Atlanta Hawks: Vit Krejci signs, Saddiq Bey leaves for Washington, Bruno Fernando, Seth Lundy, etc.

Atlanta Hawks: Vit Krejci signs, Saddiq Bey leaves for Washington, Bruno Fernando, Seth Lundy, etc.

on today’s show the Hawks are about to head to Las Vegas for their opener in summer league on Friday Landry Fields talked to the media on Wednesday for the first time in a while there’s a bunch of news to get to we’ll get into all of that and much more coming up you are locked on Hawks your daily Atlanta Hawks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Hello friends welcome to episode 1763 of the loton Hawks podcast I am your host Brad Roland coming to you deep into the night on a Wednesday evening into Thursday and today’s podcast SP with the folks at the game time app download the game time app right now create an account and use promo code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply I also want to tell you at the top of the podcast to make us your first listen each and every day here at loton Hawks check us out anywhere you find podcasts that includes Apple Spotify overcast on the audio side as well as YouTube on the video side and if you’re watching on YouTube please go ahead and like this episode as well as subscribe to that platform we are part of the lockon podcast Network and we’ll dive in right now I should say I did a two-part episode a couple days ago now I guess day and a half ago now or so with Glenn Willis of 18129 that I dropped on Tuesday about summer leak kind of previewing that in Deep dive fashion that’s still very relev at this point in time listen to that show in both parts because the Hawks open up summer league on Friday Also the Hawks had immediate availability on Wednesday with the summer league guys as well as Landry fields the general manager and I’ll have some audio at the end of this podcast from Landry Fields but first there’s been a ton of news and I re I really do mean a ton of news that has hit sort of in the last I don’t know 36 hours or so there’s basically nothing for the Hawks newswise for about 10 days after the jontan Murray trade but now it all came flooding back in the last day and a half or so and this sort of a busy busy show as a result of that so we’ll dive in right now with what is probably the biggest news of the day on Wednesday and that’s that V CR is uh back with the Hawks so after a 3mon saga basically dating back to the Hawks not converting him from his 2A contract at the end of the regular season which is certainly controversial it was three months ago now but that made him ineligible to play in the playing game against the Bulls that was not the best thing for the Hawks to try to win in that moment but it did of course lead in sort of a roundabout way to the Hawks losing and then also uh having the lottery success that they had and then Ki finished the year on a two-way contract that made K’s qualifying offer to be restricted for agent another two-way contract and that made that an absolute no-brainer and he’s been a restricted free agent for about two weeks now I’ve been saying really for the entire time that it was always extremely likely that he’d be back with the Hawks on a multi-year contract and that came to pass on Wednesday W reported on Wednesday afternoon that CI agreed to a four-year contract worth about $10 million I’ve had that confirmed since then by the Hawks not that W needs my help to confirm reports but that is the case the Hawks have not announced that just yet as I’m as I’m recording this podcast at I don’t know 2: a.m. eastern time on Thursday morning but that that is going to be coming probably on Thursday from the hawk side as far as details are concerned it’s kind of sparse right now even several hours after the initial news broke um let’s just say the roundabout way that I’ve heard about this is basically a four-year deal for Cree at his minimum every season so basically his minimum contract possible for four years adds up to about $10.2 million so basically exactly what that was reported by W you have to assume based on that that it would kind of be his minimum all the way through now the deal kind of does swing on whether there are any non- guarantees or team options or player options and right now again early morning Thursday I don’t know the answer to that question I’ve been trying to find out for the last few hours not been able to do that but uh that’s important we’ll kind of follow on that later on but we do not know just yet if there is any sort of Team favorability beyond the cheapness of the contract or if you got a player option we will see in the coming days um as a kind of recap of where he is V just turned 24 years old it’s been a mixed career so far for V I have to say but he had this really really intriguing like 18 20 game stretch at the end of the year we kind of kind of he was pushed into the action by the Hawks by injuries he hadn’t played really at all and something they went from not playing at all all season to starting and basically playing a lot of minutes at of necessity but he defended the best level of his career during that stretch he shot out W from three on a pretty small sample size I will say but he’s always had the ability to kind of dribble put the ball on the floor and pass and play make a little bit for his side at 67 68 um his defensive growth this