EP. 435 – Summer Splash – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 435 – Summer Splash – Orlando Magic Podcast

this is the sixthman show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go [Music] magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the 6man show today is July 11th 2024 Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia Luke do you know what today is uh it’s July 11th of course do you know what that is let me give you a hint googa no slurpy day 7-Eleven it’s slurpy day yeah naturally people are going to be like why the heck did he say Goa uh cuz go Girt slurps up those oh rebounds baby yeah so I was playing to Jonathan’s uh friendly names of Goa so yes 7 are you going to get yourself a Slurpee I probably am um we’ll I’ll probably find a time like somewhere in the middle of the day and and take my uh older you know children they love Slurpees obviously know take them to and I love Slurpees a little Coke P colada action like that that is my jam that’s my favorite uh Slurpee combo there you get a a free one right or what um I’m not really sure I think it’s like you bring whatever container you want and you get to fill it but I I don’t know regardless you go to 7-Eleven on slurpee day even if you’re paying full price like you’re still getting a Slurpee like it’s you’re still having a good time there um really quickly before we jump into the episode uh Luke we have some updates to give uh yeah so next Thursday that episode that comes out will be my final episode so um at least for you know in the regular there might be times in the future where you know if you guys are in a pinch could throw an invite whatever it might be but as the consistent co-host um that yeah next next Thursday will be my my last episode yeah so a week from today so what I want to ask of our listeners you know that want to give Luca a sendoff we’re open up the the voicemail box here you can call 407 60311 189 you know just let Luke know how you feel about him give him a a proper send off obviously you know he he’s he’s leaving but he’s not he’s not leaving leaving you know what I mean so he’s still going to be around a little bit just not obviously in in nearly the the same capacity so yeah we got a a couple more uh Luke episodes here to uh obviously to enjoy um before we don’t get them for for a while so uh Luke what was the weirdest thing that you ate this week the weirdest thing I ate this week uh I don’t think there’s I don’t think I’ve eaten anything super weird this week at all what how I’m hoping that that you have something great the McGrady meal I I just wanted to talk about the McGrady meal so uh T-Mac in partner with a another Outlet I’m trying to pull up that Outlet’s name right now as I try to talk about this alongside the art of dialogue is what it’s called they do you know content with uh professional athletes a few weeks ago or a week ago I guess Tracy McGrady did a video with them where he breaks down um what he calls the McGrady meal that he gets at McDonald’s and what it is is he gets the filet of fish sandwich and he opens it and he pours basically an entire packet of barbecue sauce on top of it now this might be shocking to some of you but I do enjoy the filet of fish sandwich at McDonald like it it is it is legitimately good I put french fries on it and it absolutely slaps Luke you look like you have a question yeah I do uh did did you put Kevin onto that or did he put you onto that or neither I think it was neither I have a a good friend of mine who like for years has been telling me that the F of fish sandwich is the best s sandwich at McDonald’s and I was like dude there’s absolutely not like I would never eat like fish from a fast food restaurant and then one day I just caved I’m like I’m gonna go ahead and try it and when I did I think I asked you guys you and Kev in our group chat like whether or not you guys you know ate that sandwich and Kevin does as well Kevin indulges in it uh pretty heavily from what I understand I think he’s a pretty big fileo fish guy so yeah I mean I’m the odd man out here I don’t think I’ve ever had it I care for fish unless it’s like sushi which is just funny in general that like I like sushi but I don’t care for fish it’s stupid that’s ironic yeah but uh yeah I’ve just never tried it is it like cod or what is the fish I think it’s Cod but what I would liken it to is like did you ever have fish sticks as a kid probably but I don’t not that I really it’s it’s like a big fish stick Patty is kind of what it’s like you know a little bit better quality than that but that’s like when the first time I had it that’s what it reminded me of and the barbecue sauce what was the verdict on it yeah so a typical like if we’re just rating like all food on a scale from 1 to 10 like normally I would give the filet of fish like a 7.5 right the the barbecue sauce brought it down a little bit for me like it it was just it’s it’s too much like the amount of barbecue sauce that is on it is too much but I just don’t think it really compliments the original sandwich that well so it tastes like barbecue sauce but it does give the fish like a that barbecue kind of smoky flavor which it doesn’t have on its own it’s not terrible like I thought it was going to be disgusting it was not disgusting but it also wasn’t as good as just the sandwiches on its own you said it’s a 75 on its own but is that what you’re calling by default because you always do this with fries or does the fries bring it to like an eight no the fries probably with the fries it’s about a 7.5 7 and a half okay and even with the fry I put the I tried it with the barbecue sauce I was like uh I guess it’s okay I put fries on it it made it a little bit better but it’s like at best like maybe a seven maybe a 71 with the barbecue sauce on