Here are Houston Astros glaring advantages to maximize success ahead of postseason!

Here are Houston Astros glaring advantages to maximize success ahead of postseason!

#astros #stonecoldstros #sportsmaphou

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  1. JV is past his expiration date. Just like other great athletes they don't leave when they know it's time. As far as the "back of the baseball card" comments, I can only assume Bagwell still has some sort of influence in the front office (unfortunately).

  2. Leadership in the clubhouse is probably underrated re: the regular season. Dusty was soooo bad in the playoffs, but equally ‘good’ when nothing mattered. With Altuve, Bregs, and JV
    , telling everyone the playoffs are when it matters, (and they’re right) and Espada a ‘quieter’ manager, we may have simply fed off of that energy this year. Love flying low on the radar!

  3. Charlie…..JV’s ENTIRE existence is to be in top form for the playoffs…he’s scuffling we get it, but the playoffs are not the same game (DID YOU GUYS FORGET..) Blanco and Kuchuchi (sp.) haven’t been tested in the playoffs!?

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