Kupp’s Injury — I was not a fan of the hip-drop rule, but since it is in play, how the FUCK is this any different than what happened to Mark Andrews last year?

Kupp’s Injury — I was not a fan of the hip-drop rule, but since it is in play, how the FUCK is this any different than what happened to Mark Andrews last year?

  1. It’s happened a few times in every game I’ve watched this year.

    This is a hip drop, but not as blatant as the type of tackle I assume they’re trying to outlaw which is the super obvious “I’m gonna get off my feet to drag you down hard” kinda tackle.

    This one seemed a bit more of a defender with his hands on the player getting dragged rather than anything super intentional or malicious.

  2. Oh but don’t worry, they will give the player fines during the week! 🙄 This league is run by fucking jerkoffs

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