like honestly I feel like it might be like a 68 I know I said a 69 on the the review that I posted but it might be a 68 with the barbecue sauce I love t- NE I I don’t think that sandwich is is it though but I also like I’m not up in arms that he’s eating that right you know it’s not like I I don’t know people put you know ketchup on things that ketchup should like you shouldn’t put ketchup on your macaroni and cheese like to me I’m like what what are we doing here right yeah no no absolutely but I know people that have done that yeah hey real quick Jonathan I want to give a shout out to to somebody that made my day maybe my week uh shout out to John I was dropping my kid off at his like daycare and I’m walking out to my car and all of a sudden I get transported to all my memories at Kia Amway and I hear six-man show cuz that’s what everybody yells and I don’t know if it’s because they don’t like really know our names or they just want to yell six I have no idea but that’s always what people go to and so turn around super confused and then I start to register like and then like hey what’s up man he’s like I’m a big fan of the show I’ve been listening for I think he said like a year and a half and was sad to see that or to know that I’m leaving and all that kind of stuff so clearly a listener at least in the last you know month and a half whatever it was when we announced that initially so John if you’re listening to this you made my day maybe my week and it was cool cuz that’s only happened one other time and they just feel like and noala and so for it to happen again in my city was like it almost felt like uh like my Parting Gift of like being on the show is like if I get nothing else I am happy that I got that experience it means more to me than it means to them and and so I always appreciate that so if you ever know C and you do see me feel free I love to chat and um yeah man it would just shout out shout out to John yeah like it happens in Orlando like obviously like we’re at the the epicenter of really everything that we do there so when we’re at games or events like obviously you know it makes sense that it happens there to me it has happened once outside of Orlando and it was at my dentist office and that was like like the coolest like craziest thing and then the next time my dad went to the dentist office because um I think I referred him maybe I don’t know but then like everybody there was like oh you’re Jonathan’s dad like blah blah blah like he was in here taking pictures and blah like that was really the one time that it’s happened it will probably I would venture to guess never happen to me again outside of Orlando but yeah that was a a cool um situation but yeah shout out John appreciate uh you know shouting out our boy Luke here we do have some um unfortunate news and you know obviously we’re we’re hoping that this news turns around um but we got news earlier in the week that uh Pat Williams this was reported uh by Alex Walker um on WFTV Channel 9 News in Orlando um that Pat Williams came down with some type of Pat Williams the founder of the Orlando Magic um came down with some type of like viral pneumonia and is currently in the ICU um and is like surrounded by his family so like you know he’s he’s definitely in in critical condition and uh obviously thoughts and prayers all across central Florida and all over the world uh for Pat Williams like you know we’re praying that Pat Williams obviously pulls through it would it would be a tragedy to to lose Pat yeah Pat’s uh Pat’s been on the show before and uh it was super gracious to give us any time at all so just the fact that he sat down did any type of conversation with us was amazing not many people get to say that they sat down with Pat but everybody who sits down with Pat talks about what a joy is so really really pulling for for him and his health and uh for his family regardless of the outcome this is you know I I don’t know if this is Pat’s first kind of battle with with this type of experience but um I know that that’s a wakeup call for for a family and and you know can be quite a scare so just uh praying for them and uh for peace and and and all of that and wisdom for the doctors right now yeah I believe he’s he’s uh you know beaten cancer before so like you hopefully this is just another one of those things that he’ll be able to to bounce back from but in the meantime you know while he’s in the hospital obviously thoughts and and prayers to to him and to his entire family and uh we’re we’re just hoping for good news for Pat and hopefully we uh hear more on that soon as we get closer to the Olympics in a couple of weeks uh fron and Mo who missed I think the the first friendly game for Germany as they warm up for the Olympics uh due to like their you know contract situations that were happening at the time um they played France the the other day and France had 17 points in 20 minutes as Germany beat France 70 to 65 he had three boards an assist and the steal and mo had five points and four rebounds Daniel Ty don’t think he played in this game I don’t know if that has anything to do with uh the contract that he just signed uh but we saw Mo in the starting lineup which is a a big difference from what we saw um last year in the F World Cup and uh early you know we don’t have a a big sample size but it looked like Germany was running a lot more offense through fron Varner definitely way more than they have the last couple of Summers so France probably I mean I think we’ve felt for the last couple of Seasons France is the best player on the German national team so as he gains more experience it seems like that’s just sort of like the natural progression of things so um yeah I am much more invested currently in the German national team that I am Team USA it’s going to