[Athletic Alchemy] What happened to the only Player to Three Peat in this Era?

[Athletic Alchemy] What happened to the only Player to Three Peat in this Era?

  1. damn i really thought this was gonna have some insight i wasn’t aware of but it was kinda just a recap for people who didn’t watch mccaw’s whole career

  2. Depends what you mean by “this era.” In the “modern era,” there was only one other guy who three-peated with two different teams . . . Steve Kerr.

  3. McCaw is a cautionary tale of a succession of terrible decisions. I don’t think he was ever quite the same after he got practically suplexed by Vince Carter. It almost looked career ending. One of the hardest slams I’ve ever seen on the court

  4. Damn, I loved this dude when he was with us, I legit thought he was our future, then after his injury in 2018 something inside him changed, he didn’t seem to be the same guy in terms of effort, and then when he didn’t resign with us, that was disappointing.

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