year is really impressive going back to his work in College Park with the g- league Allah what’s happened with a lot of guys that have gone down there in the last year or so the swing skill with beat is probably his jump shot he’s been like a 30 perish three-point shooter in his career so far which is not great of course even going back to the G league but he flashed more than that at the end of this year it looked better mechanically if that holds up or the defense holds up or both ideally this becomes a really really good contract for the Hawks we’ll kind of go through the roster later on in the show but in the end I was expecting Chris to be back on a deal kind of like this relatively cheap multi-year contract that’s Team friendly and that’s where the Hawks ended up in this spot part of that is that the team had so much leverage unless there was another team that was like lining up to give V an offer sheet which I don’t think was out there for him at this point in time that was kind of the only way that it wouldn’t be really friendly to the Hawks they had a lot of Leverage here and that puts the player in a tough spot I have to say and honestly for V it’s a lot of money obviously $10 million if it’s all guaranteed it’s a lot of money for a lot of people but it’s not a great contract for for the player side it’s very Team friendly I think at this point in time such as life um he’ll be at a battle for playing time with guys like Ree aay and Dyson Daniels Garrison Matthews etc etc this year but you simply put cannot have too many wings in the NBA that’s where they are at this point in time he asked to that and has a nice very intriguing skill set with his defense that he showed up this year with and again Hawks fans I would say say have to be thrilled with this deal on the whole the short version is if he play like he did last year which is again is not a given by any means but if he can do that over a larger sample size this this deal becomes an absolute and total Heist for the Hawks if he doesn’t maintain that level it’s still so cheap that it’s fine even if he’s like the 13th guy on your team making two and a half million dollars a year on average that’s totally fine so there really is very little downside here for the Hawks it’s only upside and again if he’s the player he was at the end of last year which is again it’s a big if but if that player still exists moving forward that’d be a very very good outcome for the Hawks and a great contract so overall an excellent piece of business for the Hawks I would say to negotiate this pretty hard lock V into multiple Seasons that are very Team friendly number great stuff there and for V some more security that he’s had before and there you go on that on the other side of things news wise sadique Bay is in the news and not coming back to the Hawks so I’ve talked about this for I don’t know two weeks now about the Hawks and Bay still talking about bringing him back to Atlanta potentially even after the Hawks did not give him a qualifying offer on June 29th one reason why that actually didn’t do that is because Bay might have just signed that qualifying offer for one year and that would put the Hawks owing him like eight plus million dollars for one season and as a reminder CI tor’s ACL so he’s gonna be out for probably at least half or more of this season could be the whole year Etc so what you don’t want to have happen if you’re the Hawks is to pay a one-year deal and have him leave at the end of it without having actually played for you so anyway his Market was not robust because of the injury um from what I heard but in the end he ends up to agreeing to a three-year $20 million contract with the Wizards this is a far cry from what s Sid was was probably going to get without the injury and the Hawks offered I would say considerably more than this I’ve heard different numbers but I would say let’s just say considerably more than this they were offering him a year ago in an extension there was back and forth there the two the two TS could not find an agreement on a middle ground which is not anything out of the ordinary it does happen you know every year there’s a guy or two or three or four or five they just cannot find an extension so that’s not anybody’s fault but Ba’s number was higher than the Hawks number that they were willing to give him so all that said fast forward year this is pretty unfortunate for sadik as we talked about a lot he’s a guy that everybody likes including me he had really bad luck with the injury on top of the shooting struggles from this year in particular but anyway the Hawks could have given him this deal but it would have given him a complicated tax picture and from what I’ve heard they were not really in in on Bay still if the market was robust if the have fallen off on sadik like all the way they could have brought him back at a cheap number would not have surprised me at all they were still talking in the last couple of couple of days and weeks but anyway this is a very modest deal if sadik is still the guy he was pre-injury and I know Hawks fans sour on him this year I understand he didn’t play as well as they did previously the shooting was the biggest part of that but even as someone who was kind of early on sadik being a little bit overvalued by some Hawks fans a year ago this is still a really good