Denver Broncos Just Made the rest of the NFL Jealous

Denver Broncos Just Made the rest of the NFL Jealous

the Denver Broncos just continue to make the rest of the NFL completely jealous and that all started today not at training camp but at Camp stey we’re going to break it all down and why it’s fantastic news for the Denver Broncos moving forward and really shows that Shawn pton has jelled this team together that as he talks about a young energetic core of individuals that reminds him of a college team we’re truly seeing it in a a really novel and new way with Camp St so let’s let’s break it all down here if you’re new the channel I’m Ben diard Denver Broncos fan it helps me out a ton if you believe that the Denver Broncos have already hit rock bottom and we’re bouncing to the top and you want to be here for it if you could smash that like And subscribe button um so the big news of the day is as we were waiting for training camp and news to start coming out that Jared stum followed the mold that Payton Manning followed when he did the throwing Camp famously with Brandon stokeley and dearius Thomas and he had all of his dudes um show up Eric Decker all the guys come out to Duke University where he threw with them and started to get the chemistry and that’s why he was able to hit the ground running even after his neck issues in Indianapolis it was that off season and the cool part of that was like he did it kind of under the radar he wasn’t out there showboating we know that when Russell Wilson first got to Denver he also did a throwing camp but it seemed more like a a Tik Tock YouTube highlight reel and it was all for the clicks and slow motion video that got pumped out to social immediately after uh we know that like Russell Wilson his own teammates didn’t get his actual cell phone number if they wanted to contact him they contacted his agent and I we just see a very different chemistry starting to evolve with these Denver Broncos with this winning culture so Jared Stam had all the boys uh including a couple notables that we got to talk about out to what they’re calling Camp sdy sdy is kind of a a fun pet name that uh Shawn Payton has for Jared SDM and so he lives in the Dallas area and he had them all out and were they all late dinner at his house last night and then are throwing today at Texas Christian University at TCU and the cool part about this is that um it could seem like he’s trying to it’s like an alpha power move like it’s my camp Camp steady but the cool part is that he was very vocal about the fact that b Nicks and Zack Wilson are going to be there we know that uh B Nicks and Jarrett stum are both Auburn guys and B knck followed him at Auburn and so you already start to see that chemistry there’s not a weird competition in it and I think it’s going to be crucial for Bon’s development to have a mentor we we’ve seen famous examples of like quarterbacks who don’t gel well with the quarterback in front of them I think the most notable one is Aaron Rogers and Brett Favre that they buted heads and Aaron Rogers did the same thing with Jordan love and that wasn’t good and so I I think this is going to be a lot more in the mold of uh like a Ryan Fitzpatrick and what he did with Tua taga vioa or what CTT Warner did with Eli Manning his rookie year and so I think that’s what we’re seeing with Jared SDM so bonck is there throwing uh and one of the other really really cool things is as we’re waiting to see how this whole courland Sutton thing is going to play out Courtland Sutton is at Camp steady now without a deal and so that’s a a type of thing in my mind that like shows that he is here for this team and that he envisions being with the Denver Broncos at the start of the year or he wouldn’t be at Camp stum if he thought he was on the trading block if he was Brandon iuk and we saw Brandon iuk the disgruntled 49ers receiver tweeting out and instagramming out pictures of the Washington Commander practice film so I think what we see with courland Sutton is just a level of maturity there uh That You Don’t See there so here it is Jarett stum talking about a month ago about this Camp that’s happening and then we’ll break down a little more about what we know about it and what I think it shows for the Broncos going forward you know certain things I see or you know one of the quarterbacks like we we you know we talk about things in the meeting room that you know sometimes may not be able to get voiced out on the practice field at times so it’s able to like slow down a little bit talk about certain things and and and build that continuity so he’s talking about like it’s not about me commanding the starting job he’s saying like hey this is going to help all of the quarterbacks in this room uh and so what we’re seeing here is that he is um he is having uh several offensive teammates including Bon knck and Zach Wilson and courin Sutton and then also some tight ends and some running backs all out there and and so it’s all about team camaraderie building that sense of hey common purpose all of us together and all of them kind of getting their reps in we know quot and Sutton missed all of OTAs and so this is a fantastic chance for him to get more reps with those quarterbacks that he is going to be catching passes for come uh September when the season kicks off uh and so we’re seeing that and the other cool part is hearing courland Sutton talking about wanting to be a Denver Bronco and saying that this isn’t going to be a three-year process to get better we want to win right now and going to win right now and and just looking this is the mold Payton Manning set it’s the mold that uh famously Russell Wilson also followed in his first year he did not do one last year uh I think he saw the reading on the wall with his future with Shawn pyton but very exciting to see how all of this goes hopefully we’re going to be monitoring uh Instagram and Twitter to see some pictures from this but I love the fact that they’re doing this in silence they’re not out there trying to get clicks they’re doing this to actually get better we know Lil Wayne the famous poet of our time said Real G’s moov in silence like lasagna and you don’t need to be putting everything out there they’re really out there working on their own of their own accord to get better and that shows a fantastic sense of camaraderie we know culture eats strategy for breakfast and all this kind of stuff is the Denver Broncos establishing a winning culture and I I think it is going to make the rest of the NFL extremely extremely jealous uh other thing I just noticed super quick uh here as as we’re closing out I saw this pop up on my Twitter so this was a a bone Knick’s play when he was with auburn uh and just seeing like that move the pocket and his ability to move I just cannot believe this dude is on our team actually like uh I remember watching this live he just making dudes Miss and I know in the NFL you’re not able to evade the sack like this uh but he’s just way more athletic than than you would think he is uh and then I want to show one of the plays from training camp that I think is showing Shawn pton wants to build on that idea of moving the pocket out uh and rolling stum out and so we’re seeing this right here uh that we this is going to be a fixture of our offense this year so something definitely to keep our eyes on watch with this play that they’re intentionally moving the pocket out and I just think that that’s going to be a fantastic fit for Bose’s skill set uh that we remember just even watching the uh the breakdown that was the other day Jordan Palmer was talking about how Nicks actually had one of the most explosive fastest times in the at Auburn knowing that that’s an SEC school that he has he’s an sneaky athlete and so watching him in the roll out is going to be really really cool to watch for sure um so my big question to y’all is what uh is the position battle you are most excited about watching a training camp in two weeks here we know that we have obviously quarterback battle is coming down the pike and what do we think is going to happen is it still s him is it B is it Zach Wilson but we also have a couple other things like what’s happening with that Center position is it um you know is it wattenberg is it going to be foresight who’s going to be our starting center I think looking at the inside linebacker position is it Jonas Griffith is it Cody Barton what does that position shake out our cornerback positions going to be crazy interesting to watch so I’m very curious drop me a comment tell me which positional battle at Camp are you most excited to watch about and what day are you going to be on the hill so I hope F can catch you all there either way off seon is almost over Camp city is going we got a lot to B leave in I got to make this one

