Hunter Tyson on his rookie season with the Denver Nuggets | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

Hunter Tyson on his rookie season with the Denver Nuggets | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

live in studio we got Hunter Tyson this is dmvr nuggets oh baby normal show another day with the fellas we upgraded from dline to Hunter this that’s a big UPG big upgrade big what is everybody welcome to the dnba show let’s go let’s go I from the Toyota L driven by your Front Range Toyota store toyot the official vehicle of dnbr I’ve got Harrison and Brenan vot no introduction for them today why very special guest in studio none other than Hunter Tyson Hunter welcome to the studio uh thank you man I appreciate youall having me on so I’m going to give you guys one guess Hunter drove in Toyota that a truck you would never guess it truck I would have guessed I said it was a it was a stone cold lock that that Hunter was going to be showing up in a truck truck I would have guessed we don’t we don’t learn a ton at these uh at these summer league media days not necessarily one thing I learned Hunter uh you’re a country fella according to Jaylen picket so is that what he said yeah I’m learning a lot about you learning a lot what did he say he said he’s a country guy gets them out into the country for sure that’s what I heard so wow is this true you taking the crew out uh maybe a little bit I don’t know I think I introduced him to uh some country music that’s what it meant yeah yeah yeah who are your guys who are your country um who you Len oh man I like them all I mean yeah mainstream guys Morgan wallan Zack Bryan Parker McCullum did you go to the concert last week I did yeah I actually saw both of them with like the past month I think everybody in Denver went to the Zack Bryan concer it’s kind of true like everybody was there I know I couldn’t make it I was pretty bummed yeah I couldn’t um yeah so you know we’re just getting to meet you you know you’ve been around obviously the team for a year but you know haven’t done a ton of media and I’m kind of curious and one of the good ways to get to know you is you just told me before we went live that you had 10 days off only 10 days from the end of the season to now so what did you do with the 10 days that you got to just do whatever you wanted to do yeah so I uh my girlfriend’s down in in med school in Florida I went to see her for a couple days and then uh me and couple of my buddies we went to the beach for a Memorial Day Weekend nice uh and then spent a few days at home and then that next weekend uh went to the beach again uh for like a little fishing trip with uh one of my friends out like a sea fishing trip yeah yeah how’d you do did good uh we C A a good amount of red drum that’s what we were going for so yeah we had a good time how biger red drum I’m not familiar with you know he’s a Carolina guy so he’s going to know I’ve never been fishing in my life so I’m not familiar they were actually pretty big I think uh I think the biggest we caught was probably close to 50 lb Jesus that’s huge I would have bet real money that you went fishing by the way not just put you in a box but I would guessed got me figured out huh yeah yeah yeah I’ll figure it out Brothers um so yeah I mean that is kind of the question though so is that what you do for fun I mean I know you’re an outdoors guy you’ve talked that about it but but what do you do to unwind well here I mean I haven’t really gotten Outdoors much I mean uh it’s so much different than what I’m used to but yeah you know like back home and in college uh for fun I just like to you know fish hunt hang out with my friends like stuff like that East Coast fishing is different than out here though oh very different I’ve never caught a trout in my life really yeah you’ve been here a year man I know I haven’t been fishing one time since I got here my seven-year-old caught like 20 don’t don’t mock our guests out as a fellow fisherman this is what you do you have to you know you have to kind of measure each other up here so wouldn’t you think you’ll get up I mean it explore Colorado it’s probably I probably will I mean I don’t think there’s that many guys on the team that are like dying to go fish with but now my boy PJ’s here so maybe maybe we’ll go check it out all right there you go there there you go um so it sounds like you haven’t gotten to explore Colorado too much um tell us about this last year though kind of walk us through and you know first of all just getting drafted by Denver the experience and stuff and your rival just walk us through what the experience was like for you I mean obviously getting drafted was a dream come true I mean you know not too many people can say they were drafted into the NBA so you know that was just such a blessing I’m so thankful for that and then you know to come to an organization like that is just a whole another blessing in itself um you know coming off the championship obviously have some of the best players in the world if not the best and it’s just you know great guys to really learn from um and this past year was good I just tried to you know soak up as much as I could um obviously I didn’t play as much um with the Nuggets but you know spent a good amount of time in the G League really just tried to get better down there um so yeah it was a good year what’s it like when you get drafted to a team and it’s a championship type team and you got Nicole yic Jamal Murray like Michael Porter Aaron Gordon like these big names that I’m sure you know you were watching growing up watching in colge what’s what’s like stepping into that environment when you know suddenly your teammates with those guys bit of a shock for sure at first like I I still remember that first day I came in uh after getting drafted Jamal was in the gym just shooting and that was like right after the Championship I was like this dude’s already working out like what’s your do you go up and say hey right away or are you is it I don’t even remember I think uh he was like in the middle of a workout so I obviously didn’t go interrupt but I definitely like talked to him you know introduced myself um that day and then yogish didn’t get back till training camp cuz obviously he was in Serbia but then like seeing him was crazy like all the guys you know it’s just you you’re watching them go win a championship coming out of college and then