SAD SACK: Angry Micah Fires Back! #Cowboys Fish Report LIVE

SAD SACK: Angry Micah Fires Back! #Cowboys Fish Report LIVE

and I said what about breakfast at fishes she said I think I remember that film and as I recall I said we both kind of like it I said well that’s one thing we got breakfast at fishings I’m Mike Fisher your trusty and Trust reporter this is the Fishbowl that is a star and it’s Sugar’s birthday a happy birthday to sugar happy birthday sugar thank you uh array of sunshine the most wonderful person most beautiful person inside and out that I’ve ever met a also lovely and wondrous is Micah Parsons inside and out he’s also um as you may know a bit of a fireball when comes to his opinions um in person in interviews on his podcast and of course on social media and uh he’s quite a fireball on the field as well about as good as a guess well he’s mad and he’s said this a few times I play even better when I’m mad which of course we all say uh uh we we all say that about our we all think that about ourselves if it was really really true then we would always make ourselves more mad uh obviously The Human Condition is such that you don’t you can’t do that for 18 straight weeks you can’t do that seven days a week uh times 20 weeks for 18 games that’s not reality uh but you can get yourself fired up on social media so here comes a stat judgment of Micah and other NFL Edge rushers this is compiled by uh oh Jeremy Fowler at ESPN and I will tell you and if you’ve watched this program recently this by the way is the fish report uh connected to Cowboys an Athlon Powerhouse uh and uh we invite you to hang out at Cowboys oh five or 10 times a day click seriously click there every hour there’s uh Cowboys goodness there every hour almost down the hour Jeremy Fowler makes things up I’m not saying he doesn’t talk to some League Executives coaches and Scouts but his own employers know that he makes things up so I’m very skeptical when he says I’ve done a survey of League Executives coaches and Scouts and you should be skeptical to and Michel Parsons is now more skeptical than ever these rankings supposedly pulled opinions from uh all these higher ups Parsons gets a ranking of third overall among Edge rushers I suppose that could bother somebody I do bother me that’s fine where do you put miles G where do you put TJ watt where do you put Bosa mic is not the only good one right so overall you take your survey and he ends up third now some people are making a fuss out of the fact that somebody voted him seventh I guess I think that’s low but I also guess I don’t care as we’re getting closer and closer to getting to Oxnard an actual football season and by the way I will be an Oxnard come with me uh we will do the fish report at least twice a day by the way from training camp I might adjust the times uh we worked on this last year when we were in California I mean I don’t know you know the 720 uh central time fishport that’s five o’clock in the morning I don’t know we’ll see we’ll work it out the closer we get to actual football the less and less that these lists matter he’s seventh he’s third he’s first I want to make sure that uh my list has enough credibility if I’m going to list great pass rushes in the NFL I got to make sure my Parson is on it somewhere that’s good enough for me Micah is not upset it doesn’t appear at being ranked third overall or being ranked uh seventh by somebody he’s upset at how they arrives at their numbers and we talk a lot about Pro Football Focus but now this is ESPN coming up with a number a stat and I think over the course of time because ESPN’s been uh so great at what it does including self-promotion over the course of the Decades that we’ve come to take ESPN is kind of a Bible the is if they say it well I mean it’s got to be factual they say that last year Micah had a career-high 14 sacks that’s true despite facing 167 double teams most among Edge rushers 167 double teams Micah counters 167 there’s no way it was only 167 it was more like 500 then he says using abbreviations M eer I can’t can’t effing win man fwm I assume that’s what that means effing win man it’s up this year on Mama two weeks now I don’t know what half of that means somebody’s gonna have to help me translate but let’s walk through this a little bit number one on the amount of double teams the stat is either right or it’s wrong Micah saying it’s wrong by 66% maybe ESPN because somebody sat down and watched film to do this right maybe they’re talking about 167 double teams while pass rushing okay now let’s now we we can do math here well I can’t but we can 167 divided by 17 games that’s 10 double teams a game Micah is saying it was 500 double teams in the year 500 divided by 17 that’s 30 double teams per game so the first thing we would have to do is determine how many times did Micah Parson’s pass rush over the course of a game because I will say this in my mind’s eye and I assume in yours too Michael Parson’s getting to take on a blocker one on-one I don’t think that happened very often right are you visual are you envisioning michah Parsons playing 65 snaps and he gets to go one-on-one as a a lot so that that number doesn’t seem right AV Clark you are going right where I’m going and I appreciate you getting the show um the double teams by the way are natural as you’re as somebody’s pointing out Lawrence sailor got double team both gets double team TJ wattt gets double team miles Garrett gets double team that that’s right so it is part of the deal but if we’re going to analyze the Who’s Who and the what’s what we got to get the number right so there’s a mass mik has got a point here there’s a massive discrepancy between saying he was double teamed 167 times and and him saying I was double teamed 500 times and here’s why here’s why I get why it matters to him his view should be listen if you give me a single blocker 67% more of the time than you think you’re doing it I’m G to get way more than 14 sacks I’m gonna beat my guy way more than he’s right he seems right 167 teams somebody not me not you we busy we have lives somebody just needs to go figure out if that’s true Did did ESPN really screw this up by 67% did they screw this number up by 67% where did they get this number and and if if they got it from Jerry Jeremy fer I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it’s completely screwed up now M follows this up on Twitter by saying I’m the most doubl teed player which I think is established but as the story points out his 35.3 pass rush rate win rate was the best in the league five percentage points higher than everybody else and Micah points that out I’m the most double team guy but I have the best pass rush percentage and most pressures okay then he says saying that my prod ction was low H something’s not adding up now I didn’t read the SPN story I just read the tweet I don’t know if the ESPN story said that his production was low or or maybe maybe that’s what a commenter said somewhere and Micah was responding to that however ESPN or some general manager or some Scout or some stat boy feels about Micah some of the numbers are inarguable he is on the very short list as one of the League’s most impactful players after just three years on either side of the ball there is this is a this is a fact there is no defensive player in football that gets game planned more than Micah does no one gets game planned more than he does offensive coordinators quarterbacks con concern themselves with where’s Micah as much as they do any defensive player in the league also inarguable the sack numbers as they stand for him and we talk about he gets worn down late in the year uh he gets held he get he should do more he should have the sack numbers have they as they stand put him in Reggie White’s CL so we are watching a phenomenal performer here uh eventually going to get paid like it by somebody I think by the Cowboys I think he’ll become the highest paid defensive player of all time but here’s the next level on this and if you’re wondering Vincent Miller you’re pulling no punches on Fowler um his Cowboy contract coverage is completely made up he I’m telling you he’s going on TV every Saturday and he’s making stuff up that’s a fact yeah we got to go add up we got to go add up how many how many pass rush attempts Micah has how many times does he Rush the passer over the course of a year that’ll help us be able to determine what’s realistic on the double teams unless Pro Football Focus wants to get this right or ESPN wants to double check its numbers and get it right Terry I enjoy Uncle fish live me too Bubba you’re going where we’re going Gregory if the League’s going to allow all these holds on Micah then maybe they should trade him I appreciate the thought Gregory you should be uncle fish premium by the way with the circle and the star I don’t think the two things have to do with one another uh I I don’t think the greatness of a player and then the League’s reaction to his greatness saying oh my gosh what are we going to do should cause the Cowboys to then counterpunch by saying we give up but I appreciate your thought and I understand your thought here’s my final take on this and I I see many of you going in this direction not being upset with Micah you know at at least at least this one’s about football at least this one’s not about Britney Griner or the Marines or or or fouls in an NBA game or hockey goalies skates at least this one’s about himself and his football his Excellence shines above and beyond anything that Jeremy Fowler or some Scout or some stat can say we all see that this defense I think has Weaponry once again to be good as I said repeatedly here this team’s the Cowboys in 2024 their obstacle is not a lack of talent their obstacle is the lame duckus of it all the blow it upness of it all that’s the problem uh my man uh uh uh somebody ripped me last night saying you sure said a lot of nice things about the 53 man roster sounds like they’re going to the Super Bowl I didn’t say they’re going to the Super Bowl I’m saying the roster is good and it is and one of the reasons that the roster good as M Parsons but Micah if you know and the Cowboys know and your coaches know and the teammates know and the guy that signs the check knows why do you need to stoop to getting in an argument with Jeremy Fowler who does not know maybe when Micah says I play better angry if he truly believes that then then maybe these kind of arguments and debates are not only fun for him but maybe they’re an outlet for the lion backer to create new motivation for himself maybe or and I lean this way and I’ve said this for many years and I’ve said it to the face of many players I used to say it to Dez I used to say it to Beasley who used to after the game they would run they would run to their phones and run to Twitter I would say to them why why are you arguing with some guy on Twitter about a pass route you’re cold fraking Beasley he doesn’t know and I say it here does it give you extra motivation are you a little add so you’re trying to just you just trying to busy yourself or are some of these musings and some of these comments a frivolous distraction Micah Jerry and Steven and McCarthy and Zimmer and mlay no Dak and lamb and Zach and tank and Diggs no the Cowboys audience knows people that in general who know football know you don’t need to argue with them about your Brilliance to win an argument about your Brilliance Micah you’ve already won the argument Cowboys all day long Marsha’s birthday all day long and fish at 6 live tonight join us won’t you please fish out



