Think the Eagles would swap Huff for Reddick?

Another no show by Huff and that last Falcons drive was brutal. JD needs to make the trade and fix the universe.

  1. If Reddick agreed to play for them under his current contract, they would do it in a heartbeart. But he wont do that so this will never happen.

  2. They don’t know how to use him at all. I saw him drop back into coverage. On purpose. that’s not something he should literally ever do. They expect him to be an every-down DE, and he’s not that. He was never that.

  3. I dont want Huff back. There is absolutely no guarantee hes gonna repeat that fluke year.

    They also paid him so I’d rather just pay Reddick than take that on.

  4. Letting a player walk and then using draft capital to bring them back would be very on-brand for JD.

    Yes, I know what’s being proposed exchanging Huff for Reddick, but the fact that we gave up a pick to get Reddick in the first place would effectively mean we spent that pick to get Huff back.

  5. Man Saleh and Ulbrich are miracle workers. Hopefully they get one of the UDFA’s DE to be good this season .

  6. Reddick is putting up the same production as Huff right now while sitting on the couch. So yeah, I’m all set on that.

  7. I am taking a victory lap on Huff. Never saw a player worth $17 million dollars. WMD is just as effective in the run game but can create pressure on 3rd downs

  8. Maybe Jets were right to let him walk. We’ll see as the season goes on lol. But I distinctly remember a play earlier in the game where he exploded off the line and just fell on his fucking face.

    I have to believe that’s not the norm for the Dline, but it just made me laugh so hard lol

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