next thing you know you’re in the same locker room with them so it’s it’s definitely crazy real quick on draft night do you before it happens are do you allow yourself to to think about where you’re going to go and did you want to go certain places which you don’t have to answer but uh is it or is it just I just want to get drafted and I just want to hear my name um so I definitely wanted to go to a good situation and I I think this is probably the best situation I could have ended up in um but you know just talking to my agent you know we we didn’t know for sure um I was going to Denver like there was no promise beforehand but I knew there was a good chance gotcha um and then a few other teams we were in talks with but you know I kind of I had like a few people I kept it very lowkey but I had a few people in my house and I kind of just told them like you know regardless after tonight I’ll be signing something with the NBA team so like this is a celebration I and I didn’t want to like jinx it so I was like I’m not promising y’all I’m going to get drafted tonight but I appreciate all y’all coming um that’s cool man so then when they when my name was actually called you know I think I had a good idea right before cuz I had my agent had called me um but I didn’t tell everybody else in the room so it was like it was pretty exciting that’s awesome when did you think you were an NBA player like did you when were you like this is going to happen for me uh I always believed it it’s crazy like you know in high school I had a good high school career I wasn’t like one of the big biggest recruits in the country but I had a very good high school career um going to Clemson and then you know I was at the end of the bench at Clemson uh my freshman year and then didn’t really start until my junior year then I had an injury so like people weren’t going around town saying this kid’s the NBA player but you know I always believed it and you know I didn’t feel the need to go tell everybody I’m going to the NBA but like I was so confident in myself like if someone asked me I would be like I remember people were like yeah like one point in college like um what do you want to do like do you want to go play overseas and I was like I want to play in the NBA like I I haven’t given up on that dream um so yeah I I think I’ve just always believed it me too it didn’t work out for me though too I’m actually the rare case that never believed I didn’t interal B- League champion though like I will say that I’m only LeBron I’m only LeBron there’s still there’s still some hope here did you uh did you grow up a Carolina or Duke fan though cuz you’re from North Carolina man I won’t lie I uh I guess it’s all right to say it now I I did grow up in North Carolina fan okay and I’m starting to like them again now because my brother just got there he’s playing at North Carolina this year nice but I won’t lie like my senior of high school and then during college I absolutely hated both of them like yeah and I I told my brother like I’m not wearing a North Carolina shirt I might wear the color for you but like you just thr blue like or powder blue shirt noo that’s probably what I’ll do actually that’s funny that the hatred just came in right away like it just completely dissipates I’m a tiger for sure I don’t yeah that’s funny um tell me about your friendship with PJ Hall yeah I mean that’s one of my best friends um we were roommates in college uh we hung out all the time so I was real fired up when I heard that um you know he was coming out here gonna sign with us so you know I’m I’m really excited to have him out here with us yeah what’s his game like I mean I’ve watched a little bit of his highlights but I don’t know much about him yeah I mean he’s a really good player um extremely competitive plays hard every game um can really shoot got great touch great feel um really can score yeah um probably more athletic than you think block shots you know catch lobs stuff like that so he’s a good player I’m excited about um us having him did you guys like hit it off right away when you when you guys met like how did that friendship develop so he’s like two years younger than me so I was actually his host really yeah um in high school and yeah I I I mean he was he’s a little immature like you know as all high school recruits are sure yeah um but you know once he got to campus we started hanging out all the time and then you know we just got really close so that’s awesome man that’s pretty funny do you guys have a two-man connection yeah of course is that going to come out in summer league you guys have like little actions that you know I hope so did you not feed Calvin some you know Insider info be like you should check out this PJ hul kid I mean PJ did well enough himself I didn’t have to say anything but anytime he was mentioned uh by anyone in the front office I was like we need to get him yeah probably should probably should look at him yeah you know speaking of which though we’ll go back to you coming to the Nuggets organization you know Calvin Booth was very high on you said a lot of things publicly about you but what was his message to you and you know about why he believed in you or what he wanted from you when you came here yeah I mean he just wants me to be myself um you know I think he saw in me like toughness and competitiveness like on top of you know different things I can do on the floor but you know I think he was just impressed with that and he saw like I wasn’t a guy who like I had a very good senior season of college but when that last game ended you can check every mock draft and I wasn’t on any of them really so I had to go to the Portsmith Invitational which I don’t know if you’re familiar it’s all the seniors and I played really well in that that got me an invite to the g-league combine and I played pretty good in that which eventually got me invited to the combine I played better in the combine than I did at the g- league combine and then I had 15 workouts with different teams so I really had to you know work my way up I gu what do you think it was about like elevating levels of competition and yet you were performing better I mean I think it’s just you know the competitiveness and the self-belief like yeah I just wanted to go out there and attack every opportunity I had so how how important is that in the from the outside in the NBA it just seems like the margins of