be weird to see how I feel if those teams end up you know facing off because obviously I’ll be rooting for France but it’s like you can’t not room for Team USA like you know it’s a conflict of interest there we’ve had the discussion before uh where I stand on this if there’s not a magic player on Team USA for basketball I I genuinely I don’t care if if Germany is playing Team USA I will unregrettably be cheering for fron and mo in that game game it just there’s more to gain like the expectation and I’ve said this before as well but the expectation is that the USA especially with this team wins the gold if they don’t win the Gold Anything short of it is uh ridiculous honestly so I’m going to be rooting for fron Mo because everything every win that they get in the Olympics just I just feel like it means way more than the USA winning a game so I’ll be rooting for them uh fron and mo they they put out an article I think it was feba put out an article and the the headline was kind of just like a backhanded compliment to Germany and to fron and mo the Vagner Brothers push wimy list France to limit win preparation game it’s like can we just mention later in the article that wimy didn’t play I don’t care and fron went what I think seven for 12 in 20 minutes had 17 points and uh alongside Schroeder for for the uh the the game high with points so shout out to fron and mo I mean regardless they both made the headline that the the Vagner Brothers pushed them to the Limit and and they won the game so well just putting wy’s name in in a headline is probably going to double the amount of clicks that you get it is yeah exactly speaking of articles I I meant to shout this out at the beginning of the show we give the ringer a lot of crap um specifically because a lot of people over there are just genuinely bad at their jobs like let let’s just be 100% honest about that but and sure it always feels better when somebody is talking nice about your team but shout out to Michael pea who um the ringer put together like a staff article a couple weeks ago like answering big questions about the NBA like immediately after the finals and one of the questions was who do you think in the East is the biggest threat to the Celtics and Michael P said the magic and then he followed that up by releasing an article today on Wednesday uh basically talking about says the Orlando Magic quietly won the NBA off season and the whole piece is obviously about you know bringing case CPN um and extending you know France Vagner but just sort of like what the magic have been building over the course of the last couple of years and how they can be one of those teams that again exceeds expectations like I think there’s six or seven teams in the East right now that have better Championship odds than the Orlando Magic and I don’t think there’s seven teams in the East that are better than the magic so shout out to Michael P if you guys haven’t checked that out you can go over to the ringer.com and read that piece but I thought Michael did a great job with that and I I I feel like the article like the headline saying that we quietly had the best off season or whatever is probably a stretch however I will never turn down an article like that oh I’m not going to turn down a Fluff piece by by any means we never will it’s like if if if anyone were to say anything about the Magic’s offseason and say it was bad that wasn’t especially that wasn’t a magic fan I’d be offended so and on the flip side if you’re going to say that we had the best off season I’ll let you say it all day even if I don’t necessarily agree with it it’s we’re pushing magic agenda at any means necessary all day every day folks this is the last episode really uh before the magic summer league starts magic summer league actually starts this Friday at 4 o’clock as we look to take our revenge against the Cleveland Cavaliers for that uh seven game series loss um Kevin Kevin wanted me to make sure that I make this like a very personal thing between us and Cleveland that we’re going to we’re going to win that summer league game we’re going to show them you know and whoever wins by default wins the series yeah we get to go back and redo the entire playoffs stop of the result of the summer league game um but yeah it is officially Summer League season we’ll talk about the summer league roster in just a second but again the magic open up their summer league schedule Friday at 4:00 Eastern on NBA TV versus the Cleveland Cavaliers then they’ll play on Sunday against the New Orleans Pelicans at 7:30 p.m. that’ll be on NBA TV as well uh then they have a game July 17th which I believe is next Wednesday versus Memphis so they have you know two days off there they play Memphis at 7 o’clock that’ll be on ESPN Plus or ESPN 3 and then they have a backtack so they’ll play Thursday they’ll play the Brooklyn Nets at 8 o’clock that’ll be on NBA TV and their fifth game like depending on how well they do in those games where they end up in like the summer league tournament we don’t really know who they’re going to play until the rest of that sort of shakes out Luke anything really jump out at you about this schedule not not really Let’s uh let’s let’s roll the ball out play a little summer league action and overreact together just one game at the Thomas and Max Center I don’t love that like I believe the Thomas and Max Center is like the bigger of the the venues there um three games at the Pavilion like trust me folks you’re going to want to tune in to Anthony black Tristan da Silva Jed Howard like I really expect those guys to go you know maybe not incredibly crazy but at least a little bit crazy and I think that is a good tie in where we can talk a little bit more about this summer league schedule so first of all want to give a shout out to you know