he legitimately look like Tom celic is it just me or the chief’s house falling down far too much drama I’m not going to say it’s falling down because unfortunately for Kansas City I don’t think that house is ever going to fall down as long as they have Patrick Mahomes like you could talk about drama you could talk about X Y and Z when you have the best football player on the planet on your team you’re going to be in contention every single year let’s go to Serb why did the Scarecrow win an award he was outstanding in his field that’s a good one there Mr Ser if I didn’t get to your questions you could probably blame Jeremy or you could always hit me up on IG or on Twitter Mitchell Ren 365 we put out a lot a lot of Raiders content WE Post also a lot on social media and if you want more coverage from my guy chugs especially if you ever win anything on this show and you can’t hit me up on venmo make sure you slide in the DMS on Twitter at Jeremy chugs seriously appreciate all y’all that tuned in to this mailbag and reminder if you want more mailbags on the channel you got to hit that like button how many receptions for Michael Gallop this season why are you so close what why are you so close what you’re just in there um what are you doing I think you showing off your chest hair no I mean could what color are those buttons what color is the shirt this is honestly you look like a hairy creamsicle that’s what you look like you look like a hairy creamsicle put it what’s going on at uh the Graham household right now yikes bear down oh down holy [ __ ] that’s just that’s too much manj you’re getting the sun that’s that’s too much Norman Hernandez you are in for our ticket raffle PJ you ready for brother Norman Hernandez um remind we are about to do a duck race here what color is this shirt yeah I think it’s hard for them to see C that’s you look like a creamsicle you look like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers old jerseys I think this shirt is you look like if you had a Tennessee shirt on and you just have worn it for 20 years it looks W is it y would you say yellow or orange if I if I made you pick right now that I’m looking I’d say yellow yellow your buttons are orange Ally what color is the shirt yellow it’s definitely orange Patrick B the 5050 is right now $20 venmo and you’d have the opportunity to win no $90 dude this shirt is Orange it’s a light orange yeah boy here we go yeah at times I think you just do this to do it it’s light orange the buttons are orange you’re color I’m worried about him babe that’s that’s yell babes I don’t know only live Morgan’s allowed to call me babes is that that wrestler okay okay now you’re learning Mitch I guess I’ll learn it what do you have to do this weekend this weekend by WWE the video game we’re going to do Royal Rumble we can just get it here okay well then do it I don’t know how to do it just get the game oh I want to do a Royal Rumble in the month of July all right I’ll grab your card put it on the PS5 and then we’ll get the game perfect okay perfect how many receptions for Michael gal Robin says 35 I’m just saying I would love and I mean I would love to see a Royal Rumble with 35 Raiders fans we’re going out tonight winner gets the money winner gets the money I see Patrick B is in our Duck Race here loser has to call you Mommy uh I see can’t walk is in and then we going on tonight Rich Ren my dad in the race you think your dad watches wrestling no no chance if in fact that you’re obviously watching there’s no way no way my dad doesn’t have the time to watch wrestling he’s like I got to cut the grass six times a week I have to watch the Weather Channel for at least 10 hours a day I mean what else do you have to do you know what I mean dude go on Twitter F first tweet in my timeline not even kidding yeah I think I think I’m team live based off looks this was this was La our last night she was pissed she came back from injury and then this was this was her she’s been giving him those eyes for weeks yikes I might go with that haircut I already have the mustache that would take me all year if I just shave the sides and grow out the back I’m just saying we could do it it Robert astr Turf doesn’t need to be mowed that often Mitch well tell Richie that Richie goes out there he cuts the grass with our push mower and then he cuts it with the rider push mower so no no help at all it’s just it’s just him pushing it push mower takes about what do you think takes you probably about three hours every time you do it I hated it but like my my mower back in the day it had like a thing that I could hold down and the wheels would like turn a little bit to help me yeah we had one of those for my at my grandmother’s house like when she wanted to cut the grass no now it wouldn’t do it for you like I’d still have to push it it would just make it where it would be like a little bit easier uh yeah when I was a kid my dad cut the line on that so I I’d have to push it but he like you had one that had it the old one yeah and and he took that feature off on purpose yep why so I had push exercise I mean my dad I I cut a lot of grass I think when I was a kid now he would be like I cut a lot more back in my day but I mean I bet you I bet you when I was around 12 to 15 I bet you I was cutting 20 20 hours of grass a week and no like all push no no help at all it was push push mower dad am I wrong or am I right I don’t know that sounds like hell 20 hours a week I hated just doing my own front and back so we had a really big front and backyard um and I hated just doing that yeah I did I used to cut our grass my dad would help me sometimes though like I got to give him credit he would help me sometimes um I’d cut our grass I would cut my aunt Lor’s grass now they had a rider so I was able to ride that one and then I’d cut my grandparents grass Richard rins he says right just so you know that took him a week to write that Richie why exercise why you’re already getting exercised by being out there and pushing it oh you’re talking to the wrong guy you’re talking to the wrong guy when I was I mean when I was a kid there was one day Dad I don’t know if you remember I got sick I couldn’t I I was too