contract for that kind of player if he’s able to play again within next year but I don’t think the Hawks have any interest at all in paying the tax right now from what I can gather and this would have put them kind of in that Mark plus he was not restricted anymore so even if the Hawks had offered him this contract he might have just chosen to go to Washington because number one he is from there number two they have a lot fewer bodies in front of him and maybe a little bit longer leash so I don’t know that to be sure but I just keep that in mind it was not like the Hawks could have Auto matched this on their own Sadi might have wanted to go somewhere else so we’ll see on that but I could go longer on this if I wanted to dating back the Haw trading to the Hawks trading for him a year and a half ago and then ultimately at the end of this losing him for nothing doesn’t look great um the price was five second round picks it was a lot I would say not like crazy crazy for a guy who was cheap but it didn’t work out that well for anybody involved I am I am happy for sadik because he at least got some security with that $20 million given the injury stuff hopefully gets healthy and gets back on the market in a couple years makes some more money in his career for the Hawks side I’m not surprised this is kind of where things ended up B getting a real offer was kind of changing things there again I think the only way thew are going to bring bring him back by the end of this is if he didn’t have many other options so they didn’t match this or Beat It necessarily but I think it’s least possible again he could have just wanted to go home to DC but regardless good for him and the Hawks will move on without him at this point in time and again that’s not a surprise he was still on my radar but I kind of been planning that was more likely than not that he would not be back for the Hawks and now we know he’s not gonna be back for the Hawks he’s heading to Washington the Hawks will see him four times a year as long as he’s with the Wizards okay we’ll have more coming up and there’s plenty more news Bruno Fernando Seth Lundy EJ Liddell Etc and then lry field stuff at the end of the podcast with some audio from today’s media availability but first work from our friends at game time Today’s Show is brought to you by game time game is authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball 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Bruno in the time between those two deadlines about two you know week and a half two weeks the Hawks of course acquired Cody zel in the joned Murray trade and zel is not a great player or anything but he is on a guaranteed contract for three and a half million this coming season which is sort of A Wrinkle In addition to the fact that again the Hawks have capella aong wo and Larry Nance all at bruners position so Landry earlier today or yesterday as you’re listening to this podcast talked about how the Hawks were working with bro side to push back that guaranteed date potentially during his presser um a few hours later I was actually the one that broke this news that Bruno is guaranteed it’s going to be August 1st now so that’s three weeks from now what does this mean so on the Practical side it means that Bruno is on a non-guaranteed contract now for three more weeks and that gives the Hawks flexibility nothing else on the more theoretical side it can mean a lot of things but not necessarily anything in particular my read right now that the Hawks did not want to cut Bruno today or they would have but they’re also wary of having five centers on GT contracts they don’t want to have that happen basically at this point in time so they they kind of have to something’s got to change at center for the Hawks meaning again at least one of the four of the four centers who under contract kind of have to go have to be gone for the Hawks to bring back Bruno I think I shouldn’t say I know but I think so they went to Bruno and then this is again me theorizing or reading into this they went back to Bruno and said let’s push this back a little bit kick it down the road a little bit and then give themel three more weeks to kind of figure out the rotation at Center on Bruno’s side people were asking me why he would agree to this because it’s not a one-way decision as a reminder this is a mutual decision the player has to agree to push this date back um and basically only he could answer that but it’s a combination of two different things I think number one he could just really like it in Atlanta and want to stay Bruno is very popular in Atlanta Quin likes him a lot all that stuff like he’s he’s a he’s a fan favorite he’s a locker room favorite Etc or or like guess should say and or number two his agent does not have a readymade landing spot for Bruno right now if the Hawks were to cut him because if Bruno let’s should say had a deal waiting for him somewhere else for the minimum even the Hawks cutting him would actually probably help him because then then he would actually get guaranteed contract Etc but I would guess that probably is not the case based on what we’ve seen so far information wise so they’re kind of playing along here in hopes that he actually will stick around and have that $2.7 million that he has non- guaranteed right now become guaranteed in a few weeks for the Hawks