lonel Chalmers who’s you know assistant coach with the magic he is heading up um basically coach he’s going to be the head coach of the summer league team uh this season so a big shout out to Lionel chers always a good opportunity for those guys and then we’ll talk a little bit about the roster first I’m just going to name off the roster and then we can talk more uh specifically about certain guys Anthony black who obviously we very familiar with jet Howard Tristan D Silva Xavier Moon Theo madone Jared Culver Charlie Brown Jr Jared Rhoden ton Cooper Myron Gardner JC hillsman Isaiah to Kaiser Gates Trey Scott Charles Bako Bryson Williams Jay huff and Ed Croswell obviously the main guys that were paying attention to are going to be Anthony black jet Howard and Tristan D Silva I don’t know how many you know games ab and Jet Howard especially are going to play but I cannot wait to see that Trio together that’s obviously what we’re all going to really be watching for is to see how they do what they clearly show they’ve been working on I am really hoping to see Anthony black facilitate that’s all I’m looking for pg1 we that’s what we want to see because you just want to know it’s there I don’t necessarily think that he’s going to start at point guard at any point this year barring injuries but this is where he starts to kind of prove that he can do it we didn’t really get a lot of that at all last year A lot of it was honestly how they used Marco fultz two season ago put him in the corner and if he has a three take it and he did that like he executed in his role well we walked away from last season thinking Anthony black was still a good piece and you know we still believe in him in that in that capacity but we want to see that he can facilitate so we’re going to be looking for that for sure jet Howard I just want to see him put some dudes on skates and step back it so badly and I I think we’re going to get it the dude shoots he gets his shots up he what he had over nine threes a game attempted last year in the g-league it’s like this kid’s just going to put shots up and that’s what summer League’s for for these guys and uh and then Tristan D Silva I just want to see what he’s got I I don’t care really in what capacity he shows us just show me something show me something to get me excited about it and about him being on the roster not that I really need too much more he’s got the size he’s got the versatility positionally and he can shoot the ball so that’s that’s kind of the rundown of what I’ll be looking on the lookout for from those guys specifically though I think what I want to see out of Tristan D Silva is I want to see him look as good as fron did his rookie year in summer league because if you remember frons did not look great rookie year in summer league Jaylen on the other hand looked incredible in summer league his rookie year and then once the season started obviously that kind of flipped Jaylen didn’t look so great offensively was really good defensively and fron obviously just like took off especially after the first few weeks of the season so I I do want to see Tristan D Silva just like knockdown shots and be in the right spots that’s that’s really all I care about when it comes to him but yeah jet for those of you that don’t know uh he played in 35 showcase and regular season games last year in the G League averaged 18.8 points 3.9 rebounds 2.7 assists 0.9 steals per game I want to see Jed do some things I want to I want to see jet have like a 20 25 point game like to me it would just give me a lot more confidence that we’re going to see him in a significant way in the rotation this year if jet is like a real NBA guy this year given the amount of experience that he had last season in the G League we should be able to see him dominate on this type of stage and just to give context to for what it summer league looked like at kind of a bird’s eye view for Anthony black and Jet Howard last season and looking at this I’m on real GM so if anything’s wrong blame them but the averages for them and I can’t remember did they they played like two or three probably three games last year or did they play them all I want to say AB had like an ankle or something I could be remembering incorrectly but I don’t think we saw those guys in every game so regardless here’s what we’re looking at for them um AB played three games it’s here uh he played 28 minutes a game and in those games it looks like Anthony black um let’s see was 41 about 41% from the field almost 11 attempts a game two three-point attempts a game and shot like 16 A5 per. however Jed Howard played three games for the magic last year in summer league he shot 6.7 threes a game in 29 minutes and shot 40% from three I like that so the precursor like the the evidence was there that jet Howard can shoot and then he went into the g-league and proved it furthermore so I would love to see him build on that again and just have fun I wouldn’t be shocked if his three-point percentage is lower and his volume’s higher to be honest with you he shot 6.7 attempts last year on 40% I wouldn’t be shocked if we saw eight attempts a game 36 37% from three I’m really excited to see these guys play it’s always fun in their second year because you’ve seen what you’ve seen from them and then they get to kind of show out they’re more comfortable and uh I I think we’ll be pleasantly surprised with that but yeah they they went on to uh looks like jet averaged 13 a game AB averaged 11 a game AB averaged uh 8.7 rebounds a game in summer league big guard had some filthy assists last here too big guard and uh yeah on the assist side looks like he had four assists um and man we maybe we blocked this out or maybe we didn’t but he had four turnovers a game as well I don’t know as as the lead guard lead ball