How does Montreal travel further than Vancouver?

How does Montreal travel further than Vancouver?

  1. Two separate trips to Florida? You forget the Atlantic Division is relatively geographically balanced with the exception of the Florida anomaly.

  2. Maybe Vancouver’s doing most of the really-far east travels in one swing, and Montreal has to go out west a couple of times?

  3. I raise your tax argument and introduce this.

    It appears that teams that travel further are more likely to be Stanley cup competitors.

  4. Leafs and Sens are in the same division and located right next to each other, yet Leafs have to travel almost 8k more KM

  5. Vancouver has historically had some of the most travel in the league. It’s only been recently that they’ve cut it back a bit, I wonder if the org. complained.

  6. There’s a high concentration of teams in the southwest (LA, Anaheim, San Jose, Vegas, formerly Arizona) that are a pain in the ass to travel to, plus the four games in Florida. In comparison there aren’t as many far off Southeast teams (just the Florida ones, Carolina, and Nashville (but even that’s more central)) for the Canucks’ big road trip, while Vancouver of course has ready access to the concentrated southwestern teams.

  7. The 8 games against the florida teams is like 10k kms so it makes sense. Also MTL is like 500kms away from every team except Ottawa.

  8. I presume Devils and Buffalo are skewed by the start in Prague otherwise I think they would be amongst the lowest.

  9. All of Vancouver’s divisional opponents are pretty close, Calgary, Edmonton, Seattle. Montreal travels to florida and tampa pretty often, maybe that’s it 🤷

  10. Less distance between divisional rivals. The Atlantic division is more spread out than the Pacific.

  11. Montreal is going out west 3 different times, they have 1 trip to California and going back at another time to play Vegas, Utah, Colorado. They have a separate trip to go to Western Canada and Seattle. Vancouver when they go East they’re playing more teams on the road trips.

  12. Vancouver’s furthest divisional rival, LA is 1750 km away. Montreal’s furthest divisional rival, Florida, is 2200 km

  13. Vancouver bangs out their west coast trips and easy coast trips in one go, for the most part

  14. Dallas seems like they travel a lot before you realize that most of that is just getting out of fucking Texas

  15. There’s a pretty hefty difference between LA and Anaheim as well considering they’re in the same metro area.

  16. I’m curious – is this arena to arena, or airport to airport?

    While I don’t think the overall trends change but I’m absolutely sure some of these teams change a little, 20-30 miles adds up.

  17. I’m always surprised that the three NY area teams along with the Flyers don’t have the fewest travel miles every season. I do understand that the Devila would be taken out of the equation this season because of where they’re starting the season.

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