everybody’s asking basically what this all means and it’s not as clear as people want it to be honestly on any side of this thing it does not mean they’re definitely trading Clint or definitely trading capella uh sorry capella and Clint uh Zeller or Nance Etc it just means that the Hawks prefer not to cut Bruno if they don’t have to but again they don’t want to be on the hook for five centers as my read on things right now so I’m pretty sure I said this last time he was gonna guarantee or not guarantee two weeks ago but I think Bruno will be around in Atlanta if they can find a way to move on from one of the other guys at least one of the other guys if not they probably have to cut him just for roster reasons also I should at least note this that the Hawks pushing this back would actually let them be able to trade him if they wanted to I’m not saying I’ve heard that but it’s at least a possibility um and by the way they have to guarantee his deal to trade him that’s what happened with Tower Z with Kody Zeller is that basically you know the Pelicans had to pay him guaranteed money that’s now on the Hawks books to be able to trade him so that’s one potential that Bruno’s agent could be thinking about is that if the Hawks wanted to move on from Bruno via trade that would get Bruno paid if nothing else so we’ll see for now what we know is the Hawks have kiic Kick the Can down the road basically for three more weeks so August 1st Circle that and then we’ll follow this throughout the month of July but that’s the latest on Bruno further down the roster here Seth Lundy had some news break on Tuesday actually that he’s back on a two-way contract I referred to this as kind of the most logical outcome for a while now on the podcast um because Lundy as V crae did ended the season on a two-way contract his qualifying offer was only another two-way but he’s also hurt right now he’s rehabbing from ankle surgery that he had on May 1st to remove move a bone spur in that ankle so in addition to all of the other stuff there’s some roster challenges right now for the Hawks of course they are have they’re very full roster crunch wise as we’ll get into later on in the podcast but the team could kind of keep Lundy around very conveniently by having him be on a two-way that’s what’s the case right now um the Hawks now only have two empty two-way spots instead of three um as a reminder L’s not gonna play in Summer League because of the injury but he should be ready to go for training camp in October I’ve always liked Seth quite a lot he had a late first great on him for me in the draft a year ago good value pick for me um in the 40s where they got him I still think that he he’s a guy that can kind of shoot and defend potentially for Atlanta not a super high saing player but someone on a two-way contract is totally viable for you adds extra depth I think you can play if you needed to so not exactly a high-profile move here but notable that he’s back with the Hawks on a two-way and they have some more work to do with the roster speaking of that roster reset here um as a rule in the ba you can have as many as 20 20 players on your roster during the summer but when October runs around basically when you get to the season you have to have 15 guys or fewer on full contracts and then up to three two-ways right now the Hawks have a roster crunch which landre landre got into a lot um earlier today on Wednesday but just to lay it out here they have 14 guys right now on guaranteed contracts they have Trey and Kobe at guard they have bogie they have Daniels and V Cree they have Jaylen and DeAndre Hunter and Reay m EJ lell at forward and then they have capella Aang Wu Nance and Zeller at Center that’s 14 guys on guaranteed contracts then they have two guys on non- guarantees that is Bruno Fernando and Garrison Matthews who they want to keep I’m confident but he’s still technically not non- guaranteed as of right now so that’s 16 guys right there you can’t have more than 15 when the season begins so that means just by math someone’s got to be gone between now and October that’s on one of those 16 guys then you still have jurisich who is a second round pick the Hawks obviously like they just drafted him he’s not signed to anything right now he could be on a two-way he could be on a full contract still theoretically could be on a stash overseas we will see but that’s a got to keep an eye on and then you have Lundy on a two-way so that’s basically it right now um I won’t do a full Deep dive at the moment because the Hawks are functionally right now under the luxury tax as I said before earlier on this podcast I would not be pretty darn surprised if they paid the tax No One Believes that they’re going to their moves kind of tell them story as well they are hard CA at the first apron that’s above the tax so if they’re not gonna pay the tax that doesn’t want to come into play people ask me that a lot recently like what does this mean hard cap and like theoretic basically it doesn’t really matter unless you think the Hawks were G to pay above that anyway and by the way they were not going to play about that so it doesn’t actually matter that much what’s happening there but um technically right now they have if you combine all 16 guys if you were to guarantee Bruno and guarantee Garrison they’d be slightly over the tax but they would