making it or not can be pretty thin and for some guys even some guys we’ve seen in Denver confidence or lack thereof seems like an important factor it’s huge I mean it it’s it’s not everything but it almost is like right if you don’t have the self-belief in yourself you’re not going to be able to perform well no matter how hard you work so the mental aspect is huge I think the craziness is a factor too like that was one of the things about you in college is you would play with a little bit of a crazy you know crazy eyes you know you getzy but I think I mean what do you think about that cuz I think that that is a need for a team you need Bruce Brown brought that I thought in the championship you know a guy that would go in the other huddle just to just to get under everybody’s skin how important do you think that is as an ingredient for a team I mean I think it’s important I think uh I think you definitely need to have guys that you know um Can can play a role and you know bring the toughness bring the fight every night cuz you know we got some of the best scorers in the world um I’m not going to step in be the leading scorer next year like I understand that but you know it’s all about finding your role and then just impacting winning from whatever that role is is it hard to be that guy though the like intensity that dog when you’re the young guy is it hard to go into a team and be like cuz you almost want to you know just fit it yeah I mean I don’t know I don’t I don’t think it’s that hard I think I think some people are just more wired like that than others yeah for sure and I don’t know if I’m what you’re talking about I just you know try and play as hard as I can every chance I get like I I don’t know I just try and be who I am okay you’re wrong Adam your Scout’s off my Scout’s a little off I’ve seen him give some crazy eyes that’s all I’m saying some of the highlights there’s I think the more polite way to say it is like high motor or something like that you oh you think it was an insult got be like I think you play really hard man you look insane but that’s all right that’s all right Crazy Eyes is a good thing all right let’s take a break I want to talk about how Camp is going this week and ask you about some of your team uh teammates on the other side guys we are really excited to be partnered with UC Health uh just launched our new partnership with them and UC see Health they know how important mental health is and encourages coloradans to live their healthiest lives through Statewide initiatives that include taking care of your mental health so uh if you want more info on that UC tomorrow at take care of your mental health today so you can have better uh tomorrow’s and UC tomorrow like I said former UC Health patient David schlick he was a Colorado teenager who loves being active Outdoors uh but he actually was also an Olympic hopeful who had uh his life kind of altered when he lost a leg after a ski training accident with the help of UC Health he got back on his feet he turned you know he kept that dream alive and you know kept on living his life so if you want more information on that and more inspiring patient stories from UC Health UC tomorrow learn what it means to live like there is a tomorrow with UC heal we’re 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think they did a good job of uh you know making all of us the rookies um feel pretty comfortable I mean I don’t think like they weren’t trying to intimidate us or anything like they just you know tried to like bring us into the family and yeah let’s ask about this year’s summer league team now and what you guys have going on so first of all Andrew mson I think the youngest coach in nugget summer league history I mean I’m guessing I don’t know but what do you uh he’s 21 years old he’s just kidding but what do you uh what’s he been like I we haven’t really talked to him a whole lot you know since he’s been on the Nugget staff no he’s done a great job he’s actually like this past year he was my position coach oh really so I spent a lot of time with him you know uh whether that be working out watching film you know so I feel like we have a pretty good relationship and I think he’s done a really good job you know stepping in um you know help helping to lead this summer league team so what does a position coach do and when you say watching film like what kind of stuff are you going over yeah so I mean that could be anywhere from uh watching film on like other NBA guys U maybe my minutes or a lot of times we were W like so I would go to the g- league for like two weeks maybe three weeks come back up and then he’d have a bunch of Clips cut up and we’d go over like okay this is what you did really well um this is what you need to try and improve on right um this is good but you won’t really do that with us so like you know just different things um and as far as a pos position uh coach goes it’s watching film um you know doing our daily workout together and yeah that’s about it what is your daily workouts I mean like is it mostly shooting ball handling like where where’s the emphasis usually I mean it’s everything uh ball handling finishing catch and shoot shoot off the move shoot off the dribble you know just just everything everybody’s been saying you’ve been shooting lights out since the end of the season that’s the word on the street stre that’s the word on the street I don’t know you don’t know I mean I I just go out there and try and make sure you’re so you’re so humble and I love it you’re so polite and humble but like everybody else is like Hunter hasn’t missed since you know may yeah man I you know I just try and knock it down when it’s thrown to me what’s the chemistry like between you and Julian and Jaylen because you got are obviously the three returning guys from last year you all played Summer League last year all all have been around each other for a year are you guys kind of the leaders of this summer league team yeah I mean absolutely I think I think the chemistry is great I think you know we spent so much time uh this past year you know like playing with each other playing against each other um just in workouts and stuff so yeah I think the chemistry has been really good and I’m excited to see how that you know carries over next week what do you see in Julian’s game like how do you break it down and what are you seeing from him this time around you know