[Damon] Bassitt and Springer had some comments after yesterdays game. ”Player accountability is massive, and I think we have that here. It’s just for whatever reason fans don’t want to yell at players; they want to yell at Ross. I don’t know why.” – Bassitt (Quotes via Mike Wilner)

[Damon] Bassitt and Springer had some comments after yesterdays game. ”Player accountability is massive, and I think we have that here. It’s just for whatever reason fans don’t want to yell at players; they want to yell at Ross. I don’t know why.” – Bassitt (Quotes via Mike Wilner)

  1. It’s not a one person thing but a collective issue for how the season went before the deadline.

  2. Well… I mean players can only do so much. Did bichette / springer have down years? Sure.

    If they were career average, is this team in a playoff spot? I don’t think so

  3. Cuz you guys (the players) seem like genuinely decent people. Yelling at some corporate loser in a suit is much more fitting

  4. Yea let me blame the players that clearly aren’t good enough for what’s being asked of them.

    Like is it Justin turners fault he couldn’t magically turn back the clock to perform at an all star level? Because the team seemed to be built in a way that needed some unlikely stuff like that to happen

  5. Maybe if we yelled more at the bullpen they’d throw faster or in better locations!

    I blame the renovations. They are too cozy in there. /s

  6. I know the reason why. It’s because there’s a large group of fans who’ve hated Atkins from day one because he replaced their golden boy. The same golden boy who was offered a contract and rejected it.

  7. >fans don’t want to yell at players; they want to yell at Ross. I don’t know whyfans don’t want to yell at players; they want to yell at Ross. I don’t know why

    Because the FO has delivered the same result year after year with tons of different players. It’s always “this is our year”, “this is the movie” epic hype and then they shit the bed and underperform. Not always as badly as this year, but the last many years have fallen short of even reasonable expectations. Not one playoff win last year and the year before is crazy given the teams we had. And the players are almost entirely different since this trend began, *so it’s not them.*

    “This is the movie” and we have Brad Hand getting significant innings with his ERA of like 75, give me a break.

  8. I can’t help but think that if there were true accountability, Springer wouldn’t be hitting leadoff and Varsho wouldn’t be hitting 2nd.

  9. As one of the fans who would like to yell at Shapiro and Atkins, I have plenty of good reasons to want to yell at them.

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