Super Skubs

Tarik Story

I have a story I want to share about, arguably, the best pitcher in Major League Baseball this year. When the tigers made their roadtrip to Texas, Tarik Skubal was scheduled to start the opening game. I sprung for some nicer tickets and showed my 5yo son Skubs highlights. My son’s initial takeaway was Tarik Skubal is a tough name. Tarik did Tarik things and twirled a great game. Watching him surgically work his way out of a jam and yelling in triumph was worth the price of admission. An usher happened to take my son to the front row for that half inning (which afforded the posted photo).

After the game, my son tried to get several players’ attention. As security attempted to usher people out, I saw Tarik in street clothes, talking to a group of people above the dugout. I pointed him out to my son, who immediately made his way towards the Tigers dugout.

“Mr. Skubal, Mr. Skubal, great game! Can you sign my ball?!” Tarik waved and spoke with my son, asking his name, birthday, if he enjoyed the game and several other questions. Skubs said he unfortunately couldn’t sign my son’s ball…globe life field is not a fan-friendly park. I explained the dilemma to my son, who, while disappointed was also accepting of the unfortunate news.

A couple came over and comforted my son. And this is how we came to meet Mr. and Mrs. Skubal. Mrs. Skubal was a 1st grade teacher, and it showed through the tenderness and attentiveness she gave my son. They asked if we were going to the next game but I informed them we weren’t able due to my son having school the next day. I let them know I appreciated watching how their son played the game and that I appreciated everything they did to make it possible for their son to find such success in baseball. Mr. Skubal said to give Mrs. Skubal our address, and ensured my son that Tarik would send something in the mail to him. They warned it may be a while but my son was still very excited; he loves getting the mail. We said our goodbyes as I linked up with my wife and other son, and caught an elevator up. As we got off the elevator, Mr. And Mrs. Skubal were waiting on the concourse but yelled goodbye to my son and said how nice it was to meet him.

Three weeks later, UPS delivered a package to our front door, addressed to my son from Mr. Skubal….inside was a signed baseball by Tarik! My son was thrilled and jumped up and down while holding the ball high in the air! My jaw dropped to the ground in astonishment and gratitude to the Skubal family. My son is proudly displaying Tarik’s ball on his shelf.

This was a memory I’ll cherish as a dad and baseball fan. It was awesome to see Tarik taking the time to talk with my young son and then the family’s dedication to send an auto ball in the mail after the fact is all-time. After meeting Mr. and Mrs. Skubal, it’s very apparent that he is who he is, because of who they are. Our house has been celebrating Skubal Day every fourth day…for which I copped a Skubal jersey to properly rep. (My son will continue to wear his Verlander until Fanatics gets its act together). Thank you Tarik and thank you Mr. & Mrs. Skubal. Y’all are amazing people who are doing amazing things. We will always root for you guys! We’re happy for Tarik’s all star nod and we’re keeping our fingers crossed Boch will make it a Skubal Day!

  1. Thanks for sharing! That’s a great story and one your son will always remember, most importantly.

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