not do that because they have 16 players if that happens so functionally they’re under the tax I’ll be it barely and then we’ll see what happens from there um last thing before we flip it over to Landry and get out of here on this very late on edition of the podcast by the way I covered team yose against Team Canada out here in Las Vegas this is probably the latest recording I’ve done in a while because it’s now past 2 am Eastern granted I’m on Pacific Time right now which is probably helpful but I’m still kind of gassed at this point in time so here we are anyway before we get out of here I previewed some League extensively with Glenn on that two-part episode earli this week which again listen to that show it focuses heavily on R and jurich and buffkin and moay Dy Windler Etc and now they have a six guy that’s on their roster radar that’s gonna be playing summer league in EJ lell so the Hawks added Liddell to the roster on Wednesday I reported that first I believe so that’s always fun having some news breaking but Liddell was if you missed it in the Deonte Murray tray which is how he got to the Hawks he he’s on a guaranteed contract he’s 23 years old about $2.1 million this year it’s almost the basically the minimum for him and the Hawks have a cheap team option on him for the following year as well if they like him which is not decided until next summer but a second round pick of the Pelicans two years ago he actually had a a torn up he torn up his knee basically in a summer league game I was actually at that game it was against the Hawks two years ago but he recovered played a little bit this last year with New Orleans as G League team especially played 29 games in Birmingham average 17 and eight he was he was productive there played Ohio State prominent guy in college kind of a bulky power four type listed at 242 lbs 67 in shoes so like definitely not like the biggest guy in the world height-wise but certainly bulky and physical a real Prospect at one point in time out of Ohio State for sure we’ll see how he looks now after the knee injury and kind of a year away from that but we’ll see on his jump shot as well I’ve kind of asked around New Orleans like that’s the big swing skill it seems like for Liddell is whether a shot goes in from the perimeter but he’ll be him being at summer league is pretty darn interesting because it’s just another guy to keep keep an eye on another guy that they’re probably going to want to play you know the Hawks have a pretty good luxury here most teams that I’ve covered in summer league only have two or three guys on them that actually really matter for the team this time the Hawks have four already Windler is kind of On The Fringe of that but was on the team last year for a while and is a real NBA player I think and then Liddell so that’s six right there of guys who like actually could matter that’s a lot more than you usually would see but and I know the Hawks for Hawks fans I’m sure there’ll be some reactions either positively or negatively about Liddell because they haven’t seen him play a lot but he’s now on the team on a guaranteed contract so keep it on him for sure over the next week and a half in Las Vegas also of note the Hawks added moar gay to the summer league roster no relation to moay keep that in mind no relation to moay although he is also from sagol so that I’m sure that’ll be confused for some people but they’re are not related moar is a 27y old Center he played college at UAB a few years ago has played some pro ball since then um I noted on the Pod with Glenn and even before that that the Hawks only had one true Center on their summer league roster so just probably just a depth move on some level I don’t think he’s a huge Prospect 27 years old not really been close to the NBA before so just another name out there not really a prospect but uh we’ll have us have plenty of Summer League talk in the coming days and but just just to say this out loud most of it will focus on the guys who are on the team but if someone breaks out I’ll talk about it for sure we’ll kind of give a that thorough breakdown as we were probably used to doing on the show and I’m trying to piece it all together tech-wise from Las Vegas from hotels and all that fun stuff so bear in mind I’ll be doing all that in the near future any anyway that’s all I have on the news portion and again it was a lot going on here I’m sure I’ll clarify some more stuff in the future with mailbags and kind of news and notes stuff like that but between the cree deal happening and Bruno’s will they or won’t they routine sadique leaving Seth Lundy’s contract like there’s a lot going on in Hawks right now and then hopefully that covers it all it all happen really fast and then we’ll get into more lat on if we need to U before we get out of here on today’s podcast though a word from our partners and after that we’ll have a little bit of audio from Landry Fields as he talk to the media on Wednesday about a lot of different things including the D jont Murray trade again but first from our partners on today’s podcast all right before we get out of here some audio from Wednesday’s press con from Landry Fields who spoke to the media for the first time since he actually made the Deonte Murray tray it’s been about you know a week and a half two weeks since he talked after the draft and a lot