I wanna die

I wanna die

  1. Remember when we traded a 1st and 2nd round pick to get Sean Payton because of his offensive mind?

    Starting to think having Drew Brees was primarily responsible for that success in New Orleans…

  2. Maybe I’m just getting old and have a little more patience but I can’t remember a single season in my entire football watching life that people were harder on rookie QBs playing their first games.

    We’ve seen two games. We’re entering a rebuild. This is all to be expected. We should be looking for improvement, not collapsing on the floor like toddlers because we’re not where we want to be this exact moment.

    Two of those teams have OL problems and rookie QBs 100% still figuring it out. The good news is we’re not the third team, which is an actual, utter, outright disaster franchise.

  3. The problem is Payton. His play calling is too long, they are not fast enough and they are predictable. He needs to switch it up and adapt to the modern game. He has a few plays each game that stand out. But other than it’s slowing and boring.

  4. Two games into a rebuild and we don’t look like world beaters??

    I’m shocked!!! Shocked I tells ya

  5. I just don’t want to end up like the Browns and Panthers: perennially bad teams with rotten organizations top to bottom.

    Maybe, the Penner group could just sell the team and let someone who’s good at sports ownership get in there.

  6. I’m wearing my ‘I’m Dead Inside’ Broncos shirt to all the games this season. I knew where this was going.

  7. shoot I don’t care what we’re doing I know we’re not good right now but that’s not going to last forever I love my team I love my broncos!!!

  8. We’re spending 20% of our salary cap on another team’s QB that isn’t even playing.

    The Bears and Panthers both have number one pick QBs. What’s their excuse?

  9. Broncos fans need to quit being so fair weather. We are two games down, come end of October we can maybe bitch but for godsake he is a rookie and has to deal with Peyton’s stupidly long play calls, that is a task that can screw even veteran QB’s up.

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