This man’s commentary will never fail to hype me the fuck up

This man’s commentary will never fail to hype me the fuck up

  1. He’s gold for the ears amazing time always listening to Mitch anytime I play his audio people are always like whoa he makes the moment unbelievable

  2. A couple of years ago I had to listen to the Chiefs Radio broadcast all the time.

    Now, when the Chiefs are on TV I turn the TV sound off and listen to the Chiefs radio call.

    Yes, the plays are out of sink by 10-15 seconds….but I will never go back.

  3. I feel bad for my kids. Theyre almost 3 and probably won’t see this kind of greatness coming together in their lives

  4. I didn’t realize until this rewatch that that kick was so close to being blocked. Game of inches for sure

  5. You’ll be hard pressed to find another team announcer in sports who is as passionate and personally invested in the team he covers, maybe ever. He was born and raised here, he’s part of the fabric of the community, he gives a true voice to how we feel about the team. I can’t imagine anyone else as the voice of the Chiefs.

  6. Crazy to think Reid, Mahomes, Kelce, Veach, Spags, and Jones are all on the chiefs at the same time. Tops it off having the Mitch in the same caliber of legendary to call the games too. I’m enjoying every bit while it lasts.

  7. Butker started turning away before the kick was all the way in. Knew it was good before it crossed into the end zone.

    That’s the confidence of best placekicker in the league right there.

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