How are we feeling about Moss as CB2?

How are we feeling about Moss as CB2?

  1. From what I have seen I have actually been very encouraged. Hope to see him keep stacking good games.

  2. Seattle he got worked at times, but was decent. Thought he did a great job against the steelers and had the phenomenal PBU to get us the ball back until Locke had the helmet to helmet. I think he’s been pretty solid. I just hope PS2 gets back to his ceiling, been a rough couple games for our CB1.

  3. He’s been tested more than a few times and stood up to it

    Playing alongside PS2 has to be a tough gig

  4. I think he’s been playing fine. Gets beat but not outright burned and always seems in play to make a tackle.

  5. Not quite Jason Seahorn good, but he’s held up so far and has looked a lot better than Mathis did last year. Room for growth? Absolutely. Fingers crossed he makes through the season without any stints on IR, that’s the only thing I could see holding him back.

  6. is it me or is every coach we have every qb or ever wr problem we have been the same for the last 8 years? coach doesnt know how to play call in a timely matter calls way to many screens 4 yard behind the line. leaves time outs and wastes them keeps doing what doesnt work finds something that works and doesnt go back to it? qb i excuse bo for this since he is a fresh rookie. when we do move the ball and find some working room automatic throwing a into or takes the sack by running right into the d. 3 wr have the ball in his hands and just drops it no separation on the snap and when we do find a wr that does something for a few games out of no where they just forget how they had a few good games and drop balls again?

  7. He’s is playing great for what they ask him to do. It’s always hard to be the cb2 on a team with a dominant cb1

  8. He’s getting beat at the line but somehow manages to make plays down field. I bolieve this team is going to lockdown by week 4 like last years team after starting 0-3.

  9. I’m encouraged so far. Playing opposite is PS2 means more passes coming his way. It’s also the NFL, teams complete passes. It’s very common, but he’ll still take the heat even though every week CB’s all around the league give up completions. As long as he’s not getting burnt nearly every play. Pass breakups are always encouraging.

  10. I think he’s been doing well. His first game he was primarily covering lockett which is a tough assignment. It’s only his first 2 games but I’ve been encouraged. He seems to be where he needs to be atleast.

  11. Far better than Mathis was early last year. Once he develops that mindset from, I’m just happy to be here to I’m a problem, is where he will take his game to a different level. Pleased with what he has done so far.

  12. He’s having a good start to the season. Also Brandon Jones has been good. I’m more worried about ILB.

  13. He’s been a pleasant surprise, but the real tests are ahead of him. He’s got Mayfield/Godwin next week and Aaron Rodgers the week after. But, as with Nix, if we want to see young players grow and develop, we’ll need to accept that they’ll fall short from time to time. So if he gets burned by Godwin, I won’t be calling for his benching, I’ll be looking to see how he responds.

  14. Im glad people aren’t giving him shit for the game sealing first down that Lockett caught in Week 1. That was great coverage, but a perfectly placed ball by Geno and a fantastic grab by Lockett. I think Moss has been fine.

  15. He looks pretty dang good so far I think. Not really worried about anyone on defense at this point though, they’re doing their jobs.

  16. First game he was in position but didn’t make many plays on the ball. Made some great tackles. Second game it didn’t seem like he was targeted much but did have that huge PB that was taken away because of the late hit by Locke. Overall for what is essentially his rookie season he has actually been impressive.

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