2024-2025 Knicks Roster: Deepest Knicks Roster to date?

Now of course trades can happen, but as we speak the roster is locked with 14 guys, with Hukporti and Mccullar and Toppin filling the 2-ways contracts. That leaves one roster spot to be filled. My guy Mook (Marcus Morris) wins that spot out at summer camp-calling it now.

I’m not saying we don’t need to put icing on the cake with maybe a more developed backup center. However I think with :
•Our remaining draft picks
•Roughly 5M in spending + MLE
•Trade value in any player 10-18

-We will be able to make a trade before the deadline in feb for a solid 12 mill contract backup

I know Thibbs loves 8 man squad, but with the current talent I truly believe the rotation will be 9/10 man this season.

This is the best constructed Knicks team I’ve seen in my lifetime, with the most promising 4-5 years to come.

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