Arber Xhekaj, Kaiden Guhle, Alex Newhook, Justin Barron and Youppi with Georges Laraque today, they played hockey with kids at Henri-Bourassa school

Arber Xhekaj, Kaiden Guhle, Alex Newhook, Justin Barron and Youppi with Georges Laraque today, they played hockey with kids at Henri-Bourassa school

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  2. If I was an NHL player you’d see me at all these little events I love playing ball hockey… AND humiliating kids!

  3. Love when Georges does stuff with the Habs, this is so cool. The Habs media and PR work in this new era has been so well done. Like, every part of this org from the top down has been given that extra care and attention, and there’s such an aura of positivity. How can you not be excited for the future man.

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