Sean Payton Digging Up Galaxy-Brain Plays for This Sunday

  1. I like it, when this gets taken down (because no fun in here obviously) you should post it in the /afcwestmeme page

  2. Payton isn’t a stubborn coach. He toned down the playbook for Russ and he said he’ll dial it back for the Rook until things click. He was probably too eager to run his full offense with Bo and he said as much.

    Sean wasn’t calling the NO offense the same when he had Teddy/Jameis/Hill. Payton’s MO thus far has been making adjustments when the roster is limited.

    Can we blame him for overestimating Bo’s current ability? A little, but he clearly thinks highly of Bo, and that’s a good sign. Let’s see how Payton adjusts before revising history to say Payton’s some old-hat that doesn’t understand modern offense.

  3. Bo will be fine, it’s the comical clueless coach that is holding him back, everyone but the Broncos fans seems to understand this… [](

    You can’t win games in the NFL when your coach gives you a playbook the size of a Dr. Suess book

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