has happened of course since then of course a lot of focus was was on the Deon deal and what led to that Etc and the first first question came from Lauren Williams of the AJC about that and here’s what lry had to say about trading Deon to New Orleans so of course de jante you guys had him for a couple of years what went into the decision that now is the time that you guys wanted to you know go in a different direction uh just evaluating where we’re at um it was it was a hard decision it challenging we knew that we’re we ultimately wanted to be was was going to require some challenging decisions you know just not being at that point um currently where we felt like we can continue on um with what we what we have so wanted to reshape some things and um you know this is unfortunate part of the of the business deante is fantastic player um but we’re we’re excited for him and and his journey on in New Orleans but we’re also very excited about you know the guys that we got back um got a few assets with it too which are going to be helpful for us to continue to build so um you know I wish him nothing but the best he and his family have been great with us later in the availability not right after but right pretty soon after Caleb Johnson 929 asked a follow-up about the Deonte process and kind of whether it was a failure um to trade for him in the first place back when the Hawks did that two years ago when you have to make a move like trading to jante given the fact that you made a trade for him just a couple of years ago do you look at that as a as a failure or how do you kind of view it uh not at all I I actually absolutely not I I look at it as you know at the time we had an opportunity to go get a really good player and for where we’re at we wanted to take a chance and take a chance to make it to the next level of what we were trying to do at that point in time um you know I I think that at this point right it it’s the kind of what I said earlier it’s now faced with another challenging decision in in in moving him um but no I don’t see it as a failure at all especially when you look at that and go okay what are some things that we learned from that were are things that worked out well were things that didn’t work out well um but I think going back you know we would definitely take that risk again this is me talking now but you know some of this is that Landry has to say that it’s not a failure some of it’s GM speak which Landry is not afraid of doing by any means the part that he says about taking the risk again is one that I don’t agree with because I just don’t think it was good process in the first place and it was obviously poor results to the point where it went even worse than I thought it was going to go and someone who didn’t love the trade when it happened but even if they thought they wouldn’t do it again he probably wouldn’t say that so no huge surprise there but I want to at least share with you Landry’s first thoughts on the record since the dejonte trade um elsewhere in the availability Kevin chard of and at29 good friend of mine asked Landry how he feels about Dyson Daniels and that and that that acquisition sort of what he brings to the team and then you’ll also hear Kevin’s voice in the middle of his answer with a followup to Landry uh I feel great about him you know he’s he’s playing with his national team for the Olympics um so that’s been good for him and feedback that we’ve gotten and the amount of film and inperson studying that we’ve done of him as a player really fits like what we’re looking to do more and more of so um couldn’t be more thrilled like we’re excited about about his uh his talent and his fit for us what about his game are you particularly excited to get uh his defensive versatility is something that really stands out um his shooting has gotten better it’s something that we think we can get an uptick in him as time goes on with his development so if we’re able to help him stay the course defensively and then give him some offensive adjustments there um turns to a real player earlier in the podcast today I mentioned that Seth Lundy is going to be back with the Hawks on a two-way contract lre got a question about that and his return about lry about lendy overall here’s what he had to say about Seth yeah you know for him it was you know unfortunate with injury it’d be great for him uh to have played summer league but these things happen um a guy that at the time when he first had that uh injury last season was really the trajectory kind of looking up on what he was able to do especially shooting the basketball and um you the development that he had in the G league for College Park I thought was great so just for a guy uh and what we’re doing you know just going to continue to develop him so um he’s hungry he’s gritty uh as a player and I know he wants it too so we’ll be excited when he gets back from injury those are the kind of the big newsy things there were a couple different exchanges it’s kind of just very much GM platitudes from Landry as he is often going to do part of that’s the job and he’s also very good at kind of talking a Circle whenever he needs to no real specifics on next plans as you might imagine you got you got a question about Center depth at capella in particular and he kind of said it was an ongoing evaluation that they still find Value