handler rookie I don’t put too much that but uh but but even still like that’s kind of a a a baseline to put him at for the summer league being like wanting to show and prove himself as a point guard who can distribute facilitate I would love to see him average more assists than last year and obviously less turnovers if we could get five assists five plus assists a game from him and like two turnovers I would take it two and a half whatever just just give me something that’s not a one to one assist a turnover ratio I do want to see him facilitate a bit more but I just want to see the offense like take a leap like I want to see him just more aggressive and getting to the basket and you know creating his own shot know it from what we’ve seen in some of the clips that the magika posted to social media of the summer league practices the release looks a little bit quicker on his jump shot so if we could see like some real steps that he’s taking offensively I think that would be absolutely huge you know for our our prospects moving into the the regular season here and do want to let you all know uh myself Kevin I don’t know if Luke I don’t know if you said you were going to be able to make it but Friday at 4:00 we’re going to be on playback uh watching this for summer league game so if you want to come out and hang out um playback. TV6 manow uh will be watching that summer league game so make sure that you come and hang out let’s go ahead and take a quick break before we break down the rest of this summer league roster want to give a quick shout out to our patrons the folks that help make each and every episode possible by financially supporting the show if you’re a fan of the show you’ve been listening for a little bit or a long time and you want to help financially support the show as well you can find us at patreon.com the6 Mano and pick the best tier for you we give a special shout out to our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons each and every episode so please let me start by shouting out the court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan borders normal magic player history Gabe gains Whiffle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch Dave pal and fron is warm Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez danal Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia D Lopez fuchia Bill Folton emmin lagone josea quand Caleb Pete cism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bruce halfrey kin shahan 177 Obby the dawn himo ban himo rmpr 221 Ray pastron magic hit 714 mysterious Mosley Irish Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle only fron Maria Keith walls britz BR sou Case green Santi Leon K neckar the distract Amad timsa chantu Tom Gatson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano magic wire Debo 1980 magic mat Michael Thompson Mama Richmond next s but what’s up playoffs 2024 Dylan Fay David Duffy Smith Sheiks ship syns buo times tantino 1995 sugs mugs Daniel Anderson Barry mael KY and Jay enr a big shout out to all of our patrons again if you would like to help financially support the six man show you can find us at patreon.com the6ix man show okay going down the rest of this roster we’ve got some guys with NBA experience we’ve got Xavier Moon a guy who’s got you know some experience with the Clippers has played in 28 NBA games a Theo madone who you might remember was in The Rising Stars game a few years ago with the Oklahoma City Thunder and then Jared Culver who was the sixth overall pick in the 2019 draft just to talk about these guys a little bit here these guys that we’re bringing in as of now we only have one guy on a two-e contract and that’s Trevin Queen last year in the summer league and you know early part of the g-league we saw a lot of DJ Wilson you know a guy who was a first round pick had experience you know with Milwaukee and I thought okay maybe he’s going to be one of the two-way guys ended up being Kevon and Admiral scoffield last year Xavier Moon Theo madone and Jared Culver especially I feel like those guys are competing for those two remaining two-way spots you you said who sorry Xavier Moon Theo madone and jarro Co all guys with NBA experience yeah um but then like obviously there’s a caveat of if you have four years or more NBA experience then you’re not eligible cuz I think we saw that in action for both Admiral and you know I think I I always forget that caveat I sure do but I think so I think that’s also just why we’ve seen uh Kon and Admiral not be on two ways anymore cuz I think the magic would keep those guys guys around forever if they could just great for culture team chemistry so that’s something to keep in mind when it comes to this I’m not sure if if Theo has passed four years I know Kon does not Keon um Kon Harris does not uh Theo madone he does he’s he’s got four years uh of exper yeah 2020 well no 2021 2022 2020 so he’s roughly at three Jared Culver is going to be the guy that almost certainly has uh a few years over the uh that fouryear limit but um yeah so maybe it it’s probably uh I mean Xavier moon 28 games under his belt and potentially Theo madon it seems like jerro Culver is is going to be probably exempt from that at this point but it’s always good to see guys with NBA experience on these rosters cuz these guys are are literally still fighting for their NBA lives yeah the other guy that I’m looking at too is uh ton Cooper and just quickly looking at him and guys I’m not acting like I watched much I remember seeing all I can really remember about ton Cooper is that I remember seeing him in a South Carolina Jersey this past season that’s really all I remember uh but he did average four assist a game and just one turnover at South Carolina and shot three and a half threes a game at 45.9% he is 6’4 basketball