Woj is retiring

Woj is retiring

  1. #Tampering.

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  2. Damn…I know we as Buck fans still joke about the Bogdanovic fiasco. But cheers to a solid career, Adrian! 🙌

  3. good riddance… I will never forget his mishandling of the Bogdanovic deal and screwing us over

  4. Hmm….. ESPN has been jettisoning talent for years. Makes me wonder if he was let go. Kind of gives me the standard boilerplate “I’m leaving to spend time with my family” that every executive says when they get let go.

  5. This just makes me think about what we’d be like if we swapped Donte for Bogdan…. and it makes me very upset we didn’t get to see that

  6. Who cares? He’ll be replaced by another corporate cocksucker eager to prove his worth in an industry that doesn’t need to exist. Bonus points if he’s got the most basic name on the planet, something like Barry Bartlebee, but goes by Bosco.

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