Chaos on Steph Curry’s China trip leads to multiple cancellations

Chaos on Steph Curry’s China trip leads to multiple cancellations

  1. Damn…I knew the NBA was big in China but that’s crazy. They gotta keep their mitts off Curry though.

  2. I didn’t know the Chinese love curry so much. I thought it was a Japanese and Indian thing…

  3. This crowd behavior always reminds me of the great underlying truth of this exchange from “Men in Black:”

    J: Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it.

    K: A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.

    Each and every person in these violent mobs, I imagine, would be respectful and polite, probably even calm, if they were to meet Steph one-on-one. Put them in a large group, and their behavior immediately becomes a danger to themselves and others, including Steph.

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