reference has him at 190 I know that could differentiate from what he was with like the combine but that’s what basketball reference has so 64 190 um seemingly can distribute the basketball so I’m interested to see if he comes off the bench obviously so Anthony black is running the offense and then ton Cooper runs the bench unit I’m not sure how they do it but he clearly seems pretty capable of of facilitating so he’ll be interesting to watch and that 3-point percentage relatively low volume but you can’t ignore almost 46% from three I think we’re sort of at the point where you know because of the fact that our our younger guys are you know going to be the obviously the better players on this team and ab Jet and trist and DVA we basically have filled out the roster we do have one roster spot remaining which some people think that the magic mes keep open sort of you know see what happens as the offseason unfolds and then you have those two two-way spots where I I’m I am not as invested in Summer League this year as I have been in years past Beyond those three that we’ve talked about jet Howard Anthony black Tristan D Silva uh but again the magic do still have two two-way spots we’ve seen them convert a lot of these guys from Summer League deals and bring them uh to the you know um now the a Ola magic so it’ll be interesting to see how all of that plays out one thing that I’m glad that we don’t have to deal with this offseason or this summer league uh you know rotation is we don’t have to try to act like we’re buying into kaoto that was so brutal last year all of the comments on every summer league video talking about kaoto and like people like doing back bends to try to talk themselves into kaoto was just really something and I was so relieved when the roster came out and K we were calling him saoto because we didn’t want to get that attention because it it was borderline toxic I I’ve got to Adit borderline those people like those Koto fans are were legitimately Relentless crazy for kaai SoDo and good for Kai clearly he’s a likable dude and people love him over there but yeah ridiculous uh for for that I mean just I can’t I that feels like so long ago uh but I remember it so vividly and he yeah I’m not yeah he he averaged three points a game is what ended up happening and people weren’t happy about his play time and uh made some crazy accusations about the uh summer league coach last year if you remember they said that Dylan Murphy was racist yeah it’s like no kaoto just flat out stinks yeah so I’m glad that’s over we don’t this year he played on the Chiba Jets the Chiba Jets fuan Nashi in the Japanese uh JBL Super League uh let’s see if I can find some stats here he scored a career-high 26 points and 11 rebounds I don’t have his game I was like what is going I I don’t have his uh his stats here in front of me but I I don’t mean to like P on to like kaoto he’s he’s been a intriguing name for years but um yeah the negative or or positive if there was any there was positive attention when he was named to the summer league team but almost everything like following that was pretty negative around that so I was relieved that we uh don’t have him on the summer league roster this year yeah um yeah I remember like the magic posted a picture of him at the summer league practice and that’s the first time I think where I was like whoa he’s got fans because the entire replies on Twitter and Instagram where people commenting about him and how amazing he is oh I was like wait should I be rooting for this kid to make the roster is that what that’s what’s happening and it quickly came to my attention that they were not nice people if we’re being honest so like in the early part of Summer League here like the stuff that goes on in in Sacramento Hansen Yang who uh played for like I don’t know if this is like the Chinese national team as they’re warming up for the Olympics but played against uh the Charlotte Hornets and apparently he he played really well and there are people on here right now saying that kaai SoDo is better than that guy on Twitter I just did a quick search for kaoto anyways we’re gonna end the the kaoto uh discussion here Luke I know you wanted to talk a little bit about like what the magic wrote a might look like this season so we’ll do that and then we’ll wrap up this episode yeah so I mean that’s the big the big uh question right now is because you’ve got that extra roster spot you talked about but then once you start to look at the roster and where we could be at for this rotation it’s like if you bring in another guy better not be or probably won’t be a guy that really receives consistent minutes and is in the rotation unless you trade unless it’s like a sign and trade situation but that’s what’s interesting to me because you’ve got 14 guys and you’re obviously looking at your starting lineup of Suggs kcp fron Pell and then you’re looking at the bench of and and a lot of times last year Mosley would run 10man rotations during the regular season especially but you’re looking at it going down the bench it’s like you’ve got ji Cole AB Mo Vagner jet Howard you’re at 10 right there Gary Harris D Silva Caleb Houston and Goa who Goa you just paid and like I I just don’t know what you do um I would reckon to say reckon I’ve never said reckon in my life oh my goodness I reckon uh Mosley is going to go 10 Deep because you don’t have a like there’s so many people and you’re still trying to kind of evaluate your young Talent obviously in ab and jet and maybe to Silva I don’t know what they’re going to do with him his age is interesting obviously and it makes me think that he will get some type of look and run but I just don’t know because right now as it stands I’ve got ji getting minutes Cole getting minutes AB getting minutes Mo getting