Behind the scenes…

More to the exchange between CJ Stroud and Williams post game.

Behind the scenes…
byu/HighlanderLAR inCHIBears

  1. I like CJ… I wouldn’t want his rather bulbous head struggling thru the neck hole of my finely knit sweater, I wouldn’t trust him with a V-neck, but he’s ok.

  2. Where did this made up story come from? Caleb looks like he doesn’t know what to expect so keeps thinking he should leave. Stroud is being great here. Idk what the big issue is

  3. That’s a successful, respectful, humble young man and I think he’s exactly what this league needs.

    Never knew much about him off the field, but he’s showed a lot navigating this. Hope he has a great career

  4. Cj is a good dude. It’s annoying Caleb is getting hate for this exchange but it’s becoming apparent the rest of nfl fans will hate him just for breathing, fuck em

  5. We live in a time when even good intentions and kind gestures are spun into negatives.

    Can’t even do a good deed without being criticized.

  6. Wtf is there drama?? I love CJ, him and the Texans are such an exciting team. Yeah I root for the bears but CJ is sooo fun to watch

  7. I was just catching up on 670 podcasts from this morning and Bernstein was talking about this. I had to turn it off and put on some music. What a ridiculous thing to criticize. Bears coverage is just insufferable at the moment.

  8. Obviously love CJ. For some reason this reminded me that the Texans lost to the panthers in like week 7 last year. Let’s be more patient

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this qb play, hope they get deep into the playoffs and may they be the toughest opponent we played

  10. C.J is a good guy. I have more respect for him. I hope the best for him as I think he will be a great player!

  11. Caleb was getting hate in USC and he’s going to get hate here. This is just the beginning of the media trying to spin narratives on him unfortunately.

  12. Love CJ, why you gotta run away from pressure so well and throw to open receivers god damn it lol

  13. Dumbest story all month.  Caleb did nothing wrong.  Can the crazies give him more than two games?  He’s a ROOKIE…

  14. As a bears fan I can easily say : Cj is such an easy guy to root for, so classy, humble, mature, and seems like an amazing person.

  15. I hate how much I love CJ Stroud man. Possibly the future best QB in the NFL, great dude overall and loves talking about Jesus. I don’t usually give a flying fuck about non-Bears players but Cj is good shit.

  16. I rarely say “fuck the media” for making something out of nothing, but fuck the media this time. Trying to twist this into a negative situation is ridiculous. Find a real story.

  17. CJ is the model for a franchise QB super jealous. Hoping Caleb is able to fight through these challenges and show he can do so as well

  18. How can you not like CJ Stroud? One of the most wholesome dudes the game had seen in a long time, and humble none the less. I don’t cheer for many guys outside of my Bears, but I’m a fan of this guy. The rest of the Texans on the other hand can go screw

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