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  1. Reggie White he is not. First 3 years. White played 9 less games, but had 51 vs 40 sacks, and 274 vs 142 tackles. Bulsh. As to why Micah feels the need? Same reason do. Inward insecurity masked by bravado. Should be a familiar concept.

  2. Green Bay didn’t concern themselves with “ where is Micah”. The ran all over he and the defense! Oh that’s right after getting spotted 2 ints.

    Micah was 8th in sacks last year.

  3. It's amazing how much Micah just runs his mouth! I rarely hear Garrett or the Bosa's or Watt or Crosby sqawk like Micah does! I just can't justify paying him $35 plus next year!

  4. If the other defensive linemen are all one-person blocks, it seems reasonable to believe Micah was double-teamed more than 167 plays!

  5. Fish. ESPN should not live rent free inside of your show. We don’t give a shit about Bristol and neither should you. Straight dope no bs. I don’t think any of us care where Micah is ranked. I wanna see him and this whole damn team step up and be able to beat a 7th seed team when it matters most.

  6. Fish. ESPN should not live rent free inside of your show. We don’t give a shit about Bristol and neither should you. Straight dope no bs. I don’t think any of us care where Micah is ranked. I wanna see him and this whole damn team step up and be able to beat a 7th seed team when it matters most.

  7. If you hate all of them and non of them are any good plus you don't want them to get paid why don't you go find a team that you like and pull for them!!!

  8. "Impactful". He's a spectacular pass rusher, so in that sense the term applies, but obviously there's more to the game than pass rushing. He's not excellent in other important areas. Also, regular season performance is not the same as playoff performance when the serious football starts.

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