Gazette’s Brendan Kelly trying to stir a language debate forgetting that the Captain is participating in French classes

Gazette’s Brendan Kelly trying to stir a language debate forgetting that the Captain is participating in French classes

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  2. Perfect example of why some of the Habs media is so shitty. Just goes to show we gotta cherish the good ones we got like Arpon Basu and Marc Antoine Godin

  3. Yeah, not a Kelly fan at all. But due to budget cuts, ‘showbiz’ content people are offering their ‘opinion’ on sports. And an anglophone baiting francophones to a nothingburger subject like this…stick to indie bands and films.

  4. I don’t see anyone being mad about this anymore. Coach and GM speak french and we have a bunch of Québécois on the team. We’re not going to go for a 100% french speaking team lol…

    Side note. Chantal’s work cannot be overstated. Jesus Christ she’s completely turned the fan’s opinion on the org these last few years. It’s like no matter what happens I get annoyed at the press and take the Habs side nowadays. In Bergevin days it just felt like a dump full of old school out of touch dudes that kept making shitty decisions. Now it’s a squad of smart dudes trying their best to the right thing, and you can’t help but cheer them on!

  5. the Gazette’s twin headed dragon of terrible journalism and inflamed rhetoric, Kelly & Todt. just don’t give them air

  6. Brendan Kelly is a pathetic loser. He is a music writer who happens to now write about hockey. It’s insane to me that the Gazette went from Dave Stubbs to Chris Curtis to Brendan Kelly. Talk about a fall from grace.

  7. Has a french canadian, I couldn’t care less about having a captain that speaks french. I really do appreciate the effort when someone does it. But learning a language is really hard, especially when you have so much learn and do in your work.
    I’ll probably get downvoted to hell by saying this but I don’t care. I’m just so tired of having the media focus on dumb things like this.

  8. The man has legit made a career shitting on the habs. He gets paid for negative spins on the team. It’s just another day.

  9. Je trouve ça quand même pathétique comme opinion, spécialement quand on a plusieurs joueurs dont la langue maternelle est l’anglais qui font l’effort de répondre à des questions en français (Matheson, Barron, Mailloux par exemple)

  10. Brendan Kelly is a Gazette “writer”. You know, the Anglo newspaper of Montreal. He’s not a hockey guy, he’s a showbusiness guy who likes to think he understands hockey.

    100% language baiting here.

  11. As a French guy, i don’t GIVE A DAMN what language our captain speaks! He could speak Mandarin exclusively for all i care as long as he knows how to win hockey games.

    We’re trying to win a cup, all those extra steps (that other teams don’t care about) are completely unnecessary and are a burden to success.

  12. I appreciate French and have personally been learning French to help comprehend more Habs content, but people like this are the biggest turn off about being a Habs fan. 

     Might as well call yourself a leafs fan if you’re going to take shots at our rising stars without checking your facts.

  13. Can we stop about this? It’s not because they don’t speak French publicly that they don’t know it. As I was learning English myself, I could understand and speak a little at first but it was so intimidating to speak in public for YEARS that I wasn’t doing it. As my skill level improved, I became ok with it.

    To be honest, as a Francophone Habs fan, I absolutely don’t care about that because of what I saw from Nick (especially him) I am 100% convinced that when he meets younger fans (kids) he can and will say “Bonjour, comment ça va? Joues-tu au hockey? C’est qui ton joueur préféré?” and that is all I can ask him. Not going to ask him to write a 50 pages essay in French about the influence of French in Quebec… that would be pointless and stupid.

    Remember Sidney Crosby? Yeah, Francophones fucked that up making fun of his accent or w/e and now he just doesn’t do it for the media.

  14. Went to school with older family of his.  They are wonderful people, intelligent, creative, positive.  I don’t know him but always thought this was an act.

    This tweet is just so objectively wrong and wrong-headed.  

    He’s got some ‘splaining to do.

  15. Brendan Kelly is one of the worst aspects of Montreal media – just a troll who stirs the pot for clicks.

    The other worst part is L’Antichambre

  16. Even if Suzuki spoke french, they’d probably complain that the captain of the Montreal Canadiens should be Quebecois. They will always find something that isn’t good enough.

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