minutes and then for your 10 spot who’s going to run it you’ve got minimal minutes left with the ones I put together and you’ve got jet Gary Tristan do Silva Caleb and Goa to choose from and and people have made good points like it doesn’t mean that what I drew up and projected is accurate people have said well they brought back Gary I just don’t see in a world where they want to win that they don’t give him minutes it’s like that’s a fair point I’m a big Gary fan as well but selfishly I would also like to see jet Howard get minutes in that 10th spot spot but I just don’t know and and as like you said that roster spot stays open I do kind of wonder if there is some sort of sign and trade looming for not the magic to sign and trade someone but for another team to sign and trade and what that looks like I have no idea but there just are a lot of questions and this could change with that scenario happening that could blow up the entire rotation that I’ve done except for maybe the starting lineup but I have no idea what that looks like for them yeah the main guys that we saw get minutes outside of the normal rotation like if somebody was sick or you know somebody got hurt something to that effect was mostly like chuma and Caleb Houston like we saw Caleb Houston get you know a handful of starts last season my guess would be that those minutes get replaced by jet Howard and Tristan D Silva so I I I do expect Gary Harris Pro just because like given his level of experience given like the way that he was still able to defend and shoot last year in the regular season I would expect that we still see him in the second unit but then it it is a little bit of a wonky fit with AB Cole and Gary all in that second unit maybe you’d want you know ideally a little bit more size at that three spot where but yeah I think Gary is capable of guarding you know some wings it’s going to be be interesting to see how all of that plays out like if if Jed Howard is just able to outplay Gary Harris and is able to play his way into the rotation that means that he took a huge step in in one year immediately after the draft when we started talking about Tristan da Silva and his age and why that may be a reason that he doesn’t play in the g-league this year I still think there’s a good chance that Tristan D Silva maybe not as much as Jed Howard but you know Caleb Houston played in I don’t know what was it like seven or eight games in the the g-league his rookie season maybe we see that from Tristan to Silva like maybe where they’re not just going to send him down there for the entire year but hey if it’s everybody’s healthy and the rotation is pretty much set and you know we’re going to be on the road for a little bit yeah go ahead and and send Tristan down to Oola see what he can do there and then when we get back in town he can rejoin the main roster I still think there’s a chance that that happens but I would anticipate that Gary is in the rotation you know to start the year and hey maybe somebody goes down and Jet gets the opportunity because we’ve seen Jamal Mosley when somebody in the starting lineup goes out he doesn’t just Elevate somebody from the bench right like usually he’ll bring a guy that has not been in the rotation and plug them into the starting lineup so that he’s not disrupting both the starting unit and that bench unit so so if you know God forbid somebody in the starting lineup has to miss some games maybe that’s where we see jet Howard elevated into the the starting lineup adding you know more shooting or not losing shooting from that starting lineup probably a good thing I think the thing about each Magic season is you know that and and really this goes for any NBA team somebody is going to go down at some point whether it’s a significant amount of time whether it’s three games four five six seven games whatever these guys are going to get opportunities it just comes down to what are they going to be able to do with those opportunities jet this season will get an opportunity if not we’ve got a real problem and I do think at some point during this season Tristan da Silva will also get an opportunity just like the one guy that may not get many opportunities this year is Caleb Houston because I do feel like over the course of the last couple of Seasons he has been given opportunities hasn’t really taken advantage of those as much as I hate to say it Goa batad you know when Wendell is out you know hopefully Wendell play 70 plus games but if and when Wendell misses time Goa is going to be another guy that gets opportunities so there will be opportunities up and down the roster these guys just have to be ready to jump on those and seize those opportunities when they come up I said this last season and it’s even more true this season this is a freaking deep team you I’m not mad at whatever rotation you want to put together as long as right now we can agree on the starting lineup your argument for who should get minutes on the bench I likely could be talked into because that’s what I noticed I put it on on Twitter kind of the minute distribution and all that kind of stuff and genuinely wanted a dialogue and I got a dialogue I’m still getting it and I tweeted it a day ago of people that have all their different opinions and as I read them I quickly realized oh I I could be convinced of almost anybody on the bench getting minutes this year there’s people that have that that said Gary should get minutes and Cole should get reduced minutes because Cole doesn’t meet the defensive identity of this team and it’s like oh I mean I honestly I didn’t think about that I really was thinking about the fact that Gary’s back on an $8 million average deal and I think I get hung up on that number because it’s like that’s not a rotation pieces number like their number for