as you get ready for this summer league I mean he’s a great player um you know he’s had a really good camp thus far and you know I expect him to play really well in summer league uh it sucks he got injured this past year when he was he was actually part of the rotation for a little while yeah he was um but yeah man I mean there’s no holes in his game you know he shoots the fire out the ball shoots it really quick has is very comfortable you know shooting off the um shooting on the Move he’s got a good handle good Defender I mean there’s no holes in his game I hear he’s a a light presence too a joker a jokester if you will a little bit that’s what I’ve heard yeah he seems to have a good personality what about Jaylen like how do you break down his game and you played with him obviously last year as well me and Jaylen played a ton I mean he’s also he’s another guy’s you know a really good player great passer great distributor um and you know he can he he can score too but you know where he really impacts the game I think is just you know getting Other Guys open just being a really good point guard yeah what about donon Holmes I mean we’re kind of curious on his game and how it’s translating no I mean he’s looked great the first two days um he has a super high motor he’s been shooting the ball great um steps out knocks down the three really um rebounds plays hard defends I mean I’m really excited about him who’s the best dunker on the summer league Squad that’s a good question uh isn’t it the guy from Grand Canyon yeah I was about to say Gabe you know he won the College Slam Dunk Contest last that’s what I heard yeah probably him yeah has he thrown any down so far he a couple he’s had a couple turned some heads a little bit um and then what about you know uh the two two-way guys I mean obviously we talked about PJ Hall but with Alexander what do you Trey yeah yeah Tre is another um really good player he was actually on my combine team last year um but he decided to go back to school obviously but man he can score the ball you know he’s he’s really good tough guard so what’s his game like what type what is he scorer shooter yeah no I mean both yeah uh scorer shooter combo guard okay um you know shoots off the dribble a lot catch and shoot I mean he he can score Jaylen has such a unique game you know is it for you was there an adjustment period kind of getting used to how he plays and is it different like do you feel like he’s different than most point guards uh you could say he has different aspects to his game but there was no adjustment period I mean he makes the game so easy for me um playing with him in Summer League last year was awesome like he got me open so much um so I really like playing with jayen he got you so open that you made first team all summer league yeah like I guess so I I forget like because coming into summer league obviously Julian goes first round then you and Jaylen second round obviously Julian’s first on our radar but then like you come out and absolutely go crazy um at Summer League make first team like were you like oh this is this is kind of easy I don’t know about easy but uh no it definitely went well for me um you know I made a lot of shots like I said like pck and Julian the other guys you know just did a really good job of finding me when I was open I was able you know step up and knock it down but man it was a lot of fun um I think you had like seven threes one game yeah vers seven n or something yeah vers Miami yeah he knew that he knew that one by he’s like I know every every spot I made one at too Corner left wing yeah that was awesome you catching fire like that so with Summer League I mean is your mindset trying to go in and replicate that top that do you worry about that at all no uh that’s not what I’m focused on um I’m just going to go in there you know try and do what I can to help the team win um you know I think important for what’s important for second year guys like I think a lot of people think like all the second year guys want to go out there and try and get 40 every night getting 40 would be awesome but like I need to go out there and show that I can do what’s needed with the Nuggets so that’s what I’m focused on what are those things do you think I think just you know like we’ve talked about doing all the little things you know just being very competitive you you know bringing that fire um defending rebounding you know setting good screens making shots when I’m open um just playing the right way and do you think like you know obviously the next step is on on the Nugget rotation do you see yourself more of a three more of a four combo like what what do you what do you envision or what has been communicated about your role I mean with summer league right now I’ve been the three every day um but I I think you know just being out there is what’s important like I I don’t care if I’m the three or the for like feel like I can make an impact either way let’s talk about your shooting cuz the numbers your senior year you know you took a a bump up obviously you shoot incredible last year and now everybody says you never miss so like when is this a thing that shooting was a late ad to your game or do you feel like this has always been a part of it and just the numbers kind of caught up it’s been the main aspect of my game you know it can be hard in college especially as a freshman and sophomore like you’re not like I I was at the end of the bench or not at the end of the bench but I wasn’t starting like I was so like my shots were limited yeah and you know as a 18-year-old kid who’s just coming from high school and I took 20 shots a game that can be a little bit different um so it was an adjustment period but I mean I like that was the first aspect like my dad played in college shooting was the main thing we focused on my whole life so when did you start taking threes at what age I mean pretty early on I mean when I was playing on 8 foot I was jacking so like I’ve always the new as soon as you can get the ball up you just start can it be annoying though uh just hear do you ever feel like there’s more to my game than shooting because it’s it is what everyone mentions when they talk about you I mean honestly I don’t really care what people say good good attit like if I just want to go out there and you know play my game do whatever I can and if you see me as just a shooter cool but like as long as I’m