in Clint nothing really revelatory there so um that’s kind of what I where I leave it on sort of the news front he did not a roster crunch they’re facing right now which obviously I talked about quite a while now he I think the the words that landre used were quote some more tough decisions to make and quote um but obviously I’ve talking about this for two weeks now basically that they have these four centers maybe five centers all back and forth back and forth and uh not going to be able to kind of start the season like this so plus beats hanging out there etc etc the last bit of audio that I’ll share with you before we get out of here on this Wednesday into Thursday is that Landry you got a question about what he’s looking for from RE Ree and jurich in summer league and here’s been to say about his two draft picks going to Las Vegas get more and more integrated accustomed to actually playing a new style of basketball I mean it’s one thing to go from college to the NBA but coming from two completely different countries and playing this system I was just you know I was talking with Juka earlier about he’s like there’s so much spacing there so much things that your potential out there I’m like Yeah man you’ll have at it uh like um those are all new things for them um so I think it’s just making sure that we’re supporting them and integrating them into our system into our way of doing things and then just going out and competing but those are all things that I’m not worried about because that’s that was part of our process and assessments uh during the draft process is make sure those were covered like we didn’t have to worry about those things um those guys have it after that you actually got a follow up about how long they play in Summer League something it’s always kind of a topic is how how long your guys are going to keep playing in Las Vegas every organization does it differently the Hawks don’t really hesitate to shut guys down necessarily this is a different different regime I will say um they have played more basketball recently recent sh in jurisch than most college players have so maybe a little bit of a shorter leash but nothing committal from Landry on that so we’ll see how that all goes um on that front before we get out of here just a reminder the Hawks are going to be playing five games in Las Vegas four of them are scheduled already the first one is on Friday evening it’s a 9:30 pm Eastern Time start on ESPN against the Wizards of course the main event there is ret versus SAR number one versus number two all the alexar baggage um the no workout stuff all that stuff is I’m sure it be talked about a lot I’ll be in the building so I won’t be able to mercifully hear all of the way it’s framed on the broadcast but I’m sure that’ll be a big topic throughout the game uh but I’m also looking forward to seeing buff Gan and jurich match up with first- round pick of the Wizards bub Carrington a guy that I like quite a bit so there’s some Talent on the wizard side Al have you know five six players that I’m pretty interested in on their side as well so pretty good talent the first game is always always a lot of hype and the number one versus number two in prime time on Friday there’ll be a lot going on there so stay tuned for all of that all right that’s all I have on today’s podcast if nothing big happens I will probably wait and record after the game on Friday if the Hawks make a transaction I will jump into action between between now and then so please stay tuned as always please subscribe to the show if you’re watching on YouTube go ahead and like this episode as well as subscribing to the page on YouTube and telling your friends also on the audio side please subscribe to the show on Apple on Spotify on overcast please leave festar ratings and reviews there as well follow the show on Twitter SLX Lon Hawks follow me on Twitter at BT Rolland also find my written work and some extra Hawk stuff BTR roll and I very much appreciate all of your support there as well thanks for listening everybody hopefully you enjoy the rest of your week and at the very latest we’ll see you after the game on Friday

Brad Rowland (@BTRowland) hosts episode No. 1763 of the Locked on Hawks podcast. The show reacts to the news that Vit Krejci will return to the Atlanta Hawks on a four-year contract before pivoting to the latest news on Saddiq Bey, Bruno Fernando, EJ Liddell, and Seth Lundy. Then, Landry Fields speaks to the local media for the first time since the Dejounte Murray trade.

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  1. Unfortunate for Sadiq Bey. I thought he did well for us. All the best to him in Washington who are putting together a good squad

  2. If you watched every hawk gamel like my self since 89, you would know that bey although good on some nights was very inconsistent. Him and hunter both have to go.

  3. I want you to keep an eye on Vit. I wish him well, and I wish you could tell me his backstory, especially if his improvement is legit. I wounded how he got to the Hawks and where he began his careeer

  4. On the Athletic th previous Hawks writer wrote about Bruno and his lifeee before coming to the Hawks. I’m a solid fan and they should use Bruno i community relations. He could go to schools and tell his story.

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