sick to go to high school and we went out and cut firewood that day we we went out and cut fir now he wouldn’t let me handle the chainsaw ever but like going out stacking the wood putting in the back of the truck cuz that’s how we heated our house um that we did that [ __ ] that was every weekend Saturdays firewood and if you could find a tree with no bark on it barkless tree that was good it was a win why well cuz sometimes the bark it like Burns there’s a lot of smoke so if you get it without it it’ll burn at a higher rate and keeps the house up warmer there you go believe it or not I’m uh I’m from the country I just didn’t turn out to be a country guy like I I moved to a city for a reason Richie it’s your fault no I’m just kidding oh see how about a Royal Rumble of all the famous super NFL fans that dress up for their teams even them lame ass charger super fans in the sweets with bolt faces make it happen Mitch WWE needs it see we don’t even have the game yet I don’t know if we can even do this I I I’d have to I’d have to do some reseearch I think he’s talking about doing like an actual WWE oh which I mean I don’t even know how that’s possible gorilla is winning or violator viol I’ll tell you what senor senor is a pretty big guy but yeah I mean my money’s either on violator or go go power Raider yeah go go go is a tough guy he is a tough guy he’s a power Raider too he’s a power Raider it’s got to give him an advantage it’s got to give him an advantage oh Dad I love you too all right y’all all them versus sketch nope coming up we got a wasted Talent Duck Race we got a duck race all right I’m going to send this to TV just so you know right now $20 venmo you’d win $120 here on the show you’d win 120 bucks blae thank you Mitch everyone at the pub thought your gesture was awesome how many drinks I mean do you need more do you need more he was like you know what let’s get another round going let’s get another round going take one down pass it around I’ll say this like I’m uh if we ever hang out in person I’m a very frugal person where it’s like you know we’ll have a few drinks we’ll have some good laughs CU you guys always pay for chugs and ice drinks here on the Stream So in person I know we’re not person bla but you saying that was a cool thing so hopefully you’re able to get a few rounds man all right winner of this race can I get a quick shove oh I think he did shove no crash do was the first one all right winner of this race is going to get $13 because Anthony Green said I won it winner gets $130 here on the Raiders report Anthony Green good luck to you wait wait from Anthony Green you ready I’m ready three two one one let’s go all right so reminder winner gets 1:30 the next time that chugs and I are going to be live is going to be on Thursday 4 pm Eastern Time Jamari kind of Walks Like Coupe can’t walk looks like he can’t walk um green is struggling here a little bit Patrick B’s doing okay Sher Anne Eyes Wide Open NAB man’s freaking me out here a little bit Charles just just having a Sunday stroll Jamari Murray is going to break his neck I didn’t even realize goo’s in this race I didn’t even see goo is that Luna ah yeah Luna’s starting to fall back here a little bit it’s anybody’s race I’ll tell you what this one this one’s close Charles is sneaky just hanging around here what about Trace Trace 5 Seconds To Go somebody’s got to make a move cherl cherl oh oh look who got second Richie that’s what happens should have should have let me use the the push mower a little bit less yeah Cheryl and with the win which by the way sh this is uh the wife of Jason gueras which I’m just now realizing uh Miss Miss Luna yep bu P she she was in the race yesterday it said first time Jason guerra’s wife LOL is it funny that you entered the race or that you’re married to Jason porosos do porosos do also shout out to the gos family they have the parrot which I will never forget I’m going to be like I zoomed with a Raider fan that had a pet parrot named Madden they also had a rabbit named Woodson I can’t make it up uh Miss Miss goots if you could please confirm that you just received $130 $0 down below what it sounded like gu Miss gos gos that’s what they go by gos g o o TZ how would you pronounce it if it’s Gutierrez the gos Mr and Mrs goots no the goots family oh Cheers Cheers Cheers reminder to subscribe so you never miss a moment next time chug and I will be live it’s going to be on Thursday Jeremy real quick cuz I don’t remember can you show do we have the Madden schedule available by any chance we do not moved in here but I have it on myp the next the next game is what Friday we’re doing a game Friday or is the game Thursday I don’t remember we’re going out tonight cuz we we ended up switching around the Madden schedule a little bit cuz we ended up doing the Chiefs game a week earlier July 5th July 11th is the next game against the Buccaneers That’s Thursday so that means Thursday we got a Madden Sim against the Buccaneers which that means then Friday or or Monday night football against Atlanta I have some bad news for you though uh oh what uh we got to move to the Saints game because we have a chat sports holiday on that day oh you’re right all right yeah we might have to move that Saints game then [ __ ] we’ll figure it out so next Thursday th not next Thursday this Thursday this Thursday chugs and I live Mt and Sim Raiders bucks got your Bucks colors on already the cream sickle this was not planned the cream sickle colors it’s going to be a wild show hopefully you all tune in and reminder we’re always down to get a little bit crazy we’re going to get a little bit crazy on Thursday enjoy the rest of your Tuesday if anything crazy happens tomorrow we’ll make a video around it you’ll still get two vids tomorrow Zoom if you want to zoom with me I’m going to send out uh an invite tonight after the live show and it’s going to go out to literally anybody that’s ever received an email from me for Zoom so I want to get a lot more people there so it’s not just Rebel and I looking at lemons and butthole picks so please pull up see you Thursday peace oh wait Mitch um I did want to tell you

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