“The team will remain competitive and will not commit to a full rebuild”… (I hope I grabbed the right Charles Johnson from Google, Idk what that jabroni looks like)

“The team will remain competitive and will not commit to a full rebuild”… (I hope I grabbed the right Charles Johnson from Google, Idk what that jabroni looks like)

  1. I don’t think they need to trade all their MLB players for prospects … but they need to commit to rebuilding their scouting and development organization. Otherwise we are in for *another* decade of 75-85 wins.

  2. We’re 10th in payroll this season (~$250m). 
    A full rebuild would see that slashed by at least half and even fan favorites on team friendly contracts like Webby would be traded for prospects since he would no longer fit the team’s timeline. 

    So no, I don’t want a full rebuild. 

    But right now our level of spending roughly matches a desire to be in the running for the playoffs but without much more ambition than that. 

  3. Giants are in no man’s land right now. Ownership wants to tease us with the look of a competitive team, but please..I would not trust Farhan with free agent millions. Just look at the track record in the past 6 years except for Chapman and Snell success.

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