[Walker] Filip Chytil: “I’m back. I’m 100% ready to work on myself, be 100% myself. I’m not scared of any contact because I got a couple hits in the playoffs, as well — and it was OK.”

[Walker] Filip Chytil: “I’m back. I’m 100% ready to work on myself, be 100% myself. I’m not scared of any contact because I got a couple hits in the playoffs, as well — and it was OK.”

  1. given NYR’s deficiencies at 5v5, they desperately need to get him top 6 5v5 TOI at center this season

    Filip Chytil 5v5 rate metrics (and ranks among NYR Fs), last 3 seasons:

    16.42 shot attempts/60 (1st)
    9.52 shots/60 (1st)
    10.36 scoring chances/60 (1st)
    4.61 high-danger scoring chances/60 (2nd)
    0.65 rush attempts/60 (2nd)
    0.92 ixG/60 (T-1st)

  2. If he can stay healthy, he’s gonna do well with Kakko on the 3rd line.

    But I can say this, if Chytil scores, everyone will go nuts.

  3. If he shows any glimpses of a potential 15-20 goal season, would be best to package him and ship him out of town.

  4. I am so torn by this. I love hockey and the Rangers and would love to see him finish out a nice career. But there’s a part of me that’s terrified of watching his last concussion.

  5. Our top two lines don’t have any physicality, so I really think the third line needs to be a pesky checking line vs scoring. I’m so excited to see Chytil hopefully take steps forward, but am also skeptical that he has the right DNA to center a third line in the playoffs.

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