making an impact then that’s that’s all really I care about with kyp gone he was arguably the best shooter on the Nuggets you got Jamal Michael Porter you yeah who’s the best shooter on the team probably Mike I mean Mike lights it up man he he makes some shots that just blow your mind I mean he’ll take one you’ll be like and it goes in like yeah that’s Mike well also he jumps so high and he has such a like high release it’s unblockable too so it’s like every look is pretty much for me and you watching it might be like Mike like what and but for him he’s like I don’t even see this guy right and honestly no one ever gets mad if Mike shoots cuz I mean he’s one of the best Shooters in the world right so like kind of feel like he’s supposed to shoot out there yeah we joke we missed he used to like his rookie year he would take the the ones you go oh he would take like seven a game we miss it we kind of enjoyed the crazy shot talk about the early confidence that guy would let him flop I’ve missed that one let’s talk about Grand Rapids real quick Andre Miller is one of my favorite players of all time and now you played for him like what what’s he like as a coach and a personality yeah he was good man he’s got a great personality uh he he actually likes to joke around a lot um keep things light um but as far as like a student of the game and being knowledgeable about the game I mean he’s probably Second To None like he knows everything and it was really good this past year just trying to learn from him and uh him passing some of that knowledge down was was really good what kind of stuff is that though like I always wonder the guys cuz he’s a basketball genius in my opinion I mean with the way he played it and I always think like how do you articulate that to everybody how do you share it so what is it that he’s sharing with you I mean it’s it’s hard to pinpoint one thing I mean I probably played 40 games down there so it’s just different things throughout the season like different games like he’s telling me like hey when you catch the ball like this you might want to Pivot this way so you get an advantage on your Defender rather than going this way like different things like that those are great details though did he share the trick with you where he fake called the timeout one time and then dribbled in for the layup have you seen that highl he had this play I think he might have been on Portland when he had that play where he dribbled the floor dribbled over towards the sideline like he was going to call a timeout yeah everybody thought he was and then he just you know wide open right to the rim yeah he’s also the best lob thrower I think of all time he tell AR yeah uh he didn’t have to he he never told me that but I’ve seen Clips I mean uh there was actually a clip of LaMarcus Aldridge last year he was talking about when he got to play with Andre he wasn’t used to guys just like finding him perfectly uh with the lob and he said you know it changed his whole game there’s only a handful of players I feel Luca is one of them well they’ll throw lobs that you don’t know where it’s to you know and then you’ll see it and it’s like oh it’s perfectly to a guy and you we have a birds ey View and Andre Miller I think did that once a game where he would just throw it up and he’d be like nobody’s even looking oh there it’s wide open Jer too when he just throws it up and Aaron Gordon comes out of nowhere verse 180 Flo those ones yeah you see him like a half Split Second afterwards because they’re always wide open but he does them so quick yeah um is it hard to feel connected to the team when you’re down in Grand Rapids um I don’t know if it’s hard to feel connected I mean you’re obviously not there you’re not with them every day um but like there’s no like coming back from Grand Rapids there’s no adjustment period like it’s just you just go back into things like you’ve been there the whole time um but yeah I think down there maybe you can say that a little bit because you know you’re watching the games on television versus you know being on the bench and like going through shoot around and stuff like that so but does it is it feel kind of um in lock step with like you’re playing you’re up with the Denver Nuggets they’re telling you to focus on XYZ then you’re down in the g- league like do you feel like there’s Synergy between the two organizations there’s definitely Synergy but there’s also more fre in the G league as to be expected but uh no yeah they do a good job communicating and you know telling like the g-league coaching staff and they did a really good job of saying all right this is what you need to work on this is what we’ll focus on gotcha and then the mson thing is cool that he’s got Clips ready when you get back so I am curious though just how are you a better player now than you were this time last year in your opinion I mean I think all aspects of my game as far as like from my body to my shooting release is faster I’m more comfortable shooting off the move dribbling defending I mean I say all aspects is faster a priority for you right now the the release time absolutely I mean it was last year um I don’t know if it’s as much of a priority now because I’ve repped it for the past 10 months but uh yeah I mean that was a big priority do you work with like shooting coaches and stuff and and what like what is how do you make your release faster it’s just literally taking the same shot and trying to replicate at a quick spe I mean uh our shooting coach Mike P uh you know spent a lot of time with him especially last fall um and then he just you know told me a few different things about the importance of getting it off quicker and he’s worked with guys like Kyle corver and Paul George and all these different guys that can shoot the ball really well and um you know we just repped getting it off quicker um not dropping it sometimes and you do that for a year straight it just starts to become natural really have you ever seen his highlights back when he played I yeah what do you think he’s kind of a tiny little I mean he could shoot the cover off the ball yeah if nobody’s ever seen you could you can Google Mike penury that guy he was kind of like a mini JJ retic almost like no shot was too crazy for kind of the same hair too same look that was the look back then man it all right let’s take a break on the other side uh some questions about this last season