Throwback to when the formerly Arizona Coyotes (now Utah) and the other teams used these locker rooms at Mullet Arena for their last season

I hope Utah gets more professional locker rooms for both sides, especially for the visiting teams because imo this was depressing to look at

  1. Thanks for the throwback. Time sure flies, feels like it was just last season they played their last game at the Mullet.

  2. Everything about the Mullett Arena thing is how you know the NHLPA is a fraud. Any real Player’s Association would’ve put up an actual fight against that absolute shitshow embarrassment and lack of professionalism but luckily for the NHL and the owners, the NHLPA is in collusion with them to keep the players meek and under their thumb.

  3. Gotta laugh when the Coyotes fans blame Bettman for the team to be sold and moved to Utah. Like they are actually mad at Bettman. Hes the one who gave that team so much leeway over the years. The Coyotes best years were when the NHL owned it, and the fans still didnt support it.

    Or how about that throwback when Katie Strang was vilified by the Coyotes fans when reporting how much of a sleezeball Alex Muerello really was, when she was right the whole time.

  4. That first photo was from the start of the first season they moved into Mullet whilst they were still building the annex that housed the opposition locker rooms.

    Not defending it, this is shit both ways. Just pointing out what the photo is of.

  5. How are people still spreading misinformation, the make shift locker room was for only 5 games in the 1st season.

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