Wood: Jeff Hafley on his linebacker: “I love where Quay’s at. And not where Quay could be — where Quay IS going to be — I love that even more. There’s some plays you turn on, and you’re like, ‘Wow, that’s exactly what we’re talking about.'” Hafley has big plans for Walker in this D.

Wood: Jeff Hafley on his linebacker: “I love where Quay’s at. And not where Quay could be — where Quay IS going to be — I love that even more. There’s some plays you turn on, and you’re like, ‘Wow, that’s exactly what we’re talking about.'” Hafley has big plans for Walker in this D.

  1. I don’t think he needs to be on the bench- but in terms of center MLB, I think we have better long term. Hafley won’t throw his guys under the bus.

  2. Yeah – all the people scrambling to bench Quay, take a pill. I think what Hafley’s done with this D in one offseason is more than enough reason to trust the man. If he says Quay is about to ball out, I trust him over the armchair GM’s littering this sub any day of the week.

  3. Armchair LBs chortling out there need to stfu and trust the most athletic ILB we’ve ever had while he continues to adjust to a new system.

  4. Yeah the problem with all these content creators is they need to find/create content when sometimes there’s not much substance.

    Quay has showed flashes despite all the negative plays that are under the microscope. But guys, it’s year one, game three of this defense. We can judge the players/Hafley after the year and observe progression or lack there of.

  5. He screws up for sure. He’ll miss tackles. He’ll misread things. He’ll get beat.

    But, if we’re getting the shit kicked out of us and it’s just not our day: Who’s still working like *that* play is what will make the difference? Fuckin’ Quay.

  6. New DC, new system, and a ton of young players. I’d expect a few more games before everything is clicking, which gets my piss hot just thinking about it.

  7. Watched Mike Wahle’s breakdown this week and it wZ heavily focused on Quay and he really honed in on his strengths and, of course, the areas where he believes he’s not in the right spot. He makes sure to note he’s not claiming to know what the call was, but he points out the issues he’s seeing. The issues seem correctable. Someone else said it in here, his talent and athleticism isn’t in question, I think it’s mostly the mental aspect. As someone else reminded us, this is a whole new system, so that’s actually to be expected as the Mike in his 3rd year.

    He’s going to catch one of those INTs this year. 🙂

  8. That’s nice and all, but Quay Walker has graded at a 52, a 60, and a 48.3 in each of his three seasons so far, respectively. It’s a first round pick for below average production at a non-premium position. If he turns it around at all, it will be in the twilight of his rookie contract. I believe in patience with these raw hyper athlete defenders, but there is no cause to take victory laps yet.

  9. Never understood the quay hate. Dudes only in year 3 and he’s done nothing but show he can improve. Mf act like he’s 28 and “finally gonna get it together”

  10. I am really not trying to hate on Quay, I loved the pick at the time and I really want him to be great, and I’m still rooting for him. I also love Hafley and what he’s doing for our defense, but I feel like he’s just sticking up for his player here.

    If you have watched Quay on every defensive snap and think he’s been good, feel free to disagree with me, but I just don’t see it. He gets lost in coverage frequently, he can’t shed blocks, and he hasn’t even been great as a blitzer, which was supposed to be his one saving grace. He makes a few plays here and there, and he gets a lot of tackles, but I honestly don’t care about total tackle numbers as a metric for success. It’s like Blake Martinez all over again.

    I am very willing to be convinced otherwise if anyone has any positive evaluations on Quay.

  11. Dude gets so much hate for no reason. Fuck those couch surfing coaches who think they know better than the men getting paid millions to do their job

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