with the Nuggets being around some of these guys um other questions general question about the nuggets and then we have a game for you at the end to wrap up the show that uh I think you’ll like but I don’t know all right take you though guys we are here in the Toyota Lounge Toyota the official vehicle of dmvr trucks have always been a part of Toyota’s DNA uh they’ve built Duro Legends destined for greatness perfect for Colorado cars trucks SUVs whatever you want Toyota’s got it they got the 2024 Tacoma they just brought back the 2024 Land Cruiser as well uh they have 17 different models with available all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive like the Epic 4Runner uh they also offer 16 different hybrid Vehicles they got SUVs too like the Rav 4 and the grand Highlander so whatever you’re looking for check out Toyota visit your Front Range Toyota stores at a location near you AutoNation Toyota araco and Centennial Corwin Toyota 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to do in order to finish the season the right way and you know him being the leader he is that people don’t always see um he knew what needed to be said he conveyed it to us and you know when he talks people listen it’s does he is he active in the group chat at times yeah so he picks spots every time day he gets times does he have more of that leadership behind the scenes than we see publicly I mean obviously the text message I’ve got to think there’s more of you know that kind of stuff that we just don’t see yeah I mean he’s he’s a really good leader um and yeah I’m sure you guys don’t see a quarter of the stuff that he does yeah we’re not in the group chat so we tried actually we really tried to break in he wouldn’t let us um but the year so you know you talk about the message and it was received the 15 games out of the All-Star break were some of the best of the entire year I thought the team reached this this point and down the stretch it looked like started to wear down maybe the injury to Jamal and some other guys start to get banged up but if you walk us through what were your observations of the team in that time and what were were you feeling when the team went on that win streak we’re like here it is this is it yeah in go time go mode yeah I mean I spent a little bit of that time in the G League um but I just thought everyone was you know focused on the right things and that’s doing what we needed to do to win yeah um playing the right way guarding um playing hard you know not not getting out toughed and I mean when we did that this year there was nobody better so the game that stands out to me in the playoffs and it was the last great moment but jokic’s game five against the Wolves was one of the best I’d seen him play If you recall it was a masterpiece phenomenal he was phenomenal and you know unfortunately obviously going on to lose game six or seven but I just walking through that series there were big performances from lot of guys but that one in particular I just remember being like this is one of the all-times and of all he’s had some great ones but this one’s up there no I mean he was like you said he was phenomenal I mean he was Unstoppable when he gets like that there’s nobody in the world that can do anything to yeah mess with him or I mean he just he played amazing what are you doing on the bench when this is happening like what’s your bench style when there’s a masterpiece going on cheering a lot I guess standing up a lot I know everybody has their own like different way I think what was the play where Julian Str like it looked like his soul left his body when he was celebrating I want to say that was one of A’s crazy dunk probably I think so there he’s a good bench celebration guy uh who do you think on the team hates losing the most who do I think hates losing the most or takes losses the hardest you know maybe so I’m gonna answer that question maybe in a little bit of a different way um when we lost to Minnesota in game seven obviously everyone was very down um and nobody enjoyed it but nobody took that loss harder than CB that’s I mean he hadn’t finished a season without winning since who knows he was a kid that’s a great point so like that loss hurt like it hurt everyone yeah but you could just tell like it did something a little bit different to him so what is he just in the locker room just not saying anything and then like you notice he’s back in the gym 6:00 a.m. next morning or how tell just like his demeanor yeah um you know yeah it was just you could tell it really hurt him so we’ve asked about a lot of guys but we haven’t asked about Michael Malone like what’s he like our impression of him he’s a character I mean he’s hilarious he’s also kind of a psycho so like what’s how intense is he and what’s his personality like he’s fiery for sure especially in games but you know off the court you know he’s a good guy to talk to like he’s uh he’s joking around I mean I he’s got a great personality yeah I think he has a good personality I think he’s a really good coach so yeah you’re that seems like a p PC answer you know or the pr I mean he’s battling for rotation he head softballs only let’s try that again how great is coach that’s that’s so funny man um here’s a hard-hitting one the Olympics are around the corner we’re putting you on the spot putting you really on the spot here there’s Team USA mhm there’s Team Canada with Jamal there’s team Serbia where’s your Allegiance for the Olympics I’m American baby all right go hesitation he tell those two guys you’re like sorry fellas playing for silver it’s a little different yeah it’s a little different I like it no hesitation that is a pretty good one what else you guys got what’s it like just being you know teammates with the best player in the world I mean you spoke about his leadership a little bit but in practices sometimes in games you ever just like holy [ __ ] like this dude is ridiculous like what’s it just like like being around him every day I mean all the time I think this is ridiculous like when we’re especially when we have like real practices where like cuz during the season there’s not like we’re not practicing every day it’s pretty rare that we have a real practice where we’re you know going live I mean that almost never happens um right but I remember at training camp last year was my first time really playing with him and you know just some of the things