Cardinals After Dark 9/18


FINAL: 10-5 Cardinals


Postgame Wrap


  1. Tonight’s win did not make Michael Keaton (Pittsburgh native) very happy, as he posted a pic of his TV of the game on his Instagram where he complained about the ownership. Can’t say I blame him! Good series for the Birds, tho.

  2. The Cardinals are about to finally go on that run we’ve been begging for the last almost two months, better late than never haha. See you guys tomorrow to watch the sweep.

  3. McGreevy needs a nickname. And he’s undefeated in MLB. I like how he seems to hide the ball and then boom, the hitters just stare at called strikes.

  4. Seeing on twitter that the double by Walker is literally the hardest hit ball by the Cards this year, 115.1 mph.

  5. Oli complaining about the strike zone even though the ump gave sonny the same calls on the same spot. Rookie move oli

  6. this gives me way more confidence in the idea of declining both team options for lynn and gibson and just going gray, fedde, pallante, mcgreevy, and fifth guy who is hopefully not but probably will be mikolas

    no shade to lynn or gibson, really – they both ended up being good for their contracts – but i see the merit in not resigning them in a way i would’ve been less confident in without giving mcgreevy a successful second look

  7. Do we really trust John Mozeliak or Great Grandpa Dewitt to rebuild this rebuild team? What can we do to just make them fuck off?

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