Classic Jerseys this season Rumored to be a White version of the 2022 Classics (From ProLineMockups)

Classic Jerseys this season Rumored to be a White version of the 2022 Classics (From ProLineMockups)

  1. I loved the 2022 version of these jerseys so I’m definitely pro bringing them back, I just wish there was yellow somewhere (either they themselves be yellow or the lettering be yellow). If these are in fact them, that would mean 2 of their 4 jerseys would have very little of their actual team colors on them.

  2. Not mad at it, because the Cal/Michigan jerseys by far were way worse and the flower jersey, the rest was fine the flower sucked.

  3. So everyone will just forget the 2009 navy jerseys? I think those may have been some of the best colorways I’ve seen from the warriors.

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