Buster Posey buys famed, 4,129-acre hunting ranch in Mendocino County for $10.4 million

Buster Posey buys famed, 4,129-acre hunting ranch in Mendocino County for $10.4 million

  1. I guess Buster and Family decided California was the best place to live after going back to the south for a couple of years

  2. I know Buster’s not this guy, but MAN do I wish he’d do an MTV Cribs style walk through of his ranch when he’s done settling in

    More than that, I want him happy, so it’s fine. But think of all the baseball memorabilia he’s got, hope he shows that off some day, at least

  3. welcome to Mendowino … nothing to ‘hunt’ cept wild pigs and small deer…. turkeys and bears! oh my!

  4. It’s apparently just outside Potter Valley, in case any other North Coast natives want to join me in laughing and thinking, “Small world…”

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