Scottie Barnes is having a baby 👶‼️

Scottie Barnes is having a baby 👶‼️

  1. Man everyone was flamin bruh for that post. He must have x ray vision or something cause gettin this prediction right from that photo is not it. Make it make sense. Lol

  2. aww man, this is such a shame. Girl is 32 and trapped Scottie, how the fuck did he fall for something like this.

    Congratulations on the kid though, no ill will to him/her, but this girl…

  3. She turned comments off, looks like she wasn’t expecting people to find it 😕 edit: her instagram account is private now

  4. You guys are so weird, talkin about she trapped him this or that . They are DATING and have been for a while. The man is happy and excited to be a dad and you guys are out here back seating and hating on people you don’t even know.

  5. Big deal, she’s 32… Must be a lot of kids in here. Either way, NBA players have kids in their early 20s this is nothing new, his kid will be set up for generations to come.

  6. Oh shit, Scottie gonna get that baby buff that Jalen green had end of last season, and freddie had in the chip run.

  7. The parasocial relationship people in this sub have with the Raptors is so fucking weird.

    Scottie’s partner announces her pregnancy and all the boys in the comments can say is, “wow she got the bag”, as if it’s impossible for two adults to have a relationship even if one of them is wealthy. Not everything is about money.

    I swear 99% of this sub has never actually been in a real relationship or understand what it’s like for two people to be in one, lol.

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