really any and in a lot of instances so but I also understand that the magic probably were surprised at how low of the number they could get Gary for and now that he is back you might as well use him because he was a starter last year so it’s kind of wild to go from a starter to non rotation piece so I don’t know maybe if col Anthony isn’t playing great or doesn’t uh capitalize on on his minutes to start the year maybe we do see a little bit of a rework there and see Cole slowly decline in minutes it’d be pretty crazy because that would signal to some other things as well yeah Gary Harris is the big question mark for me in the rotation because like we talked about this on the last pod but the second year of the deal is a team option he waved basically his not trade clause because typically when you see a guy sign a one in one it comes along with the fact that hey I have to agree to a trade if you guys are going to you know trade this deal he waved that no trade clause so I think to be able to get the number that he got the magic were like hey this is what we need you to agree to we’re going to give you a team option on the second year and we want you to trade uh wave that no trade clause so Gary to me is the the big question mark because at the term that they brought him back at I could see where they’re like no we’re going to invest in Jed Howard here but I also see the other side of it which I probably tend to agree with more I think you do too is this guy was a starter last year he’s still really solid defensively still a very good shooter has tons of experience if I had to bet money is probably still better than jet at this point I would bet that Gary Harris is in the lineup but if they go no like we think we’re going to be good enough and we can win games and develop jet at the same time I don’t really think you can argue with whatever path this team’s takes this team takes with those guys and It ultimately comes down to what does Jeff preach all the time he preaches internal growth you ask him about anything right and he’s like oh I think we can grow from within and that internal growth can happen and Gary Harris is not growing anymore Gary Harris is Gary Harris he is what he is and I think he’s a good basketball player I think he could start on a championship team as the fifth option right like I think he is a great piece and brings a lot of experience to the table but if you believe in that internal growth and you talk about shooting being something like you with with that internal growth Jed Howard is the guy that does that and if you want to see what he can really do you give him essentially a promotion because last year you had him in the G League the entire time so you give him a chance see what he can do I say that you I say you give jet minutes right off the bat and if he doesn’t perform he doesn’t perform and then you can kind of jockey minutes around but I would love to see it uh and if I’m Jeff welman or if I know from what I what I’ve heard from Jeff welman with that growth I wouldn’t be super shocked if they prioritized jet but I I also wouldn’t be shocked if they prioritized Gary in in winning right now so it’s a weird weird position the magic are going to have to choose a Direction they can’t hold on to everybody forever they’re not going to get to run a back again with this team so I don’t know man it’s it’s super interesting I just don’t think you can shove the number 11th pick in the draft for two straight Seasons right like to me that would be an organizational failure if cuz when we and maybe this isn’t like going to turn out to be one of these all-time type of drafts but even like early returns when you look at the guys that they drafted jet Howard over Derek Lively right that doesn’t look great right now keonte George a little bit up and down but has shown a lot of potential with the Jazz haime hwz right right now obviously better than Jed Howard Brandon pmy with the warriors uh even if we look at a guy like cam Whitmore which I know he slid all the way to 20 uh but then even in late in the second round like Tracy Jackson Davis you know contributed you know for the Warriors last year like you have got to almost just see what you’ve got I know we went through this a couple of years ago with Kem Burch and and and with Mo bomba but it just feels like the situation is a little bit different you don’t have a a coach sort of stuck in his ways in the way that you did with Steve Clifford and like moamba had been given opportunities you know along the way so far Jedi Ard has been really given nothing so um I personally if it was me like start the season with Jed Howard just throw him out there if it’s five 10 games whatever and the kid just doesn’t have it then you go back to Gary Harris but like it feels like the front office has to see what they have with jet Howard at some point yeah I definitely agree yeah so we’re going to see what happens uh when it comes to this rotation it’s going to be interesting and again it’s going to be one of those things that we probably don’t have a great feeling for until opening night and we’ll continue to to talk about this throughout the offseason but I think that is going to do it for this one uh for Luke Sylvia this has been Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic let’s go magic go goic

Summer League is upon us! Jonathan & Luke take a look at the Magic SL schedule, roster and who they’re watching.

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  1. Luke gone? 😢 I'm so sad. Definitely a huge part why I watch the pod. You still need to come back shirtless when we go on our guaranteed 5 game win streak hahahaha I'm going to miss you, my guy. May God bless your future plans with, and your family as well.

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