he sees like when he’s catching the ball like this and throws it like that like it’s just like man like how do you do that but no I mean it’s it’s been awesome how have you ever um tried Rocka uh I don’t think I ever actually tried it so you didn’t get in on it when all you guys went over to its house before the playoffs last year oh yeah yeah actually I did yeah what’ you think it’s not good not good it’s a it’s a tough sip for sure yeah um do you guys how often do you get to play with him you know because you mentioned practice almost never but in training camp and stuff how much are you on his Squad I was on his team a good amount in training camp last year really maybe maybe played with him a little bit in preseason I don’t remember I I definitely did a little bit in preseason but I hadn’t played one him since just the lack of practice time you were just talking about because I’ve always been curious about this for guys fighting for a spot like does that make the g- league that much more important cuz where where and when are you able to get those in you know I’m sure it’s not often well so they don’t practice live we practice live every day right yeah you got you and J we three on three games one-on-one games I mean every single day so there’s no lack of refs I can tell you that um just lastly here for me you know what what is your goal this year and you know what do you how much do you think about you know playing real minutes getting on the on the squad and getting real minutes up I mean I think about it all the time I mean obviously that’s what I want to do that’s what I’m working towards uh would love to crack the rotation but you know I’ll do whatever the team needs um whether that be you know going out there playing 20 minutes a night going out there playing five minutes a night you know just whatever I can do to help this team be successful that’s what I’m going to do so who’s the funniest guy on the team uh probably probably DeAndre Jordan I think that’s right you know what I can see that seems like a good hang why why do say that I mean he’s just funny like he just his Personality yeah feels like he he’s a great locker room dude yeah no who’s the second most country guy on the team I mean now probably PJ you want to talk about you want to talk about last year yeah uh you know who’s actually a little country is Justin holiday I saw him so you were talking about fishing man he’s a fisherman that’s right he he went fishing he went on a fish trip to Wyoming in like last summer he’s a little bit of a a little fake fisherman maybe I’m not saying maybe I think it takes real commitment if you go all the way up to Wyoming there not a lot to see in Wyoming so that that means you’re a real fisherman all right on that account we’re going to play a little game with you to get out of here if you’re up for it it’s a little goofy let’s do it uh kale bring it up on screen here it is Hunter or hunted so this became a phrase that the Nuggets used non-stop last year we kind of got annoyed a it being the we’re now the hunted not the hunter but for you we’re going to ask a series of animals and you’re going to tell us if you could defeat them in hand toand combat all right and like this is life on the line life on the line it’s like a cage match basically you and the animal so it’s either I die or they die you’re either the hunter or the hunted in this one all right what’s our first animal here a beaver you versus a beaver fight to slow we’re starting slow that so if I win that means I’m the hunter you’re the hunter I’m the hunter all right he’s the Hunter he can take the beaver that was a soft I can’t believe we LED with Beaver well how just you have to give one to warm up beaver’s easy one confidence what do we have here uh oh a farm pig yeah a farm pig hunter for sure Hunter they’re they’re tougher though I’m not worried about this was an easy one H Hunter’s like this actually happened like a couple years ago yeah have you ever have you ever like Wrestled a big kind of hard to wrestle all right what do we got here what’s next raccoon these are like 10 pounds hter come on all right these are getting too easy let’s ramp it up kale what do we have a mule deer hunter are you sure about this if it’s my life on the line versus theirs I’m winning this is one where I think you’re right but a deer is going to be harder this is like 130 lb this is a me deer not a white tail I think hter weighs more than 100 he does but he doesn’t have horns that’s a good point that’s a strong you want me to change my intin I’m just putting pressure on pict sure you really can do this All right what do we have let’s ramp it up an ostrich I thought we were ramping it up Hunter a really this is still too EAS I mean I’m just grab it by the neck it’s a big neck you think you a gra by the neck I think we’re starting to get into the territory where the animals are tougher than you think they are an ostrich is kind of a beast dude Hunter is an NBA size he has a professional different all right what do we have a coyote Hunter I don’t know if you heard they released some of these into the wild that’s wolves that’s wolves this is just a little coyote I think you’re right on this one but I think you’re tore up I’m probably but I’m not down you’re not to be honest with you I could take a coyote man you guys are insane all right what else do we have a kangaroo Hunter oh dude I kind of want to see you box I don’t I think we’re these things cuz have you seen their toes they have they have like they have crazy claws their claws are like this long and they grab you what they do is they actually grab you like this and then stab you with their legs how do you know that I this is what I do he’s like I’m not worried about it all right there’s GNA be no animals he’s scared of what do we got next no giraffe a baby giraffe fullsize giraffe is kicking your ass a baby really a baby giraffe all right I think we might be crazy what do we have next a big horn sheep Hunter brother see y’all don’t understand if it is coming down to me dying or the animal I think you got your ass kicked off the cliff is what happened on this thing like he just ran what about a blue whale blue wh we got animals here all right he thinks the big Gordon sheep he’s taken as well uh honey badger Hunter they’re not that big yeah they’re small yeah this is true these animals are insane though you can’t you know you can’t