The Denver Broncos youthful energy and college like feel is on full display this week at “Camp Stiddy.” Jarrett Stidham is hosting a throwing camp with Zac Wilson, Bo Nix, Courtland Sutton, Troy Franklin and lots of the WR crew! This gives proof to the Sean Payton claims that the energy around the Denver Broncos is different than it has been in years past. It also shows that Jarrett Stidham is fine with playing the role of mentor and I hope he’s much more in the mold of Kurt Warner, Alex Smith, Ryan Fitzpatrick than in the mold of Brett Farve, Aaron Rodgers.

Let me know in the comments which training camp battle you are most excited to see?

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  1. This was one of the break outs from the OTAs. I think we can plan on keeping 3 QBs (starter, back up, and practice), 3 RBs and we are rolling deep in WRs! Camp will be fire 🔥🔥🔥

  2. Stidi is the better pocket passer (untill proven otherwise). Wilson is a stud that needs to be refined. And Bo quite frankly is an unknown. All n all, no one knows who will be the best moving forward for the team. It's a "good/bad situation to have". 3-young potential starters? I'm glad I'm not in the position to choose but will trust coach on the QB front.

  3. Some day in the future, maybe in the next 10 years, I hope to be around long enough to see this fan base stop bad mouthing Russell Wilson. If I were an alien from space & I landed in the middle of this fan base, I would assume that Russell Wilson was a total scumbag who deserved to be sent to prison. I've lived through more than 50 years of following this team, & I've never seen even a tiny fraction of the kind of hatred & disrespect for a single player like I have for Russell Wilson. I am literally hoping he will retire just so I no longer have to hear people finding reasons to crap on this guy. I don't really get it. Wilson has done nothing but be a model citizen throughout his career. He has never been arrested. He's never beaten up a woman, been caught with a hooker, sexually assaulted a masseuse, never been busted for drugs, gotten a DUI, never talked shit about the team, never flipped off the fans, never had the gall to make white fans uncomfortable with his politics…in fact he's never really did a single thing to merit this fan base's scorn except for play a bit past his prime & show up here to try to play for a coach who had no business running a team & who no other players on this team could flourish under either…plus another one who had a system he wasn't a good fit for. For this…he has earned the the animosity of Bronco fans for the rest of his life it seems.

  4. The offense will be fun to watch with battles at QB, RB, WR, TE, and C, but the defense is what I'll be watching with battles for spots all along the D-line, at LB, with the spot opposite Singleton up for grabs at MLB, the depth at the outside and rush LB spots, theCB spot opposite PS2, and S, though in base Defense it will probably be Locke and Jones, with Stearns, DTY, and possibly Skinner vying for the back-up spots. There's so many spots up for grabs during this rebuild that I wouldn't be surprised if there was a battle at the mascot, position, too! It's going to be an interesting training camp with some difficult decisions by the coaches this year.

  5. No question, QB battle! And I love the quarterback room's team-first attitude. It seems like this is all selfless, careful building that as you said is building culture. GO BRONCOS!!!

  6. Hey Ben! Much love to your videos and enthusiasm for broncos country. Not trying to be consternatious or a Debby downer but if this is something you can address or not on video. But do you really feel this much enthusiasm about the broncos?? This iteration of the broncos?? I mean a stidham passing camp kinda feels like an eighth grader rallying the varsity high-school team a-la valor or cherry creek for a great workout. I love and respect your enthusiasm in a world of negative but do you really believe in these takes or is this just some really passionate Fandom taking form in well put together YouTube videos. Wishing you the best but just hard to think a stidham passing camp is a sign for good things to come

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