shoot themer that’s how thick their siat yeah size mismatch brother man you guys are insane you don’t let him around a honey badger this would be dead all right what else do we have a black bear black bear hunter all right let me you said black that’s the SP to the Bears you’re right I got it it’s a black bear he knows dying this is incredible that’s all we got all right you’re not dying I won let’s go you I thought i’ put a bunch you could take and one you could not name if you would have put grizzly bear I probably would have said you probably would have yeah I would have not for sure though no I would have said the grizzly bear but not a black bear all right all right well we find the line we find have you ever encountered any of these animals in the wild um any of those I mean a mule deer um I got a Tex a true story I guess you were the hunter I was the hunted on that one I got my now I got pinned to the ground and then my parents had to save me wait really I was a child yeah PR you got pinned To The Ground by a mule a m deer up at at the uh the Canyon City what’s the arch there the Royal Gorge yeah yeah that’s where I was that must have been a pretty traumatic experience well you hear these stories and you think like what an idiot kid and then you get older and you’re like what are my parents doing I was kidding attacked by an animal but yeah that’s the story shockingly are Australians are more upset with the ostrich pick than the kangaroo guys I try to tell you about the animal kingdom ostriches are so tough you guys need to learn a little bit more about ostriches they’re wild have you been to the Denver Zoo yet M you need to go there and just stare down all these an let him know I could take you like send send the message all right hit that outro music kale do we have any super chats all we have some super chats for you the people have some questions for you macaroo Mike Malone give uh give Larry Bird 2.0 I mean hunter Tyson some minutes he is a bucket I need a 40 piece in summer there you go so last year at Summer League Michael Malone compared you to Larry Bird yeah not to like set expectations too high what else he said he’s got a little Larry Bird to his game another one from the Toyota chat bubbles buzzer beater hi Hunter my name is Bubbles that’s his legal name and I’m a big fan question was it weird having to go to middle school or high school when your dad was the principal that’s actually a great question so my dad was the principal in high school and um it was definitely weird my freshman year um but it’s something you get used to I mean and you know my Dad tried to let me have my space but you know going in there my freshman year it uh it was definitely very weird did you ever get in trouble I did did you have to go to the principal one time and uh it wasn’t good good question bubbles uh ps14 what’s good hunt couple of questions what has been the biggest challenge since being drafted and how was it playing for Andre Miller and Grand Rapids did cover that one has yic introduced you to rock also covered good luck for the season there’s really nothing there except for the biggest challenge challenge since being drafted um yeah man I appreciate the questions I would say the biggest challenge has just been you know trying to stay ready um when you’re playing games like whether I’m in the g- league or in college like and I’m playing every other night like it’s easy to stay disciplined stay ready but when you don’t know if you’re going to play for till next season or if for some reason you might get thrown out there you know in a week or two weeks if you know God forbid someone get injured it can be tough um but that’s just when discipline really comes into play so what else kale maharu again year of the hunter no he just wanted to tell you that it’s the year of the hunter yes sir anything else going to hear that a lot couple more 55555 is my big takeaway is that if I’m stranded in the woods and I had to pick one Nuggets player to defend me from Wildlife I’m choosing Hunter that’s probably not a bad pick that’s a good pick big takeway I I now wish I would have put way crazyer like a lion or something I know we need to go bigger we need to go big I thought I’d put appropriate level competition six course who is Summer League MVP and why is his name Hunter Tyson there you go yeah last year All Summer League this year we’ll see is there a summer league MVP trophy there’s got to be right I’m sure sure it’s sponsored by did you get anything for all in all first team summer league like a plaque or anything maybe a couple Instagram posts is that it K all righty thank you so much man for spending some time really appreciate it and uh you know we’ll be rooting for you all year cool everybody thanks for hopping in the chat uh today and we’ll be back tomorrow we got two more shows this week before we head to Vegas for summer leue hit that like button on the way out we’ll see you on the other side we all sitting like the mayor

Hunter Tyson is a sharpshooter from Clemson who made waves last year at NBA Summer League where he earned ALL SL honors. Since then, he has been working in the G-League with the aim of breaking into the Denver Nuggets’ rotation. He joins the show in studio to discuss Julian Strawther, Jalen Pickett, watching Nikola Jokic, Jamal Murray, and his goals for the upcoming summer league.

Start – 0:00
What did Hunter do with his time off? – 2:25
Being drafted by Denver – 4:15
Who did Hunter grow up rooting for? – 8:30
Hunter & PJ Hall – 9:10
Rookie “traditions” – 16:45
Munson as a coach – 17:30
Breaking down other young guy’s games – 19:00
Last year’s Summer League – 21:00
Playing the 3 or 4? – 24:00
Grand Rapids – 27:00
How is he a better player than this time last year? – 30:10
Jokic’s infamous text message – 34:15
The bench when Jokic has a masterpiece – 36:00
Who hates losing the most? – 37:00
Hunter on Moach – 38:00
Hunter’s goal for the season – 41:20
Hunter or Hunted – 42:40
Superchats – 47:00

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. I’m sorry. It bothers me that we had bench depth issues and we refused to play guys like this. Nuggets were going to make the playoffs regardless last year… why not play these rookies ?

  2. I need tyson to do something good next season hes been haunting all my packs have pulled so many hunter cards its ridiculous 😂

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